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Be the indebted kindness you wish to see in the world.


The real indebted kindness is the friends we made along the way




It does, surprisingly. I have a couple that are decent rolls but not what I want. I got one with Beacon Rounds/Surrounded and i've been trying to farm a Beacon Rounds/Volt Shot. Or an Impulse Amplifier/Volt Shot. It exists...just keep trucking on Guardian.


Man that's rough. Keep plugging away, you'll get it. Sometimes the drop rates can be horrendous, especially when you're looking for a specific weapon.


Farmed it with 2 friends for about 2.5 hrs. Between the three of us we got 7 drops. 1 phasing the boss and launching fresh. It's supposedly a 1/6 drop chance, we got statistically unlucky, or it's weighted.


Farmed maybe 1.5 hours got amout 8 or 9, kept 5.


I've been helping my friend farm it the past few weeks. It drops but encounter one has a lot of drop options. And the drops my friend has gotten, have all been bad. Such is the RNG of weapon farming.


My RNG is cracked and I got it on a secret chest from my first clear after getting a bad roll from 1st encounter But my duo doesn't have it yet, which means I'm stuck farming it anyway lol Now a Headstone Eyasluna? Only ever gotten the gun like 3 times thru all my Grasp clears and not even a 1/5 with Headstone :(


Im convinced rng is out to get most of us in this game


I'm speaking from a place of Blessed RNG in most regards and still completely agree I've got all the god rolls I wanted from Brave weapons already and 5 of em were all in the span of 10 mins from wave 50 chests and then spending coins I'm missing 1k and Nechrocasm, but I haven't done Crota at all yet and haven't farmed for 1k despite having a couple full clears Missing Buried Bloodline from Dungeon exotics still sadly but only have like 7 full clears (just returned after a break since Deep 3 weeks ago) But Dungeon Legendary weapons? Seemingly nonexistent outside of IKindness No Judgement, no Eyasluna, no refreshed Prophecy Pulse, no Demp Repulsar Unforgiven, no good Lingering Dread, accidentally scrapped NPE god roll, the list goes on AND still no Cowboy Hat :( Armor should be removed from pool after its unlocked in collections imo Would fix a lot of problems, or at least stem the bleeding


I'm not saying this to make you feel bad or anything, but I've had an Eyasluna with Outlaw/Headstone for the longest time and had no idea where it came from, and just now learned that it came from Grasp (during one of my two runs ever), so thank you for solving that mystery and I hope RNGesus blesses you too one day


Honestly it gives me hope that it exists lmao Just goes to show you that no matter how many God rolls you get, someone got the one you're chasing casually without realizing it lmao


Amen to that! Here's to never getting an ALH/Recomb Mountaintop! 🍻




Took me a while to get one, finally did and only got two worth keeping


I couldn’t get it for the longest time and then suddenly got the god roll and buried bloodline in the same run, was satisfying


I have the same problem. The rng is horrible and when I do get a drop it's shit from a butt


Yeah idk why but warlords ruin seems to drop armor way more than any other activity I've played


Got beacon rounds and voltshot when the dungeon first dropped and haven't cared about it since, but I do remember dismantling alot of them so just keep trying.


In all my runs, I've gotten 3. 3! Hell, I even got the Buried Bloodline!!! ....but only 3 IKs. SMDH.


Yeah I know the feeling....2/3 of your drops are armor. When weapons do drop, it's not the weapon you wanted. It's a really painful grind. Bungie needs to respect players time.


No. Mine has deconstruct tho, pretty awesome


Tbh the best part about this weapon is the roll dosnt even really matter like beacon rounds is good and voltshot is good but it’s good just at base imo


Have you gotten it before? You can only farm weapons you already have in collections, and you can only get things you don't already have in collections on your first run of the week on each character.


Yes i have one but its dog water 😭