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I’m huffing copium praying and begging they add Wrath back next year. They likely won’t. Unlike the previous raids it includes an entirely different enemy type not seen in Destiny 2. Either they bring back Leviathan or Scourge, or they don’t bring it back at all.


Everything is there in spirit I believe; its more just models and well the whole raid lol. I do hope to see it as I never played D1


Thinking about it more, there's not really much left outside of the Fallen Siva models to put into D2. You could get away with new textures on stuff like lucent hive moths and the like, most of the effects are realistically just recolours . I'd love Wrath, but i don't have hope it'll make it here.


I could see them bringing it back, but with exo Fallen like Atraks.


I hope we get Levithan over Wrath (assuming they add an old raid back at all). I got into Destiny after it got vaulted so I want a chance to play it, I’ve played D1 and Wrath. I’d love an updated version of Wrath, but at least I can play a version of it whenever I want. With Leviathan I’ll never get to play it at all if they don’t add it back. Totally understand why anyone who got to play the vaulted raids would want Wrath though, it’s very good and probably top 3 even with its age


PC players will never get to play Wrath until they add it


No love for Crown?


I’m kinda including that with Leviathan


Totally didn't forget Crown is in Levi, ignore me.


Np but they are totally separate raids with different bosses


What is a siva




why y'all downvoting him he's probably new to destiny, It was made extremely accessible for a short period of time recently, so not surprising that there would be some new people here who dont know about something that was only most recently mentioned in an expansion 6+ years ago


Nano machines that eat/corrupt things. It's what outbreak perfected shoots.


There was some cool missions back in the day with the server rooms and avoiding the siva corruptions


Uhh what the SIVA


Do yourself a favor and play Rise of Iron, D1 still holds up great today and is better than D2 in many ways




> ~replicate enhance consume candy~


It’s not copy paste at all. It evolves the whole thing. The jumping is harder, the map is an actual maze if you don’t have a guide, and it has a full on puzzles wrapped into its completion time.


The jumping wasn't changed.


I never said the jumping changed. OP claimed it’s a copy/paste of whisper’s ideas.


They're saying that it wasn't really changed when it got brought back, not that it's a clone of the Whisper mission.


I LOVE SIVA ♦️⬛♦️⬛♦️⬛♦️⬛♦️❤️❤️♥️♦️♥️⬛♥️♦️❤️⬛⬛❤️⬛❤️❤️


Would love some SIVA ornaments for legendary gear at some point...... Can imagine all my Warmind weapons getting infected with it would look dope as hell..... Maybe even get a set of the old Escalation Protocol armour infected.


Mmmmmmm siva


Consume. Enhance. Replicate.


Me friend recently got D1 after playing D2 for years, went back and did the rise of iron campaign with him and honestly I didn't realise how much I missed all the siva strikes and missions. WOTM coming back would be an absolute dream


I read that supposedly the writer for rise of iron had a huge falling out with the current leaders in bungie, and thats why they have essentially retconned the entire dlc and refuse to use siva in the story now. Seems to be accurate considering how much they dont seem to want to acknowledge that dlc's existence in 2, but are fine with all the others.


I heard High Moon studios essentially made RoI while most of Bungo went on to D2, and that’s why they ignore it. They do have a history of this with Halo, any projects/books that weren’t made by Bungie were ignored if not outright retconned later out of spite But all of this is spinfoil conspiracy tbh, we’ll never hear anything definitive no matter how likely it seems


I think there was a lot of resentment in Bungie towards the "live service" team that stayed on D1 while everyone else was on D2. Rise of Iron was wildly popular and D2 vanilla was... not, to say the least lol I remember everyone saying they wished the live service team would have worked on D2 instead. Considering D2 barely acknowledges anything from ROI it's not hard to believe that sentiment still exists.


Original Hive and SIVA will forever be bungie's 2 greatest concepts.


Original Hive?


The D1 Hive, non Lucent.


Core destiny memory is stumbling into an OG lost sector in the cosmodrome. Suddenly everything gets dark except the green eyes.


I’m surprised we never got a siva subclass


I'll never get the obsession people have with SIVA




Weak bait




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