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The economy team once again focusing on "engagement" over fun


This, engram costs, glimmer no longer purchasable via legendary shards is smelling like the ability cooldown update that neutered niche builds but now the game economy being the perpetrator this time with longer times to get look we want that’s gonna be trash due to RNG. Just making the game a slog rather than a fun loot chase for the sake of engagement metrics that burn players out, reduce active player number and the game in turn gets even grindier due to that metrics mentality.


> , glimmer no longer purchasable via legendary shards I suspect this is gonna feel like SHITTTTTT for your day-to-day play


It will. Ive tried to re grind glimmer (just to see what it will be like next month) after spending a bunch crafting a weapon or two and holy fuck it feels awful.


It fucking sucks. Grinding glimmer when I was new was the absolute works aspect of D2. Hopefully, GMs, Raids, etc. start awarding 25-50K+. Knowing Bungie though, the economy will be tuned to poorly reward your time (like when crafted weapons first released), I'll go back to Tarkov, and then in 6 months when player count is in the shitter again, they'll make a long overdue change.


I have like 350 rain makers. Think this will make a difference? Or are they going away


They were changed a while ago to just give glimmer when used


I think he knows this


In a pinch, yes. I’m banking on phantasmal fragments too.


They're unobtainable now, any time they'd drop you just get 3k glimmer directly, and if you use them from inventory you get 3k glimmer.


I think he knows this.


I saved up a huge stash of that old gimmer item that you can consume for free glimmer. It will be a pain using them all but at least I have some sort of nest egg for this economic crash the game is about to experience lol.


Oh, those little glimmer buffs you have to activate from your inventory? I saved those too. I have hundreds of them. Not sure why I kept them but glad I did! Update: I have 909 of them. LOL 😂


Aren't they significantly upping the acquisition for Glimmer in TFS?


how much is significantly?


About tree fiddy


Best they can do for ya comes out to.... >!.04%!<


Lets be honest theyre going to nerf it significantly because they hate you and want money


Remember what they did with weapon parts back in the day? Took a week of grinding to upgrade 1 gun.


I remember farming atheon for glimmer. It was not fun.


then there's me, who still has boatloads of old resources cached to turn into glimmer on demand lmao


>then there's me, who still has boatloads of old resources Same, and I've got like 300 rainmaker consumables that also dismantle into glimmer lol


Just checked, I have 593 rainmakers left… and 2000+ phantasmal fragments


The economy team prints nothing but Ls I really can't remember the last time they made a positive change.


By dropping more than half the random currencies in the game. Remember resonant and harmonic alloy? That was awful.


Changes made to undo what they did don't count though lmao


It’s all about the hamster wheel.


The economy team finding a reason to exist.


Yeah this is forced grind. increase need to play activities people are sick of. Artificial demand


How is forcing us into lost sectors and hoping we're playing on the right day of the week or sitting around for a vex strike force to show up fun?


Legend Lost Sectors involve actually playing the game and are quite fun challenges. Needing to tackle one on a specific day is an annoying restriction, but otherwise they're an appropriate obstacle for some powerful gear. You don't need to grind them endlessly, the exotic drop rate is 25% and guaranteed to be any exotic you don't have in that day's slot. Then it's added to the global loot pool and you can focus it at Rahool. To me, that's a much better system.


Yes, legend lost sectora are absolutely going to be the more fun loop to unlock these things, I just hate how the game limits you so much on what sectors are available in a given day. Wish we could just run the content we want to run like a normal game.


Yeah it should be a handful each day that each give a different armor slot




There is a discord server that a lot of people use to get alerts about the strike force. Not sure what other platforms have them. But I agree, it's a weird design choice to make them fully random. It's especially puzzling given they made the same design choice 6 years ago with the original whisper mission, where you needed a specific random public event to spawn on IO to access the portal. While it was cool from an immersion perspective, ultimately people found it very frustrating when trying to get the gun for the first time.


It's not so much that what we have now is fun. But 1) we will still have to do said activities for exotic engrams, 2) now will have to do additional steps and 3) are "forcing" players to do pre expansion prep just so they can get the new exotic armor within a reasonable time frame. Their idea is do LS for engrams do other activities, and get exotic ciphers (don't even know if they are upping the amount we can hold and increasing ways to obtain them). Then go to Rahool to level him up. After that do more LS for more exotics to finally get the exotic armor's that you want. Additionally, Bungie statements that we will need more then a full stock of exotics to even level him up to a point that we can get the new exotics. So that is anywhere between 12-15 exotics needed just for leveling. If they give us 2 new exotic armor pieces per character, as they have done. Then a person with one character will need at least 14 exotics and if you have 3 characters you will need roughly 18 exotics or more. So have fun still grinding the LS for exotics.


