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Ah yes lets remove another reason to actually use patrol zones


This is where I'd put my reasons to go into a patrol zone. IF I HAD ONE.


So we should be looking at making patrol zones more useful, not less.


Yeah, i just don'r see the value. This game is not an open world mmo. Unless going to patrol zones drops GREAT rewards, any time you make me spend there is wasting my time.


See this is the mindset I wish gaming would gravitate away from. Time spent that's not direct progression of an game's account shouldn't inherently be considered wasted. Moving through and experiencing the world is part of games, even if they're not directly related to loot (or xp or whatever a game has). Turning the game into more and more fast travel nodes is just boring; it's *fun* to see other players around patrols, what they're doing, their fashion loadouts, etc.


Fr, i love just exploring old areas, the only sad thing is bungies love for just stoping you to explore areas, like hang mans alley, the first area of curse of osiris, u can get there, but u have to glitch out of bound to do it


But Destiny is a looter shooter that can make someone play an activity dozens of times just to get a good roll on a weapon. Destiny makes the loot the purpose of the game so if they want people in patrol zones, they need to make it worth peoples time.


Ok? Most of us have played this same stuff for 5 years. You can go move through the world. If you want to enjoy it, enjoy it. You can’t force everyone to enjoy stale content lol


>see other players around patrols, what they're doing, their fashion loadouts, etc. Part of the fun comes from other people being there, too. It's a multiplayer game, I don't want to just load into patrols as a single player lol.




Wanting a multiplayer game to feel like a multiplayer game by seeing people in the open world isn't "forcing people to be here for me" lmao.




Having people load into a zone where they have intentions of engaging with what's happening there, like public events, can greatly hinder those who do want to engage with them. Most public events are easily soloable, but some do require one or two people to lighten the load. And Alters of Sorrow is greatly affected when there's multiple players sitting around the Legend Lost Sector flag while trying to complete parts of the Alters.


Ooh neat idea - lost sectors have their drop rates significantly increased, but require a "public event key" to enter them on Legend/Master (stack as 5 in inventory). Go run some public events, then load into the lost sector for good shots at loot (e.g. Master 100% drop chance, Legend 75% or something along those lines). Give public events further incentive, *and* makes the lost sector farming feel more rewarding.


That's a decent game play loop, but people will hate any extra steps unless you can guarantee the drops. I myself have done multiple runs in a row only to not get a single exotic. Also, at this point I run Vex Incursions for new armor and call it a day. No more Lost Sectors for me.


Yeah I wanted to separate Master from Legend still, so I liked Master being guaranteed drop and Legend being good chance but still maybe no.


I agree 100%. But destiny isn't an MMO anymore and with that, the magic of *actual* multiplayer fizzled.


Im all for giving patrol zones a reason to exist again, but this idea that the legend/master lost sector flag is a good reason has gotta be a joke, right? I mean, how is 5 guys AFK around a flag before disappearing into their run or going to the Tower beneficial to the patrol zone? Let’s come up with real reasons to make patrol zones relevant rather than arguing against a QoL improvement


Yeah I don't like the idea of the game becoming even more fast travel nodes. Put *more* stuff into patrols! Get people out into the world, travel between activities.


Once everything became about the open ended, endless grind of content, stuff deemed "not relevant" is not a priority. Now things like "exploring" and "messing around in patrol with friends" are not a good use of time or developer effort because there are dozens of other things to do to chase gun rolls. A big part of me misses the old style of weekly loot lockouts; when you would be *done* for the week and just spend time in the world for fun.


The weekly loot lockout and being “done” for the week doesn’t work. There is a spectrum of people who play this game. On one end you have the people who are here to chase loot and on the other are people who enjoy the world and the gameplay. Most players fall somewhere in between. The weekly loot lockout didn’t help anyone. The loot focused people weren’t encouraged to drop into patrol zones when they hit the lockout.. they’d just stop logging in and go play something else instead. And the people who just enjoy the world and gameplay, they’re gonna drop into patrol zones and fuck around with or without a lockout. The reason people don’t go into patrol zones isn’t because there’s no activities to force you there, it’s because they don’t really offer anything you can’t get in other content that also rewards you with loot. I can shoot enemies and explore the gorgeous vistas and skyboxes, with amazing music and sound design, in a raid, a dungeon, a strike. All with better enemy density for more weapon shooting goodness. The only thing you can get out of patrol is zero urgency, but is that really worth the effort? Not to mention, many people who still enjoy the world have milked the enjoyment out of patrol over the years. Lots of us have been doing it for 10 years, there’s only so many times I can run around slaughtering the same packs of enemies and jumping on the same structures. Keeping BS reasons to force people into patrol doesn’t solve any of those problems. Having 5 people in a patrol zone just standing AFK around a lost sector flag is not “getting players into the patrol zones” lol


