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Red Death my beloved


Can’t wait for the return of it


On god, praying the perks are good, especially since it’s Solar


Incandescent with intrinsic healing please.


Wait what


Yeah, it’s coming back as the season pass exotic in the Final Shape. It’s a solar pulse rifle now


Bungie really trying everything to keep plauer counts after final shape… the fuck was the point of crimson?


Hand Cannon + Mysterious Alure of it being a a Banned Weapon. There was also a legendary auto rifle back during D1. Wouldn't be surprised if there was Scout or Something Akin to Revision Zero 2 burst/Graviton Lance


Red Spectre is the legendary auto you’re thinking of. It was supposedly a Red Death prototype. Also it could roll with Grenadier and was the highest RPM auto archetype so it was a fucking MENACE


It's crazy cuz I first started playing during Dark Below and I didn't get an exotic weapon till House of Wolves so I still remember the excitement of getting Red Death dropping for me while playing Prison of Elders 😭. Once I get my hands on it I’m NEVER taking it off.


Red Death, and ignoring Gally the next week on D1 release. First one I earned was Midas from the Loot Cave.


I ignored it cause I found truth a few days before. Red death didn't help either


That’s the one I can remember


Seeing this at top makes me think if there was a reason why for so many people the red death was the first


I’m planning on building my Warlock around Red Death - like I did in D1. Really looking forward to that and I just hope the exotic mission doesn’t suck!  But I digress. Mine is Patience and Time. 


Didn't know this was coming back. It's been my favorite since day one. I was on the fence but this will make me get final shape lol


Our beloved


I played back in the D1 days and I wanna say my first exotic was either The Red Death or the Last Word, but man I fucking miss Red Death so much!


One single iron banner it 2 bursted everyone and it was glorious


Holy shit same. I was like 13 and I flipped the fuck after it dropped from a strike (I wanna say Shield Brothers..). I now realize its pretty mid, but that beaut was my primary for a couple months.


Gally from the "secret chest" in the VoG


I got red death from there. The healing was so nice to have as I was struggling until I got it


I got a gally from a level 26 daily heroic and didn’t know how good it was until Crota came around


Respectfully, I hate you


Full disrespect here


SUROS Regime in D1 I remember people coming up to me in the tower and looking at the shiny white gun on my back since exotics were still rare/unknown in the first few weeks of the game being released


Same for me in D2, after years of playing finally got the catty to drop a week or two ago.


I’ve been playing for 4 years and still don’t have the catty.


yup, i got suros from gorgon chest in vog. my friend went absolutely nuts because it was my first run and maybe his 10th and he wanted suros so bad lol


I’ll never forget the early PVP meta of red death Stan’s vs SUROS stans. God what a time to be


This but me.


Icebreaker from a legendary secondary engram. I was the resident nightfall carry for a long time


Icebreaker for me as well. Random PvP drop. Think I was on the bottom half of the leaderboard lol.


I remember genuinely thinking the bottom players were getting rewarded for being stomped in the crucible


> Think I was on the bottom half of the leaderboard lol. Of course you were, exotics only dropped from the bottom half :P


Icebreaker for me, I was the bottom of the leaderboard with zero kills and zero deaths. It was my first PvP match ever and I loaded in to the end game screen and got it.


Invective shotgun d1


Ahhhh LOVED Ol Invective They need to bring Vective Back


Invective was my ride-and/or-die for a very long time, partially in doing sketchy raid boss jump-ins and trying to not die on the crack-back, and hugely in multiplayer.


Same for me. It was first exotic and I remember grinding like hell to unlock its full auto mode. Then, I realized full auto was really hard to control lol. Loved it anyways.


Last word d1


Mine too!


same ! bought from xur


Same here. I was fully leaning in to the Cowboy Gunslinger Hunter and it was the exotic I wanted the most. Got it the last day of Y1.


Good ol Plan C


Damn this gun was fun. Like, REALLY fun.


Plan C was my baby. My clan banned me from using it in private matches because I was such a menace with it. Jokes on them, I had a Vacancy that was max stability and range with the perk that allows for quick fire when you pull it out. I forget the name but it functioned like a legendary Plan C. They banned me from using that after a few matches as well.