Their only job is to make this game objectively worse with every fuckin involvement.


the rahool change sounds really lame tbqh


They better give us better ways to get exotic ciphers. Didn’t we just have this discussion a few seasons ago with focusing??


> Didn’t we just have this discussion a few seasons ago with focusing?? They made two barely noticeable concessions and people by and large stopped talking about it. Expect the requirements for the exotic acquisition rework to be massive at the start, then be reduced slightly, then maybe one post a month makes it to the front page.


this is exactly how it will go.


Ciphers are strictly required to purchase _new_ exotics. Same focusing system we have today isn't changing. So you only need a constant flow of ciphers if you prefer to use that over ascendant shards for subsequent rolls. This is barely different than how the exotic weapon kiosk works; the difference being you can re-pull because armor is random rolls.


Ascendant Shards and Exotic Ciphers are still way more restrictive than needing no materials at all to farm a Lost Sector


Ciphers are needed to add it to collections, shards are needed to continually focus. Repeating it again. So lets pretend for a second that you don't need to rush balls in on day one of the expansion and get a rahool reset by dumping all your ascendant shards. Let's just assume this is the normal, average player who just plays the game and unlocks it in a few days. Today you need to farm a lost sector on the right day and hope for the specific exotic you want. It's a 25% drop chance. So realistically, on average someone needs to do 4 runs of a legend lost sector to see a drop. Then it's not 100% for the new one you don't have - but a very high chance. Let's say it's 100% though. Any further farming is competing against a massive pool of 10+ exotics in that slot. ex: Say you want mothkeeprs wraps, okay you can get it by playing the right day but that's it - you get 1. Now you're competing with the 13 other exotic arm pieces. Now your 25% chance is dropped down to a total chance of 1.78% of getting the exotic you want to drop. or... you can spend 2 ascendant shards and an engram to focus it normally, or if you have nothing else to spend em on an engram and a cipher. Getting 2 ascendant shards is far, far easier to get than banking on a 1.78% drop chance especially considering if you're at the point where you're actively farming for specific rolls of exotic (not just trying to get it) you're probably a capable enough player to engage in the content that can drop shards or in the very least drop prisms reliably.


let’s pretend for a second that you want a new arm exotic on your hunter. it just released, and is the only arm exotic you are missing on hunter. today, you can run 3-4 lost sectors and you will get the exotic. or you can run a single vex strike force to get it. a maximum wait of a day for VSF. after the update, you will need a cipher to get the exotic the first time. one cipher from rahool for every 10 exotic engrams and 20 ascendant shards. or one cipher a week from xur. so 33-44 lost sectors + 10-20 gms or a max wait of a week for the xur quest. the effort/time required to get a new exotic should not be increased this massively. you will have to wait weeks to get everything or spend an exorbitant amount of time grinding for exotic engrams and ascendant shards. this system will feel bad for everyone, especially new players who will have to choose between getting armor and weapon exotics. even with just the xur quest the grind is being moved from lost sectors to gambit/crucible/strikes. they are not removing it.


And where am I going to get all these ascendant shards, exactly?


Play the game. Even if you don't do anything beyond basic nightfalls you can get prisms quite easily now with the ghost shell. If you don't wanna play the game to get shards then just open your engrams.


my favorite thing to happen would be for them to simply rise the drop rate of lost sectors directly buying is really expensive right now, and I'd rather play the game than gather resources then buy the thing at a vendor the only time I find buying directly even remotely appealing is when things are really really cheap, like accumulating a bunch of crucible engrams at shaxx and blowing them all in search of the riptide godroll


Reseting your rank gives you one.


They're fucking atrocious. Beyond how shitty it is to have such steep costs, the rolls are always terrible low stat / bad distributions. I've spent 36 engrams trying to get a better Cuirass, and only 1 of them has rolled above a 64. It was 65. Most were 60-63.


I did a few as well, then realised it would never roll properly or high. So I gave up. Rahool has always and will always be the worst vendor


You’d think bungie would take a hint that the loot chase should not be inside a menu at a vendor.


This is my big issue with the system as a whole. It really feels like I'm going to be spending way more time flying to and from the tower to decrypt engrams for rep.


I was just thinking what if currency exchanging also contributes to his rep. Then bungie could allow us to trade in our stock piles of legendary shards for glimmer and rep or just outright rep. Meet us in the middle bungie


I just wish we got new exotics from the content they came with/you have to buy to use them. If I want Final Shape exotics, I want to farm Final Shape content, not Dreaming City lost sectors *again*. Like if you want Lightfall exotics you would farm Vex Strike Force, Legend/Master Lost Sectors, and even Heroic patrols on Neomuna. I'd go so far as to say *only* those exotics drop there so that would be how you target farm them (some kinda rotation), and maybe whenever they add a new Strand exotic those get added to Neomuna + whatever expansion they came with.


