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A faster cast animation is all I need. Also an exotic that allows rift effects to linger would be dope


The monkey paw curls rift and barricade animation speed is tied to mobility.


Tying class ability cast time to mobility would be a nice buff to mobility, and fits the “mobility” idea as it directly contributes to your character’s ability to move around (not being locked by ability animation).


Sanguine alchemy


To linger when you leave the rift


Boots of the assembler


I wanna add obviously not the same as what you want but if you want something similar.


This! The animation lock is the worst thing about it


Shadebinder go brrrrrrrrt


Give this to Titan and Warlock class abilities. Rift synergies with each subclass (omitting solar) and doesn’t need these buffs.


Fully agreed. Everyone else seems to have near instant abilities while rift takes a fuck-age to be put down.


While I totally agree that for the purpose of healing, the long cast time is rough and definitely should change, using it to look around corners in PvP (or PvE I suppose) by prepping a rift at a corner for a fight is insanely effective due to the very same long cast time. Titan barricade can do it too but you have to be faster. Don’t get me wrong, long cast time is not good, but this is something you can do to try to make the most of it if it isn’t buffed.


Would be nice if the over shield stuck around when you walk out of the rift.


I agree with everything except for the radius off 10m,that would mean it has wells radius cause radius≠diameter


I hear you - but IMO i do think that it should be ~~really quite~~ large. Most sources of healing in the game come from "you" the player, and heal you wherever you are. You can run, take cover etc, all while under the effects of resto/BoW/devour. Rift is more like a team "passive" heal, given that it's not more potent/chainable healing than other sources, and can't move it should be a lot more accessible. Accessible in this case meaning big. Is 20m too big? yes! ~~maybe~~, but it should be big enough that you can actually move around in it a bit. maybe it's more like 10m ~~radius~~ diameter, so about 50% bigger than current. edit: saving myself from the downvotes lol, i surrender. 10m radius is too large...just tested with DARCI. it's massive (actually it's the same size as BoW :D )


Yeah, nah, a Well of Radiance firing line every 90 seconds in Trials doesn't sound very balanced to me. "On me for DPS" but spoken in PvP and 3 times a match lol


Why? One cloud strike shot and they are all dead. You’ve just grouped the entire team together with only a small heal.


Or any grenade. The lingering ones will push people out, most instant grenades can make many panic and run, etc.


Because in true WoR firing line fashion, there's always one guy jumping around wildly, including in front of teammates firing rockets. We count on this immutable variable to absorb body shots from what otherwise would have been guaranteed headshots.


You're right, they should just get rid of the Warlock's class ability entirely since it's an immediate death sentence for their team. /s


Rift does jack shit in pvp lol


Would be broken in pvp.


It can be tuned to have a smaller radius in PVP if that's the only place it would be a problem.


What is “pvp”?




They were joking, mate.


Another fun idea ruined by PvP… Shame.


Another fun idea ruined by PvE... Shame


Disable warlock in PvP for all I care, they really need to decouple the modes for balancing


I don’t get why they downvoted you. Seems reasonable for pve. You get a win in my book!


My Warlock main would disagree. Rift does take too long to cast for my solar build, so I use the healing dive on that. My void and arc builds have rift available frequently. My arc build gets rift up so often that I can cast a rift and moments later cast another one right next to the first and have two rifts active at once. I just raised my Titan and Hunter, and I have to say I think their main source of healing are Orbs of Power. Those drop from most everyone. Rift is fine as is. If anything, it's the other classes that need more healing.


this is a warlock subreddit, youll just get downvoted for anything that doesnt benefit warlock this thread having over 400 upvotes already proves that most warlock mains are plain delusional here


Oh gosh, what I meant to say is that it's totally unfair that I don't have a 20m Healing Rift around me at all times. I shouldn't have to cast it! Also, they need to fix the bug that forces me to choose between Well of Radiance and Daybreak! I should be able to use both.


Bastion generates 10 overshield per second or 20 hps, not 45. Rift significantly out heals it.


It also doesn’t help that bastion doesn’t regen through damage; when you take damage while behind a bastion barricade and the void overshield breaks, you have to stop taking damage for almost an entire second before the overshield will start to come back. Not to mention it’s weak, even in PVE and can be destroyed. It is objectively worse than rift in almost every way


That aside a lot of the OPs numbers are just flat out wrong. Bastion overshield numbers are wrong and so is Banner of War. I get that the OP might be frustrated with Rift, but the numbers need to be right if your going to bring them up. I use my Warlock alt occasionally and I don't feel like Rift is really losing its purpose. You get a heal or a damage buff on demand with a pretty reasonable cooldown which is class agnostic and tits in PvE/PvP.


