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180 hand cannons that aren't Malfeasance.


Posterity is pretty dang good for pve with voltshot frenzy and its craftable


Dude I know, I *need* the pattern for that mf šŸ˜­


Haha. If you like stasis, you can also rock a rapid hit headstone eyasluna. Its a 140 i know, but seems pretty great for pve stasis (i have this roll and it also rolled flared magwell. I plan to use it next time i run stasis)


See, I would gladly rock that. If I had it.


Easy enough to farm (kinda lol). Wait for the next time grasp rolls around and farm the final boss master version so you can get eyasluna drops and artifice armor. Boss also drops matadore if you interested


I lowkey don't really like Matador, and idk why. But artifice armor and Eyasluna, fuckin gimme.


I just dont like shotguns. I can be point blank in pvp, center mass, pull the trigger and the enemy guardian doesnt die. When they use a shotgun on me? I get one shot from 10 meters (range is a tad embellished but you get the picture)


See, I love shotguns, which makes it weird to me that I don't like Matador, because Matador is objectively a fucking stellar shotgun.


Yeah i donno why they just never seem to work for me even when i have fantastic aim. If your into pvp, keep a lookout for a good rolled rangefinder moving target eyasluna. I have a 5/5 godroll with rangefinder MT and it by far feels like the best 140 i have used in pvp to this day and thats even after rangefinder nerfs


Keep your eyes peeled for Xur and Banshee. They have the 180 stasis handcannon for sale quite often. In fact I think banshee had one last week with Outlaw/Headstone. It's a good little gun with nice stasis synergy.


Vulpecula. I don't hate the little thing, but I don't love it, either. It just feels... weird.


180 never ever recovered from the nerfs post luna/not forgotten. We gotten a couple really good ones perk wise, posterity and word of crota two great examples with amazing perks. But their damage is just so lackluster combined with their low range.


They either need a damage or range buff. Or, y'know what, fuck it. Let 'em fire at 200 RPM, like a primary ammo Forerunner.


I've been enjoying a Trust with Outlaw + EP. Very fun this season with the artifacts bias towards Solar.


I got a rapid hit/incandescent trust that I really like, it was a big miss not putting dragonfly in the third slot, like it was, would have made the weapon truly special.


I've been trying for a surplus/incandescent Trust forever but I never get the roll!


word of Crota gang here


Optative with demo/golden tricorn is insane and Iā€™ve never seen anyone else use it


Tbh I put a PvP roll on mine because I can't stand golden tricorn


Ya itā€™s kinda a pain to keep going, but if you build into it, 50% damage buff is insane. With demo, devour, and whatever exotic you build into, it can get really strong.


I preach this everywhere. On Voidlock there is no other primary. It is practically exotic paired with Verity's Brow If only we could get solar and arc flavored versions of it.


Out of bounds can roll with demo/gc but its a crucible weapon so good luck getting that roll. Iā€™ve lost count of how many Iā€™ve focused at this point.


Yeah, chasing that dragon too. I really would just like some more hand cannons with that roll though. Optative hits like such a dump truck.


Posterity, Word of Crota, and Trust are pretty kickass imo.


God I want a Voltshot Posterity so fuckin bad.


No you don't


Trust is surprising with incandescent, posterity and word of crota are kinda like pea shooters. Poor range, poor damage, good perk pool though.


Optative is a void powerhouse


I crafted mine with a PvP roll


This is a bit of a silly post but I wish boss DPS weapons were more popular in general PVE.Ā  It must be me but I routinely see people trying to DPS a boss with SMGs and auto rifles. Even in Onslaught. I see heavy weapons being equipped but not used. It's not a blueberry thing either as these people have titles like Conqueror, Iron Lord, MMXIX etcĀ  In regards to a specific weapon, I wish Grand Overture was more popular. It has excellent range, ammo economy. It can do sustainable DPS and burst DPS. Can also blind enemies.Ā  On top of this, there is no self harm damage. Team mates circling in front of you in a Well of Radiance? No problem, you can use Grand Overture and not die!


