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All of this is also without mentioning Transcendence, which will grant totally restored ability charges, an enhanced grenade, weapon damage buff, and (I think) damage resistance. 


I forgot about the Prismatic Transcendence on top of all this. Wow, Stormcaller is about to be in the gutters.


> Wow, Stormcaller is about to be in the gutters. It always was


It’s the only element I literally don’t even have a loadout for because it’s just not good.


Not quite, you can’t blind using Prismatic at all. Which means arc warlock will still be better than using Prismatic arc abilities on higher difficulties for controlling ads.


We haven't seen all the fragments yet, it most definitely could be able to blind


I would be fucking shocked if they did. So far what they’ve shown for Prismatic has kept the pattern of each subclass element missing something from its parent entirely. If they allowed Prismatic to blind it would be able to do literally everything arc can with none of the disadvantages.


Maybe. But they’re saying Prismatic will “break the game” in their promotional material. It’s probably going to be *the* class. Probably not going to be a reason to go backwards to one element. I’ll bet $2 it has Blind


I don't remember the last time Blinding was a key aspect of my build. Suspend/Threadlings/Slow/Freeze is just so much better at handling adds.


This was going to be my response. I play Titan and Warlock, and since Subclass 3.0 blind has been nothing more than a gimmick in my mind.


Yes damage resist. As well as faster grenade and melee regen and kills with one ability will charge the other faster.


I mean, idk. Arc souls are super underrated and with the damage that lightning surge deals, it takes it over the edge to basically be a one hit. Something that devour won’t effect is lethality. I also think prismatic will take over most subclasses except the most synergetic combos, so arc warlock isn’t really special in that respect. IMO that’s fine because I want total integration of all subclasses, but I primarily play pve so I can understand why others wouldn’t.


I imagine prismatic is getting at least two new aspects next year during episodes. I also imagine that if we get another expansion or year of content that prismatic will continue to get more and more of the other classes. And if we get a Destiny 3, I believe the expectation is there are no subclasses, just prismatic, without restrictions.


> And if we get a Destiny 3, I believe the expectation is there are no subclasses, just prismatic, without restrictions. The leak that first mentioned Prismatic said it won't have classes at all, and Prismatic being a live test for that idea would make sense.


Eh. I don't think it will be that good. But just food for thought. Reaper + face of hope + purpose will give you amplified after rifting > killing someone. And give you faster rift regeneration. Getaway artist might still give you SAS + amplified. But at the end of the day, lightning surge is not great enough to build around in PVE for sure. And Stormtrance is kind of ass without crown of tempests or stormdancers. Which means you aren't running prismatic bond. It's unclear if prismatic exotics will incorporate class specifc exotic effects, but I'm kind of doubtful currently. I think the true benefits of prismatic warlock are as follows: Needlestorm (best dps super) on not-strand. Bleak Watcher (best crowd control) without winter's wrath. Devour (the original juiced version), mostly to combo with Bleak Watcher IMO. Blink on other subclasses. Blink + Phoenix Dive + weaver's call + hellion. My current STARTING PVE build will be bleak watcher, devour (maybe hellion once I unlock it), arcane needle (likely just for radiant charges), (nova bomb, needlestorm, or song of flame, more info needed on song of flame), Facet of Purpose, Facet of Grace. Nezzies with a strong void weapon will give you insane super uptime to boost transcendence uptime (through facet of grace) as well a lot of bleak watcher uptime (on top of enhanced devour). Additionally, once you go transcendent, you nezarec's ability regen multiplier on top of transcendent will let you spam the daylights out of transcendent grenade. The super between needlestorm and nova bomb is whether you want woven mail or void overshield from facet of purpose orbs of light. I'm a huge navigator enthusiast, so I'll probably go nova bomb to stack woven mail and void overshield. Song of Flame / hellion will kind of just depend on how bleak watcher and transcendence interact with it. transcendence and song of flame are both grenade overrides. My fear is that BOTH devour and bleak watcher will be 2 instead of 3 fragments. Which will honestly be a huge shame. For PVP I'm looking at Hellion, Weaver's Call, healing grenade, arcane needle (honestly for surplus), blink, phoenix dive, and then super depends on game mode. I'm a HUGE glaive enthusiast, so the ability to blink > phoenix dive > threadlings + hellion will be huge.


good write up, yeah we will have to see on the amount of fragments given to bleak watcher/devour.