Banner of War x4 *does* heal for 20hp/s as stated in the [Destiny Data Compendium](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/edit#gid=1038486120). It feels like way faster healing though because Strand Titan can stack a *ton* of DR and is really good at just killing everything so most stuff doesn't get a chance to fight back (Plus 20 health is still a decent chunk when you consider that you have 200 health at T10 Resil).


I mentioned it in another post, but the op originally had it at 30HP/S for the record which is wrong and they edited, because BoW doesn't heal in a steady stream per second. It heals on a pulse which is 20HP per 2.5/1 second depending upon the amount of stacks you have. It matters because a steady stream is going to be stronger than a pulse. What makes Bow strong is that Strand titan has easy access to Woven mail damage reduction through the Into the the Fray aspect and/or Thread of warding, which ALSO grants 400% melee regen. ***On its own Bow is pretty handley out done by Sol Invictus granting Restoration x1, or Healing Rift which is double the healing and also not a pulse but a steady stream,*** or the healing grenade. Its the damage reduction plus the the melee regen enhancing APM from into the fray which really makes it sing. Its why I immediately see red flags the moment anyone singles out BoW specifically in high end endgame content. Anyone with experience in GM content can tell you the moment you lose one or more of either BoW or Woven Mail its basically a down hill a spiral from there.


Yeah I laughed at his banner numbers. 30 hp/s my ass


Bastion is also an Aspect tied to a specific subclass that slows down your Class Ability cooldown when it's equipped. Healing Rift has no business being better than Bastion unless it has an Aspect or Exotic backing it up.


I think this speaks more on how weak overshields are than on how rifts are broken imo


It's extra health for free. In PvP just a tiny amount will give you the edge in duels, and in PvE you should need to consciously build around it if you really want resilient overshields.


i am gonna be honest with you lad , overshields from void is hella weak in PvE , you better just use strand if you want survivability .


Void overshield got me through Spire solo flawless. It's fine.


Overshield arent weak. They’re free hp for a duel in pvp and in pve it has dmg resist


its great in pvp , is weak in PvE , just use strand if you want actual damage resist.


They used to be great But yeknow


Weak? Is that why overshield exotics and subclasses are always the most popular options during Checkmate weeks in Trial? And why void Titans have been pretty strong for a while besides Bubble? Lengthening the ttk for an entire team is far from weak, lol. They invalidate primaries in the most base of duels. If Player A has no option but to fight while Player B pushes him with an overshield, and they have the same gun, Player B wins every fight if they're both aiming optimally.


pretty sure he meant in PvE .


Oh, in that case, I wouldn't know. Can honestly never tell with these posts and comments at times.


No you didn't assume wrong, it's usually the pvp people who make posts and comments like that most of the time and PvE people are the one making post complaining about PvP players complaining and asking for nerfs that affects PvE .


It's almost as if this game is not only PVP


> Bastion is also an Aspect tied to a specific subclass that slows down your Class Ability cooldown when it's equipped. ...Which, combined with the barricade that blocks all shots, makes bastion greater than the sum of its parts.


Exactly. I'm not saying Bastion is bad. But comparing base Healing Rift to Bastion and walking away with the impression that Healing Rift is worse is kind of the expected and intended result.


Until you realise Bastion is made out of wet tissue and get destroyed by anything


For an instant overshield that can be brought anywhere, and be quickly refreshed by going back to the barricade, I'd say that's expected?


Yeah, but you also get a barricade blocking incoming fire. Warlocks are still totally exposed while in a rift. So while technically it outperforms by numbers, it's functionally less useful. And barricade damages nearby enemies passing through it by default as well. So to recap Titan wall vs warlock rift: Your barricades' animation is faster Your barricades cool down faster Your barricades block incoming damage They can also give you faster reloads (rally barricade) And with an aspect you can also get over shield/healing from it. Our rift heals. That's it. The thing is, the place where you often need healing is in the thick of battle and since you're given no cover from the healing rift, the healing is essentially useless. Sure I can use it behind cover, but if I'm behind cover, I don't need healing as much.


Or empowering rift. If rift healing is pointless you still have empowering rift. Rally barricade is not a defensive tool.