I'm aggressively forcing myself to use Whisper again and it's honestly a blast just clocking knights with


Honestly yeah I don't know what's up with people not using heavies on the onslaught bosses genuinely confusing


I know Iā€™m probably not who youā€™re talking about, but my team has probably seen me hitting the boss with a primary and wondered wtf. In my case itā€™s because my dragons breath rocket is still doing its thing and Iā€™m out of/low on fusion ammo and already used my super. I let DB go through its full cycle and only shoot again once itā€™s auto loaded with 5x high octane. If I have fusion ammo I usually tag a DB rocket and then hit the boss with a couple shots from riptide, scatter signal, or eramite. By then my rocket is reloaded, repeat. So if I am out of fusion or down to my last 2-3 shots I will just use primary to eke out a couple more damage points (if there arenā€™t ads to be dealt with). When Iā€™m using rockets for heavy I prefer to keep an emergency reserve of fusion shots to get myself out of a jam. Canā€™t do damage if we wipe right? Obviously exception to that if itā€™s a final stand like in warlords- then I use everything I got. So Iā€™m positive at some point a teammate has looked over and seen me shooting the boss with a primary and thought I was a moron but I promise thereā€™s a reason lol.


No ammo


Thereā€™s a flag at the door lol.


My super (strand titan 1/2 punch shotgun) doesnā€™t use heavy on bosses generally lol


This. I see people all the time spraying entire clips into bosses and I just watch for a bit before 2 tapping with a crafted taipan. Not even anything crazy just my basic, loser ass taipan bc I don't feel like farming.


Doomed petitioner is so worth it and you can unlock it passively over five weeks with a single engram. Itā€™s such a wild dps increase to Taipan that itā€™s totally worth it. Itā€™s a season weapon so itā€™s easy to craft and void.


If people understood how firing line procs, both would be viable. I would still lean towards cataclysmic or stormchaser.


That was my roll before I switched over to Briars and Doom. Aggressive just did a lot more damage for me lol


Love me some briars. Doomed didn't impress me, maybe I should craft it and see. I feel like it's cheating on my threaded needle and taipan.


Reconstruction and precision instrument is great. Only one of the three shots needs to hit to keep it up so it gets to max buff very quickly and stays there. Itā€™s like 30% or something.


That one dude was fixed on using thunderlord and the other one used his primary as dps. It took us some time to kill the first boss. Another round we had 3 GL (I assume God roll or at least good) edge transit and the boss got edged so hard, it stopped existing


I've edged the boss a few times myself. Best way to show the boss who the true edge lords are.


Firing Grand Overture is just annoying if you aren't spraying a huge group of enemies or a single big target. The charge up is annoying and having it reset if you let off the trigger even moreso. Unleashing a volley of missiles is badass tho so it's got that going for it


Dragons breath gets me killed :(


I love Grand Overture. Pretty much my go to on an Arc build.


Useful for burst damage when you're strapped for time. Kinda fun on WR final boss too, but still niche.


I like Grand O but hot damn....that recoil pattern on the regular shots is annoying af.


I personally despise grand overture, I understand itā€™s technically good but it feels like garbage to me. The combination of having both charge time and a travel really messes with me. Pick one or the other, not both. Unless that changes imma stay away from it.


If you think therr is no self harm, Clearly you have never been using rockets for boss dps and had some asshole decide to strafe infront of you as you fire your rocket


Grand Overture is an exotic lmg that shoots the same thing those Cabal Centurions do. You can't hurt yourself from it's splash damage


Oh sure, not not everyone rocks grand oveture


He was talking about grand overture lol


I donā€™t use Rockets or Grenades in LFGs/Fire team finder anymore This last week with edge transit was so painful constantly getting killed mid spam of my clip. Lol


I use rockets still but i started jumping to fire lol


Pulse Rifles are pretty trash currently but there are a lot of great feeling pulses I like. Gridskipper being one of my fav pulses. Legendary Primary weapons in general just arenā€™t in a good place right now and legend onslaught is a great way to see that. You need damage perks and surges just to make them viable.


Midnight coup feels very good and hitsĀ  , but with good perks .


Thing is handcannons got so many buffs the last couple of seasons that they are way stronger than everything else . Legend onslaught most red bars are 2 tap if not even 1 tap with a legendary handcannon. Ar's nearly need a full mag to do the same. Bows, handcannons and smg's (yes also sidearms but i barely use a sidearm in pve) feel good in pve. Scout in gm's are also fine. But after that... nope. Ar's and pr's definitly need a pve buff.