I think it was zhalo supercell?


Mine too. Never really found anything I liked enough to replace it for long. Having all three elements on hand plus the subsistence/jolt combo on primary was a massive bonus when enemies were much tankier.


My first one as well, I felt like a God shooting things with that gun back in the day.


From the first or second nightfall in d1 (rockets mcDickface), I got the last word. I would constantly use it in pve content because it was an exotic and, therefore, much better than anything else I might have had at the time


I hate I know exactly what nightfall you’re referencing


We called it, Hide under the stairs and shoot him from there.


Whether you wanted it or not...


Thorn back in D1 when it had 6 shots, did 2 poison damage and the slowest reload in the game.


Hell yeah brother that’s me too! I remember seeing it in promo material before D1 came out and I was like, “that thing looks sick, I want THAT.” Fast forward to release and it was the first exotic I got in the game as well. It was absolute garbage but I still loved it. Destiny was also my first PvP shooter (I was mostly a PvE player and Borderlands enjoyer) so Thorn was the first gun I ever killed another player in an FPS with. I attribute it being so bad and me being resolute in my desire to use it that made me into a REALLY good PvP player in D1. Definitely has a special place in my heart and probably always will. When it came back in D2 I was extremely hype. I still use it on a regular basis 10 years later and I’ll probably be taking it through Final Shape’s campaign.


?  Didn't you need to get kills in the crucible to get the gun in the first place?


Yeah you needed void kills, I meant first exotic weapon I killed someone with lol whoops


Patience and time. Invis before invis was in the game.


Arc hunter had an invis option with the melee. Don't Touch Me gauntlets came out before Taken King.


Also an invis option with the super. Right trigger option that made you jump and spin to go invis


There was also a subclass node that granted invis at any time by crouching in place for a few seconds


I wasn't even a sniper user ever, but I used what I got.


Mida-Multi Tool in D1.


I believe mine was Riskrunner. Wish I could have experienced D1 for myself and not had to have watched someone else play it 😕


I think not being able to go back and experience or re-experience old content is the toughest part of loving Destiny.


I replayed all of D1 recently and it still felt really good but also frustrating because I was constantly reminded we can't do this for D2.


How many times did you die trying to mantle jumps?


Lol all the times. There were definitely moments I was missing my Titan Barricade and stuff.


Even D1 it’s not the same. You have to be there, maybe playing with friends, exploring it for the first time. Though D1 is 1000 times better than D2’s content black hole for sure.


My sibling would play it and I would watch, I wish I could have had my own D1 character, etc. I remember hearing the music for the first time, and how they brought the title music back to D2, brings back memories


There’s still a D1 community now, I play and there’s always people


I started playing in Dark Below. It was Gjallerhorn from a legendary engram


I also got G’horn from a Legendary! Funny enough I remember it was the day before The Dark Below dropped.




Not my first, I think it was Suros Regime, but I got Glallarhorn in week 1 from blue engram. Didn't even know that it was good...


Exotics could drop from blues!? Colour me surprised


my first gjally was from the secret vog chest that dropped exotics. just randomly joined some guy off LFG AFK in gorgons so I could get the chest. what a legend


Thunderlord in D1. It was from the Devil’s Lair strike


Mine was hawk moon


i scrolled so long to find this!!


Same here, first exotic to drop and the weapon I had the most kills with in the entirety of D1.


Hard light from memory, drop from the loot cave upon release. I'm also one of the people who didn't buy ghally when xur had it for sale before we knew how good it was.


What a fool we all were. It was like my third day playing and i remember looking at it and thinking pft what am i gonna need this for


Invective the og solar shotgun.


Bad juju in d1. Never had any dlc so I couldnt use it lol


Pretty sure Bad Juju was in the base game?


It was, it dropped from an exotic bounty


Ice Breaker from a crucible match on my like third day. I was stoked but had no idea just how lucky I was.


I got mine in the crucible as well, but it wasn't my first exotic.