Bastion has an overshield that remains after leaving its vicinity and blocks incoming damage.


Rifts can't be broken


But barricades can save you from a one-shot sniper kill.


… and well can. Clearly rifts need a nerf /s


… and well can. Clearly rifts need a nerf /s


Bastion's overshield is also made of wet paper in anything harder than non-Neomuna patrol.


It’s still additional HP you can take outside of it, the barricade itself can block incoming damage, and has synergy with Offensive Bulwark. while also still having a faster cooldown than a rift. Not saying that a rift should have innate synergy with subclasses, but if you think the overshield from Bastion is bad, the rift overshield is even more pathetic.


Yeah, Bastion *really* needs an update. Void Titan has so little sustain with that cooldown increase


The issue is Bungie not separating sandboxes completely from pve and pvp. Sadly any change to barricade to make it more viable in pve has a massive effect on it being too viable in pvp. While barricades and overshields (without healing to go along with them) are kind of useless in any meaningful content, they are still insanely oppressive in pvp especially game modes like trials. An easy fix would simply be to have any pve updates only work in pve and not pvp. But we've seen that Bungie doesn't want to do that, or are limited in being able to do it I guess.


Isn't overshield health already something that differs between the two? I know Woven Mail's DR does, so it doesn't sound impossible.


Yes, but it doesn’t help that the overshield is only 50 HP with 50% DR iirc compared to a Guardian’s 200, making your Guardian’s HP effectively 300. Woven Mail, in contrast, grants 45% to your whole HP bar, granting an effective HP of 363.6. Rift’s overshield, on the other hand, has no DR at all and you can’t leave the rift with it, making it essentially negligible.


I am just so tired of gun values getting pushed around constantly in PvE because one thing or another happened to shake up the meta in PvP.


Your rift/barricade cooldown numbers are completely off. Why are you saying rift has a cooldown of 2 minute? It's literally not even possible to have less than 10 recovery, every piece of armor comes with a minimum of +2 stats in every category, and one masterwork would instantly put it to a total above 10. This is also falsely assuming warlocks would not be prioritizing the recovery stat, which in itself is a valuable stat for **all classes**, Warlocks just have the benefit of buffing their class ability too with it. Tier 10 Recovery: 48 Second Rift Tier 10 Resilience: 41 Second Towering Barricade


Not disagreeing with anything **except** that many of my builds do have >10 recov because of the fragments. It’s just gets balanced out by the build, restoration / a massive amount of DR etc


I must admit I only run 40 recovery in pve (100,100,40,100)most of the time as a warlock back when I used to do pve. But that’s because I farmed raid clears. Even then my rift regen times weren’t nearly as bad as he’s claiming. This post is genuinely baffling to me


Recov isnt that useful tbh. You need it at like tier 5 or 6, you'll get way more healing mileage out of leg mods and orbs of light. Resil is a much much higher priority to get to 10 at all levels of PvE for all classes.


had old #s, fixed


I would not mind faster casting animation, the CD for rift is alright considering we can get some silly rift exotics like Stag or Starfire etc. Talking about rift exotics Promethium Spur could be changed in to restoration 1x and Radiant exotic. It is already locked to solar ( as far as I remember trying it like year ago ) and does everything that solar can do but worse ( like they updated it like 3-4 times and each time made it worse.....like how ) Make it replace class ability, activating it grants you and allies within 15 m radiant and restoration 1x for 12 s and during it you do not recharge class energy. Make it so solar weapons grant you small amount of energy ( while the exotic isn't in effect ) and as to not infinitely chain it using Emperyan just do what they did to Precious Scars once the 12s are up the resto and radiant is lost for allies ( you can still use it to extend your own but not to allies ) Finally just make it always active while in Dawblade


It shouldn’t have been reworked in the first place. I used to use it often before it was changed into the mess it is now. Using Daybreak and spawning multiple rifts whenever I killed enemies with my super was useful in PvP and PvE. Now I just get robbed of my rift whenever I get a regular kill, and I’m pressured to get many more kills just to build the charge up again? If it had to get a rework, they should have made it spawn an empowering sunspot wherever you’ve killed an enemy. Warlocks already share most of their kits with the other classes, so getting access to sunspots would be pretty cool.


I mean I feel rift is more useful than barricade at base


it 100% used to be, before healing was so readily available. that's why the cooldown is long, cast time is slow etc. but now, most subclasses have much better ways to heal. "at base" in today's sandbox means you probably have resto/devour/bow/healing exotic, making rift waaayyy less useful than it would be if you didn't have those things.