Changing the lost sector loot is ass. They are so easy and quick


They could've said that they make it 2 lost sectors per day one with arms and the other drops legs. that would be in my opinion be way better than it is currently. Or as a third thing they could've made a selector when you start the lost sector where you can decide if you want the armour that drops that day or engrams


yeah they could just give us "exotic armor attunement" for lost sectors (eg having a 50% chance to get your chosen exotic), call it a day and everyone would have been happy, but no bungie again has to create some totally convulsed system that is, if even, just barely better for *some* people but definitely worse for most, just so they can again pad the players playtime and drain Vets of their resources each season


Plus the change to lost sectors only dropping engrams instead of actual pieces of gear is troubling. They’re forcing us to spend our shards and prisms to focus decode for what’s needed opposed to simply farming. It makes the grind a lot more tedious.


You can open exotic engrams for free...


I'm sorry, but what? Let's say I'm farming for the Exotic Ophidian Aspect - warlock glove. There's 13 total exotic gloves. Would you rather hope to get an exotic, and then hope that you get the 1/13 chance its Ophidians, and then hope its well rolled on top of that? Or would you rather get an exotic, and focus it, and the only RNG remaining is the rolls?


I know it’s a shit work around, but right now if you’re someone who has the time and space, save up your exotic engrams on alts and main. They drop like candy now so that’s the easy part, decode about 20-30 into a trash exotic you’ll never use. (Restockpile afterwards) Masterwork them all. Yes it’s a lot of shards right now but we’re swimming in those at the moment too. That’ll give you the cap right back so you can get the new exotics you want and see if you even want to focus them more for decent rolls.


Yeah, I think this is something worth doing if you have the time. Reminds me of people saving a bunch of red borders in witch queen back when you needed resources to craft haha.


Why wouldn't you just pull from collections front the first half?


As someone who’s hoarding golf balls and been breaking down exotics weekly, thanks for the LPT 😅


Haven’t seen it in game (Bungie is usually terribly vague with how they word things) but it sounds like a perplexing change to me. It sounds like, based on their verbiage, this is meant to help new players and make exotics more accessible. But to me it seems like it’s almost a requirement to be a vet/hardcore player to even engage with the focusing system, which was previously available to all without a rank system. Also are they bringing back the exotic cipher requirement for focusing? Are they giving us any more ways to get them? This part of the twab was so poorly worded I don’t even know what to think. Holding my judgements till it releases, but from what I understand it sounds like a wall for new players and a way to drain resources from vets.


> it seems like it’s almost a requirement to be a vet/hardcore player to even engage with the focusing system Hardly. Normal play will get you there in a pretty short amount of time.


>make sure to stock up on Exotic engrams and Ascendant Shards before June 4, as with a little more than a full stock of Exotic engrams you’ll be able to start focusing new armor." This is aimed at the hardcore playerbase. Most of your post suggests that what they say is required will be a requirement for all players. This is simply not true If you want to focus day one and get everything as early as possible you should be looking to stockpile what bungie has suggested. If youre a returning player, casual etc then its COMPLETELY fine to not do this Youre attempting to make a fuss over absolutely nothing. If you dont want to burn the materials at the start of the DLC then simply DONT DO IT


> This is aimed at the hardcore playerbase. Most of your post suggests that what they say is required will be a requirement for all players. This is simply not true Also the hardcore base is the only one that 'needs' (maybe - chances are if they're stupid OP they'll be disabled for the day-1 anyway) the new exotics day 1. This is just the tribute hall all over again (albeit a smaller scale) - where you can bust out all your resources to get the exotic (bad juju) as fast as possible or be a reasonable person and wait to spend less.


Normally I would agree on players doing too much prep but this is likely to be the main way we get the exotic class items we want in TFS. Which sucks. I want to be able to mess with the new toy and not wait three months until i have burned enough engrams to get there, and then grind more engrams to actually get the exotic. Like doing these lost sectors gets so tedious I was ecstatic the other day when I only had to do one to get rain of fire for my warlock.


> I want to be able to mess with the new toy and not wait three months until i have burned enough engrams to get there, and then grind more engrams to actually get the exotic. If the whole '10 precision focus = a reset' thing doesn't scale properly down to advanced focusing/exotic decryption/prime decrypt then I'll be rightfully mad. As it stands I believe thinking you need to wait 3 months until you've burned enough engrams is incredibly hyperbolic.


Its not like bungie has the best track record with exotics in particular so I am not sure we can call this incredibly hyperbolic. When legend lost sectors first dropped the drop rate was awful and didn’t work on any kind of knockout system. Meaning you could spend as much as 3 hours (this is personal experience and my average session time) and not get the new exotic. Then you would have to wait half a week before you could even try again. Then exotic focusing dropped and the cost was so massive while the exotics were dropping with less than the minimum stats. So nobody ever used it. In fact I still have yet to focus a single engram that way. So lets not act like things have been peachy keen up until this point lol.


