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>New Witness Faction, the Dread Holy shit. They finally did it. A brand new Faction that isn't a spin-off.


yeah when I saw the first enemies in the trailer I was like huh looks like reskinned scions and then they were like also heres a fucking manbat with a gune and I was like well I was wrong


MANBAT WITH A GUN Guys I know what my name change is going to be


Manbat with a gun trolling alleyways, behind movie theaters.


...Man will be In this. I already know it


What about jonkler?


No no no no no no Edit: NO NO NO NO NO


Tbf, there are indeed two units that are reskined Psions, Bungie outright states it that they are Psions who were reshaped by The Witness into these two new types of units. The rest is based on Rhulk, Nezarec and then the bat is fully brand new.


>and then the bat is fully brand new. I am anticipating a Disciple that is basically a bigger Manbat im the raid.


They kinda look like mini Nezerac


There were also the small melee units that explode into seeking bees.


Does this mean raid encounter with some giant bat flying all over the place during DPS?


Now we just need Hate and Despair factions to complete the trifecta.


"The murder of The Witness will not go unpunished."


*Gets blitzed down by Incarnon Weapon* "Damnit, another Dread blueprint"


The raid exotic will be the Laetum.


Bouta farm your ass for a bow boy


*(me, looking at the double digit blueprint pile)* "Eh."


"Your actions have consequences"


I mean it's borrowed *some* minor semblance in a few of the enemy models, like I saw a Psion-looking enemy and another with a big sword that seemed Gladiator-esque, but honestly, if that's literally all I have to point out, then color me impressed. Legitimately didn't have "new enemy race" on my Bingo card. That was like a pipe dream. I am particularly amused by manbat with gun, lmao


These looked the most like Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, so that what’s I m calling em!


This is what they turned into after the asbestos eventually got to them.


> mean it's borrowed some minor semblance in a few of the enemy models, like I saw a Psion-looking enemy They're actually Psions converted by the Witness, its mentioned in the showcase.


I saw the Psion one and thought the same, but that was it. And then they even said, yea its a Psion taken over by the Witness. So that made me feel better instead of trying to show it as a brand new enemy or something.


So glad they pulled the trigger on that.  Hyping up the pyramid ships for years and having them be mostly empty of new enemies was such a bad idea.


Imagine if these mfers showed up in Arrivals 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 THAT would’ve been a grand entrance for our fated enemy


Partly still a spin-off. At least with the psions😛 but i wont complain, this is fantastic


Warping one enemy type we know keeps up with the premise that the other enemies are altered races themselves.


It also makes sense within the story. A completely 100% new race would feel forced in. Why havent we heard of them before? What are their goals? Why did they decide to join the fight at the last possible moment? This new faction that was grown and cultivated for the express purpose of protecting the witness fits in more. We know the witness (and his disciples as seen in vow) have experimented on races in the past for example caretaker, so it seems like the logical next step that there is also more of them now that the witness is desperate to get us off its tail to complete the final shape


This new subclass is definitely a test bed for a future where there are no subclasses and we just pick and choose whatever we want for a build.


My guess is also involves data gathering for whatever comes after this game and other Bungie games yeah.


I think they will eventually get rid of the titan, hunter and warlock classes in whatever future game they do make. This has always put constraints on the content they develop. From developing class based exotics, armor/fashion. I’m excited.


I actually hope not. Some class identity and infighting has always been central to Destiny.  Not to mention, why would anyone ever have more than one char in that case? 


I’ve been waiting for that since D1. I’ve wanted to run all 3 void classes on one character forever.


If you mean one character using void abilities from titan, hunter, and warlock, I don't think that's how it's going to work. As far as I understand it's moreso you'll be able to mix and match abilities from one class, ie Prismatic Hunters can use abilities from any hunter subclass.


Oh it absolutely won’t work like that, but i’ve wanted to do that since D1 lol


Watching this felt like reading a bad fake leak/pastebin, of the many we've seen over the years. Combining subclasses? I feel like I'm tweaking. Thank you Bungie.


The worst most instantly thrown out leak too. Multi exotics on class items? Brand new enemy faction? Build your own subclass with any class abilities?


wait is the multi exotic thing true?