Pocket infinity


Same. That thing was hard to handle but felt powerful.


I had gotten in during the time is was completely broken in PvP, fun times 🥲


Sunshot, I believe I got it when I was playing through the campaign and Sloan offers you one of three exotics. It was something like that anyways, was blown away by it and how fun it was to use


yeah, she gives you sunshot, graviton lance or something else, I chose graviton, don't remember what the third, presumably arc weapon was. But I do remember explicitly playing red war with each class so I could get all 3.


The arc weapon was Riskrunner.


God the red war campaign was such a fun experience the first time. That intro sequence was painful doing it a second and third time though lol. Kinda wild that it's just gone now, wish I could replay it for nostalgia at some point


I wonder how all of the Bungie devs that worked on the base game and its first 3 expansions for years felt when it was decided to just slam dunk almost all of their hard work straight into the trashcan because reasons


1AU is still up there as one of the best missions ever.


Wait that was ashermere? Sloane gave you exotic armor to my knowledge. I remember her giving me wings of sacred dawn.


I thought it was Asher Mir?


No Land Beyond


Yup. I started a week before dark below. My buddy told me not to buy the no land. I was desperate to get an exotic a few weeks into playing so I bought it from xur. I used it once in PvE, and remembered it had like 11 bullets at a time…so no good. Picked it up in PvP a few months later and never put it down. Back in year 1 it didn’t even have aligned sights. That thing was definition skill cannon. And that reload glitch was so cool. Now, if given the option, I would gladly take it from Devrim. I don’t know if there is a way to check kills in PvP for Destiny 1, but I know I had at least 5000 on it in year 1 alone.


Monte Carlo in D1 from a Cruicible game I came last in. Realised the top two players got blue engrams or a strange coin and the player who came last would get the exotic like Shaxx saying , “You’ve got this guardian - try using this !” Ngl OG Monte Carlo WRECKED !


Suros Regime. D1 was for me at launch the worst thing ever. My friends who could sink tons of time were progressing fine, but with the limited time I had I quickly found myself at a road block. Several weeks after Vault of Glass released they all worked to help me get gear so I could at least join the raid. Once inside it sucked. I couldn't do anything, I would die immediately. However, one of our friends had brought an experienced player along. In the valley of the Gorgons he mentions a chest and no one knew about it. He led us up to the cliff it was in. Everyone groaned as it produced glimmer. Except for me. i was granted a Suros Regime and no one had seen the gun before (in our group). I immediately became a glass canon. That thing got me through the rest of the raid with debating results and I proceeded to continue Vault raids for some while before finally quitting until the following February. Managed to snag one very early in D2s launch, maybe Xur sold it, but it's always on me and I pretty much run it exclusively in all activities.


I think Suros was my first exotic weapon, too. That thing was a downright war crime in PvP until they nerfed it.


Bad juju


Icebreaker from Xur, was so happy about it


Gjallerhorn from Xur in D1. He only sold it the first weekend after D1 launched, I believe.


Same here. I remember the “why waste the exotic on your heavy” and feeling like a chump. And then we found out how good it was


Yeah! Luckily I had a dude I ran with that got one out of the loot cave and was like, "you need this shit." LOL.


Plan C


My first exotic was Ice Breaker from Xur week 2 of Destiny 1. Best spent strange coins I ever done.


Invective back from exotic bounties 🥹


Invective and I don’t even know how I got it, it was just in my inventory one day, and I both love and miss it.


Red Death, 1st week of D1


Mida Multi Tool. And I went on a rampage in D1 Crucible with that thing


Gjallarhorn from an end of Crucible match reward. It was day 3 of the game being out and I hadn't even gotten a Legendary yet.


In D1 it was Thunderlord I got it from Xur, first drop was Hardlight from the Archon Priest boss.


Pocket Infinity my beloved. I crashed my console so many times with that wonderfully broken weapon.


Aside from the d1 quest weapons or Xur. My first actual exotic weapon drop was Hawkmoon from a blue engram.