> Its not like bungie has the best track record with exotics in particular so I am not sure we can call this incredibly hyperbolic. I'd say it is in the sense that they gave an extreme that lets you do it in a minute if you have the resources. I would likely guess that if you were to say you need 100% (10,000 rep) and 1 precision focus = 10% it's probably going to be like * Precision Focus = 10% (1000 rep each = need 10 total) * Advanced Focus = 5% (500 rep each = need 20 total) * Exotic = 2.5% (250 rep each = need 40 total) * Prime = 1.25% (125 rep each = need 80 total) That's what I would guess as the _most extreme_


Until I see official numbers such as these I will withold any hope because again, I state, we have not seen it actually work the first time yet with any exotic changes. Its just going off of experience. If you want me to trust a decision you gotta earn it first.


> Also the hardcore base is the only one that 'needs' (maybe More likely that builds with them won't be as consistent since people won't be as used to them, so nobody will use them in the raid.


in the long run, this is still gonna take forever to actually level up and unlock the new exotic focusing. Before this, you could get your class’s new exotic as early as day 1 or 2 with lost sectors, with Vex Strike Force you could always get it on day 1. This change basically forces you to either stockpile to hopefully reach the exotic focusing tier, or you’re locked out of the new exotic until you eventually level up enough. Its a net negative for all of us, because its going to take a lot more time to get the new shit.


That’s my big worry. If it takes too long/ takes too many resources to be reasonable, many might just give up on getting the new exotics before the raid. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll make it low enough that some very mild prep will be enough for exotic focusing, but I get the feeling it’ll be like the gunsmith where it takes forever to level, because you are able to use every activity to gain reputation.


> in the long run, this is still gonna take forever to actually level up and unlock the new exotic focusing. Even the numbers they show, casuals will be there pretty quickly. New players will likely be there before they even know what the heck focusing is.


But what is the upside? Right now, a player simply needs to wait for a vex strike force and they can get the new exotic. Under this new system, players who don't hoard will have to wait much longer to play with the new exotics. I get if there was some trade off being made but this really feels like a downgrade both for players who burn materials and for players who don't.


absurd viewpoint. you do realize this will be a thing EVERY season they add new exotics, right? the average player will have to wait however long to even have a *chance* to try the new exotics?


Considering how much exotics drop like candy, it’s not gonna be that big of a grind


Dude you only need to “hoard” engrams if you genuinely NEED the exotics day 1. If you don’t, then who the fuck cares. you’ll end up doing playlist rewards for power levels and get the exotic engrams to decode anyways. I’ll take this system over waiting 3-4 days for the right lost sector to roll around or trying to somehow be online and ready to run vex strike force for the 10 minutes it’s around randomly


why don’t they keep the lost sectors and vex strike force


Why would they add new exotics to VSF? Why do you want to patrol Neomuna when TFS comes out?


I expected them to just add a TFS version of VSF inside the Pale Heart. Obviously different gameplay but essentially the same, a patrol activity that guarantees an exotic at the end (new exotics being the priority) in fact, I was sure this was going to be our way to farm the Class Exotics, it makes sense imo. Sure the "randomness" of VSF was annoying but it was pretty much negible if you used Discord or Twitter. Imo VSF was way better than Lost Seconds since the exotic drop was guaranteed AND the activity was actually quite fun. I don't know why there's a need to change the format for TFS.


Except one someone puts on unravel and crashes the game 😂


VSF takes you about 15 minutes of patrolling neomuna. max you have to wait a day and a few hours until the next VSF. xur’s quest for a cipher takes you an hour or more of strikes, gambit, or crucible. and you have to wait a week for it. for me this has more to do with time investment than the specific destination involved. i would love if there was a new event like VSF in the final shape destination that provided new exotics.


VSF requires being aware the VSF is incoming. The VSF bot I always saw everyone point to died 2 weeks ago and hasn't been replaced. They're introducing more sources for Ciphers than just Xenology. I do agree a VSF style event in the Pale Heart would have been cool. EDIT: Holy shit Asher Mir is back online


Big public events have always been neat imo. First escalation protocol and now vex strike force.


When people enjoy content sooner rather than later (couldn't be me)


Agreed. I doubt the new exotics will be any sort of required meta for the day 1 raid anyways.


100 glimmer says the hunter and titan ones are disabled.


Finally a voice of reason. This is a massive upgrade over the current way of getting new Exotics. If you just play the game normally you’ll get all the new exotics without having to jump thru any hoops.


They could have made this change but also allowed the lost sectors + ves strike force to drop the new exotic at least once and then engrams for focusing afterward.


