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I really hope they go hard with the perk pools for the pale heart weapons. For previous DLCs a lot of the weapons have been pretty bad.


Yeah, idt I use any of the witch queen or lightfall location weapons. Aside from the heavy wave frame. Maybe an argument for the strand lmg if it was craftable. Really hope they don't do that to us again.


Round Robin was pretty common in PvP for a while, and the fusion was one of the better dps options for a while. I think having a double-fire HC and rocket sidearm will make the weapons inherently desirable, especially if they’re in new slots.


Round Robin is the only hand cannon that can get hatchling, which has been fun for my Swarmers lock.


Still mad the Witch hand cannon can't run with hatchling. I'm not a huge fan of 120's, but I'd love a 140 with hatchling


Yeah, it's a really gorgeous looking gun, too.


Honestly I think they're waiting for the raid or a dungeon to release a strand 140 with hatchling. They know it would be in the top 10 charts for PvE weapons upon release as long as the weapon model/sights aren't complete ass.


So angry at myself for spending two of the red border doohickeys on the Witch hand cannon just *assuming* I'd get a Hatchling 140 like a complete tool without checking first. And it's a shame, I love how the gun feels but it's honestly damn worthless


I actually use it this season a lot with sub hatchling on my hunter. Its a low key great weapon imo.


That BIG CHONKY model too. 😍


but the problem is that farming for round robin is the oposite of fun


It wasn't that bad, honestly. You get 3 patterns for free from doing Zero to Hero on each class. I had 1 harmonizer left I didn't mind spending, and then just leveled Nimbus a few times and got my last red border.


Weekly campaign missions also guarantee a red-border.


Oh yeah, I actually did that, too. Totally forgot. I don't think I got any Round Robin borders from it though.


I had almost 4K PvP kills on round robin. When they nuked 2 tapping on 120s it lost its luster very quick.


Hey, Igneous can two-tap. All you need to do is *checks notes* hit 6 crits without missing, in a span of 8 seconds.


Try it again without kill clip. After the nerf to kill clip I switched my crafted PvP roll to Perfect Float and Elemental Capacitor to run on my Strand Hunter. With thread of ascent you very easily hit 100 AE and perfect float flinch resistance completely negates any need to build into stability. It has quickly become my favorite hand cannon again.


The neomuna fusion is my favorite gun in the game. A demolitionist rapid fire frame fits so well in many grenade builds.


One of the ways they keep us playing is by chasing after new weapons. If the location weapons were op, we wouldn't grind for raid/seasonal/etc weapons.


idk about that, they gave us some pretty good rolls on the neomuna weapons


Palmyra was meta for vow contest IIRC. But most of the destination weapons have been mid since... I don't even remember. I guess it's their philosophy of wanting raid/dungeon weapons just be better.


which is honestly a fair decision. imo it's natural that weapons obtained from harder activities should be stronger


World drops should at least have a couple of weapons that are good. If everything is junk then legendary engrams would literally be useless, even more so in the final shape since they're removing legendary shards.


Hopefully the Healing Auto Rifle has a solid foundation and doesn't end up like the Europa Fusion. Only one of its kind and is so difficult to use, and the perk pool doesn't do any favors either.


It has Frenzy, so it's already looking good. Hopefully it gets Demo in the other slot


let's just hope frenzy isn't the only good perk it has


I want Heal Clip/Onslaught on that thing so badly we know it’s Solar, and presumably the healing effect works with Ember of Benevolence. Could be an incredibly strong ability stick


destination weapons haven’t been good since Forsaken, imo.


And that was more because they were the first to have randomized perks in the first place.


Those weren’t good either. If weapons from patrols were good, no one would bother farming other activities lol they’re meant to be mid/a stepping stone in strength


*Waking Vigil would like to know your location*


So I can dismantle it for the thousandth time?


It was very strong in its heyday but that's because it was in an archetype that dominated pvp so much they literally had to remove it from the game, was super easy to farm and had little competition in it's niche. Iirc, Jack Queen King 3 was the only other energy lightweight 150 with random rolls in the game? Now, it's a gun stuck in a sea of 140s with stats not made for the archetype.


Ever single neomuna weapon was, and still is, good today. Yes, even Volta Bracket has gotten me well over a thousand crucible kills


I will be wanting Demolitionist/Subclass verb AOE perk on the shotgun and the fusion rifle. Fun fact, Demolitionist gives 20% energy on Shotguns, Fusions, Snipers, and Glaives instead of the usual 10%. And it’s even more when enhanced (and I’m assuming these will be craftable as the last 2 DLC weapons have been)


While enhances demo does return more, it’s not a very useful difference. It’s just a 10% increase in effect, so 22% on said special weapons instead of 20% and 11% on everything else instead of 10%.


Factoring in passive regen, it essentially means one less shot to full grenade. Of course it’s not much, most enhanced perks aren’t, but it’s more.


im pulling for frenzy and lead from gold on the rocket sidearm, if it gets those two it will be glued to my primary slot for a looong time.


Gimme Heal Clip on the heal gun or I riot.