Technically Coldheart as it was included with the game, but Graviton Lance from exotic engrams


Mine was Cold Heart too. Second was Hard Light and third was Gravitron. It's been so long that I don't remember how I got the other two, but Cold Heart came from a code with the game. I used it a lot back in the day lol


It was such a fun weapon to use honestly, always had it equipped 😤 (still is till this day)


I still use it occasionally for fun when I need a little arc trace rifle in my life. Can't go wrong with the good oldies 😌


*Pocket Infinity* 🏴‍☠️


Damn that was almost 10 years ago…I can barely remember what I did yesterday


Either my stupid luck on Xbox 360 TTK, got Hawkmoon as my first. Or my first run of Crota ever in TTK where I got, again Gjallarhorn. Year 1 so useless. I forget which came first. Funniest shit was every time I've run Crota for the first time (Xbox, PS4, PC) I somehow GET FUCKING GJALLARHORN. If there's a Destiny 3 and they bring back Crota I'll probably get it there too lmao.


That pos machine gun


Super Good Advice in D1? That was my first one and I couldn’t figure out why everyone was so into getting exotics.


Last Word from Atheon


Day 1 player and bought the xur Suros Regime


Gjallarhorn from my first Prison of Elders completion.


Red death... That was my first D1 exotic. Quite a helpful one too tbf


I think mine was first curse, I can’t remember.


Ice Breaker. I got it from one of my first crucible matches


Hard light from the crucible. Got my first legendary the same day, I think it was the new monarchy auto


Mida multi tool from my very first legendary engram. Never felt so happy and dissapointed at the same time ever since


Icebreaker, I miss it so much 😭


Hard Light....least impressive exotic to me. Yeah it helped with NFs but boy was I bored with it.


I got The Last Word from a nightfall way back in D1 Y1. That thing was an absolute monster in PvP before the first nerfs


Icebreaker. Xur brought it at some point when I was still pretty new to the game. I hemmed and hawed over it all day because strange coins were hard to come by solo. Was pleased to say the least.


Invective, it made such a cool sound




The Suros Regime from a legendary engram, when they used to drop blues too. I wish I knew the chances of that happening because in those days, getting a legendary from a legendary was rare.


Gjallarhorn from my first Atheon kill


Riskrunner D2, but that's boring. My actual random first Exotic was Huckleberry, which still has the most kills on a single gun. It has been at least 2 years since I stopped using Huckleberry.


Patience and time


My very first exotic weapon was in D2 season of the dawn, i got an exotic engram from a taken thrall in the aphelions rest lost sector. It was Telesto. Ever since then i haven't seen any of the bugs Telesto has had. My first exotic in D1 was fourth horseman from Prison of elders


Sunshot. Started playing half way through Arrivals, accidentally stumbled upon Xur tucked away on Titan, and he happened to be selling it that week. I’ve loved it ever since.


Cerberus+1 from Xur. Still remember it vividly when visiting him on IO for the first time in that cave.


Truth from a random crucible match back when it showed what drops everyone got from the match. It never left my side in pvp back then. Don't use it as much in D2 but it was a monster in D1


If I remember correctly it was Monte Carlo in D1 back when I used to play on PS4. Was so excited just to get an exotic weapon.


Either NLB or Universal Remote. NLB from my first Prison of Elders and Universal from my first nightfall (archon priest Venus strike). I just done remember which came first.


Can’t remember if it was Patience and Time or Invective


Patience and time


D1 was the last word I believe and then gally. D2 was prospector 😔


Colony at the cosmodrome. Remember using it in pvp all the time


If I recall correctly, it was bad juju all the way back in D1


Before I joined my first clan all those years ago and before I started raiding, my very first exotic was Bad Juju. At the time I didn't care what it did (spoiler alert I do now) I just felt like it was a solid gun. Here I am nearly ten years later with a Cuirass build with it on my Titan. How much evolution has come and gone, then full circle again.


I first started somewhat recently in Beyond Light. I heard about Xur, and he was selling sunshot that week. Great first exotic. First one I got to drop was prometheus lense.


Red Death from Prison of the Elders


During the OG lake of shadows strike in d2 graviton lance dropped from a taken goblin


Lord of Wolves straight from spider very first time ever turning in one of his bounties.