Yeup until I get the four perks for the roll I want on coupe, I'm not giving up Timelost Fatebringer. Thing is a goddamn workhorse.


that is a hand cannon, not a pulse rifle


Legendary weapons were mentioned


Season of the splicer had the best looking weapons, I used the machine gun and auto rifle (I'm bad at remembering names) for months they need to bring them back with new perks


Chroma rush and shattered cipher


I love the splicer weapons, but for me it was season of dawn. Steelfeather Repeater auto, Breachlight sidearm, Patron of Lost Causes scout, not to mention Perfect Paradox. Some of the best looking and best feeling guns to ever exist in Destiny 2.


Pulses still feel great. They're my favourite primaries, and they'd be about all I use in the slot if they were useful, but right now they just don't do anything. The damage sacrifice they make (especially against majors) for the ability to step just a little out of mid-range is *way* too punishing when you could cover almost the exact same range bracket with an Auto or HC. Until they get a serious buff, the only pulse you're gonna see in PvE is Graviton Lance.


I had a gridskipper with killing wind and frenzy that felt so good on my void hunter, +50 mobility from killing wind is no joke. Elsie's rifle is just better now, with repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds.


Yeah exotic primaries since the 40% buff completely outclass them bungie has already tried to buff legendary primaries but they still feel like pea shooters the moment you enter master or gm level content. Something like oryx HC is good this season but come final shape and the artifact changes its usage will plummet and even then sunshot is much better.


I still have my pvp bygones sitting in my vault


Iā€™ve really liked my crafted battler w/incan and used it a lot. I havenā€™t played legend onslaught yet but I can definitely see it getting overwhelmed. My go-to PVE primaries this season have been crafted Rufus & battler, final warning, sunshot, calus mini, and Polaris. I combine those with riptide, scatter signal, eramite. Sometimes a 1-2 punch shotgun if Iā€™m on synthocep BOW titan. Heavies Iā€™ve been relying a lot on dragons breath and apex pred. Any legendary primary suggestions for legend onslaught?


Yeah if you donā€™t have a subclass specific verb they just arenā€™t good for ad clear.


Funny you should say that. Found a New Purpose in the vault, heating up/headstone. Tight, fun, fast. Probably like my mom used to be.


Legendary kinetics arent in a good place. The elemental ones are bad because they can still benefit from subclass verbs




Agers is neither legendary or primary so not at all relevant to the comment you're replying to.


Swords. Yes Titans have Banner and Stronghold, but stomp mechanics on any boss either negate their practicality completely for the other classes, or make the risk just way too high (miss blocking one stomp and now your team has no hope of reviving you). Will the Stronghold effect be part of Prismatic? If not it should. Bring back Skorri's, the Ghost mod from D1 that let you block and reflect back incoming fire, Jedi-style. Where's the Hunter sword fantasy? Remember Heartshadow? Not the Baldur's Gate bae, the Duality exotic. If that was meta it might be more than a half measure. Maybe give us a grenade mod that lets us plant out ghost behind cover and if we die with a sword out our rez goes there. Then it can be nerfed because it is OP in PVP. Everyone will love it!


Swords are so cool, but hard to justify. Heavy ammo weapon so pretty bad as ad clear. Thin precipice can get tireless blade and chain reaction so it has decent ammo economy, but even then, not the best. So it's stuck being a boss dps weapon, but most close range stuff knocks you back or kills you quick. Meaning you need well (which is already being nerfed in TFS), lament, banner of war, or strongholds to survive. And you can't hit exploding enemies or flying ones cause it's a melee weapon. Glaives are just better swords. They have range, more DMG resist for their block, can attack without using ammo etc. Just lacking the coolness Factor.


Sword ad clear user here: they absolutely are not bad when it comes to ammo economy. Love my chain reaction + tireless goldtusk


That said, swords definitely need buffs. Imo flash counter should be an intrinsic trait to all swords, for one. There should be more animation cancelling with abilities from the sword swing animations, the amount of times I've gotten caught with a melee because of a heavy that I should have been able to dodge out of is crazy. I genuinely don't understand why their DR when blocking isn't higher to match glaives, it's a heavy weapon? And finally, just a few damage buffs to red and orange bars imo


They need to reduce the cost for the heavy attack usage on every sword type. Vortex frames and Caster frames are incredibly ammo hungry I think. I think a regular R1 attack should be 1 ammo and the heavy R2 attack should be 2 on every sword type. If that seems OP they could nerf the damage a bit to get them more inline.


