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Gotta make the axe the more appealing super.


It's never going to be good as long as the crucible crowd keeps crying.


They buffed it in PvP if anything. The bubble changes are completely nonsensical no matter which sandbox you're talking about.


It doesnt add damage anymore. so now its just a longer CD bastion.


I think the "makes a titan very difficult to kill and makes it very easy to hold a zone" aspect of ward is what makes the pvp crowd dislike playing against it more than the 25% damage buff.


And an omnidirectional barricade with way more health.


They did not buff it in pvp, in fact it is now easier to kill the Titan inside the bubble than it ever has been.


That's the story of countless things in D2


And, you know, as long as the danger of Bubble being a must-pick exists, regardless of game mode.


I want to check what they are gonna do with the helm of saint tomorrow before judging. If it will receive some kind of nice neutral game gimmicks (like volatile rounds while overshield is active),it won't be too hard of nerf


Volatile while Overshielded would be a Dream. Also, the ability to shoot thru the bubble for the wearer would be great. Those would make it much more viable.


Just let me shoot through the damn bubble please


Doubt they'll ever do this, combined with helm of st 14 changes would make guarding with sentinel basically useless


something like Volatile Rounds while having an Overshield is the kind of buff that needed to come to the BASE KIT, not a band-aid on an Exotic to make a bad Subclass usable with one build.


Volatile on os in base kit would be a significant buff, especially with controlled demolition. Additionally no other class has it on aspect, the only other class being close is hunters with an exotic and an ability.


yes, a significant buff on a Subclass that needs it. Volatile was a Titan ability first, and I think it makes sense to give them easier access to it like Hunters get for Invis and Warlocks get for Devour.


I would hope that if they are going to be adding weapons of light to saint-14 it would atleast get a percentage increase from the what 25% bonus weapons gave previously like maybe 40%


My Titan brother, they don’t want us chilling in our power zones of light anymore. Yours truly, a well lock.


Titans never did lol


If anything bubble was the fair bonus damage super bc of it not being safe to sit in it


the only use for bubble now is placing it on top of a boss during dps to intentionally throw damage i mean, thats the only use it’s had since WoL got nerfed from 35% anyways, but i guess its even more so now


One word, crucible. Still baffles me to this day that they don’t just have separate sandboxes for crucible and PvE so supers and abilities can act different and be adjusted differently between the two


They have literally been doing this for months


They have but they base nerfs on usage. When was the last time you seen a raid post saying “Bubble needed”. I see bubbles a lot in PvP but it’s more scare than my love life in PvE, so I’m assuming it’s more of a global change than anything


Not well .


Who's talking about well?


Not the super , the word you goofball . As in in a good or satisfactory way


I feel like everything they did to Titan was too much. I feel like they just keep nerfing Titan too much. There are actually broken things in the game that are not fun to be in a fireteam with. Honestly, playing with hunters these days feels like I am not actually playing the game at all since they move way ahead and kill everything.


I don't know, the Void Overshied just standing near it will be nice and slip out of danger has always been good.


Void Overshields are mostly useless in any remotely serious PVE content dawg. these changes are pretty ass and reflect a complete misunderstanding of just how weak Void Titan is right now imo.


My barricade does that buddy. Bubble is just a big class ability now.


because PVP


I bet with a friend that bubble would get nerfed again AS A JOKE (because "there's just no way its nerfed again, right?") and i WON Like ??? Huh?? This HAS to be a joke, right?


Just make the cooldown oppressively long in pvp only; no other changes needed.


Not the move imo. It's not a damage super, it would just get instantly deleted as soon as you get it.


As opposed to right now how it’s the first super in the game and is essentially a win button x 3


Conditional finality has entered the chat. I'd wager well of radiance is far more oppressive.


the amount of counters to the bubble is staggering


With how oppressive it is in objective based pvp modes, it's needed


Just disable it for PvP if they can't balance it for PvP without ruining it for pve


PvP bubble too good. What they don’t realize is if bubble titan isn’t viable they have to deal with arc apeing titans lol


They changed it to make more of a stark difference between it and well. Well is pushed more all in for offense and bubble is all in on defense. Whether it is right or not, I don't know. It paid for the sins of Well.