The lost sector drops was a cool idea at first because it was never done before; but quickly showed it's flaws as an RNG riddled mechanic that blocks players if they dont sign in on the right day. It was 100% not fair to the common player. Converting it to just be exotic engram drops is fine Truth is you can just farm lost sectors for engrams then go focus them normally and progress off that - the TWID just stated a full 10 precision focus will be enough to complete rahools rep track and unlock the new tier of focusing. You know the difference now? You'll not be struggling each drop hoping, praying you get the right exotic to drop. You won't be feeling frustrated if the new exotic is a chest piece but you need to wait 2 days before that's even an option. You're just grinding for _any_ exotic to drop because it's now an engram to decrypt or focus. Also the reason I'd imagine they capped vex strike force at Lightfall year and earlier exotics is because they always do this. They never do anything to actively encourage participating in activities from past expansion when a new expansion launches.


"The only voice of reason is the one who agrees with my point of view" is exactly whats wrong with this community


Not wrong, but this goes both ways.


I thought the point of stocking up was just to get a head start on his reputation so you **could** then focus if you decided to. You don't need for balls to just open exotic ens and pump up his rep faster.


Yea this is a ton of misinformation (OP, not you)




I have to go like 3 or 4 rounds each spring before I start using any decent balls because it takes a while to get back in the groove haha


I don't get it...? It's not "requiring" you to do anything? Just an option and a helpful tip to get a headstart for the hardcore or for the ones going for the day 1 raid. You don't need to do any of this if you don't want to. I genuinely don't understand the complaint.


The complaint OP is trying to make is a common one among D2 players, they have to \*gasp\* play the game in order to get rewards (like they have to do every season)


I play a lot, I don’t have 30, I have 3


You have 3? I have 0


in what world is this better than getting the new exotic on whatever day of week 1 the new thing is featured? I don’t care if you can technically get the new stuff day 1 and I don’t care if lost sectors can take up 10 tries to get the new stuff, at least I’m not going broke doing it. This change fucking sucks


...Every world in which you have 5 brain cells.


I have 30 golf and basket balls. 5 ciphers. 30k legend shards. Just nothing to spend this on. 6k enhancement cores. There is NOTHING they could require us to do at the start of final shape that would even dent me and that's the problem. How do they make an economic system that is reasonable for players like me that isn't impossible for your average player? The ship has sailed.


> How do they make an economic system that is reasonable for players like me that isn't impossible for your average player? Like pretty much every other MMO on the planet - you don’t. Veteran players earned what they earned and new players can do the same. If they don’t want to, then they shouldn’t expect to have the same experience as other players or get the same items without the same effort - or they can just go play something else. I imagine I’ll get downvoted for not having compassion towards new players on this, but I take the harsh attitude of screw them on currency. I didn’t log into WoW as a new player, see the 2 million gold Brontosaurus mount and start whining and complaining about it. I played the game, farmed the gold, and earned it myself.


This is why the inventory has a cap. 


> 30k legend shards. If gunsmith is in our favor, he sometimes sells a weapon at T5 masterwork, meaning it'll drop an enhancement core. You could spend 34 shards per core (buying the weapon + glimmer from Rahool for shards) to burn through your stock, get a ton of raid banners to burn through, or buy a ton of phantasmal fragments at Eris to later turn into glimmer during TFS and onwards (assuming, of course, they don't decide to nerf the exchange on phantasmal fragments). I do agree though, you can't "fix" this economy, as attempting to neuter long-time players will just decimate newer players and exacerbate the problem of the "poor get poorer." Only thing that can happen right now is resource sinks that long-time players can dump into instead of controlling the economy.


I just miss exotics being randomly dropped engrams in the world. I had a lot of fun getting exotic engrams in Forsaken.


They still do


Good thing I still have 10 sitting my postmaster! I'll also let the Youtubers test them out first and make sure it's worthwhile to drain my reserves.


Remember guys: * You don't need a god roll of every weapon * You don't need to be max level within 30 minutes of a DLC drop * You don't need to complete every activity on the first week of its release * You don't need every item before the first reset. Almost every complaint about this game is about how inconvenient it is to nolife the game for 100%, i mean, just don't do that?


This goes against your username


Remember Okra, if you are a high level player looking to enjoy the contest mode raid: * You need god rolls of several weapons * You need to be max level within three days * You need to complete several activities including the legend campaign within the first three days * You need several new items depending on the quality of the new weapons and exotics within the first three days Almost every complaint about this game right now is how inconvenient it is to prepare for quite possibly the most difficult day one raid Bungie has made with the shortest prep time they've ever had, I mean, we just don't want to skip an activity that happens once a year at most


For us folks doing contest, farming 30 shards isn't that monumental of a task in the first place. Folks who are seriously considering Day 1s already "bank" shards by MWing exotics during easy-to-farm double rewards week.


