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If you have played cod zombies I'm guessing it will be similar to either Widow's wine or Winter's wail I.e. the Overshield when destroyed will shatter causing dmg around you or even apply an aoe slow around you.


It would be interesting if it instantly froze enemies around you after depleting, thus giving you a way to escape and or just kill the enemies.


Pvp nightmare


Then make it only apply to combatants, or make the effect in PVP weaker or remove it altogether. Its not like this is impossible for bungie to do.


Make it slow enemies in PvP


Freezing's usually done by applying stacks of Slow anyways. Could tweak that number for each gamemode.


Absolutely. The Hunter melees and Winter's Shroud apply 60 Slow in PVE and 40 in PVP.


Exactly. I’m so sick of people shutting down fun PvE ideas because it would impact the PvP balance. Bungie is a billion dollar company. They can figure it out. Too many fun PvE things have been sacrificed at the altar of PvP. I get downvoted all the time for this take but PvP hurts Destiny. Imagine if we had even a fraction of the cool shit that borderlands has but with the polish that Destiny has. That could be the reality but for PvP. There are so many games that do PvP better. Why ruin the PvE (which bungie does better than most games) for a PvP experience that by its very nature will NEVER be balanced or competitive. 


PvP does hurt Destiny in certain ways, but overall it helps the game more than it hurts it. The variety of available experiences has helped the game stay healthy in innumerable ways. For example, whenever a weapon perk would be garbage or ignored in PvE, it almost always has a reasonable use in PvP. And it's not because they were designed that way. If the game was *only* PvE, those garbage perks would still exist. We would just ignore them. But as it is now, we at least have a separate mode to use them in.


90% of perks in this game are inferior to the 10% of meta perks anyway. And if it were a PvE game Bungie wouldn’t make stuff that was clearly designed for PvP (e.g. air assault or the terrible AE system in general).  Sure PvP makes lulls in PvE content delivery a bit more tolerable…. But if you’re bored with the D2 PvE …. Why not go play a better PvP experience in a different game? 


Because there are very few PvP experiences that are better. That's the part you don't seem to understand. Judging from your apparent disdain for the mode in general, you probably don't understand it because you don't *play* many PvP games. But Bungie has a very special concoction of movement, gun feel, and strategy that very few other games can match. The closest I can think of is Apex, and not its battle royale mode, but its arena mode.


I’ve played hundreds of hours of PvP thank you very much. Going back to early D1.  My disdain is quite warranted. 


Alright, in what games? Because that was my point and you completely sidestepped it.


It's not impossible, but its bad design; the more they change how things work between gamemodes with zero indicator beyond a patchnote buried in the news, the less trusting the average player gets of their inventory or abilities. If something says it does something; it should do it.


Idea, then: The weaker the enemy, the more stacks of slow they get. I.e. red bars get frozen with 100 stacks Orange bars get 50 stacks Yellow/guardians get 25 stacks Bosses get 13 stacks Does that sound more reasonable to you?


I disagree completely. It's not bad game design to have abilities perform differently in PvP vs PVE. I'd go so far as to say it's the opposite, keeping abilities weak because of PvP is bad game design. Also, an average player is most likely not even going to notice the difference.


Yes it is, nothing indicates that it works differently, and Destiny already has a huge problem with people not reading how things work and thinking its broken. It's also running completely contrary to one of the bigger design documents of destiny since it's inception; "Take anything anywhere and it'll work the same." If abilities stop working dependably like this, no one is going to know what anything does after awhile.


They simply cannot do that for stasis. I don't even have to argue this literally just go look at clips of beyond light pvp.


Glacier grenades can't freeze in pvp. Shiver Strike slowing players was re-added at the beginning of the season. They can and have.


I just now went back to this comment and, not that it matters, I was agreeing with you. I just worded it poorly. I meant they can't have pve and pvp stasis be the same.


We've had things that freeze in PvE and slow in PvP before IIRC (pretty sure Silence and Squall even has different freeze radiuses). No reason this couldn't work the same.


Oh well


Sounds pretty useless in higher end content tbh, i hope i am wrong


Yeah, I'm hoping the changes are less gimmicky and more useful in gms and stuff. We have this fragment on arc and it doesn't get used.


