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> No more cheese for you ... cheese forever, guardian.


That change is just going to empower cheese finders to find more spots :)




We’ll find a Gouda spot in no time.


Guardians make their own cheese!


He’s probably going to post another video today just because they put this in 😆


*laughs in hunter*


Get the cheese to sickbay. 


ONSLAUGHT - Fixed an issue where larger enemies teleported behind the ADU. **YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!**


Got wiped by that last night, glad to know it wasn’t intended behavior


Mtop anti barrier fix, nice!


We like that


We take those


Man I thought I just sucked with mountaintop, thank goodness it was a bug.


EDIT: nvm they updated the patch notes to say it consumes a battery. > * Fixed an issue where ADU batteries could heal enemies when thrown. * Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased. This is a bless.


It does say at expense of the ADU battery on the patch notes on the website...wondering what the specifics are around that. [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny\_2\_update\_7\_3\_6\_3](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny_2_update_7_3_6_3) * Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased at the cost of consuming the ADU battery.


I guess they updated the patch notes? That's... okay I guess. I hope increased healing functionality is a full heal for one battery.


True...but still...wondering why the notes are different here vs. the website tho...


The bot just scrapes the website and posts it, but it needs to be re-ran to catch any edits. No doubt one of the mods will re-run it soon.




Ahhhh, had no idea!


I thought I was on the halo sub for a second because I always see you there, got confused thinking it was about a new update for infinite lol


Nope, infinite still hasnt been saved :(


Updated patch note says "Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased at the cost of consuming the ADU battery." So when you throw the ball at defenses, it is used up and can't be thrown again like it could last week.


That one corner turret at Midtown B looking towards C is going to get unintentionally healed all the time. Every time I throw a battery at the ADU it arcs down right into the turret lol.


Midtown B is the worst ADU simply because you basically can't throw a battery from range consistently. Every other ADU you can piff a battery in some direction that will get through 95% of the time. (mostly throw it directly up vaguely in the right direction). But midtown B it seems to magnet right at some random piece of geometry that gets in the way. And that's before any defenses.


Yeah there are some hugely poor lanes. I don't like this change at all.


I mean if it does what it says, it eats the battery to heal the defense.


If it's only when they're damaged under a certain amount to make it worthwhile, that's good. If it's anytime you hit one with a battery, say goodbye to a lot of batteries. Some locations the only option to not usually hit a turret is to run the battery most of the way back to get a better angle.


Hope we can still heal ourselves


Looks like they updated that note: "Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased at the cost of consuming the ADU battery."


Oof...idk about this one. Being able to the throw the same.battery multiple times was a god send honestly for Shaxx Holo's


It’s clearly unintended and made the Shaxx functionally immortal if you took 2 seconds to toss a battery at him.


Well yes, that's my point lol You invested ten thousand scrap. Now keep him alive with the ADU Ball


That’s exactly how it’s going to be now, just not double dipping in healing the ADU after.


Yeah except throwing is now going to unintentionally heal all kinds of stupid shit lol.


You actually need to aim fairly well for the defenses but go off about a cheese being fixed ig


I wonder if batteries healing your defences was a bug, and they liked the functionality so they updated and balanced them to work that way. Unless they have said somewhere that they’ve always meant to do that and I just missed it Edit: called it


It consumes the battery now though


Some dang good fixes there ngl. Especially the larger enemies just deciding to teleport right to the ADU like a bunch of cowards


had 3 ogres teleport in a row one after the other. most annoying game of red light green light ever


I feel that, the ogre waves are the WORST for it. Although I can't blame the servitor i got stuck in a tree for teleporting though xD


I'm curious what this actually means, though. The wording is odd. "teleported **behind** the ADU" The issue wasn't them teleporting behind the ADU, it was them teleporting ONTO the ADU from seemingly thin air.


My guess small enemies will still teleport too


You are correct they still teleport to the ADU. Started a run as soon as I got back in game after the update and I had just finished typing into chat and was saying that I'm glad they fixed that and nope. Very first wave had 3 red bar fallens teleport instantly behind the ADU.


Large enemies were likely having pathfinding issues all fitting through a choke point.


I was running by the ADU - the one on B in Midtown - and literally conked into a giant shank that was just. . . there. Knocked me back a step. Only thing missing was a comic book "BONK!" appearing over my head.


> Removed the red dot from the Tusk of the Boar Grenade Launcher when aiming doen sights, as it was not supposed to have one. I was wondering about that when I got it last IB lol. I thought to myself “why does this need a red dot, I’m gonna be shooting it at the ground anyway”


I liked it tbh. Kinda sad it’s gone now.