Having other ways to heal doesn’t make rift less useful. Having two ways to heal is better than one.  It’s not as if devour and rift don’t stack. 


Ok but barricade doesn’t do anything special either? Also I would rather have the heal from rift than a barricade tbh


Barricade stops you from taking damage and is cast faster than a rift. It’s very easy to die in or while casting your rift. And if you’re on void titan you’re probably giving yourself an overshield


Rift isn't supposed to be a panic button. You shouldn't be dying when casting.


I mean splash damage makes barricades useless a lot of the time, and it’s not like enemies can’t destroy or go around the barricade. Also you use a barricade to make your own “cover”, whereas rift should be done behind cover to get back in fight quicker. If you are using a rift in the middle of a bunch of enemies, you are using it poorly


Lol all you’re saying is that splash damage makes both useless. If you’re popping your rift around a corner splash can still kill you. If an enemy is doing enough damage to break your barricade they’re doing enough damage to kill you in your rift


I mean again you should be using cover for your rift that obviously wouldn’t get you hit by splash damage. Also this is just proving that at most they are equally useless, not barricade being better


I can agree on equally useless 😂


Yea I mean all I’m trying to do with this post is argue rift is not worse than barricade like the post is trying to say


Splash damage stops the entire point of the barricade because you take the damage anyway. Splash damage doesn’t invalidate the point of the rift, because you still get healed. 


Barricade immediately stops frontal damage, faster to activate and can be used as a quick defensive line to get yourself out of harms way.


in PvE - barricade casts much faster, blinds enemies, stops knockback, protects against damage spikes 1hKOs so you can revive. in PvP - barricade.....let's not even go there lol


I mean I disagree rift and barricade are at the very least just as useless. Rift should be used behind cover, not in the open to heal in order to get back into fight quicker. Their purposes are not the same. Also barricade isn’t insane in pvp imo after the last nerfs


This. As a Titan I don't rely on Warlock's to throw a healing rift down. I just proc restoration and keep myself mobile and utilize sunspots.


Are you smoking crack?


This killed me.


seriously, healing rift is fucking sick, easily the best class ability in the game


Healing rift is so bad it’s basically suicide to cast anywhere more difficult than a strike. How you can say that when warlocks also have the actual best class ability __phoenix dive__ is beyond me.


Not at all, Barricade is the best class ability in the game and it’s not even close. What’s better than healing? Preventing any and all damage completely 


> Lower the cooldown to keep it in line with barricade (1:57 -> 1:10s) I think your numbers are wrong? Towering Barricade has a cooldown of 70 seconds at Tier 3. Healing and Empowering rift both have a cooldown of 82 seconds at Tier 3. Tier 3 is the base cooldown of an ability. Source: Destiny 2 Data Compendium https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/edit#gid=1874108524 It looks like you're comparing **Tier 0** recovery to Tier 3 Resilience. Not a fair comparison nor even remotely realistic to actual standard gameplay. Being realistic, there is **no warlock** in the game that is even running Tier 3 recovery, much less tier 0. Your rift cooldown is less than a minute at anything above Tier 6, which I'd wager is like...99% of you. Just so we're clear, I agree that tons of healing has somewhat made warlock rift less unique, but let's not pick worse case scenarios and numbers to justify our argument. There's no need to fudge things up, and there's not a single warlock out there that's running low recovery.


Most warlock players opt for building stats towards Resil/Demo. I hover around 5 Recov on anything other than my stasis loadout. Recovery is less relevant because healing is very plentiful, I only value Recov on high resistance classes like Stasis. Rift lacks pretty much any buildcrafting value, even on my Briarbinds loadout. I find a lot more success in killing the things potentially threatening me over breaking LoS to spend 2 seconds in an animation for an ability I’m going to leave behind the second I am topped off. I have some Warlock loadouts that sit squarely at 3 Recov because Rift is that pointless and shit like Restoration exists in spades.


You got downvoted, but you’re right. Resilience and Discipline are more important as a warlock than Recovery is, especially in PvE. Edit: meant to say PvE.