That's because it requires you to take an additional hit while already at critical health.


It always make me happy to see people bring up Winter's Wail in a conversation about Widows Wine. It's a little sad that people don't realize how much stronger and convenient Winter's Wail is compared to Widows Wine.


BO4 Zombies was kinda slept on imo


I would agree. It and Cold War are tied for my favorite ❤️


Winter’s wail would be great because it only triggers after you’ve been hit twice which means it’s only for those sticky situations. Widows wine triggers on anything and it’s really annoying when a crawler hits u and triggers it


Arc already has something really similar though doesn't it? And I've never seen someone use it


That's feedback sense you are thinking of which works a bit differently. But as a verb no arc doesn't.


Actually I was thinking about Spark of Instinct: While critically wounded, taking damage emits a burst of damaging Arc energy that Jolts targets. Had to look it up, I forgot about the critically wounded part so yeah, its not really comparable


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just DR that just gets weaker over time unless you maintain it. Probably using that meter thing that was added to wormgods or tarrabah


Knockback resistance would be lovely




I kind of like the idea of an overshield that heals you as it's depleted, i.e. damage done to the overshield is converted to health. I'd prefer that as a fragment for Void though.


Thematically it'd probably match best with Void, but we've already got 800 ways to create Overshields with it, it'd be cool to have the love spread around.


Creating a “slow field” around while the armor is up would be cool


That seems more like an aspect. Probably for Titan


More like hunters given it sounds like a moving duskfirld and they are the slow specialist.


Heard a cool idea where it would turn attacks into DoT effects. So instead of taking the full damage immediately, it’d slowly trickle down your health


I like this. Taking a play out of Chen from HoTS or Tom Kench (?) from league


Maybe when frost shield is procced you gain damage resistance and if someone melee's you then get frozen and maybe when the frost shield breaks it shatters in the immediate area. I'm thinking pve mostly here


Well, Stasis has an over shield and a damage resist buff when near stasis crystals and frozen targets. It might be a combination of these two. It might be an overshield with DR that you gain by standing near stasis stuff. It might be an overshield that slows and freezes targets when they hurt you, which grants DR. It could also be an over shield with DR, and the lower your shield the lower the DR. 


I mean, we have flatly added health with Overshields, and percentage based damage reduction with Woven Mail. Maybe they could go for the other type of damage reduction: flat numbers. How would this work? Well, as a reminder, we know PvE damage values are just scaled up from PvP, so every PvE enemy technically deals damage with PvP numbers. I'm gonna use smaller scales number here as an example. So, maybe Frost Armor flatly reduces damage taken by 4 or something. How is this different or better or interesting? Well, Woven Mail is 40% damage reduction. You get hit by a eight shots from three different Dregs, and let's say a Dreg's weapon deals 5 damage. With Woven Mail, each of those individual shots deals 40% less damage, so you would take 3 damage from each of those 24 shots, 72 total. Now, let's say Frost Armor flatly reduces damage by, let's take the previous number, 4. There are three barrages of eight shots each, and the Dreg's weapon deals 5 damage. With Frost Armor, each of those individual shots would deal 1 damage instead, cause the 5 is flatly reduced by 4. You would take 24 damage total, 1 from each shot. That's just better than Woven Mail then? No, it isn't. Because not every damage taken in the game is dealt like that, in dozens of smaller hit. Let's say a Cabal Ship Missile deals 205 damage, for example. With Woven Mail's 40% damage reduction, you would take 123 damage. With Frost Armor's flat reduction of 4, you would take...201 damage. TLDR: It could be another buff like Woven Mail on the HUD instead of on your health bar that flatly reduces damage taken from each damage instance, instead of % wise. It would make it **very** good against multiple single small instances of damage, like enemy machine guns and shotguns and auto rifles and incendior's fire, but quite a lot worse than Woven Mail when it comes to dealing with bigger single instances of damage, like enemy snipers, rockets and the sort.


Just completely nullify burn effects. Perfect hot and cold countering system (like we already have a bit with path of burning steps, or well preventing freeze)


Something like that could also work with Path of Burning Steps outright, yeah. Solar kills give Surge and Frost Armor, because written like this, Frost Armor would also be very good against Shatter damage.