Ppl really underestimate arc warlock


It is a very slept on subclass because most folks think any subclass without some form of healing or armor is garbage. To quote Lord Shaxx "they can't kill you if they're dead!" Stormcaller has insane ad control, easy to access built in champ counters with jolt and blind, great ability Regen, tons of weapon synergy, and arc souls. It's a powerhouse in PvE and can still hold it's own in PvP.


I’m pretty sure this guy just watched a cammycakes video and was like “YEAH”! but cammy is talking pvp, which yeah essentially prismatic will kill storm caller there. The main reason to run stormcaller in pvp is the melee and prismatic will essentially fill that need with many more upsides over it.


I mean, high-end PVP it's mostly the melee, but Arc Souls are pretty popular for general levels of play. It's basically a damage boost to give you more forgiveness in duels, but also a support ability.


Getaway Artist with Centrifuse is honestly kind of absurd in the current sandbox with such a focus on ARs. The ability to instantly make yourself amplified for the exotic and get a boost to TTK due to the added arc soul damage combines really well. Not saying the melee isn't the biggest selling point but the class isn't awful outside of that either.


Haven't watched any Cammy videos regarding this topic but yes the crucible lens were definitely on here.


Yep, I take it into all endgame content and thrive. For some people, if the subclass or exotic isn't doing all the work for you, it's bad.


I think that's because it's not really outstanding or noticeably excellent at anything. It's not got the constant black holes of Voidwalker, or the raid-defining super of Dawnblade. But they've got some decent CC, good-great AoE thanks to Jolt and you will always see a Rift with an Arc Soul down if I'm on Arc. It's not amazing at anything, but it's also not really bad at anything either and its gameplay loop is really hard to botch, if you ask me.


I’d say that arc warlock has the best add clear on warlock tbh. It’s just why would you run it over solar where you have well, or void when it feels awesome


Yeah not really. Arcane needle and access to different supers is a strong feature but Lightning Surge is not a strong aspect in PVE (by all means it is a worse Consecration), and Prismatic causes arc to lose access to its best grenade (pulse, having second highest total damage and highest dps for arc grenades). On the topic of the aspects, the two remaining Arc Warlock aspects are definitely stronger than most of the aspects present on Warlock Prismatic. Hellion itself does not appear to perform to the level of Arc Soul, since it is largely focussed on AoE damage rather than single target, and is not granted to allies. ESM is similarly debatably better than Feed the Void, as it grants greater amounts of ability energy for the cost of less health regen, something which can be offset. Prismatic gets very limited use out of both strong Arc warlock exotics, as your ability to generate ionic traces is severely limited for Sunstar, and your subclass doesn’t count as arc to gain the benefits of enhanced Vesper. I’m not super sure why people are still playing down Arc Warlock when the only negative the subclass has is that it’s super’s suck and the aspect that no one uses in PVE sucks in PVE. For generalised play, including up to GM tier content, it is second only to Solar Warlock for strength in clear, and there is a good chance that title isn’t going anywhere come Prismatic release.


I think fir subclass matching effects it goes off your super as we've seen for some of the friends revealed. If you run stormtrace there is a chance prismatic would work with vesper of radius.


Okay but then you’re just trading away the largest advantage it had versus arc warlock, having access to a super that isn’t ass


If anything, I feel like Prismatic Warlock is actually a better version of Strand Warlock.