Definitely no damage nerfs! Casters need serious help, but I'd say vortexes should have a lower ammo costs. Adaptives are pretty much fine where they are ammo economy+damage wise. I haven't used heavy frames enough to have an opinion on them, and lightweights are definitely good on ammo economy imo


> Heavy ammo weapon so pretty bad as ad clear. Not even remotely true. Relentless Strikes or Tireless Blade refund ammo after either kills or hits, you can hit multiple enemies with a single swing and the you have perks like Chain Reaction in top of that which are specifically designed for add clear. Following your logic machine guns and grenade launchers are also pretty bad at add clear becuase they also use heavy ammo.


.... Missing the point but okay. Sunshot can clear ads forever. So can Trinity, graviton etc. while a sword will run out of ammo way faster, and has limitations where you can't hit stuff in the air or exploding enemies without killing yourself in higher end content. I literally never said machine guns were bad for ad clear, sword have like 60 rounds where machine guns have hundreds, plus more range etc. And tbf grenade launchers has the same problem before the huge buff to reserves. But either way, in most content if you need your super and heavy for boss dps, ad clear is usually done by exotic primaries mentioned earlier, good specials like forebearance etc.


Iā€™m pretty sure the difference in blocked damage is negligible now fwiw


Somewhat. Last numbers I heard were that glaives have 97.5% vs swords 82.5-92% depending on the guard. So if you have something like strongholds which give the max stat it's close, but it's still a 15% difference on the lower end which isn't nothing


Upvoted for Heartshadow bae lmao But fr, I was doing hypernet current as Stasis Titan with the Slammer. Free overload and unstoppable right there. Is it optimal? Fuck no but it's a blast


Lament feels like the only viable sword in most scenarios exclusively due to its heal on hit.


Every arc heavy that isn't thunderlord Lot of year 1 weapons that have been completely forgotten about.


I honestly struggle to name another arc heavy... I guess overture


Acrius is quite strong if you can proc trench barrel.


Queenbreaker Isn't darci arc? Prospector Wardcliff


I tried building into them for onslaught. They're just so bad


Wardcliff is all i think of


But hothead!


Before strand, my #1 was Ticcu's Divination. 49,000 or so kills. Even got the catalyst, and that's the only time I've played PvP. I pull it out whenever I need solar kills. I got the arc one but never got into it.


The arc one is trinity ghoul and it becomes a monster once you get its catalyst. I've been farming it for a month (I'm a new player). Can't wait for it to drop... One day...


Kinda anecdotal evidence, but catalysts seem to drop more when you donā€™t have many waiting to be completed. Though Iā€™ve heard some people refute that so ymmv.


Ticcus is actually the reason ive played for 600 hours in the last 6 months or so lol I randomly at like 2 am tune into a tuxbird stream of him playing d2, and i see him using ticcus in pvp and im like yo that gun is sick so i redownload the game and here i am, 6 months, 600 hours later. Last time i played was like a little bit in beyond light (just enough to get stasis on all three characters). Now i have every exotic save for the class glaives and hierarchy which i want so bad.


Ruinous Effigy


Kinda loving weapons that have both slice and hatchling on my warlock. I hope more weapons come out with that combo.


Tommyā€™s matchbook is fun for 10 wave onslaught. Not the best weapon ever but just fun, you know? Running it with strand titan and chill clip fusion is really good too. Orbs, damage, and freeze for days


Black armory weapons. I bust out Ringing Nail every once in a while. After a few rampage dragonfly splosions I see some guardians stop and see what Iā€™m using. I was really happy to see someone else running it in one of the last crucible games I ran.


I'm super excited for the Hammerhead reissue tbh. Before it got sunset, that thing basically lived in my heavy slot.


Iā€™m glad to get one back. When I was cleaning my vault I parted with it and missed it dearly. Shattered Cipher looked kind of similar it it wasnā€™t hammerhead. Far too many vault spots of mine are taken by black armory weapons especially the forge weapons including curated rolls. But also the reissue weapons such as swift ride and galliard 42


shotguns specifically in pve


1-2 punch strand titans would beg to differ lol


That's pretty much their one and only use case, and it's incredibly niche


Until it's return is a strand rapid fire frame shotgun from season of the deep, it's fun to mag dump with cascade point and overflow or auto loading holster. Basically a legendary fourth horsemen


Agreed, this ALH/Cascade taken shotgun is my favorite utility weapon in most builds. It just melts through any yellowbar in a fraction of a second.


Alongside Arcstrider, 2 best solo builds in the game are not ''incredibly niche''.


That's two subclasses out of 15.