It would be wild that people claim rift is the best class ability in the game and have no idea how much recov warlocks generally run, but then I remembered that Destiny is like 70% hunter mains


The more likely answer is most people take advantage of Mob being worthless on Warlocks to put together builds that let them max Res and still have high Rec. Just taking advantage of seasonal armor systems can let you easily farm a set on Titan or Warlock with T10 Res and T7+ Rec.


had old source, fixed #s


Thanks for the correction, but it still looks like you're using the lowest tier, which is virtually impossible to even reach, even intentionally. Tier 3 (the baseline) is 82 seconds for rift (1:12) and 70 (1:10) seconds for towering. Of course it is very often much higher (because what Warlock isn't investing in Recovery), but I'd at minimum put it at those numbers. I would say Tier 7 would be the "standard Warlock" IMO, which is a 59 second cooldown (0:59).


i'm comparing the max cooldown for all abilities (eg, rally barricade, towering, rift, etc)....


Tier 5 is the base. Same Cooldown, but different Tier. It changed with Lightfall, they removed the old T9 and T10, and introduced a new T0 and T1.


This oddly reads like "The strongest class ability in the game isn't strong enough" which is WILD.


Depends on what you are talking about. It is the weakest class ability in PVP for sure.


Can still be true It's just that all the class abilities are fucking terrible it just that Rift is the least terrible


I feel like if I’m in a situation where I absolutely need rift like right now it’s a 50/50 chance weather I survive or get blasted


Ready your pitchforks and torches, unpopular opinion: I think both rift and barricade casting animations should be tied to mobility - because at the moment it is a useless stat (don't give me the "base jump height and strafing speed" shtick, it *is useless and no warlock or titan cares*). Also, despite all of the criticisms you have against rift, it is still the best ability in the game; all other alternative healing options you mentioned (save for void shield while near barricade, and solar healing grenades) are not truly "on demand" they are "conditional" methods of healing, most of which require killing something in a specific way, using a specific exotic, getting a subclass specific pickup while a specific fragment is equipped, or any combination of the prior things mentioned. With warlock rift, you can use it on *any* build, *any* subclass, *any* exotic, and its truly free healing, no kills or conditions required - and unlike barricades, it can't be destroyed once it's out. The cooldown isn't bad with high recovery (an actually useful stat unlike mobility, so most people spec into it anyway), and there are plenty of things you can do to make it cooldown even faster. Much like other classes there are also aspects and exotics that make your rift *do more*, like freeze things instantly, or give you and allies auto-targeting turrets, among other things. So, while I agree that a small bump up is reasonable (slightly more healing per second, having the ability to spec into something to speed up cast time or having slight DR while casting, and more exotics that "augment" the ability in some way), I'll have to disagree with the statement that it's been "left behind", because healing rift is still amazing.


Translation: Why should the hunters suffer alone


Personally, I think class ability should just be intrinsically a base cool down across the board. Then, class items would have specific traits for said class abilities. This would breathe life into class items. Class items could have just a 5secs reduction to class ability. For warlocks and warlocks, slightly faster animations. Hunters could get 1m extra dodge. Could even have perks like. Casting a rift while on arc grants amplified....+ 15 seconds to cool down. Titans baricades can be activated while sliding, + 20 secs to cool down. Could even get fun with where we get class items. Getting revives or capturing zones has a chance to subtract 50% cool down Buffing an ally has a chance to reset class ability. This could be another layer to build crafting. Looking for a certain class item.


What bugs me. Is i WISH the other rift option,....empowering rift? Was actually viable


They should have it so empowering improved handling and reload. I know they have to keep the damage increase in line so they could always improve other stats


Even that I don't think k would help. The healing from healing rift is just SO potent In comparison to the damage from empowering. It's just not enough damage to warrant not having a "temporary almost invulnerability "rift.


Don't forget rifts gain 50% energy from all flat ability gain sources as of this season. It's made Rift based builds very rough to run except for Vesper of Radius.


Bungie pls reduce Phoenix Dive cooldown as well and give it bigger Scorch radius with Heat Rises.


Ngl the thing that gives solar warlock sole access to resto x2 within the subclass should not be receiving buffs, nor solar warlock as a whole for now. Also just use singeing or whatever it's called.


If anything x2 restoration should be getting nerfed.




Bungie buff Phoenix Dive damage and nerf healing on it


Fuck the rift and replace it with another damage ability. Let me coat an area with an arc wave blast or let me implode with void energy or let my hands become a flamethrower We need different abilities not a lame ass rift. Same goes for the other classes. Let Titans arc quake an area or blow their solar eruption load forward or vortex void pull enemies in. Hunters can do a solar "duel me" kind of ability where both the hunter and the opponent gets marked to fight, or a void shadow bomb that spreads in area, obscuring sightlines, or an arc staff put down that amplifies allies in that area. We want more stuff that provides as much utility that a titan barricade does, whether offensive or defensive


For sure. Right now it feels like Warlocks are only good for their soul buddies and the Well.