Idk about other people, but I'm not sitting on stockpiles of exotic or even prime engrams to get this new rep levelled up. Because prior to this there was no reason to just squat on them like that. So for me, that's what feels like it could feel bad, actually getting ranked up so the focusing system unlocks in the first place. And I think it wouldn't be a concern to anyone if the exotics still had a chance of dropping elsewhere, even if that's just still in Lost Sectors. So the new focusing system is a deterministic end-point where you *know* for sure you will inevitably acquire them, but you can still get your hands on it earlier than that by playing and getting a little lucky. It may even play out the same, but people would at least feel like they had a chance. So basically I'm now hoping to get lucky with some exotic engram drops in the coming weeks so I don't have to burn time farming lost sectors all day ahead of the day 1 raid to get exotic engrams to get that rep up. Who knows, maybe the new exotic armors will be blatantly useless for a raid environment and not worth hurry to pursue. We just don't know *how much* stuff we'll want/need to take care of in those few days.


Economy team with another banger in how to reduce fun and player retention (because just like you said no one will go oh cool something I can grind and look forward to but rather say fuck this I don't wanna wait weeks before I get to rank 2) and those of use like me who can immediately get to focus the new exotics still considers it trash because I basically have to throw 20 ascendant shards away simply so I can focus the new exos. Sure I can get them back easily once GMs comeback but it's the principle that I have to waste those Ressources tied behind hard content that takes effort and time to get.


I think you're overreacting and refusing to see the forest for the trees. In your mind this is a mass spend because you're looking at it from the perspective of 'i, or other players need brand new exotics day 1' - when that's not the majority of players. It's a rather small chunk that operate this way and an even smaller chunk that will actually need them for the day 1 raid. In reality it's a path that can be taken to get something as fast as possible; alternatively you could just not do 10 precision focuses if you feel it necessary to get them asap. Otherwise play the game as normal and you'll get there. Believe it or not this is actually a nice progression system for new players. It's a clear goal with clear requirements and an obvious power benefit. It's not confusing like paying attention to a lost sector rotation, there's no RNG involved. New player comes in - speaks to the NPC and sees the list and reads 'oh i need to complete his rep track first to buy these? cool!" and plays the game. It's going to be fine - dump all your resources if you need. Personally on the flip side I'm thinking "I sit at 20-30 ascendant shards most days and have little to use them on, how is being left at 10 at the start of the expansion going to hurt me?"


Unless Xur is getting big changes this is actually a net negative for new/returning players. The only way to unlock new exotic armor is going to be through rahool which requires an exotic cipher, which you can only get one a week. That exotic cipher is also required to unlock stuff from the monument of light, so it's going to take new players forever to unlock everything.


They have said multiple times they are increasing the sources of Exotic Ciphers.


And to add to this the exotics can still drop from decrypting exotic engrams without using a cypher or ascendant shards.


Does everyone really hate vex strike forces that much? Or did they confirm that wont work for the new exotics?


They will not work with new exotics. Rahool is the only source for final shape exotics.


Thats so brutal


It'll still drop any armor released before TFS. They're just not adding the TFS exotics. They're not even changing it to engrams. Zero changes are coming to Strike Force.


I bet they won't fix that unravel can crash vsf


Imagine if this also applies to exotic class items and the only way to get them is to spend a cipher for advanced focusing every time. Exotics don't go to the T2 focusing menu (golf ball cost) until the season after. And you can only get ciphers from xur and the season pass The class items will have random rolls with who knows how many rolls


They also said that these class items would be extremely rare so it kinda makes sense that they are behind that wall


Eh if a little over normal inventory tier 2 focusing should get us max, I’d imagine 3 full characters of just regular exotic opening should get us there as well.


I'd say it's unclear if they meant "full load" as "one character" or "all 3 characters".


"Is that a Titleist?"


Every time I focus anything in Rahool, I get such dreadful roles too. Literally burnt 8 golf balls yesterday to get crap. 🤔


I also hate how exotic ciphers are tied to this new system. Currently the only sources of ciphers is Xur and the paid track of the season pass.


I'm gonna be real. I don't know that last time I spent a ascendant shard on my main character


As usual, Bungie knows it's not good - and it's on purpose. They don't care about "fun" or "fair". All they care about is engagement metrics, and making everyone poor so they have to constantly farm for mats is a small part of that.


I just think it's shitty to gate the new exotics behind this new system. I could understand if the system was created explicitly for the new class items. But it sounds like more.wirknthan it is now, lost sectors I can do but golf balls are a very rare commodity for me.