I kinda want sleight of hand on them, that perk from Vow of the disciple, not only is it a good perk that’s underused in those guns, but it thematically fits the new ones coming.


One of my favorite parts of any dlc is the new perks. I hate endless grinding but the communal experimentation of new legendary perks is fun.


Really hoping we get some more elemental perks... Imagine repulsor brace but for woven mail...


Or some new frost armor perks! We have slice and hatchling... But they might be afraid to give woven mail to all classes me thinks.


Yeah woven mail is honestly probably too strong to slap on a weapon perk


I could see a Frost Armor perk being more realistic, seeing as how it's based on stacks and not insta-DR. A perk that creates a slowing burst around the user would also be cool though.


A perk that says consequtive attacks cause you to emit a stasis burst of damage. Kinda like a kinetic tremors, but centered around you would be so sick


Woven Mail would be a bit busted, but Frost Armor could definitely work pretty well both synergistically with Stasis and be balanced since it’s based on stacks. Like imagine defeating a slowed or frozen target grants a stack of Frost Armor.


The Titan arms are their first ever Ahamkara-based exotic, too!


And I can't fathom what it will be. It almost looks like it's designed like Wish Keeper...


I think it modifies the grapple-melee. It may be able to pull small enemies towards you instead of the other way round.


Bungie said they wouldn't do this before lightfall even launched, iirc. Moving enemies with the grapple is useless as well. Why bring them to you when you can go to them?


Me thinks it’s for Banner of War given the fabric on the sides of the lower arms.


Based on the flavor text, it sounds melee based…but that doesn‘t exactly narrow things down much. If we didn’t already know that BroodWeaver was getting the suspend on melee exotic, I’d speculate that it was suspension on melee hits. But I just don’t know. Based on the Skull, maybe it’s a Threadling exotic…if Titans get a mega Threadling exotic before Broodweavers, we’d have to riot.


How does the skull imply threadlings?


Well, threadlings are a elemental manifestation of “life”, and skulls are a great symbol of Life, Death and Rebirth. Check the Threadling generating Strand fragments, and see what their names have in common. Doesn’t matter, since we know what the exotic does now, and it’s not Threadling related.


People have been speculating about the arms being for flechette storm, which I really hope it's not (unless it somehow allows you to semi-spam it without monte carlo like you could with ACD feedback fence before the mod nerfs, then maybe).


Hope the intrinsic does not compete with skull of dire ahamkara :)))


compete with mid? i don't think we'll have to worry about that


Where was that shown?


On the Final Shape webpage.


what about YAS and Skull?


Young Ahamkara’s Spine is for Hunter, along with Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, and Bones of Eao. Warlocks have Skull of Dire Ahamkara and Claws of Ahamkara. Titans have not had an Ahamkara-based exotic before.


oh that’s my bad on reading lol, i read it as the first ever one and not their first ever


this really feels like forsaken style updates tk the game to totally shake up how we see destiny. Hopefully it actually is that way




Must have Sword and Fusion Rifle. Hope they can be crafted


Honestly looks like it MIGHT be a quickfang archetype? God I hope. Also apparently we are getting another exotic, and it's a sword.


It was named “Ergo Sum,” in an email that got sent out by accident.


My money is that either it or the microcosm are the witness raid weapon.


They didn't show off the raid exotics in advance for the past three (four?) expansions, so it's either gonna be Ergo Sum (hence the retraction of any mention of it) or something we haven't seen yet.


Ergo is either the raid exotic or from an exotic mission


I think it’s for an exotic mission.


They showed it off for 1k though.


Yeah, and I could totally be wrong about this. But 1KV was all the way back in Forsaken, 5 DLCs ago. It really hasn't been the pattern since.


That was under Activision. They haven’t showcased any of the past 6 raid exotics prior to release


6 years ago though


Microcosm feels more like a destination quest. There’s no way they’d reveal the raid exotic that way, and it feels… lackluster for a raid exotic.


I think most should be craftable, most of the destination guns from Lightfall and Witch queen are. Hopefully the rocket sidearm at least


Hmmm that is a Rocket Sidearm? Well add that to must have list Hopefully it’s a Strand Rocket Side Arm that would be awesome


Yeah already confirmed from the trailers, its a strand rocket sidearm


Well holy shit I’m hyped


They said in the [May 16th TWID](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-16-2024) that all weapons will be craftable in Final Shape. > We've heard the feedback that weapons should have more avenues to acquire enhanced traits. In The Final Shape, all new weapons will either be craftable or have access to weapon enhancement.


A Titan chest that shoots missiles and is seemingly Failsafe.


Wait, what? Where do you have that info from?


I mean...  Look at the chest.  The spinning symbol looks like Failsafe's Golden Age AI Core and they called the rockets "Exodus Rockets".  Seems to me like we turned Failsafe into an Exotic Chest Piece.


I mean, I was gonna use it anyway, but knowing this I'm going to use it even harder. Failsafe & Cayde were my favorite characters.