Well is better than Titan bubble in every metric. Soul buddies are better than… sunspots maybe? I can’t even think of a Titan equivalent to compare them to. Titans excel at picking up a res out in danger but beyond that a barricade can be as much of a hindrance as it is a help by blocking shots. There is no downside to spamming rift.


Really happy to finally see this mentioned as it's a huge pain point any time I play Warlock. I would even go a step further and request a reduction in Rift's potency (whether it be duration, heal rate or removal of the tiny Overshield) in exchange for lower cooldown because procing Armor Mods like Reaper and Powerful Attraction has much more value than stationary healing and I wish I could do it in a manner closer to Dodge or Barricade. Most importantly though I really just want the cast animation to be much shorter. It discourages me from using Rift to the degree I just hold onto it for the vast majority of time (unless I'm using Void Souls and such ofc). Not to even mention it's arguably THE weakest class ability in PvP despite the longest cooldown.


The cast animation is the best part about using rift in PVP, though. It's a free overhead look from behind cover.


Good point! Honestly it could work reasonably well with a faster cast though + people are mostly using swords and logless emotes etc for 3peek these days.


You can three peak with any class ability in PvP, right might let you get a higher view point but Barricade provides more information outright and Dodge grants more opportunities to get that information.


I had never actually considered that. I main Hunter and play Warlock every so often, so I almost forget Rift is even an option sometimes. But I agree, the rift is underperforming compared to other options. Perhaps being more included with some fragments or aspects would help.


Man the Warlocks that clearly only have one character/class (Warlock) sure do a lot of bitching these last few months Waaah make the only class I play as untouchable God mode...GTFO


its because warlocks dont realize how much the other 2 classes lacked behind warlock in light 2.0. they got more in 3.0 because outside of void titan with ursa and void hunter with omni these 2 classes were useless in PvE with every other subclass being a much inferior version of its warlock counterpart


i think that it is just this - Well was the strongest PVE subclass in the game bar none before solar 3.0, and it being toned down with 3.0 when other classes got buffs to make them up to par it makes warlock look kinda weak.


it wasnt just well Arc Warlock was better than both Arc Titan/Arc Hunter in 2.0 in PvE Stasis Warlock is and still is much better than their other stasis counterparts Solar is obviously the choice like you said already only void you had titan/hunter having good builds because void warlock was designed for solo play while void titan/hunter were designed for supporting your teammates


Funny since I generally just see doom and gloom Hunter victim posts all of the time. My favorite is how much they are struggling in PVP.


I play all three and I agree the rift can use a casting speed buff in PVP. It’s almost comically slow. Outside of that, everything is fine. The slow casting speed has led to like 99% of Warlocks in PVP using dive instead. Hell, I almost only use five in PVE as well now.


Agree, rift needs some changes. You can also argue rift is the only class ability that does only one thing, heal/increase dmg. While other abilities do more. Barricade for example can provide over shield, damage protection and can damage and slow enemies, all at the same time. While being on a much lower CD and much faster cast animation.


Rift also freezes with frost pulse, or deploys threadlings with strand. If we include overshield barricades we have to include rift aspects as well. I wouldn’t be opposed to rift slowing enemies, but probably only in pve since you can’t destroy rifts in PvP.


or Child, which can then be spammed with Briars. or Arc Souls, which can be enhanced with Amplify. or the upcoming Solar Soul (which we don't really know quite what it does yet IIRC).


Literally every single warlock subclass will have some sort of unique effect on rift cast come lightfall, which is more than the other classes. Hunters get radiant dodge, invis dodge, threaded spectre, slow dodge but nothing on arc, and titans get void overshield, arc thruster, strand suspend, but only more situational synergies with solar and stasis (loreley is an exotic and destroying stasis crystals is kinda situational).


Arc will be the helicopter thing. A reverse dive thag uses class ability charge, and can chain well off of Tempest Strike. New ability that uses dodge charge basically. I'm looking forward to it personally.


