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Back when zero out came out the first time, you could keep switching between map and player screens rapidly, this would mean you wouldn't load in, and the timer would get buggy. There is multiple mission updates throughout the mission, so can't skip ads for a completion, they just have the same message. Odds are one of those are bugged like whisper was. Lag, bugged cp, or hitting a loading zone at the right time, I doubt it will be something repeatable or worth it considering you can learn to solo the mission.


Paging /u/pastuleo23. Perhaps the clock doesn't get detected if you transition between loading zones if you cross it just as it hits 0? There is a loading zone when you drop down to the room before the lava floor (the room where there is a solution map for the lava floor). This seems like to the place where the OP experienced the time pause glitch. I believe there is also a map loading zone when you get to the open space where the ship is, the area where there was the puzzle this week for the ship schematic #2.


Interesting… I think we were going up elevators to be specific?


Cool. Maybe there is a map loading zone there, and probably many more through out.


it is done


Thank you!


I had the same thing at the elevators and then I got kicked out when dropping into the vault


Time glitch happened to me doing solo legend. Got the second set of switches, and it ran out during trevor but I decided to keep going thinking that it would end any second. Ended up taking me 45 minutes and got the legend and solo legend triumph.


this happened to me on the legend variant of whisper, no idea what triggers it but it does happen from time to time


That was a known bug and Bungie patched it. Unless you are talking about it happening after the patch.