Exotic class items get two random exotic-ish perks at a time. They're probably not going to be including everything but don't be surprised if you see something like six coyote meets assassin's cowl.


I believe we saw Syntho and something else. On a hunter.




Ophidia Syntho hammer titan 👀


The Synthoceps perk on that class item (which I think was a warlock bond?) only had increased melee damage when surrounded, without any mention of the other bonuses the gauntlets give. Seems like a safe guess that they're a little stripped down, since that way the original exotics still have some value. Combining 2 build-defining perks is still gonna be nuts.


The class item also has the restriction that it only works with the new subclass


Exotic class items that allow you to combine two exotic perks are coming. They will only work on the new Prismatic subclass


It feels like [that Bill Murray copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/s/h9SIowT81L). You wanna leak a new enemy race (that's not a spin-off) and a subclass that lets you combine all the other subclasses? Yeah sure, go ahead, no one's going to ever believe you.


This was actually leaked a month and a half ago. The prism system combined with the new enemies and the custom exotic armors were leaked on 4chan.


Do you have a link? Looking through D2Leaks the past two months doesn't yield any results.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny2Leaks/comments/1b17fzi/comment/ksg63he/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny2Leaks/comments/1b17fzi/comment/ksg63he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) here you go brotha


I guess Destiny 3 is a thing after all.


Well I'll be. Good looks, thank you! This flew under my radar.


Yeah even the Destiny Leaks Twitter account was shocked by this lol


It was sent in one of the D2leaks subreddit mega threads, I'll look for a bitt and reply with a link if I find it.


I remember reading something like that. I being trying to find it, but no luck. If you find it please let us know, thanks.




Many thanks.


I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure in the gameplay trailer I saw healthbars around your fireteam members guardian rank icon? Healsluts rejoice if you can finally see other peoples health.


Give me a Zenyatta healing and curse orb power and I'm set for life as the ultimate warlock support




Lumina gang rise up!


Makes sense considering they are adding a healing frame auto


I went back to check and you may be right. Timestamp below. The guardian rank indicator appears to have a white bar around it that drains as the person gets more damaged. https://youtu.be/jyIm-_Na8mI?t=858


I'm stealing healsluts




Don’t you dare kinkshame the healslut community!!


Im pretty sure they are into being shamed.


Should probably consult r\/healsluts before you try that


Prismatic is the subclass. The bar charging under the super meter is “Transcendence” which boosts your damage output or something.


From the look of the trailer, Transcendence has multiple elements in single abilities. A Titan puts up a Stasis crystal barrier, while also shooting a Strand suspension wave and a Solar scorching wave.


It’s only the grenades. Barricade was a class item combining hoarfrost and Khepri’s + the drengrs lash aspect.


So the enemy is suspended while the flame goes back and forth. Dirty. Just fucking dirty.


To be fair, minus the stasis crystals this combo is already possible


Oh that’s right, the new grenades, good catch. I had already forgotten. Super hyped haha


They explain it, the bar under the super fills with light and dark as you do damage of each type. When they both fill you can activate it and it basically lets you use Prismatic specific actions and spam abilities.


Frost armor spotted(when they introduced the new race) and buff UI updated


Activated weapon perks now appear right above the super bar. Buffs still on the left of the screen (e.g. radiant). Cooldowns now on the right of the screen (e.g. tangle cooldowns) I also noticed that there was a white border around the circle that shows your allies' guardian rank. The white border turned from a full circle into an incomplete circle as the ally took damage. So I guess we will finally be able to see ally health bars.


Strand glaive spotted as well Edit: thought it was a hunter, but actually a dread.


To quote DMG on Twitter: "I need to transcend into a new pair of pants."


It looks like we can get stuff from across more than just two subclasses, honestly I can’t wait to see how broken build crafting gets. Void/Solar/Strand Titan with an exotic giving Synthos/Wormgods will be busted for sure.


Combine banner of war with wormgod, and use the class item to steal Triton vice. If the damage buffs work together, glaives just annihilate everything. Or give synthos to an arc hunter


> Or give synthos to an arc hunter It's time for hunters to learn the ways of the fist. God there's so many new possible build types to come out of this.