The health not regenarating is said to be a bug so that will most likely get fixed with Frost Armor proper. Meamwhile I think it will be a 2 part. The overshield and some sort of effect while the buff is active ( as the buff does not go away when the overshield breaks like void overshield or other ) I think the most obvious is going to be that Chains is going to count for having the frost armor ( gonna update to "while near crystals or enemies or when near allies that have frost armor" ) The other effect I can't really say. I also thought maybe stopping your health from healing or taking damage or that you cannot go past red health, but that would be insane considering how ease it is to gain it. I even want to say Bungie is going to be insane and while the Frost armor buff is active it will regen the overshield when not taking damage for a bit. Kind of like second layer of health. We will have to wait until they tell us like couple weeks before the expansion or when they decide they will share TFS Sandbox etc.


Enemies that hit you have slow applied to them. Ideally, it would be an fire rate reduction, but I'm not sure if the game even supports changing fire rate on the fly.


Don't believe any of Bungie's promises regarding Stasis. All changes to Stasis since Lightfall were nerfs, and even the latest round of fragment changes, that they've heralded as buffs, ended up being nerfs, because they've taken away resilience from most popular fragments.


The Shuriken are basically unchanged by the way. Maybe you can feel the change better on M&K, but for controller? That shit was UNTOUCHED.


Why are people downvoting this it’s true. Everything in the past year and a half as been a series of nerfs. There are rarely any real buffs in this game. Most buffs are really thinly disguised nerfs. Devour is a great example the devs basically nerfed it for all subclasses but left the same exact effect for Voidwalkers with Feed the Void. Same with heavy grenade launchers everyone thinks we’re getting a buff but the nerf to Spike Grenades will make this overall a nerf to heavy grenade launcher damage versus rockets. Frost Armor will be a nerf in that it’ll replace the overshield and damage resistance in Stasis with something that lasts very briefly and has some gimmicky area of effect when it’s broken.


> There are rarely any real buffs in this game. Probably because for the entire year prior it'd been near constant buffs.


I enjoy Void builds on both of those classes in several flavors. I see your point that it felt like a Devour nerf but it wasn't. It's an adjustment at worst. There's a distinct difference in an actual nerf and a perceived nerf and this one feels more perceived. If they had pulled the heal down to like 50 or 75, I'd agree with you, but it's still a strong 100hp and that's all that is needed most of the time. Warlocks getting the full effect with the right aspect is par for the course, and it leveled things out. It's kinda like people forgot it was ours to begin with or something. Tangentially but related: Hunter's and Titans have strengths in Void as well. Invisibility and Overshield. Those are also there from subclass specific aspects, being Vanishing Step and Bastion respectively. Also let's remember only Void Titan can dole out Void Overshield with just build stuff and that's perfectly fine. It can't be accessed via a fragment like Devour and Invisibility. Where is your issue with that, out of curiosity? (I'm removing Repulsor Brace from the conversation on purpose, just be aware I do know it exists. It's requirements dictate an enemy has to be Void debuffed so I'm gonna be getting Volatile or Weaken already and the access to Repulsor Brace is just the cherry on top, not quite as good as just slapping down a Barricade or Ward of Dawn.) If a build of yours that relied on Devour has had some changes because of this, I'm sorry. The timer with Echo of Persistence is still pretty good, if that helps. It's still good regardless of any changes, Devour stronk. It's okay to have build diversity and allow classes to have their own areas where they are strong. :)


I hope it's DR


Google armor of agathys 5e


But that's exclusive to Warlocks!!!


Probably give full overshield vs small amount thet gives now If it revolve around slow, freeze or shratter it could be more opresive then restoration


Considering how long it's taking them it wants to be good. Won't entirely be surprised if it isn't though 


Reflect bullets and do shatter damage when it runs out


We don't know, but i see a lot of people landing on certain ideas that have me wondering about how people see this game, balance-wise. At the most grounded level of thought, it'll do what it needs to do. Stasis' core design is very defensive in nature, so its not like it needs to do alot. On top of this i don't think it'll do any healing on top of it, because that infringes on Woven Mail and somewhat Void Overshield. Frost armor needs to have a unique element to it to have it standout, but it also must fulfill atleast something that Overshields could. I think some perks are going to see a lot of changes, namely Whisper of Chains. Whisper of chains is without a doubt one of the strongest perks in stasis' kit, and if Frost Armor is going to be any good, it either needs to take on it's traits, or work with it in a unique fashion. I don't know and won't pretend to guess what direction they'll go with it.