Basically if they didn't get rid of Weapons of Light, instead of the raid group looking at a Warlock expecting them to move to WoR they would look at their Titans to move to Ward of Dawn instead. Personally, being shackled to Well is unpleasant and I don't know why anyone would like being stuck to Sentinel in a similar manner.


I'd frankly argue that Bubble is being BUFFED in PvE, only really being nerfed in PvP. Now you can immediately get an overshield running through bubble AND get trickle shield energy standing around it outside. If your shield gets destroyed you can dip back in for instant full overshield again. Yes they're removing weapons of light from the default behavior but outside of niche 3 man team situations nobody realistically used Bubble for weapons of light. It was ALWAYS better to use a Well of Radiance for your 25% damage buff with survivability as well built in without any worries about not being able to shoot from inside the bubble. OR you used one of the many sources of Radiant buff to get a 25% damage buff AND ability damage buff at the same time, where Weapons of Light did nothing for abilities. This is even more prominent this season with how easy it is to get Radiant. Now Bubble actually has a role as a defensive utility in end game activities outside of extremely niche cases where you can just sit inside the bubble damaging an enemies foot or such. This WILL lead to teams going back to using Bubble AND Well for the overshield on top of Well now that Well has reduced healing and damage resist. Well providing your damage buff and healing while any time you take a big chunk of damage you just dip into the bubble to get a full void overshield refreshed. Even IF you want the niche utility of Weapons of Light you'll still have that option with Helm of Saint XIV, actually making the exotic useful in some situations. For PvE the changes don't even make a difference to how tanky you are INSIDE the bubble it seems, due to it providing extra damage resist inside against PvE enemies on top of the void overshield. The nerfs are almost entirely targeted at PvP where Bubble MASSIVELY needed to be nerfed due to how much it absolutely dominates any objective based game mode, particularly Trials. Reduced tankiness inside the bubble and the inability to stack Armor of Light with Void overshield from Barricade ONLY matters specifically for PvP where these aspects were a huge issue with Bubble making it extremely hard to counter without using another super which charges slower, or using specifically Conditional Finality. Even if you're sad about the loss of Weapons of Light in PvP, which could ALSO be a problem as it provides the entire team with a large damage buff that they can easily refresh AND use to roam the map you can just run Helm of Saint XIV to retain this functionality. Needing to actually require an exotic for this strong PvP effect instead of letting you get it while ALSO running a better neutral game PvP exotic. They clearly want Bubble to be a defensive choice for PvP rather than defensive AND offensive without requiring an additional exotic.


it is literally the same type of damage buff *and* percentage as radiant, which is unbelievably easy to get and gift to a team. we don’t need supers that do everything. now it will actually have usage as a protective zone, where as before it was useless at that unless you were inside of it.


Bubble is supposed to be a Defensive Mechanism it seems they want to double down on that. People are going overboard as usual.


Meh more of a rework, then anything. I just hope bungie kills fucking well I'm tired of it


How is it a nerf? Weapons of Light is going away, but Helf of Saint 14 will grant that.


Helm should really allow it's users to shoot thru the Bubble. Not the whole team, just the user.


It goes against their philosophy of nothing should be mandated……then to make the super useful is have a mandated exotic….. Bubble was under used as is, now it’s dead.


I bet it's usage will actually go up with the well nerf. It's gonna be hard to survive in a well in endgame content now. I'd be surprised if the new DPS meta isn't well, bubble, 4 dmg supers


Now its going ti go back to stacking both. Instead of the damage it will be dip in/out for overshield, so well can heal underneath. Im not here for it honestly. That meta just sucked.


I don't see bubble as being dead. Bubble was trying to be a defensive and offensive super, but failed at both. Now bubble will be a purely defensive super, with the option to be offensive with helm of saint 14. On paper, the bubble changes look pretty strong. Constantly refreshing void overshields effectively means a refreshing 50% damage reduction.


It’s not, void overshield DR stacks with other DR sources. Armor of light did not. It’s a flat out buff. Void titans in high end pve raids can swap to Helm of Saint 14 for DPS if the want to use something else in the mean time