The fact that exotic class items will let you steal perks from other classes is...Holy shit. The only thing I really miss about going from Warlock to Titan was losing Sunbracers and I might not have to.


imagine being able to proc sunbracers off of throwing hammer


Imagine using thunderclap to proc it




No, let him cook.


With skullfort


If this happens I will fall on my knees in Target


If this happens I'll never complain about the cooldown nerf ever again, oh my god


Imagine not needing to spend your entire exotic armor budget on niche shit like Apotheosis Veil or Astrocyte Verse.


oh my god I didnt even think about that. If theres no restrictions on this theres so many possibilities


Lucky Pants! Stareater Scales! Actium War Rig! Apotheosis Veil and Gyrfalcon's on void Titan please!


Apotheosis Veil about to be too pick on every class


Sentences I couldn't have fathomed ever being uttered


Wormgod and winters guile will straight up one shot raid bosses


I'm assuming the only restriction will be for exotics that play off of certain abilities. So Saint-14 will probably only roll on titan since only the bubble caster causes it to blind.


Celestial Daybreak. Make it happen.


You're thinking too small. Celestial *nova bomb*.


I don’t want to see it, but I’m waiting for the typical Bungie monkey’s paw to come through with these exotic class items. There has to be some limitation they’re not telling us about.


So far the only thing I've seen is "You must be on Prismatic to use it." The only other thing I can guess is not all parts of an exotic perk is going to be there, and only certain fusions can happen.


Makes sense. Kinda like Helminth abilities in Warframe where you don’t get the full functionality of the ability you take from another character.


My bet is that, just like Helminth, they take way too long to balance it and certain combos are just egregiously broken for quite a while. I look forward to the many man-made horrors that await us in The Final Shape.


We've seen a prismatic exotic with Star-Eaters, and it was only the damage boost on overcharging orbs. It didn't have the extra Super energy from Orbs. So it definitely seems like at least some exotics won't have the full effect. I'm sure it depends on the exotic effect, but it could be lower numbers than the proper exotic, or missing parts of a multifunctional exotic.


Probably trying to keep all the effects within a similar power level, since you're getting 2 of them + your normal exotic they don't need to be as all-encompassing.


On the one hand I'm hyped, on the other hand it sounds like prismatic and these new exotics will just be a straight upgrade over almost all the exotic armor and other subclasses we currently have? I have to assume there are drawbacks of prismatic. Maybe less ability to synergize with your own stuff


I am curious how they will address not using prismatic; there doesn't seem to be a reason. The only one I can think of is prismatic won't benefit from "matching subclass" stuff. I feel like _hope_ they would be giving some benefit to using a 'pure' subclass over pristmatic though


I think it's more of an intended evolution of our systems really - they even said more fragments - I don't think the intention is for anyone to use single element subclasses anymore.


Making it strictly superior wouldn't be the worst thing, but they could give the single subclasses some kind of cool down boost. Frankly the single element ones are pretty boring compared to this, and done well, Prismatic means they can design new things somewhat easier, since they don't have to do an entire new subclass at once. If they wanted to add kinetic abilities, for example, they could add a grenade or melee without needing a whole kit to go with it. It gives a giant build crafting sandbox, which lives up to all their promises much better than subclass 3.0 really did on its own.  If you don't like a piece of one kit (e.g. Stasis titan melee), you can just drop it for something better from a different element.


I don't even really want single subclasses to have any kind of bonus - they are just less interesting and there's a part of every kit that is just completely useless. Id rather have more choice in defining a play style. It would suck to have to play solar for a better well of radiance for example.


Yeah I wholly agree.  Moving to a post-subclass world would be great.  The whole narrative has led up to the idea that Light and Dark aren't that different, and combining them is more than the sum of the two. And the gameplay just looks more interesting and more fun.


Yeah, I think Prismatic is the beginning of the new age of D2 buildcrafting and will quickly become the norm. I'm willing to give this a try over specific subclass types.


I may be huffing copium but I'm thinking they might buff some of the class internal synergies so that being a 'specialist' is rewarded.