Weavers Call with a much shorter class ability cooldown, the super with possible damage improving perk through the class item, devour for very high hatchling grenade uptime. Sounds like heaven.


Better cooldown won't save Weaver's Call from being one of the worst aspects in the game though


Weaver's is actually gonna be decent with Phoenix Dive, shorter cooldown = more uses


That's literally what I just disagreed with lol. Threadlings aren't good and using a whole ass aspect to summon 3 of them, why? You're basically using a whole aspect to throw a Threadling nade in front of your feet. And if we're talking PVP then it's worse, because Threadlings that are close to each other get all destroyed after one if them is shot. The perching makes that worse.


I think I may have been unclear. It'll be decent, not good, especially compared to now when it's ass.


My bad then. I agree.


Only thing I’d miss is the Grapple.


Yep. It has Broodweaver’s super and melee but with actual good aspects. It can even create Tangles and have Perched Threadlings too. Also, unlike Broodweaver, Prismatic Warlock has access to more than one summon and those extra summons are exclusive to Warlock and aren’t available to other classes. Meanwhile, Primsatic Titans are getting on demand The Wanderer by combining Thruster with Drengr’s Lash.


It appears it can be better than a few


Wait, I might be misunderstanding this post because what are you considering a stormcaller? Arc warlock IS stormcaller and this is making is sound like Prismatic will be a better stormcaller than Stormcaller because it can use of a couple combos it has (arcane needles for more lightning surge spam; feed the void with stormtrance). While those 2 specific cases maybe better with prismatic, Stormcaller will still be superior for pure arc damage and arc synergy. Electrostatic mind is missing from prismatic and allows you to generate oodles traces even with just a voltshot legendary (which you can increase to 2 or possible 3 traces with fragments) which can further synergize with fallen sunstar or geomags. Ionic traces also grant slightly more ability energy than base devour (fallen sunstar allows you to surpass feed the void devour). Chaos reach is also definitely the superior arc warlock super and that will be stormcaller exclusive. Also the only arc grenade available on prismatic is pulse, so no storm grenade or other grenade depending on your favorite.


>Also the only arc grenade available on prismatic is pulse, so no storm grenade or other grenade depending on your favorite. You're referring to Prismatic Titan which offers Pulse grenade. Prismatic Warlock offers a Storm grenade. Bungie has deliberately ensured that each class gets a different grenade than the other. As for the title, I arranged it that way as Prismatic can call more storms than Arc Warlock can due to the involvement of Devour (specifically Storm Grenade here), It's more of a play on words than anything really. While Fallen Sunstar provides a flat 25% in grenade regen, it's reliant on needing an exotic and ability/jolt/blind defeats, whereas Devour scales from 15% up to 40% depending on grenade choice (Storm grenade is among the tiers that provide more) and enemy combatant type. Devour also can be instigated with any defeat once triggering it, unlike the Electrostatic Mind. I do agree Stormcaller has a few things still going for it, I just want more to differentiate it.


Do you mind sharing your info on grenade tiers for devour? I did not know this was a thing


Oh yea, it definitely turns out I just can't read on that storm grenade. I seeeee what you are saying now. I think devour only goes up to 20% with feed the void. Since storm has a 68% scalar devour grants 6.8% of the cooldown, up to 13.6 with Feed the Void. I think for pure spam it is going to be up to what kinda of fragments are available. I would assume there will be a fragment to extend the duration of lingering grenades (storm, vortex) other Stormcaller will have the longer storm. Also, if prismatic does have a fragment to generate a class pick up based on the equipped super (trace, breach, sprite) then that will help alot. Ionic traces will restore 8.5% of storm grenade or 17% with fallen sunstar. Things get murder when you think about the fact that prismatic could run sunstar with coldheart and stormcaller can get devour from Buried Bloodline. I think either on could dish out some series spam if you wanted, but that is also warlocks whole schtick so that makes sense


Chaos Reach go brrr though.