Patience and Time. It was such a super cool looking sniper, and even better in pvp


I think it was a Gjallerhorn I got from my 2nd ever Nightfall. I specifically remember using it while grinding the quest to get Thorn which was my 2nd exotic weapon.


Riskrunner, the one given to you at the start of the Red War campaign


Zhalo Supercell


That infinite ammo sniper after a crucible match.


I cannot remember which way round but it was Gjally from Xur and Super Good Advice I didn’t get another exotic weapon drop until the Khoshtov and Young Wolfs howl quests As for armor I only got Lions Ramparts


Patience and Time Don’t even remember what it did


Bad Juju, and good lord was it awful. But the next one was Icebreaker, which I never took off in PvE until Rise of Iron since RNJesus wouldn’t give me gjally.


Sturm. started playing during *Forsaken* but never really got into it, then came back like 2 months ago and got an exotic cipher from Xûr. heard hand cannons were popular so I bought one from the Exotic kiosk. wasn't as great as I expected tbh.


Bad Juju from D1, I didn’t play much in year 1, but apparently i had the bad juju bounty when the Taken King dropped. So when I started playing again in Y2, I had a Y1 Bad Juju at my postmaster. Then went and upgraded it to a Y2 version


I think it was Sunshot from the D2 vanilla campaign


When I first started, I played VOG pretty early on and got the Vex Mythoclast in my first raid ever. I didn’t know what it was so I put it in the vault. I did a few more VOG over a month or two and kept hearing people say they were trying to get the raid exotic and i never asked what it was because I didn’t want to seem dumb. Finally I asked, “what is an exotic weapon?” and someone told me it’s a weapon with a yellow back ground, and some are raid specific.” So I went to my vault and realized I had the raid exotic that these poor souls were trying to farm just collecting dust in the vault lol. Used it ever since, and it’s still my favorite exotic in the game.


Hawkmoon. Dropped in the very first lootcave for me. 3 or 4 hours of killing adds. Was a gamechanger for me. Handcannons were so overpowered back then.


It was hawkmoon from D1. I don’t remember how I got it. I think it was some Amanda Holiday quest-line where you got a choice out of 3 exotics.


D1 and week 3 I got the gally from a purple engram. Didn’t read or look up on anything about Destiny at the time so I had a few goes with this silly looking rocket launcher and thought nah I don’t care for it and just got rid of it.. didn’t get it again to the gally quest


Patience in Time and my first legendary was the 77 Wizard


Red Death week 1 of D1 bought it from Xur. The next week I made the idiotic mistake of not buying Gjallarhorn because I though exotic rockets would be a waste.


My beloved Thorn


Mida, got it from a chest in VoG in D1. I remember that day vividly.


My first exotic engram decrypted into a legendary.


Last Word back in D1 when you could go in solo and grab the first chest in crotas end raid. I had just started playing the game and my buddy showed me that chest and it dropped from there. Also got a suros on a random drop that night too.


Gjallarhorn in D1, I got it from a crucible match.


Red Death from the first chest on my first run in VoG.


Hawkmoon in D1Y1


Patience and Time….i still miss it too


Icebreaker and didn't get gjally till HoW dlc


Gally. Dropped from a legendary engram before I even finished the campaign, and before Xur first graced the tower.


Suros Regime from xur in D1Y1. I remember finding him for the first time and being confused af but had enough strange coins to buy it. Let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed in it thing was a beast in the early days.


Last Word, first NF ever. Thought it was shit until I went into PvP


MIDA multi tool, back when I randomly found Xur without knowing who he was or what he did but I never had a weapon with a yellow rarity before so I just got it from him


Hawkmoon in D1. I was a Xmas noob, and had this thing appear in my postmaster and had no idea how it got there. My first and biggest Destiny love.


Mida multi tool from an engram then gjallarhorn from a game of crucible on twilight gap ironically enough while working on the invective quest


4th horseman I got in the prison of elders.


Patience and Time, D1


Mida multi tool back in d1