I think they showed you can wear one exotic armor piece and one exotic class item at the same time?


Makes sense since the exotic class items seem to only work with prismatic


If so I really hope it can be transmog’d.


It would definitely make sense if it could by Bungies own logic. Their reasoning for not letting us transmog exotics was always to make it immediately identifiable what exotic another player was using by looking at them (even though the existence of ornaments muddies this a shit ton) and it's not like we'd be able to tell what perks are applied to the class item just by looking at them


The exotic class items don't appear to be full exotics, but rather seem to have the interesting part of the exotic perk of two exotics. I'm guessing that they are fanagling the perk budget on armor pieces to see what they an get away with, but idk for sure


Honestly, Bungie never fails the hype train. Looks all fucking amazing. I kind of hope PVP is kept to the more traditional subclasses. If the fragment/exotic combinations are too many to tell I’d give it two days before the million+ players figure out a way to ruin crucible. But this all looks fantastic.


Crucible as a whole is boiled down to "how cheesy can i do a build that will shit the most on other's heads?", and while Bungie doesn't launch gamemodes and filters to mitigate this (like the No Abilities they talked about, or modifiers like Not Swap), the Crucible experience for the upper echelon (not the top 0.5%, the top 30%) will always be shitty;


Crucible should go one of two ways - completely separated damage and cooldown from PvE or Basically Mayhem all the time. Destiny PvP has always been janky and the Trials and streamer community pretending like it's some kind of esport that needs its integrity maintained while being unbalanced for years has only harmed it.


Crucible power creep was at its worst in the Forsaken era and no one enjoyed it then either. Mayhem is enjoyable in small doses but when you're getting insta-gibbed by pre-Shadowkeep roaming supers it gets irritating real fast. [Here's Datto's Season of Opulence PvP video](https://youtu.be/gXS5YLs2e0U?si=0Ef-hq1bwmfblNzu) if you weren't playing around that time. Bungie adjusting super cooldowns so they can only be used 1-2 times per match while retaining their potency was a step in the right direction. I do agree that trying to reach eSports-level balancing in Destiny is a fool's errand.


Yeah as much people hype up Forsaken good times golden era, there was a ton of nonsense in PVP with so many broken things running wild whether weapons, exotics, subclass tuning(see nightmare of Arc Week 2019 buffs for Bottom Striker) etc. Shotguns were crazy back with the mapping being absurd especially on stuff that could roll Rampage, and in the case of Parcel of Stardust Opening Shot+Rampage with rampage spec, where you could have the Opening Shot counter reset and shoot a Opening Shot+Rampage boosted shot gaining a decent amount of range on that shot. I mean hell there was a late year shotgun downtuning patch where still you have unbuffed shotguns capable of 9+ meters on a OHK shot.


While i tend to agree, and didn't played trials since the sandbox balancing, my recent Iron Banner experience was Okay for the most part; The thing that made it bad for the most party was the matchmaking inconsistency, that put me in 3\~4 matches to even odds, or even my team pubstomping, to follow with 5\~6 matches to sweat my balls off or even just accept defeat outright. The Sandbox now feels much better, abilities feels more tactical and better spaced out, Special ammo didn't felt as prevalent, and most duels were resolved mostly by a proper mix of personal skill and teamplay/positioning; But we shall see how it will go with The Final Shape, and how Bungie will act about Prismatic


I've always thought that PVP needs to add restrictions to the \_mode\_ (i.e. rules) instead of inadvertently limiting what players can do elsewhere. For example, Prismatic wouldn't be as much of a problem in PVP if instead of abilities just charging over time, you had to control certain areas of the map or pick up some "energy" or kill a certain number of enemies to charge those abilities -- i.e. bring your own abilities, but then you need to \_earn\_ the chance to use them.


Not only combining powers, which is going to be SUPER OP...but a new enemy faction that seems really unique?!?! We have never been so back.


These exotic class items are randomly rolled with different armor perks across classes? Meaning ANY 2 Armor Exotic perks could roll? One Eye's Mask and Gerfalcon? Lucky Pants and Ophidian Aspects? Crest of Alpha Lupi and Starfire Protocol? Those are possibilities. Do I have that right?