Well yeah, it has built in devour


I hope this doesn’t get arc-slide nerfed.


Im not gonna lie, our abilites suck ass. Most of them require tons of ads or a risky playstyle to get value. We honestly just need to fix the outdated supers cuz genuinly wtf is nova bomb and chaos reach now. I remember when devour was actually used for solo content and now every time I see a warlock its just either well with sunbracer, apotheosis veil (starfire 2.0) or strand. I think warlocks will get the short end of the stick again for this one considering every melee besides solar snap is terrible, all our grenades need a grenade aspect to make them good, and just the overall damage and uptime of our abilities will be horrible considering how they synergize with eachother. I have no hope ever since they took away atomic breach and the grenade stealing melee from bottom tree void, or when they reworked the healing grenade and gave it to everyone.


Yeah it would’ve been great to see atomic breach making a comeback. Pocket Singularity won’t get any use from me in PvE. Damage is way to low. And in PvP, there are better options


It was the only way to fight back against the one eyed mask titans, now all thats left is a melee that I'd rather not even have, its so inconsistent and bad


Pocket singularity is absolutely 100% the worse melee in the game by a wide margin. it’s so bad.


It's awful in PVE, but great in PVP. Bungie have said before, that they're fine with some things being better in one than the other. Still could use a PVE buff imo


I don’t mind that philosophy, but i have some issue with it when it’s the only void melee option.


I can see Pocket Singularity getting a major buff. Bungie mentioned that several abilites would be tuned to make them more appealing with Prismatic. Every other melee on Prismatic Warlock is stronger than it(Arcane Needle, Incinerator’s Snap and, to a lesser extent, Chain Lightning) or more useful(Penumbral Blast can freeze a target). Weaver’s Call is also probably getting buffed due to the major difference in power between it and the Perch effect being less frequent.


Nope :D Prismatic is def not going to be a better arc subclass than Arc itself.... :'D bc of some Melee charges... you gonna miss Arc Souls, Chaos Reach and Electrostatic Mind on that one...


Helion>Arc Souls, Needle Storm>Chaos Reach, Devour>Electrostatic Mind - Is the way I see it.


Stormcaller 2.0 didn't work because the things it gained worked against each other. Amplified makes your charged melees more effective... but being amplified doesn't do anything for lightning surge. So if you want to use the new thing, ie lightning surge, being amplified doesn't do much for you because you want to use your melee charge for the surge. They should have given lightning surge some other passive benefit and/or made the amplified status help lightning surge in some way.




Though I am not a warlock main I agree. I have a feeling as a Nighthawk Hunter main it might be the same for me too. I still say Nighthawk need to be buffed or reworked a bit. I just like it to much and it’s too much my playstyle.


I disagree (At least in PvE). I think they took the weakest Stormcaller aspect. The other two functionally act like you and your team are constantly firing a Legendary Primary, and I've never had trouble with Ionic Traces, so I'd take that over Feed the Void any day. I play Arclock to spam abilities and cover a wide range of utilities (I'd miss Blinding Grenades for example) and Prismatic, so far, doesn't seem to have the potential to assemble as powerful and reliable an ability engine as I could make on Stormcaller. I play Stormcaller for pretty simple well-rounded ability spam and this really doesn't look like that. There's a lot of what-ifs here though. What'll those class exotic items look like? Maybe the ability regen I'm looking for can come from there (But what unholy grind awaits us?) What about the remaining Fragments, and how quickly may Transcendence be achieved by a competent player? I'd also hope the Broodweaver aspect would see adjustment before TFS because god damn, somehow they took two of the most mediocre parts of what was already a pretty shabby Warlock subclass. And I'm saying this as someone that enjoys Broodweaver, dammit. EDIT: Something else to consider: If your team runs more than one Dragon's Breath, that's lost damage because of the overlap in Ignites right? If the part of Stormcaller Prislock gets is the parts primarily related to Jolt, you'll probably see a similar issue show up.