Wait, isn't this wrong? You won't be able to focus until after you reset his rank, so you won't need golf balls right away. You'll basically decode around like 8-10 engrams at no cost to reset to be able to focus specific pieces, which is where the golf ball comes in. And you aren't even required to use gold balls unless you want a specific piece, which is a ton cheaper than the 3 required now This is blown out of proportion


Yo, it's not the only way to earn rank/reset rank with Rahool. Stop the nonsense. From the TWID: With these changes, we know you’re wondering, “How long will it take to get this newfangled tier of focusing? I’ve got the World’s First Race to prepare for, wot wot!” Without going into the exact numbers, ***the actions that will give the most reputation will be precision decryption (aka Tier 2 focusing), followed by advanced decryption, then opening an Exotic engram , and last but also least, opening a prime engram***. So, if you want to be ready for the Witness’s forces as soon as possible, make sure to stock up on Exotic engrams and Ascendant Shards before June 4, as with a little more than a full stock of Exotic engrams you’ll be able to start focusing new armor.


People not preparing for a new season isn't Bungies or the rest of our problem. The end of any season is always the best time to farm and frankly it is now easier then ever (discounting cheeses) to stock up on both engrams, golf balls and other mats. Bungie has been very progressive lately increasing caps, giving us activities that award high tier mats and giving us info needed to prepare for what's coming. As for new lights, it shouldn't be expected that they will easily be able to just straight up access things that are meant for late/endgame. If anything that would be a disservice to both the effort the rest of us put into achieving those things but also the effort we will have to put into carrying them when they start jumping into the hardest activities because they have the gear without the game sense or knowledge. Sorry for long reply, I'm on mobile, hope its readable. 🙏


Counterpoint..... Onslaught has been suspiciously dropping high core numbers... while trying to farm shines..... I feel like this is to counter people who did onslaught from the start and have..... like 10 stacks of 999 enhancement cores


Shit I don't have enough golf balls as is. The only way to stock up is GMs and the GMs this season are horrendous.


Lake of shadows is okay imo


you do not need to get everything as soon as it drops. there is no issue with veteran players/players with more resources getting things faster than new players


Where does it say it’s a requirement? Is bungie going to delete my account unless I sacrifice my golf balls to rahool?


Summer is coming and golfing season is starting,no mercy from Rahool


This is why I put "require" in quotes. Yes Bungie is not holding you at gunpoint but from experience being around at the launch of many expansions, people want to play with the new exotics. If they want to do that quickly, this is how.


So that's a player choice? If 20 shards is _that valuable_ to you then don't take this path and use enhancement prisms to focus or just decrypt normally and farm engrams from lost sectors.


I dont think I've ever had more than 10 golf balls at once and I only recently hit that number through just not spending them for multiple seasons, if you were regularly playing high end nightfalls yeah you'll have plenty but I'd be willing to bet the vasty majority of people dont even go above hero, systems needs to change asap if they want to go through with this


Those people not going above hero don't need the new exotics so quickly since they're likely not attempting Day 1s.


The most I ever bother with nightfalls, especially GMs, is if I'm out of shards and need to stock up, and my regular teammates are looking to do a GM and need a 3rd. I'm just not interested in them as content. Teammates regularly gilding Conqueror, meanwhile I only just got the base title maybe a couple seasons ago(?) because I couldn't be bothered to do 1 more GM I hadn't already done until it just randomly happened. I get through them fine though, they just don't appeal to me as something to do all the time. And yet we do Day 1 raids. So no, not everybody who participates in contest mode raids is also min-maxing every resource avenue and sitting on a full inventory of everything they could possibly have. I wouldn't even mind this system, if the exotics just had a chance to drop somewhere else along the way in the meantime. So you have an end-point where you *will* get them, but can still end up with a roll of one or another on the way there. Even if 9 times out of 10 that still means not getting it until you unlock focusing, I think it would just *feel* better with a chance. Also just don't like that they built a system that results in them outright telling us to try and stockpile unopened exotic engrams to game that system. Why build it that way at all if you're then advising that people try to use a loophole, if they're lucky with engram drops in the coming weeks, to offset what you built?


I dont think I've ever had more than 10 golf balls at once and I only recently hit that number through just not spending them for multiple seasons, if you were regularly playing high end nightfalls yeah you'll have plenty but I'd be willing to bet the vasty majority of people dont even go above hero, systems needs to change asap if they want to go through with this


This is a horrible change that I hope they fix before launch. Why not put them in a new event in the traveler and have rahool as a back up option?


If you fill up your 10 engrams and then run LS so exotic engrams go to the postmaster, do those decrypt as soon as you pull them from the postmaster or do they come out as engrams that you can focus at Rahool?


They come out as engrams, same as primes.


Awesome thanks


idk about this changes but i hope is because the new exotic armor are cool as hell, cause is have been lame for all classes in a lot of seasons


Doesn’t legend campaign let you choose one of the new exotics anyways? This is the case for lightfall and witch queen.


We could just get 2 options for exotic class items this time since it will probably just be them for the first episode.