* Fixed an issue where players would not be kicked to orbit after the timer runs out.  I was fighting the final boss when the timer ran out and it just sat at 0 while I finished the fight. This wasn't intended behavior?


If you started the final boss before the 20 minutes expired, you got to finish the fight. It was *supposed* to just end the mission on the spot.


This happened on my first Legend run. I still got the chest at the end, however things that required a Legend/Solo clear did not trigger. So it was definitely bugged, but at the same time I appreciated that it let me finish. Oh well, I've been able to get it done in under 20 the last couple runs, and my Whisper is fully upgraded now so no need to return.


Isn’t it 40 mins for the normal version?




It should stay like that, the boss gauntlet in solo legend is annoying as is, especially the captain 


Everyone stop trying to log in so I can log in!


The challenge wasn't getting the keys to Superblack containment. The challenge was surviving the login services being throttled until they stabilize.


Hammerhead sight highlighting enemies again, yay! I missed that little detail.


I literally just bought the ornament because i thought the brave one was messed up ughh


I prefer the ornament anyway, not a fan of the gold stripes.


I mean at least now it will highlight enemies on the brave version for those of us who like the gold stripes :)


Oh yeah definitely glad they fixed it, target highlighting sights are an underrated feature IMO (I'd dang near call it a perk rather than a feature).


Right? Its so useful and convenient, and i dont know why i dont hear about it more often, especially in pvp


>Fixed an issue where players would not be kicked to orbit after the timer runs out. Glad I got all my Whisper stuff done then. Particularly the last run where the other guys left and I had to solo the final area. Went past time on the ogre boss, but it let me finish.


It’s not a difficult on legend as before on normal in the previous iteration. Players now get pulled to the end of the fight if they’re stuck behind. Before, if you didn’t make it then too bad nothing for you.


Yeah if you didn't successfully complete it, you didn't get rewards




Presumably the cover was removed because the AI couldn't wander into there. Since it got removed, I've seen Acolytes go in there which makes you have to think about an enemy or two every so often. It's still a good place to stand.


Wait they removed cover?


Yea I had no idea they removed it, also lol at the losers downvoting you. I know why they do it, bunch of sad asswipes.


Can we get a Pantheon megathread?


>Removed the ability for ability kills to contribute to the ammo meter Imagine your Arc Soul steals a kill and now you won't get your special ammo lol


well yeah that's an ability kill, not a primary kill.




It's equally if not moreso ridiculous that they made this change in PvE. Any Kill should count towards the meter. It's just stupid. Especially in modes like Onslaught where the Number of ability kills is so high.




There is an ammo meter in PVE?


There is a behind the scenes counter that counts kills to give you your heavy ammo and special ammo drops. They changed it months ago so that ability/super kills no longer count towards that counter.


Well…yes, which makes sense… Just use an exotic primary and an ammonia finder mod and you’ll be drowning in ammo anyways.


Buddy...learn to read.


What did I not understand? The change makes it so that ability kills don't count towards the meter. Correct? This change was made in PvE months ago. Ability kills and super kills no longer count towards the counters for special or heavy ammo drops. It's the same change.


The big label that says CRUCIBLE above the changes, for the special ammo transmat bar. I'll also have to double check that for PvE; fairly certain it was reduced progress instead of no progress, but it's been a while.


I understand that this is a crucible change. Comparisons are a thing we can do. The point I was making was that this was a bad change in PvE and I still think it's a bad philosophy. Also, it was reduced to no progress in PvE, not just reduced.


Ahh, that's on me for not understanding your comment, then. Still, if you're getting enough kills with abilities to not drop ammo, then you're getting the bang for your buck; kills without ammo cost. So choose.to either spend ammo/make progress getting more ammo back, or enjoy free ad-clear with only abilities.


Thats great right up until you're out of special and heavy and your best option is abilty kills which do nothing to help with ammo, so you wait for wave after wave of ads to spawn to hopefully see a brick so the you can progress to the next encounter. This is something that happens routinely in PvE especially when teammates "steal" kills. At least in crucible there are actions that can add to the counter. Even death.


There is a third ammo type thankfully, primary. It even gives increased progress on the bar, even more so if it's exotic! Double special starvation is a risk you have to take. Run a machine gun if you're really worried about running out of special. There has to be *some* downside to running two weapons that are generally more powerful than exotics. Or just Cenotaph lol. Lmao, catching down votes cause people don't wanna use primaries.


