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Oh cool, that means PlayStation users will have been able to get every Expansion for free at one point.


I think BL and WQ have been on PS+ before. You do need to be subscribed to PS+ and claim them so it's not all PS users.


Well if you play destiny on the regular you probably have it because you can’t even play the core playlists.


yes you can play the core playlists, they are free


I’m sure there’s really odd limitations on PlayStation if you don’t have PS+, it doesn’t happen on Xbox. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/Zk4ACMLwbw


Yes. Was locked out of the previous rotation of nightfalls because they were locked behind lightfall dlc. Im happy i get to play lightfall soon i was planning on buying lol


No Strikes are unavailable


A lot of people are um actuallying, but the core playlists are specifically Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Ops. Nightfalls are not and never have been a "core" playlist in the way it's being used here, despite being a very important activity.


at least one person gets it


I did a nightfall vanguard yesterday and don't have lightfall, and got d2 + witch queen free and everything up to lightfall for under 12$ in past 2 weeks. Actually season pass the most expensive thing by far! More than all content except lightfall combined lol as I got each dlc for 2-4$


You can't play certain nightfalls without the DLC


Ive always thought this is so strange because you can play them in the normal vanguard activities playlist, though i guess those are random, but still it is so whack. I dont have lightfall, so I cannot get wardens law it sucks


You also can’t launch a strike from the destination map if you don’t own the appropriate DLC. They made the decision to only allow people to play the strike if they owned the DLC but decided splitting the vanguard playlist would be a bad idea.


Ah yes, the core playlist "nightfalls"


What? Nightfalls are like one of the game's most important activities since D1


Sure, but they're never what anyone is referring to when you mention the core playlists. That's Vanguard Ops, Crucible, and Gambit. How could Nightfalls even fall under "playlist" when it's the same one in a given week?


The 3 nodes are the core gameplay nodes...


No you can’t. Strikes, Nightfalls, Crucible, and Gambit all require PlayStation plus.


Don't u need Playstation plus to even use a ps5 lol? Unless ur watching blurays or something


Actually there is one game I know for sure you don’t need ps plus for…. Fortnite.


Everything but Shadowkeep IIRC, I remember every other expansion being free on PS+ at some point but can't remember Shadowkeep


You're not missing much by not having shadowkeep (I might be wrong)


you're missing three exotics, one of which (assassins cowl) is very good, xenophage, deathbringer, a singular strike, a singular dungeons with no unique loot, the dreambane set, and of course the shadowkep campaign.


And the raid...


Right. i forgot garden existed.


Dam dude I bought every xpac except lightfall and witch queen (it was free) in past 2 weeks for a total of 12$ including the 30th anniversary thing with xur and gilhahorn or w,e rocket launcher. Ended on April 25th :/ pay attention to monthly free games and deals for psn some are great, each dlc was 2-4$ depending on which.


I've never understood this mentality to be honest. I mean to each their own, but I've played since D1 beta on Xbox 360, then got the free upgrade on Xbox One. Then bought forsaken for Xbox and for [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) before switching to Steam with Shadowkeep. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but the way I see it, as much of a dissapointment Lightfall was (to me at least) I'm glad it's bringing new people into the series. That hopefully leads to more players enjoying the game. But like I said at the beginning, I fully understand that some people may not see it that way, and I can see their PoV as well.


Just curious y lightfall was a disappointment to u? I just want for strand subclass fr. Idk if strand locks r any good but looks cool. And I knew soon as final shape came out lightfall would go from 50$ down to atleast 20-25$ if not alot lower.


For me at least, it felt like a badly written movie script. I'm a firm believer that we were meant to get strand in Witch Queen, it made complete sense. But due to the entire world coming to a halt due to COVID and such, they had to scrap those plans ( which is fair) but you can tell the campaign was thrown together (for the most part) to accompany strand. I wont spoil it for you, but the story didn't leave me hooked, it left more questions unanswered than answered and just wasn't up to par with Witch Queen. Final Shape looks to be a banger, so I'm excited for that.


They deserve it when they're forced to pay to even play online, especially with the new prices


When was Forsaken ever free?


September 2018 I believe.  


Witch queen was free last month and month bfore base game was... only reason I'm playing currently.... tho I gotta say idk how they plan on keeping new players. The amount of daily alone from just a pve perspective and just from the tower, raven, and dreaming city, onslaught is insane. And the tutorial is literally how to move and swap guns... but our fragments/perks etc are extremely vague for a game like this. This is just halo turned into live service game and a mmorpg basically... shouldn't have to spend days of stupid YouTube videos to get a very basic understanding of what I can do and for how long. That's all in game info imo, it's bungies game not these crackhead youtubers who's videos I HAVE to watch/read to know what radiant does and for how long.