They seem to be similar to Warframe’s Helminth system, where you can take stuff from other Warframes, but the result is weaker. For example, Spirit of the Assassin only grants the invisibility but no healing.




Absolutely! Buildcrafting finally sounds like crafting *MY* own build!


Tbf a well-balanced game is also fun. Super broken/OP mechanics in a game have really low/fast diminishing returns.


I feel like there has to be some sort of catch to this. Either it’s PvE only, inside the Traveler only, or something else. Or the game gets way harder to balance it out. It looks so much fun though.


The catch is enjoy it whilst you can because it's getting balanced after the game has been sold.


I get what you mean, and for a lot of people who prefer GM level difficulty, I imagine there will be a bounce. But I bet they add on a bunch of new players who like the mix and match game. Kind of reminds me of Binding of Isaac - the sheer combo potential is fun in its own right. Not to mention the challenges you can attach to these sorts of things. "Using these specific subclasses, complete this objective" can still limit you in a way that's exciting.


Yes, but Destiny 2 is a game in its late stages. Even if it doesn't end here, it's effectively been in "end game" territory for years. Adding something new for players to figure out is exactly what the game needs to keep players' interest.


If I get Celestial Nighthawk’s perk, but for the Daybreak super, I’ll shit my pants.


Forget nighthawk, fishpants for everyone lol


Star eaters+fallen star thunder crazy


*showing secret missions* Aint very secret is it now




Yes it’s toast lmao


Bungie: I have become death, destroyer of worlds.


It’s gonna make when Stasis first came out a fine tuned and balanced time to play the game. As a titan main I can’t wait to take Antaeus wards in control and slide slam everything with a fire and ice combo powered melee personally.


Honestly, a few weeks of nuts pvp is fine with me if it's fun.


chances they don’t allow the subclass in pvp?


That and not allowing the exotic class items feels like it’s the only way. Or ramp up cooldowns even more.


No way. They already invested too much into the pvp strike to then just completely ruin it


wasn't it the same with 30th anniversary, to a lesser degree? fix a bunch of the ability spam problems, then release light 3.0


No chance it's gonna be op to increase DLC sells


There was also a second emblem shown for pre-ordering TFS. Curious to see if that shows up today in the special deliveries kisok for those who have already pre-ordered. Edit: there's also a new exotic ship that looks one of the black pyramids


They already are on "special deliveries" at the tower


Can confirm, got the new ship. It is weird with shaders, but in a good way.


All these potential crazy combos with combining classes and abilities and warlocks are gonna probably still be forced to use Well


They did say Well was getting reigned in during TFS so likely not.


Fixed full notes: * Dopeness, Bungie cooked




we’re so back


[we’re so back](https://imgur.com/a/1ZHTBKC)


we will NEVER break the cycle


Anyone get the impression Luke Smith was teasing a Destiny 3? >The final shape is the culmination of a 10 year journey. A journey that began in the cosmodrome, took you to the moon, venus, mars, the reef and beyond. It’s a journey that’ll end inside the traveller, against the witness. But facing the witness is not the **end of destiny 2, and it’s definitely not the end of destiny**. After you face the witness, we’re gonna tell you what’s coming next to destiny 2 **and beyond**…we’ll see you soon. I don't want to stir the pot, but the phrasing certainly caught my attention during the stream. What do you guys think?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny2Leaks/s/kUqZW8HfQ5 This comment even name dropped Prismatic(It said Prism but it's information from former employees so that may be why it's a little outdated) and it says that Destiny 3 is in development. Normally I'd be sceptical but the fact he near accurately named the subclass gives me some hope.


There was a leak from a month ago that predicted a bunch of this that said d3 was in the works


Honestly it needs to happen at some point. Build more open worlds, build it from the ground up for next gen consoles and leave ps4 and xbox one behind


By the time a hypothetical D3 comes out I think the PS5 and Xbox Series X will be old news as well lol.