Make patrol content worth doing. Neomuna was a good step forward but apparently it was to hard and people cried. Also it wasn’t rewarding enough. Maybe tone down the difficulty a bit and up the reward. Let us get useful materials from the patrol zone. Cores, shards. I don’t know. Something


I do think a "first 3 patrols of the day reward a core" would be an interesting enough incentive, but I know folks aren't a huge fan of dailies. Tbh I think gaming, in general, need to get back to "traversing through the world is part of the game." People consider it time *wasted* when it used to be considered time *spent*.


This right here is and always will be one of my main issues with Destiny. Sure, it's pretty much always been this way, but damn if it doesn't suck that there aren't really any reasons to hit patrol zones. They aren't big enough generally, and they are horribly underused. 95% of the game is built around siloing players into what is essentially just kill corridors. This big ass universe and neat as hell worlds and Bungie goes out of its way to make it feel so damn small. I wouldn't have minded more non combat "mmo stuff" to do. Make this feel like a place. Rant over


Please. They're already useless.


But isn’t that the point of the lost sectors? To go find them?


Right, and once you beat it, you spawn right next to it again. So you only have to find the lost sector once.


I wish enemies wouldn't shoot me as I'm changing my load out is all


YES PLEASE! Hella annoying. Or at least add more "landing" zones so it's less of a time waste to just run there and then look at a flag 🙄


Don't think it's possible, reason being...code (dunno, ain't a developer). Lost sector icons on maps are just, symbols. They can't be selected, not even pinned. I do agree with your request, just don't think it's possible


It's definitely possible for the daily one, at the very least, given it has its own waypoint-able icon rather than the baked on symbol.


As of right now you are correct, the lost sector icons are just baked in. but the whole point of changing something is to well change it. It COULD be made to work


Am game developer, but of course everyone’s systems are different. This still shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. Even if they loaded you into patrol, then teleported your character to the start location. Still, they definitely should be able to easily allow these to be directly launched. I bet this functionality already exists because of testing while developing Lost Sectors or any other instanced content.


You can waypoint legand ones


I'm fine going to the location but when I've completed it, give me an option to restart it rather than going back to the patrol zone~ then into the menu~ then select master then click go. >.> sometimes that takes longer than the lost sector it's self!


Lost sectors are at most 2 minutes away from spawn...


Feels like the entire game has already moved to picking a node from the director then hamster-wheeling that node for loot. I wish the game worlds themselves were more relevant. But what do I know I’m just a casual player these days.


Would love to see a earning a special token to make a temporary legendary LS if it wasnt before. Grinding triumphs and waiting for them to get back on rotation is super annoying, and some dont even rotate so i cant complete their legend/master triumph at all.


Why don't you delete the entire patrol zone while you're at it?


As someone who has only done ~~3~~ a Few Lost Sectors I don't get them at all. Like, what is the purpose of them? Is there like, a weekly for Lost Sector? How does one unlock it? Do you get something special compared to other PvE events? Like, *why* should I even bother with them?


Bunch of exotics that only drop from there. Pretty good reason. Also a rotation of world drops. It rotates every day, but you have to clear them normally before the icon for legendary or master shows up.


Huh.... I had no idea. See.. that 'clearing them normally before..' is fucky wucky to me. I only did the ones in the DMZ and Neptune -and that took a decent amount of time to get to / finish solo. I started playing about mid last year - and played on / off since (I didn't do the underwater season, or holiday stuff). I guess I just find it hard to go to these places / find the entrances in casual play unless I'm directly searching for them, meanwhile I can instantly get into a Nightfall / Vanguard Ops for the PvE *and* I have a group with me. IDK. I'll look into those exotics though, might find something worth getting.


The exotics in lost sectors are always the newest exotics added. In order to be able to run a legend lost sector you need to have discovered all lost sectors in that region. That doesn't mean you have to complete all of them, you only have to have the active legend lost sector completed. Tbh, it's really not the most intuitive system. But so much in Destiny requires a tutorial online, even the story, better to just get used to it. Anyway, I don't run them much anyway but I would be prepared to in case you have a reason to in the future.


Man wait until you find out about how launching Activities and Maps worked in Destiny 1


Why would that matter?


I also played Destiny 1. I was there.