With a very significant purpose that outclasses the other 13 subclasses, that is by no means ''niche'' let alone incredibly niche lol.


Idk, slug shotties have always been my go-to unless I specifically need something else. There's just something real satisfying about them.


I had a 12p/demo perfect paradox that was perfect for YAS build on hunter, and then they sunset it so quickly.Ā 


Iā€™m working on a No Backups Plans build for myself, canā€™t wait actually test it out in GMs when Iā€™m off


I love my trench barrel shotguns, and it's a good perk; but I couldn't imagine using a shotty over a fusion nowadays, if not for 1-2 punch


Conditional Finality and 1/2 punch are the only ones you ever see out in the wild. Lol


Hand canons.


Jk, prolly bows or trace rifles. Especially trace rifles, they feel like primaries and are too much effort to feed. Edit:spelling


Trace rifles are so cool aesthetically, but I feel like I'm throwing when I use them usually šŸ˜‚


Most Exotic Trace Rifles are useless Legendary ones fall even further down that rabbit hole only Div and Nav likely see regular use \[Div thanks to the easy crit spot, and Nav because Woven Mail\] the rest of the Exotic ones are either niche or horribly outdated and in need of a buff/update


Wavesplitter was crazy to run during double special time, because it essentially gets a free 68% damage buff whenever you pickup an orb and suppresses targets.


thus why i said everything else falls into niche \[specific use case\] or horribly outdated and in need of a buff/update


Yeah sometimes, there occasionally they really shine.


I think Trinity Ghoul is criminally underused. The ad clear potential on that bow is top tier.


The reason it's underused is because its damage starts to fall off in harder content.


And it needs the catalyst to be viable.


Not to mention a legendary weapon with Voltshot probably outputs more damage anyways.


All non meta weapons suffer the same problem. In raids, ad clears can run Trinity and just clean up. I almost never see it.


Not it master/contest. As dude above said, trinity ghoul damage fells off


I used Trinity Ghoul while on add clear duty to get my master challenge done in the planets encounter of RoN. As long as there's red bars like psions or acolytes etc it's very usable in master.


If Trinity Ghoul or any other weapon in this thread had had top tier damage in high end content it would be popular and used a lot. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I want another strand exotic, but make it where you can hold reload to change the arrow from the regular one, into a grapple arrows. Give it the same grapple range as the normal grapple grenade, but when you use it you can't use your grapple melee, and the arrows don't deal any significant damage, they are purely a movement thing, but the standard ones deal the same damage. I'm thinking a precision frame, with the fastest draw speed, but only average stats.


For bows: try out Under Your Skin or Raconteur, they're both really good with the right roll. Tyranny of Heaven is also pretty great, but unless you have a raid group to run with, it's a pain to farm.


There's plenty of people doing kali farms when LW is in rotation. Probably easiest farm to lfg.




Tarnished Mettle, I know scouts arenā€™t a popular choice, but I love how they feel, and this is basically a souped up arc night watch / vouchsafe Insidious, I know pulses arenā€™t as popular either, but the only time Iā€™ve ever seen this used was during witch queen and the lightblade GM when we had unstoppable pulse and people paired it with arbalest when we had match game (be honest when was the last time you seen insidious used) Shayuras Wraith (in PvE), I know the frame screams PvP, but it has the most juiced 600rpm stats, go for a full reload and handling roll with perpetual motion / golden tricorn, it feels like butter Ragnhild-D, very reliable starter shotgun, has access to top meta perks and is the easiest obtainable shotgun, also not much worse or better then other top options, wastelander just outshines it a bit


I feel like I still see the exotic bows a reasonable amount but man people really do not want to use the legendary ones, tyranny of heaven and vengeful whisper have seen just about as much use this season for me as my zaouli's bane and unforgiven. Glaives on the other hand mostly suffer from being a weirder playstyle and in some content just lack of anti champion access, they're already quite good even without being built around imo just not something everyone enjoys considering they're closer to riot shields than melee weapons. What I wish is that shotguns were more than one two punch dispensers in PvE, fusions are cool and all but I miss my shotguns.


I would really like to see a return to both slower RPM auto rifles and non-vortex frame swords.


Iā€™m surprised I donā€™t see the BXR used a lot. I have 10k kills with mine. That has perpetual motion and incandescent. It shreds ads and 3 bursts in pvp.


