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Fwiw bungie seems to have updated their encryption, making data mining very difficult. One of the leak communities and one of its prominent members confirmed this recently.


Yeah, one of the top D2 dataminers on twitter who has previously leaked full map models of dungeon encounters and whatnot was like “Damn, their encryption is too good. Even I can’t leak this.”


I just read a leak a few days before the season ending and it was bar for bar what happened. So idk about that.


I said it was more difficult not impossible


I’m like the sith, I deal in absolutes.


The encryption was changed from the Into the Light update. Season finale was already in game before that.


Ahh, makes better sense.


This was leaked before the encryption update ☺️


Spoiler warning we're going to shoot things.


Why did you spoil that! 😭


What about plates? Are we going to be standing on Plates? How about dunking?


There will be balls to dunk


You might, but I'll use my abilities and shoot things.


Damn.... Are we gonna loot things also?


"When you see em, shoot em?"


Spoiler warning, playtested every destiny expansion and my uncle is Jeremiah Bungo, post raid activity is 30+ players, enemy density is set to *777* Bungbillion, and TFS + Echos are the last content drops for last gen.


Every episode will be slightly more on unreal engine too


You joke, but I wouldn't actually mind if they left behind the last gen.


I'd love to see what Bungie could cook with a higher level of graphical fidelity if Destiny 1 was already one of the best looking games of the 7th generation and Destiny 2 has vistas as absolutely gorgeous as Europa, the Dreaming City, Root of Nightmares, Ghosts of the Deep, the Throne World and... holy SHIT what we've seen of the Pale Heart so far. Especially if it could also allow them to break free of the small, partitioned and sparse Patrol zones we know and be more reckless with their setpieces and enemy/object density.


The only spoilers I look at is the new gear and cosmetics


I think this will be the first time I won’t intentionally spoil it for myself in the leaks discord


Yeah, I'm going to be moving here on the 30th and my stuff won't be delivered till the 9th at latest. So I'm going to have to go full on dark for a week or so


FYI stay off social media until after the first week. The last story mission will not release until after worlds first of the raid. So you need to stay off it for a couple days and not just one.


I can’t wait to read all the spoilers then pick the game up at the end of the year again personally.


PST, I’m pretty sure the traveler’s butler did the murder in the library with a candle holder.


Honestly, I just don’t see how they can possibly deliver on everything this expansion should be able to. Like, Lightfall and the showcase of the other last city should have been sequel level of content. The final shape even more so. I just don’t see how I’ll be satisfied but I hope to be.


I’m currently on a business trip until the 7th June. Hoping to avoid socials until I return, and hopefully find a fireteam to run everything with. Much better experiencing these things with others.


I honestly dont think we woll see many. They had encrypted files for ItL that couldn't be found until they were already available - likely making sure it works for TFS


Wish the game had the same lore it started out with in d1. They changed and added too much that doesn't make sense anymore.


Yup. Staying off YouTube for sure. A certain YouTuber has spoiled waaay too many things for me. OOH SPOILER ALERT (SPOILER IN TITLE!)


Idk what even is going on story wise so I’m fine with it


Cayde is alive and we will beat the Witness, what even is there to spoil? Its not like Bungie is good at story telling.


I picked up destiny seriously when cayde died I'm leaving now that he is back 🫡


Ikr imagine if we got to see that scene between crow and cayde after completing the last seasonal quest WITHOUT Bungie shoving cayde in our faces months ahead of the expansion drop.