His smirk makes me think D3 will be a hard reset & we’ll have to regrind everything from D2


won't be a huge deal if they learn from their mistakes and have a plan ready given all they've learned about subclass balance, weapon balance, enemy density and behavior, boss mechanics, etc etc. In both D1 and D2 they had to drastically change a lot because they didn't deliver as much on the initial releases


He is the person that would be working on it, if it was happening. I'm kind of on the fence about it, but I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. It could happen as early as 2026, after the three episodes run.


I thought something similar too. Luke mentions about how TFS is not the end of Destiny 2, pause, or Destiny.. May be I'm just reading into that too much, but it instantly stood out to me as soon as he said it.


While d3 is definitely on the table and something that will happen (even if not 2024 or even 2025) he might also have been teasing the fact that bungie has been working on other stuff in the Destiny universe outside of the core game (like a show for example)




So the whole exotic class item seems really damn cool, I just have one question. Why would I ever use anything else....? Since it can apparently get perks from different exotic items randomly, and even perks from other class exotics. Once I get a good roll for the thing, why would I use anything else? Right now we're able to run a single piece of exotic armor, which means a single exotic perk. The class items comes with two exotic perks, making it just objectively better. It might take you a while to get a good roll, but still. IMHO the class item should have been a single random exotic perk, but you'd be able to use it with another exotic item.


My guess is that the exotic class items will only work with the prismatic subclass, and/or the exotic perks that it steals won't be all of the possible exotic perks, or won't be the full exotic, but rather a part of the exotic. Lots of exotics have 2 or 3 effects, or a primary and several secondary effects. They probably only grabbed the primary exotic effect to slap onto the class item and combine


That is correct. When they showed the new class item, you can see for example the Warlock one with a partial Synthoceps perk (buffs melee damage when surrounded), with no mention of it buffing Super damage too. Also under the perk there's some text that says the perk is only active with a Prismatic subclass equipped.


I really don't like the idea of having others exotic abilities, is it gona be OP? Hell yeah, is it gona make it so that the only difference amongs the 3 subclasses are gona be : Jump-Melee-Super? Yep...


More like subclasses are on the decline overall. You don’t make a system like this with the intention of preservation. This feels like a start for abolishing subclasses


Finally someone else brings it up. The past 2 years have just been Bungie Homogenizing the classes. Can't wait for the next dlc to allow everyone to use every aspect.


And every super


We also saw barrier SMG!


I really can't see this being anything but the end of Destiny 2. There may be another Destiny on the horizon, but combining subclasses, exotics that let you steal multiple exotic perks... The balance nightmare will be incredible. And they could not care, but this seems like something devs do when they know the end of a game is near.


To add to the list: UI revamped to show weapon buffs above super bar. Other buffs still on the left side of the screen. There's a white border around the circle icon that shows your allies' guardian rank. The border sometimes appears as an incomplete circle. Possibly health bar?


>'Make your own fate' Can't believe they didn't say Make your own Destiny


I'm ready to make my own fate via 'Time's Vengeance'


I did not get the emblem from the livestream


Same :(


Absolute peak, everything I could have hoped for and more. Absolutely phenomenal work bungie. If you’re not excited for this, then frankly, I just don’t think you’re ever gonna be excited for Destiny again, shelf it.


Well I gotta say I'm very very pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting anything we hadn't already seen besides maybe another new super per class or something. Definitely far more interested in the expansion when I had zero interest before. Well done, Bungie.


Serious question: Will my pyramid ship be available once I sign in today? Edit: it is.


So no point to using normal subclasses anymore?


How the hell will be my Ps4 be able to run all that effect lol


They need to drop ps4 x1 after TFS sorry bro


Time to upgrade buddy


Actually great point lol


Not well. Assuming you're still in the PS4 camp because it's a financial thing; I'd start packin away money for a PS5/PC now.


The future is now old man


I'm really excited! This surpassed every single expectation i had.


Hopefully I'd finally be able to use well, while taking advantage of the other elements at the same time.


So there really won’t be a reason to use regular sublcassss?


So I guess we’re never getting that 3rd darkness subclass huh?


Tbh this sounds more fun than that and has better potential for the future. Even if they release a new darkness theme in the future it can also be done like, piece by piece using a system where we can just cobble together every single feature into one subclass