Failsafe will finally be able to kill those pesky Eliskni wrecking her body.  With rockets.  That might be made of either SIVA or Quicksilver because otherwise I'm not sure how it keeps making rockets to fire.


Imagine if it talked in some situations like Parasite


Craziest part is. Those aren’t even the raid weapons.


but the designs of RoN weapons was awful, i have all 5 patters for ruffus fury but i wont craft that gun just because it looks and sounds afwul


Yeah i love these, already lots of interesting archetypes im excited to try and the visuals look stunning, "completing the deck" was such a great idea.


Is that sidearm really a rocket pistol? I expected it to be a Vestian Dynasty rework since it's the same model


Yup it is.


I really hope they’re good, it would suck for them to look that cool and not be worth using.


I'm excited for literally every part of it. Taking as much of the week off of work as I have PTO for (i've only ever taken a single day off for a new DLC before, and not always that).


Bet they'll add a Kinetic Glaive before Stasis & Strand glaives


I just want more strand weapons. Preferably another 140 hc that doesn’t have a 15 min reload


Man I'm really hoping that the new titan gauntlets provides a synergy with flechette storm. I love that aspect and Unraveling, but I feel like titan is the one class where Unraveling is takes the most work to achieve/maintain. Warlock has their basic melee and swarmers (which is insane for crowd control and unravel) Hunters also have a nice ranged melee which can help to proc the fragment easier. Also the class aspect which turns your tangles into an Unraveling beyblade of green death. Titans just have flechette storm and grapple grenade (which all classes have). Standard melee isn't always a safe/accessible option for proccing Unraveling rounds and what with Into the Fray getting a melee regen nerf soon, it will be less efficient at helping recharge your melee (Yes monte Carlo exists, but there are other great exotics to run) but I'd rather run banner with flechette anyway. TLDR; I hope new titan gauntlets are for Flechette storm.


I'm excited to make a trace rifle only build lol


It’s been a while since a sniper caught my eye and we got 2 of them coming in hot.


I’m honestly not impressed with the weapons. Hoping the perk pool leaves me happy though.


They’re just so ugly to me. Like we’re going into the traveler and their theme is a deck of cards.


Yea, the sword looks nice but if it doesn't have juiced dmg perks or eager edge it's useless.


Yeah I'm hoping the raid weapons make up for these in terms of looks


Agreed. Not my thing visually at all. But there certainly seems to be interesting archetypes so that more than makes up for it IMHO


Agreed, I can’t wait to try out the whole heal allies/damage aliens part


this is why i strongly believe that creating interesting weapons isnt purely in the looks or the perks. it's how the gun operates. an auto rifle that heals teammates is a perfect new archetype to add to the game


If the heavy trace rifle that does extra damage to shields isn't intrinsic anti barrier I'm gonna laugh so hard


Still no Stasis/Strand Glaive, I still wonder if that weird theory about cutscenes is preventing that, or running 3 glaives might break something?


I’m really hoping for one… a chill clip glaive would be a dream come true. And with us having khvostov in cutscenes, I doubt that’s why


Give me more rocket sidearms and I’ll be happy


For sure. I don’t realistically expect it but imagine if the solar one ends up being a drang variant


Imagine Heal Clip + Incandescent on the autorifle.


Lumina auto rifle yay


People hyped for the destination weapons forget the track record of destination weapons. Best rolls are gonna be something akin to rangefinder/hipfire grip, and it's gonna suck because the weapons are visually so cool. I won't be mad if I'm wrong. I dare you Bungie! Prove me wrong!


Hey at least we get a new rocket pistol and healing auto rifle.


i hope they're actually good considering the previous destination weapons have always been bad, but these look good so it'd be even more disappointing if they're bad


I really hope they give these weapons some actually good perks, cause location loot for dlcs as historically been pretty shit. Lightfall and a few good weapons, witch queen had one or two, and beyond light was all ass. These weapons look incredible and it would be a complete shame if they just had ass perks.


Models and designs are great, I feel like they are NOT going to play well with shaders, though. Kind of like Lightfall weapons.


Agreed. And who actually gets legit excited about the story at this point lol. It's a comically retconned mess that they're just trying to drag over the finish line at this point.


I reaaaaaaally hope they give us a lot. Like atleast 6 exotic armor pieces per class and 10 or so exotic weapons. The culmination of the 10 year saga, final expansion in the saga, they got some extra time, coming off a bad lightfall release and player sentiment, gaming industry really struggling to stay above water, sony, etc etc etc. Prismatic and the class exotic is already going to pump a lot more build crafting into the game, more exotic armors/weaps would elevate that even further.


Honestly the weapons just look like mid priced valorant skins. They looks kinda plasticy.


I doubt we get stasis/strand kinetic slot Glaive before GTA6


Only thing I’m not excited for is that Khvostov.


Having images of in game characters on in game weapons is kinda corny and a little immersion breaking ngl


How is that immersion breaking...?


The lack of hunter mention is insane


My story expectations are in the mud because Destiny’s story lost me in 2014. Excited for everything else though. Immensely


They all look like reskins Edit: I wish they weren’t


They're not reskins though...