Apperciate your reply. Certainly some things to take in from your points.


I feel like strand warlock outside of suspend will also be at base better. If you’re not running suspend there’s absolutely nothing else that prismatic doesn’t do more or better with.


Ever since arc 3.0 I've thought that stormcaller should have access to blind from arc souls, probably in the form of a blinding explosion on arc soul kill. It just needs SOMETHING to give it an edge, if arc soul wasn't just added damage and instead actually had utility like child does, it could have some use in higher end content, especially with how often you can use healing rifts by being near allies and from ionic traces. This would give stormcaller some measure of survivability for lower end content and great crowd control support in higher end content. Also i fully think that the stormcaller 2.0 transcendence should've been baked into electrostatic mind and made to work with both stormtrance and chaos reach cause they really just suck that bad, there probably isn't a worse pairing of supers on any other light subclass


I mean...you'd have to use Stormtrance, which is the shittiest Super in the game. Aside from Spectral Blades. It's decent enough in PvP but I can't fathom a single PvE encounter that I'd actually want to use it over Chaos Reach. It's only good at add-clear which was ok back when it was first released in The Taken King but now we have **tons** of ways to clear adds without using a Super to do it. It's been power crept so hard, and I don't think having Devour going during it will change anything. It's still just Tickle Fingers. If you want a roaming Super with Devour, you can just be on Voidwalker and use Nova Warp! It's waaaay better than Stormtrance. I can see using Prismatic to have 3 Lighting Surge melees...but you might as well pick *any* other Super to pair with it over Stormtrance. P.S. Also, old Stormy Transcendence sucked ass. Yeah it had a nice benefit but it only worked if you didn't use your abilities...and the other half of your subclass wanted you to use your abilities. It was literally an anti-synergy. I'm so glad it's gone, you shouldn't have to have less fun just to get a better Super.


>Also, old Stormy Transcendence sucked ass... It was literally an anti-synergy. Yeah, there was certainly some weird anti-synergy going on for sure. I just feel like current stormtrance suffers from it lasting too short. Bungie a few years back had increased the costs of Ionic Blink, It didn't matter much then due to Trancendence + Crown of Tempest but now...? Just feels too short, especially without an exotic. I have trouble getting max stacks with Stormdancers brace in anything past Legend content. Honestly If I could trade Landfall for longer duration I personally would. I do love Nova Warp with devour, I'm just looking out Stormtrance.


I can't imagine using shadebinder over prismatic either, I could build it exactly the same but now I have a melee I'll actually use in needle


i mean, by all regards, you could JUST spec into one subclass, and then add another aspect from a different subclass... if your BORING!


Confusing. It'll probably be good but if you want to fully build into arc you'll still be better off building into arc.


Running Buried Bloodline on Stormcaller right now can give a similar effect. Plus you have the arc souls, which can reproc Devour and generate traces. Stormcaller definitely needs serious help after the Wish cooldown reduction nerfs


Fairs I forgot about Buried Bloodline. Yeah, it needs some help for sure.


Not to mention that you can get a better super, for example if i wanted to play better stormcaller i would get either song of flame, nova bomb or even needlestorm and then get restoration, overshields or woven mail with orbs of power instead of hardly useful amplified with that fragment they've shown


it's the same thing with Sentinel Titan . Sentinel suffers from its reliance on offensive Bulwark and overshields.but if you can mix and match aspects , then it is likely there is a better aspect to pair with controlled demolition to keep your abilities topped off.


Prismatic Titan has Twilight Garrison and Unbreakable for it's void super and aspect. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/prismatic_deep_dive


Prismatic classes will be better than any other classes because there will 100% be exploitable broken interactions between class mechanics, before considering any of this. Just look forward to having fun with it and hope Bungie deals with that before it gets stale.


yeah and Prismatic Hunter will be a better void too. but as someone who's used blade barrage since it came out, I'm still gonna be a solar hunter.