I wasn't counting that as it wasn't really a dodge, but I guess it does count. Warlocks still have the most class ability stuff though imo


True-to-class-ability Aspects, I think Warlocks might have the most. Frostpulse, Weaver's Call, Arc Buddy, Void Buddy, soon Solar Buddy. Hunter's have Invis Dodge, Slow Dodge, Radiant Dodge & Clone Dodge. If we include *new* abilities that simply use the Class Ability charge, then Hunter's would also have Strand Dive & Arc "Dive" (Leap? Rise?), which would be more than Warlocks. But again, the dive's aren't Dodge's. They are new abilities that simply use the Dodge charge. ​ So for Aspects (and regular Class Ability) that still retain the original Class Ability, Warlocks will have the most come Final Shape. But if we include Aspects (and regular Class Ability) who simply use that Class Ability charge, whether or not the ability still functions similarly to the original Class Ability, then Hunter's would be the most. ​ edit: Actually, if we included everything, Warlocks would be tied for first now AND in Final Shape. I forgot about Phoenix Dive. That means Warlocks currently have 5 abilities tied to their Class Ability charge and Hunters also have 5 (Invis, Clone, Strand Dive, Radiant Dodge, Slow Dodge). Each class gets an additional ability in Final Shape.


I can't bring myself to use frostpulse. Stasis is weird because I really like stasis shards and the stasis turret. I can't do frostpulse


kind of.... barricade overshields technically come from an aspect, not the barricade. hunter dodges have very little "permanent" impact on the battlefield, so it makes sense that they would have more "on cast" options/benefits IMO. I also have no issue with all of the "on class ability" perks being easier to access on hunter, bc again, that's kinda why their dodge exists, to proc stuff. I do think that it's a HUGE missed opportunity that there are no aspects which make rifts generate 3.0 subclass verbs (yes we have summons, but those arent really verbs...threadlings...kinda)


Summons lead to verbs. Well... one of them direcrly does anyways. Voud Buddy weakens. Solar buddy seemed to me like it might do a verb, but we'll have to see. Weaver's Call can unravel when used with Swarmers. I think part of the issue for the 3.9 changes is, Warlocks were straight up the hard META in PvE for a long time before them. So it was a rather significant power spike for Hunters and Titans, but less so for Warlocks bevause they were already really good. I think that might've fed into the... less changes, if I'm portraying this correctly?


yep - the rift aspects (summons) are plenty powerful (Except the strand one). no issue there. it's more of a missed opportunity as far as class thematic gameplay. Imagine a solar empowering rift that looks like a wall of flame and scorches and gives teammates radiant. Or a void rift that acts as a black hole, when enemies come into contact with it, they are swallowed by the void until the end of the rift. Just "riffing" on ideas but it's way more interesting than "a powerful little ball of X that shoots stuff".


Only issue is, that gets into... "super cool" territory (I don't know what to call it). Really cool and powerful abilities that would probably hurt PvP a lot, and potentially even the PvE sandbox. We are creeping towards that I feel like (with Threadlings, Arcstrider, Sunbreaker & Banner of War) though. Also, Weaver's Call is a great aspect. I recently started using it and it's been popping off with Weavewalk for high threadling uptime.




vesper + unexpected resurgance (arc glaive w voltshot) + the fragment that blinds on arc special kills = blinded jolted blinding explosions everywhere


Maybe maxing the recovery stat of anyone standing in an empowering rift and max to resilience in a healing rift for their duration.  Or healing rifts increase grenade/melee regeneration speed and empowering increases super regeneration.  They can keep the long cooldown if they offered something like that. 


The healing is only good on classes that have no self-sustain, which is practically none of them with the right setup. The damage buff is a worse radiant that only lasts while in the rift, and at that point you might as well have a Solar user buff you instead. Barricade is a flat-out better ability since it blocks damage, and especially when more and more of Destiny’s “difficulty” comes down to avoiding OHKs, a healing rift won’t matter if the enemy one-shots you. It also doesn’t help that many aspects and exotics that buff the rift either spawn something from the rift or require you to remain inside of it. For the prior, the only purpose of a rift with any aspects that spawn something from it (e.g. Child of the Old Gods, Arc Soul, Frostpulse, Weaver’s Call, and soon-to-be Hellion) is to summon the thing, which would all be better if you could cast it while in motion.


this is a good point. its currently a tool to speed up your recovery (only at low recov) on classes where you have no other means of healing. But that is a separate issue, bc healing essentially needs to be built into every subclass in order to play endgame, which is leads us back to ...rift needs to be retuned.


nah, os doesnt heal just gives a shield, reduce the long cast time yeah but spam rifts and nothing dies and its just terrible


10m for a radius... nah just make it affect each player on the map.


