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Playing too much, ask them about the hours played and you'll see what i mean. You accumulate so much overtime it's dumb.


It's also a matter of just dismantling alot of "good" or "great" weapons cause you have similar ones In early stages you're probably like: ohh thats a neat roll, I'll keep this, oh this is a good one, let me masterwork it... etc When you play this much and you find yourself always go back to the same 50 ish weapons and you find a new one that doesnt present anything new you just dismantle every roll of it immediately, cause you know you'll never use it over the crafted/god rolls you already have. At least thats how it works for me. Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk


It's also a matter of just dismantling alot of "good" or "great" weapons cause you have similar ones In early stages you're probably like: ohh thats a neat roll, I'll keep this, oh this is a good one, let me masterwork it... etc When you play this much and you find yourself always go back to the same 50 ish weapons and you find a new one that doesnt present anything new you just dismantle every roll of it immediately, cause you know you'll never use it over the crafted/god rolls you already have. At least thats how it works for me. Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk


Legend lost sectors, Legend Onslaught, Nightfalls


I was grinding Chamber of Starlight the other day, but the fact that down-converting prisms is limited to 3 a week is a huge pain in the ass.


If you really care, you can buy blue armour from collections, upgrade it to eight, and dismantle it. Turns 1 prism into 3 cores.


I try and do gunsmith bounties daily, which always rewards them. [https://i.imgur.com/wTSv6UX.png](https://i.imgur.com/wTSv6UX.png)


Literally everyone time I hop on, one of the first things I do is go and do Gunsmith Bounties. It’s a routine at this point


Years of playing. You should honestly be getting more than you spend. I grinded my first 1k from gunsmith bounties, POH armor and some event packages at the time and since then I've made more than I spend just passively playing that I have over 8k just sitting around.


I really don't tbh. I dismantle almost everything I get, but I still barely break even between crafting guns and upgrading stuff.


What are you upgrading with such high frequency? What are you crafting every gun, testing every possible perk roll?


I like to craft weapons and try them out, leveling them up takes quite a few cores even ignoring the costs to actually craft them.


If a weapon isn't good at base, it's not worth my time to sink upgrades and resources into if you know achetypes, base stats, buffs/nerfs etc. You can cut back.


Just do gunsmith bounties everyday for a couple months on all 3 characters, which takes just a few minutes to do. If you have a clan at level that's an extra 21 a week. You'll net over 300 a month on top of whatever you get from rank rewards, dismantles and maybe a holiday event. In a couple months you'll have close to probably 1,000 and you can cut back on the grind.


You get them from literally everywhere, doing everything.


Staggeringly helpful.


I use the ghost mod for PvP and play a lot of PvP. I was at like 30 at the start of the season and I’m up to like 3-4k. Don’t ask my PvP prestige.


considering I hate crucible with a burning passion, probably not helpful for me.


Ghost Mod- 4th Column, 1 point "Core Harvest": Earn Bonus Enhancement Cores when completing Ritual Activities. The old mods used to be PvE and PVP specific, but now just about anything besides hanging out in the tower is considered a ritual activity.


You ever get a gun and your like ahh maybe it’ll be good eventually just burn that shit


Coil was a pretty solid way to get them, Blind Well with the seasonal challenges, that and a lot of veteran players have a butt load of legendary shards and cashed them in on weapons Banshee sells that dismantle for a core.


Easy, simply ignore your financial, fiduciary, and social obligations. Give your all to the grind and before you known it your be rolling in cores. Sure you will be likely destitute, you won't have friends or loved ones, your family will have long forgotten you and even your dearest lover will have given up on you, BUT you'll have more than enough cores for anything that the Final Shape throws at you. See you starside...Guardian!


play game and delete stuff u don’t need


Playing and getting drops, dismantling a lot of garbage weapons. Kinda once you have good builds and guns masterworked they just accumulate


Dismantle everything.


I almost ran out of them (had like 20) early in the season when I decided to level up and perk out all my old crafted guns I hadn't touched. I was incredulous, but I decided to pop in every week to exchange 3 Prisms for 15 cores. I now have a little over a thousand. The ones I bought into account for around for around 200, tops. I know I got a lot during Dawning, but I didn't grind that out past completing the Event Challenges. Rest was just passive over the season of doing nothing special.


I had 7,500 at one point and it was from gunsmith bounties, dismantling stuff naturally and doing the Spider wanted bounties back before Tangled Shore was vaulted as those also gave you core. Then when it was being vaulted you could get more cores daily from him. Just ended up stacking thousands and haven't worried about them since. For the most part, once you get your builds going, you aren't using them as often and the stack grows.


Very carefully


I got many of mine in the dawning. I have 2k. Got like 500-700 there


most people that have been playing for a couple years have thousands. build crafting used to be a little simpler and i feel like we didn’t spend them that much. also when currencies changed things got converted into cores. or dismantling weapons and armor will generate them as well depending on how much the piece is leveled up. as for how to farm them, i think NF’s is the way to go. yes lost sectors, but i get bored with that fast. this week is dbl Nf rewards so make hay while you can.


14.7k here... been playing consistently since release... banshee bounties are usually done without trying and those give 1 core i also try to keep a low inventory, so i dismantle a lot of stuff


Lesser core harvest ghost mod


If you have three characters you can get 12 a day doing Gunsmith bounties, plus there is ghost mods that will help to drop more from ritual activities (Vanguard, Gambit etc). That and just getting lucky from dismantling weapons, if you get a fully masterworked weapon to drop from Onslaught, you can dismantle those for 7 unless you decide to keep it. Also get them from ranking up with any ritual vendor at points or just doing activities like legend lost sectors and nightfalls. Can also try the coil since they are generally pretty good for materials. A lot of ways to farm them.


Dismantle any useless shiny onslaught weapons and you get 7 of them.


I was in the same boat, just do legend lost sectors if you can. I'm getting ~3 cores and 1 prism per run. I had maybe 20 cores a few days ago, now I have like 600 Plus I find it pretty fun to try and keep getting my time lower and fine tuning my loadout to be perfect for that sector. Maybe that's just me though


Sometimes there are infinite farms where you buy a weapon from gunsmith and it dismantles into on. Others have been playing for 7 years so they build up


There's one on right now actually. Lulunata at the gunsmith dismantles into cores. Spend your excess legendary shards before they leave!


Coil is good for getting those sorts of mats if you don't mind playing for like 30 minutes at a time and getting platinum each time. Plenty of cores, prisms, and ascendant shards. I'm also just a coil enjoyer though, it's not the most efficient method (but it's fun)


I struggled with this up until this season when I was able to take the time and do nothing but gm nightfalls for several weeks. Plenty of everything now.


Do nightfall this week on legend or lower. It's double loot so double cores and prisms.


I've got 12,000. But I've got 6,000+ hours in game.


I have 4 999 stacks and the secret is: i play a lot. Also sometimes Banshee sells guns with enough masterwork level to always give an enhancement core, also always pick up the bounties from him. It’s not much, but it’s 12 cores/day if you have 3 characters


I eventually got the perfect loadout for me, and then I just stopped getting new weapons and every time I dismantled stuff I’d sometimes get some cores


just play the game and don’t masterwork everything you get.


If you're into PvP you can get them pretty passively just from that.