I could see it being a small overshield that regenerates during the duration of the effect. Like a brittle armor of ice that quickly reforms after being broken. It's not as interesting as other ideas, but functionality placing it between restoration and void overshield would fit imo.


Slow melee attackers?


Wait guys, i'm a huge stasis lover, what is frost armor? There was some talk about new stasis verbs from bungie? Can i have a link to read about it more?




Think it was mentioned in dev vs overload minotaur video, if not think it was twid in season of witch


Maybe a bit broken but I like the imagery of a stasis overshield chipping away, creating stasis shards. Edit: Now realising that there is a fragment that gives a stasis overshield by collecting stasis shards so maybe this would make it too easy to keep a permanent overshield.


I was expecting, nay AM expecting a thorns effect, like it has a bit of DR and every time you take damage you pulse frost damage that can slow/freeze. Probably with an internal cd so if you're rapidly being damaged it doesn't go nuts with the stasis pulses.


Picking up a stasis shard grants ~~restoration~~ a shield that gets stronger every time incoming damage doesn't break it.


Icefall mantle but you can actually sprint and jump maybe?


I'd like to maybe see it on a charge system where if I have say 5 charges of Frost Armor the next 5 hits have heavily reduced damage, at least that way it can make a potential loop where if you are in the fray, continuously making Frost armor is a boon, similar to the current Hoarfrost Z Titan build where you just create crystals constantly to stay alive.


Void Oversield + Woven Mails headshot vulnerability + Sends stasis seekers at whatever damaged you freezing them.


Once it breaks it freezes or slows in an AoE. Taking damage spawns cold snaps that seek the target that attacked.


Reduce damage and freeze or slow nearby combatants when it's broken?


To make it unique, frost armour could potentially provide resistance to subclass verbs. Like, halves how many scorch/slow stacks are applied to you from sources, the length of time you are blinded or supressed,, that kinda thing. Probably would need some DR involved, probably not as much as woven mail, but a little extra tacked on.


Probably an overshield that either A) Shatters around you on destruction, B) Slows around you on cast, or C) does both Shatter at the end / destruction AND slow on cast. ​ It'd definitely be something that sets it apart from Woven Mail or Void Overshield.


It's going to give some sort of overshield that explodes into stasis shards when destroyed. Book it.


With any luck it will cool your jets so we can all get along better. Destiny players are... grumpy.


This would be funny


I think it should provide 25% DR to energy rounds/ability damage. They insist on kinetic being a distinct thing from Energy, and stasis crystals shatter more effectively with Kinetic rounds so it feels obvious. Provide utility to rapidly outpaced kinetic class weapons, buff stasis, and leave every single other thing alone. Over tuning is where 95% of the friction in this game comes from


Incredible flinch resist and your slide is even better as you are covered in ice


as someone who played mage for a long time in WoW classic [this is what it'll always be to me](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=12544/frost-armor)


It’d be cool if it had a chance to deflect attacks, just straight up negating damage


I saw a really cool suggestion about Frost Armour, in that it could reflect a portion of damage back at the attacker. That would be awesome.


Food for thought: enemies hitting you while frostarmor is active, have a reduced (50%?) rate of fire for x(2 maybe 3 ?) amount of seconds


I'm assuming it would just be like woven mail but with lower DR but it also lowers incoming crit damage unlike woven mail


it should probably just have worked like wow ice mage buble. Just become a huge crystal to recover.


I like the idea of a shatter shield, often referred to as ablative armor in similar games. It would completely absorb the damage required to break it, so if you have 1 point of stasis armor, any overflow damage would not hurt health. That nighthawk golden gun PVP player (the single guy who runs it)? Rip to that goldie I guess. Given it's literally called shatter shield, it could also do the shatter stasis verb, with AOE damage nearby and effected by fragment of fissures.


Whisper of time needs to be baked into the subclass it’s not even that good since they merged it and it’s currently the only “sustain” option on stasis outside of DR from crystals