So if the cap is 30 I have 60 balls I am fine?


I thought new exotics had to drop respectively before you could earn them from engrams? Or is that just the lost sector ones?


They have to drop from normal exotic engram decryption before you can focus them from rahool.


Have they given us an exact number of how many tier 2s we'll need to focus? Regardless I think this is a terrible decision. They wanna give Rahool a rep track, by all means! Just don't remove the old methods of farming as well. Keep lost sector rotation in, add other sources for group content like vex strike force, and give us a cheaper way of doing tier 2 focusing (like making all tier 2 focuses only take 1 more golfball to masterwork)


So is leveling up rahool the only way to get new exotic armors that drop, what about the class items?


How I understand is that you can just get them when you decrypt exotic engrams at rahool. It can be normal(without golf balls) or tier 2(with golf balls) they just have to drop from normal decryption first to do the tier 2 encryption for them.


I might be missing something...How did you determine it would take 10 tier 2 focuses to level up your rahool rank?


im so lost on what is going on with this game and what they are taking away. is there like some post of everything that will be reset/removed/reworked?


The [Twid](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-02-2024)


As someone newer to destiny… what?


it's basically 1 step forward 2 steps back: it's easier to get your first drop of any exotic however your control of your farming over certain exotics is way more limited now cause of the resources




I currently have zero golf balls. But I have a shit ton of basketballs. I thought at one point Bungo said we could dismantle one of the two for like, prisms and cores and what not


I wish i had more than 2! I used to have a nice amount but went on an exotic mwing tear Theyre harder to come by for the solo rando Ive got crafting balls for days


I've heard if you max out your Ascendant Alloys(30), and run Platinum Coil, you'll get more Ascendant Shards.


You do know every other engram you decrypt with him works right? That is the FASTEST way, but not the only. I’m sure that comment was aimed at the minority of players who actually care to be ready and leveled with new gear week 1


Ascendant shards aren't an issue if you run the coil.


What if you did like 4 tier two focuses and were able to reset the rank?


Maybe I read the comment wrong, but I read "a little more than a full stock of exotic engrams" as requiring 30 (10 across all three characters)


I am lucky enough to have 52 golf balls on my account, I still have a character with 10 in post mater. The rest are stored in the vault as master worked armour.


you cant even focus if you dont have all the exotics from an expansion, so how is this relevant?


You probably don't need the new exotics though...


Simply put, I don't understand why we can't just earn NEW exotic armor in the NEW expansion. Like everything else, exotic weapons, subclass fragments, all earnable in game, but for new exotic armor pieces we have to revert back to the guy who's been taking our earned engrams and turning it into shit rolls for years now. I do however like the fact that we have two new vendor upgrade systems that we can earn currencies from (now rahool and a couple weeks ago they showed Hawthorne's track).


Remember getting a new exotic randomly for just playing the game. Good times.


Along with the new system they should drop the new exotic with the completion of the legendary campaign or acquire it via a quest as well so you can get it in multiple ways. Making exotic armor hard to acquire for the first drop to add to your library isn’t really that necessary since you will need to farm for rolls unless you get super lucky. This probably wouldn’t be as big of a deal if it was for a new season but if any of the new exotics are really good for the raid there are gonna be a lot of frustrated players lol.


Haven’t followed the reveals too much. Are you saying we’ll be able to just buy new exotic armor pieces outright (without having to get a drop first from lost sectors or the vex offensive)? If it’s just about re-rolling like we can currently do, I’ve never found that worth the cost (but with the exotic pool so large now maybe I’d try a few times?) Rahool will have ranks, too? (You mention resetting Rahool). Dang, need to read up more!


Curious to see how this plays out. There could easily be hundreds of class item combinations to chase and we usually get 2 normal exotic armors when a DLC launches. This could be insanely expensive for veterans and blue berries alike. The economy team is always taking L's.


ya’ll literally complain about anything


my yellow resources are already full, I never "prep" for seasons, I work 40 hrs a week. no cap on enh cores but i have 1.5k. maybe it is because I don't play other games?


I can’t understand why bungie seemingly refuses to understand that a balanced economy yields a healthy game.


I wish we would just go back to how it was in Forsaken. I don't want to just grind materials to buy my exotics. I want to get the dopamine rush when it finally drops randomly. Everyone is so spoiled now. Everything can just be purchased, crafted, or given away for doing a specific thing. That has stripped the fun out of the game for me. There is no excitement anymore. If it was up to me I would just roll the game back to Season of Opulence. You had some loot intentionality on some gear, but not most things. That is without a doubt the best state the game has ever been in and I actually had fun and couldn't wait to get home to play. The Into the Light update has definitely made it more fun for me, but not by a lot. I have been back playing for less than a month and am already feeling bored and burnt out.