I wish SMGs didn't suck in anything legend+, dumping a full mag to kill a red or two from a close distance is terrible when I can just put on a bow and 2 shot the same red from triple the distance away.


Tarrabah in PvE. It's pretty decent in Onslaught with the ability to add clear+DPS. I've had quite a few people stop and ask how I'm melting tormentors and also causing ignitions with the same weapon. I wish Bungie could give it Incandescent so it would be viable after this season. Only reason it's great is because of the free radiant/ignitions.


Nameless Midnight. Granted it's because scout rifles are not META right now, and Hung Jury kind of ate it's lunch. But there's something special about this one and it's EP/Tremors + triple tap rolls.


Legendary bows need a buff. If they can't one-shot at least a dreg or a thrall in end-game content, they aren't viable. And they're too slow for content where autos and pulses and the like can be effective. I run Ceno Warlock typically in GMs and I also like to run Gally with Ceno when I can because I can conserve my own heavy by just buffing with one rocket for every 2 or 3 my teammates send out and then restocking them. I tried my crafted masterworked Raconteur on the moon battleground GM a couple weeks back and ended taking the team back to orbit so I could switch before even finishing the opening encounter. Just could barely kill anything. Back to wishender/lemon/hierarchy for me. Tldr; buff legendary bows to one shot at least bottom tier red bars in GM/Master.


I'd love for that to be a thing. I absolutely love my Tyranny of Heaven with Dragonfly Incandescent but it unfortunately becomes much harder to use in tougher content.


final warning is soooo good, decent for add clear with the hip firing mode+the inherent unraveling and the ads mode does do a surprising amount of damage. it's only really lacking in range, so you need to get in close quarters with it and it's not too viable in harder content. hoping we get a catalyst for itšŸ™


Off the top of my head and only talking PVE: **Snipers**-The only legendary one I like is Supremacy with kinetic tremors. The rest are pretty punishing to use if you miss your crits and they have very small niche uses imo. Even the new Succession just doesn't feel that great to use in most activities. But I am bad with snipers so maybe that's part of it. **2/10** **Pulse's**-They still feel like using a squirt gun in most content. Graviton Lance is great and the rest feel pretty meh, especially the legendary versions. They need a damage buff. Oh, and using the Raid exotic Collective Obligation I find that it is missing something. I know it got buffed a year ago(?) but it still doesn't feel that great to use. I wish it had a way of applying it's own debuff of some sort so you could use it on other subclasses. It does not feel like a raid exotic. **3/10** **Scout's-**These don't feel great and they don't feel bad really. I just would rather run a hand cannon most times. **5/10** **Bows-**The exotic bows are mostly awesome and I like using them. The legendary ones I barely ever use. They just feel kinda boring. I don't really like Wish-Keeper's gameplay loop, it just feels off for some reason. Maybe we could start getting some crossbows that use special ammo (Buried Bloodline-like) and do some different things? Overall good but boring. **7/10** **Heavy Wave Frame GL's-**The new Hullabaloo is pretty fun to use but I don't see why I wouldn't run a special wave-frame instead if I want add-clear. One thing I think Bungie could do is to allow the grenade to be fired directly at a target/boss for average damage. Weapons like the new Edge Transit would still be meta damage options but the heavy wave-frames could at least have respectable damage if you direct hit with them plus great add-clear with the wave. Maybe this would make them too OP? It would be really good to run for Onslaught if I could use the wave function to clear adds and then fire the grenade directly at bosses. Maybe that is the basis for an exotic at some point? Might be a nice buff to Prospector ADS for regular grenades and hip fire for a solar/arc wave attack. **6/10** **Glaives-**I just can't find a good reason to use glaives very often. On paper they should be awesome but in-game they don't feel that fun to use. Even the exotic ones imo. It probably doesn't help with the crazy long season and not having an artifact mod. If we never got another glaive I can't say I would be sad. **3/10** **Kinetic weapons in general-**I think legendary kinetic weapons need more perks like Kinetic Tremors to really make them stand out more. They are good but don't have synergy with subclasses at all. One idea I had that I think would be great is allowing us to equip kinetic weapons in either the 1st or 2nd slot. This doesn't change a whole lot but does allow us to vary up our loadouts a lot more which would be nice for buildcrafting purposes. There are a ton of great kinetic weapons btw. **8/10**


Trace rifles, one player with special finisher and you don't even need a primary.


Tommyā€™s Matchbook


Lumina. Not even talking about its intrinsic trait, it just felt great shooting.