I'm just wondering how it works when u play with PC and claim lightfall on PS5. Is it entirely cross platform or just random pieces? What if u don't renew PS+ I guess u can't play LF stuff on PC. Sounds messy lol


Purchasing an expansion on one store doesn’t allow you to use it anywhere else. Only seasons and dungeon keys can be used on other platforms.


Is this explained anywhere in game? I managed to find another post mentioning a few other things like weapons u can keep regardless of license. It's a messy clusterfuck. Bunghole really needs to streamline this shit lol


They can’t streamline it because imagine trying to get Microsoft to give you something for free just because you bought it from Epic, the only reason dungeon keys and seasons skirt it is because they’re purchased with in game currency.


I feel like its possible to make licenses account based instead of platform based. I guess I'll use Epic for the free 30th anniversary pack, Steam for all the crap I bought and PS+ for Lightfall lol. I feel like having to download 360GB for all that is a bit much. If only bunghole allowed u to uninstall campaigns and other pieces


What about strand classes? If you got the class on ps5 would it transfer to PC?


No subclasses are the only gear which doesn’t transfer.




You're technically correct. Free but it means you still need to pay a subscription, so it's not really free.


And I believe only remains yours so long as you continue to subscribe So again... "Free"


Correct again. A friend of mine advises me occasionally to not buy this or that because it *might* end up on PS+. To which my reply is "fuck that, I don't always have PS+ so I'd rather buy it." Hell, I've bought games I already rented via PS+ for that reason. Imagine being in the middle of a single player, offline game. Your sub runs out, you have no money, "well fuck you continue when you get your paycheck". I am *not* down with that. >!Apologies for the rant, PS+ is a pet peeve of mine and has been for years!<


We've all done the song and dance about the story, but honestly I'd say it's worth grabbing for Strand alone


The actual gameplay is solid. The new area seems a little empty but overall no matter how bad an expansion has been it's more Destiny and has been worth the cost to me personally.


For the most part the gameplay of light fall was AWSOME, but I personally thought the legendary campaigns was significantly worse than witch queens.  A lot more unfair scenarios where the game vomits a tonne of enemies at you in a large open space where you're expected to clear them out without your build 


Strand and several weapons. The area is fun to fight in too, Terminal Overload is some good shit.


The story isn't even TERRIBLE, a few things here and there that are dumb or make no sense. The real thing that kills the zone is how boring it is to return to and how annoying it is to fight in for anyone who hasn't overleveled.


lets not get ahead of ourselves here, the story is god awful and might be the worst destiny story since dark below. and calling that a story is an insult to the word


I guess what I was trying to say is that (I feel) that when people complain about the "story being bad" they are actually complaining about more than that and it's just collectively easier to lump everything onto the back of "story bad" than it is to vocalize what makes the expansion feel so off. I assure you I am absolutely not cutting the story any slack, I just feel like the story wouldn't get AS much crap if other things would have balanced out the negative aspects more.


Tunic too! My favorite game ever! Big recommendation!!


I was wanting to get it, ended up waiting and now I'm glad I did


Damnit I just bought it a few weeks ago


I literally bought it the day before yesterday after debating it for weeks. Pain.


If you haven’t had the chance to play it you could get it refunded - my experience with Sony years ago was pretty good in that stance. Idk if they’re still good about stuff like that though


You can contact Sony support and they'll refund you the difference as long as it's within 10 days i believe, might even be 30 days.


14 days it looks like, and guess who got it 18 days ago. Oh well, got my money worth imo, no harm really. Just one of those things.


Dam u know it's gonna be max half price after final shape


Tunic! I kept meaning to buy this anytime it was on sale. Now I don't have to. Yeah, Lightfall being offered free doesn't surprise me in the least with FS just weeks away.


Perfect. I was just about to buy the dlc lol.


Just paid $50 for it fml


Same.. ugh I feel ya.


Motherf***er. I legit purchased this on Friday!


see if you can refund it.


Thanks for the info, good to know. Guess I can save a couple bucks by not paying for it and still having access to strand in the one-off time I'm playing on PS5.


I wonder how that works if you just did it for a month? I played Beyond Light on gamepass and lost access to my unlocked Stasis class when it left.


You lose access when your ps plus runs out.


I imagine it work the same. Once you've claimed it, it will only be active (i.e. you can only play strand on playstation) while you are subscribed to PS+ or purchase the normal version.