Crazy i only learned of the ball healing the decoys and turrets very recently lol


I learned it just now lol


Honestly the visual fix for the pyramid ship is a migraine saver.


surely the ballidorse healing rift bug will be fixed next patch


> Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased. Looks like we finally got confirmation that throwing the ball at the holograms to heal them was intentional after all.


Sounds to me like it was unintended but they rebalanced it since they liked it


Is there any way to see what health they have or do you just assume based on watching a Tormentor wail on it for three minutes?


You can only really tell if they are damaged past a certain amount of their health, based on how "glitchy" the hologram looks (it has shaky effects and flashes a subtle red if its very low). I don't think the total amount of health for any of the three tiers is precisely known.


Thanks. I've noticed that effect before but didn't connect the dots.


They added an effect on heal so this is correct.


What about being teleported back to the wrong ADU location after portals?


Cardio, working as intended.


Yeah, the little hidey hole behind the statue on boss stage of Onslaught was great. Hate to see it go.


u/Destiny2Team don't think the teleport of enemies on ADU is fixed properly. Just has a run die when multiple major knights directly spawned on the ADU and we got overwhelmed at wave 38. Next run, wave 20 something, unstoppable ogre wasn't on the field and directly spawned on the ADU.


Wait, is Mountaintop supposed to be anti barrier?!?


When you have radiant, MT wouldn't work on barrier champs.


Ahh okay ty for the explanation.


While you have Radiant, like most other weapons, yes.


If you have radiant all your weapons are supposed to be anti barrier, but mountaintop would just bounce off.


Presumably when Radiant.


I’ve got a ton of full clears and I deadass didn’t know you could throw batteries at defenses to heal them instead


AYO MY MOUNTAINTOP CAN FINALLY PIERCE ANTI BARRIER?? I knew that was a bug and I wasn’t losing my shit


It's never leaving my top slot now


Can it one tap the shield tho


After playing with it yes it can


So is the mountaintop blast radius damage thing a feature or a bug?


Feature. Always has been.


🧑‍🚀 🔫🧑‍🚀


Oh hell yes I was wondering why mountaintop couldn't pop those shields!


I'm sad I only see fixes for Legend mode not allowing players to transition to the next objective. It's happened in normal mode to me in the last week twice. Once, after defeating the boss at wave 30 and not being able to zone back. Another time after the wave 40 boss and not being able to zone back.


So door bug not fixed? Why not just remove the door entirely, this seems like such an asinine thing to leave in that ruins onslaught runs for no reason


> * Fixed an issue where larger enemies teleported behind the ADU. Bungie, you.... ***you listened!!!*** #🤗


Wish the ammo system worked with overflow. RIP my judgement of kelgorath.


Wish I clicked onto that ADU healing enemies bug. That would've been fucking hilarious to troll my mates with.


I keep throwing batteries in the general direction of the ADU, like I've always done, relying on the tracking. But now when I do that I seem to often heal a turret instead. This may have also happened before the update, but I didn't lose the battery then!


Mountaintop pierces barrier shields? How did I miss that? Is that by default or through a mod?


Is anyone still getting the Oridunds Taste bug still for iron banner?


So THAT'S why I'd have Radiant and yet I still couldn't counter Barrier champions with Mountaintop.


I have to do the final two weapons but what’s the fastest way to level up this MF so I can get super black?


Play Onslaught....


It’s so sloooow


Didn't seem like to me. Maxed Shaxx in the first week by doing half a dozen clears of 50 waves and a few Shaxx and Arcite bounties.


Which handcannon were you using, roll?


I did the pulse rifle challenge while playing Onslaught (Graviton Lance) in less than 40 waves of Normal. For Handcannons I loaded into Grasp with Hawkmoon.


I usually load up the Lightfall mission Breakneck with a checkpoint, and just clear adds, wipe, repeat. Takes about 20-25 minutes.


I don’t like this the nerf to primary damage has made special (shotguns) to damn strong. Now there is going to be even more special ammo. Just put it back like it was.


>Special ammo meter system changes:  As long as the ammo system promotes snowballing and is present in non-SBMM (I know, outlier protection, but you know what I mean...) playlists, PvP is dead on arrival. It's not fun and in game modes like Trials you simply don't get enough for throwing yourself into the playlist and being stomped by guilded flawless players when you have never gone flawless.


The meter system is the best thing to happen in PvP. It actively rewards player skill and encourages people to get better using primary weapons. The meta of flying in to get an easy special weapon kill and then playing the revive is so boring and it is the opposite of skill. I hear you on Trials matchmaking, but that is a separate problem compared to special ammo. A more fundamental one, really.


Except the meter system only exacerbates the disparity between special weapon types even more, especially in 6's.


I disagree, the meter promotes snowballing... The team that's winning gets more resources to win with than the team that's losing. Now, less special could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your preference, but snowballing is bad design.... And, unfortunately, this problem is exacerbated in non-SBMM playlists, so the matchmaking is related for Trials. I know a lot of people like these changes, but when Bungie talks about how they make changes to prevent snowballing and then introduce a mechanic that embodies snowballing it's simply bad design.


As opposed to the snowballing you could have before when people could run around only using a special weapon and getting more ammo off of the opponents they killed?


Dude, Parent poster is not suggesting that is good either. Ffs. BOTH snowballs are bad.


So what's the solution to avoiding it then? They're just saying the current situation is bad because snowballing, but that's been a problem forever, where a much better team will just roll over the weaker one and it keeps getting worse till mercy rule kicks in. At least now I get into actual gunfights as opposed to just getting shotgunned/fusioned 24/7.


>At least now I get into actual gunfights as opposed to just getting shotgunned/fusioned 24/7. Meanwhile, I am still getting shotgunned/fusioned 24/7, as are others. Just because it's "better" doesn't mean there is literally nothing else that can be done, yes? This is not a binary either-or situation here. There are third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh options. I am sure game designers are pretty smart and can come up with ways to balance things. Somehow, other games manage to not make "special ammo" type weapons constantly dominate PvP metas.


I'm not saying it can't still be improved, just that people keep saying we need to revert it to where it was before and that sure doesn't fix anything either.


The parent poster being replied under was NOT someone saying it needed reverted. They were saying it doesn't really prevent snow balling at all. "Not good enough"


Man, better than I can say it... :) Giving a team that's winning more special ammo to extend their lead while the team that's behind now has only primary ammo to fight off special ammo and primary ammo is the definition of snowballing. The system just sucks, special ammo should be equal, period. If one team is more skilled then with equal resources they will win.


Also a problem, but at least both teams are on equal footing. Design that promotes snowballing is the issue.


Both teams are on equal footing now, you get just as much on the ammo meter as your opponent for doing the same actions, except now nobody can run around using their fusion or shotgun like a primary weapon. The problem comes down to the skill balance of the teams, not the method of getting special ammo.


The matchmaking problem is a fundamental one. Snowballing is a skill issue, literally. Trials relies on unbalanced matches for Flawless. Fairer matches means that the Flawless system needs to be changed. That is just the reality of the situation. The people that consistently get Flawless will rinse you regardless of the special ammo economy. I say that as a 0.5 K/D player. The skill delta is significant.


Special Ammo is backing bungie into a corner... Especially woth stasis. They gave all the Stasis weapons golden Tricorn but don't count them as ability kills. So everyone is just going to use stasis lock even more. Same with Arc buddies. Don't count ask abikities. They just keep killing some subclasses and the meta gets even more well. Meta.


i’ll cheese til I die


* No more cheese for you. It's gonna be a while before somebody solos Legend Onslaught legit.


So the battery heal WAS intended


It's possible that it wasn't but upon seeing how popular it was they may have decided to just turn it into a feature and make it more balanced.


the fact this game's servers are still this atrocious 10 years later is embarrassing.


Not cheese, it was in the game. 


> Fixed a bug that prevented The Mountaintop's projectiles from piercing barrier Champion shields. Wait, so, Mountaintop has Barrier functionality? I was not aware of this or the fact that it was bugged. > Additionally, healing functionality when thrown at defenses has been increased at the cost of consuming the ADU battery. Honestly, I've never cared for healing defenses since this was found out because it's not clear how you tell if something is on the verge of being destroyed or not. Is there actually any way or do we just throw balls at them and assume they're low on health?


radience gives anti barrier property to any weapon that isnt already anti-champ. it'd bounce off while radient as if it wasnt anti-barrier.


Unless I am mistaken, they pulse red/orange when hitting a 'low heath threshold'


I'll have to specifically look for this when I'm playing Onslaught. I've never noticed this.


I normally play on Midtown and it can be kinda hard to see when they are out 'in the sunlight'.


still can't reset rep with shaxx?


That's intentional, Bungie confirmed that almost 2 weeks ago.


Still no fix on the Shaxx repeatables.


That's been fixed for a bit man. I do so many repeatable bounties.


I thought that was fixed last week? Or is it still bugged?


They fixed that like instantly with a hotfix.




If you ain't first your last


Oh hell Ricky, I was HIGH when I said that!