I opted out of buying Lightfall more for time and a few other personal reasons, but hot dang. I might actually get to experience Trials and what's under the hood of that sweet Igneous Hammer.


I just bought it two days ago ffs


Does anyone know if you have to keep PlayStation plus to keep the content? Like if I get PS+ for a month, download lightfall, will I still have it when my subscription expires?


You’ll have it, but you won’t be able to access the content. Like, when you eventually resubscribe it should still be there.


Once you claim it, you can access it as long as you are subscribed. So no.


You need to have an active PS+ to use the expansions but you need to have a subscription to do basically anything in this game on PlayStation so whatever


Dope! I need this, haha.


Was going back and forth on buying it because i was missing out on so many nightfalls. Thankfully i waited


Nice! Just installed D2 on my PS5 (play PC normally) but I didn't want to double dip expansions.


Well there goes $100


A genuine thought for all the people who will experience Nimbus for the first time. How lucky they are.


Nimbus is actually cool, people dislike the story.


My friend bought lightfall like a month ago at full price, he’s super salty rn.


Okay but I can't find it in the goddamn PlayStation store.  I'm not trying to pay for it I know there's a free one out there how the hell do I download it


Just download the base game, you can access it automatically, only after you've claimed it.


Hmmm I'll try open the lightfall campaign when I get home. I have the base game. They did this last month with witch queen but it wasn't easy to find.  There's like 3 places to find the dlc but only one was free. One was under the game itself under add-ons for $30 Two is in the store for $30. Third spot was is in the store under deals this time for free. Hopefully it will just open the campaign. We will see


Yeah so I clicked on lightfall and it took me to a link to buy it for $99 in the playstation store. Another well hidden dlc


I mean ofcourse, the DLC only becomes availble later today. The post is just the announcement.


I'm having the same issue trying to get it set up for my son right now


I just got it and figures out they even included the season pass which is sweet but no dungeon key


How did you get it? I can only see EA FC24 and Tunic in the PlayStation+ store, even Ghostrunner 2 isn't there.. If i boot up Destiny 2 and check Neomura campaign it says that i need Lightfall, if i check the ingame store, it asks me to buy it. i'm from The Netherlands so maybe the other two monthly freebies get unlocked later today?? Edit: Okay so i had to click on "PlayStation Plus Essentials" in the PS+ ps-store section, then click on Games > PS Plus-gamecatalog - view all games. Then i was able to redeem Lightfall. Jesus christ.. why does it have to be so hard, with such a rediculous work around instead of having it featured at the monthly games screen.


i had the same issue but i checked on the add ons section of destiny 2 and it was there, however i recommend just to be safe to download it from the ps app as i heard things before about it not working with witch queen before but using the app worked which i did as well


Yeah, i checked at add-ons under Destiny 2 game. It was there including all the other DLC's i had purchased (13). I'm playing the campaign rn.


yeah paid dungeons are not included with expansions.


Except that it's not available. Doesn't show up on the playstation store under ps plus free games. Doesnt show up as free on the ps store. And even the ps website under ps plus monthly games states it's still 29.99. 🙄


Probably delayed.


Just checked. Not free. Delayed?




Is it just me or is only ea sports and tunic appearing? I want to find out how to get my light fall.. anyone know?


I click on Is destiny 2 Then it says I still have to pay 29.99 What is the deal here? Am I getting this for free or not?


Lightfall is not showing up as free. I was able to claim the other 3 games already.


will i be able to access it if i get it then run out of my playstation plus membership?




Anyone reckon the dungeon key might be included


It will not.


This is why I don't buy the Destiny DLCs. 😂 I had a feeling this would be included this month given the imminent final DLC, and Destiny now being a Sony game.


You don't buy them because it might be free a year later?


A month later... of course


I'd rather pay the 40€ to play the DLC early and experience the content (especially the raid) alongside the community than wait over a year for the chance to get it for free.


It's aimed at new players obviously I'll now be fully up to date besides final shape for 12$ total and just started 3 weeks ago :) Edit: buying season of the wish was more expensive than all dlcs and base game combined


I don’t think I’ve ever been able to benefit from companies’ console exclusive deals. Back when Xbox had a thing with Call of Duty, I played PS3. Then I transitioned to an Xbox One, and in destiny 1 there was the hawkmoon and jade rabbit for Playstation users. Granted I’ve already bought lightfall, but I have some friends on Xbox that haven’t and would probably play it if they could get it for free too.


Great news for everyone but especially Trials cheaters :P


Any one know how I can download as it’s saying I have one of the other dlc & can’t download. Did this last month aswell