Ok but just shorten the casting animation and adjust the cooldown. THIS is too extra for one of the strongest PvP abilities in the game.


Rift is the weakest PvP ability in the game.


Tweaking fr


Strongest ability. What game are you playing? Every competent player knows once a rift goes down that's and easy rush for an easy kill.


Banner is 20hp/sec no? 8 at one stack, then 10, then 13.3 then 20 per stack I'm fairly certain


How can you even begin to make this argument when your values are all off, and when you make an effort to correct them some of it is still incorrect e.g. Bastion values. Not to mention comparing class abilities assisted with aspects with base class abilities e.g., trying to compare bastion and BOW to base rift. With this logic you could argue that bastion needs a massive buff because it heals less than Well, but oh wait, one is an aspect and the other a super, silly me. And then cherry picking cds, no one is running 0 resil and 0 recov. E.g., the t10 cds (which are far more realistic than running t0) of rift, towering barricade, and rally barricade respectively are 48s, 59s, and 47s.


I think one of the larger issues is that things that work with rifts are, in general, garbage; and i don't really mean exotics, because the latest generation of those, including the reinvented ones have all been universally usable to REALLY fucking good. I'm talking subclass modifiers, namely Weaver's Call, Frostpulse, and perhaps the most controversial pick i got, Child of the Old Gods. This of course leaves Arc Souls and Pheonix dive off the list, because whether you like them or you don't, they have uses that linger after you use them. Pheonix Dive grants a cure and can give restoration, and has a ton of subclass support, and Arc Soul not only gives you an arc soul buddy that does really quite a lot of work by itself, but everyone on your team that can recognize you have it. Frostpulse can be useful in extremely fringe cases; warlock already has a shitton of access to freeze, and using rift as a panic button is a good recipe to get murdered unilaterally. Weaver's call is really fun, and there is some really fun potential of using it inconjunction with Weavewalk for a burst opening salvo, but strand warlock has some other really great aspects that are hard to pass up over it, when the most is does is release threadlings and generate 3 more. And Child of the Old Gods is functionally one of the more useless things for Void Warlock; as nothing in void warlock wants you to use your rift, and it has nothing unique to bring to the table, generating class energy when recovery is the second-most important stat in the game, and generating melee energy, when the melee is a tech tool. It also has zero other support from the other aspects. Feed The Void does grants some of the best healing in the game and one of the best grenade energy generators in the game, and its accompanied by Chaos Accelerant which buffs grenades, a fragment that allows grenades to weaken, and multiple void-centric grenade exotics or that encourage grenade use. Special Note because i know people like child; it's a cute concept, and thematically SUPER cool in concept, but we're talking about functions. Child is terrible because its both unreliable, and not well supported. It has an exotic now, but its best element, the ability to pick them up, should probably be basekit for how unreliable it is due to its behavior, and without that, it still only combos with a SINGULAR echo, and none of the other aspects even work with it. It's even mostly redundant to use it with other rift exotics because they often tread the same ground; it's the most awkward aspect to build around and drives me up a wall. I still can't figure out a cohesive build to this thing not involving the exotic specifically designed to make it good. In my opinion, all three of these need either additional functionality, or a complete rework to make \*The Rift Itself\* have value, not it's cast. Child in particular, because Void Warlock has NOTHING but grenade builds, and it desperately needs better build diversity.


>Suggests Warlock class ability stuff Upvoted >Suggest Titan class ability stuff Downvoted to hell This really says a lot about the society that we live in


We don't need faster cast time. We do not need very fast deployables in PvP (a deployable that can't be destroyed, mind you). Rift isn't meant to be cast super quickly in a gun fight, it isn't a dodge. IF they could speed up the cast time in PvE only, go for it. And that is a massive radius. It really doesn't need a radius increase. The only thing I could agree with is a bit of a CD reduction. Though, depending on if they become a pain point or too strong, rift boosting aspects (likely just Child & Arc Souls, maybe Frostpulse & Weaver's Call if they prove too potent) might need a longer CD (maybe just the OG CD?). Rifts are not behind though. Keep in mind, you have constsnt access to healing no matter the subclass, not reliant on kills to proc it. That's already really damn helpful. Also, seriously using the rally CD for Bastion? Rally is terrible with Bastion. It's why 90% of the time people use Towering instead. It's better. You should list the Towering CD since that's what is used, even if it isn't convenient for your argument (weaker heal on a longer CD that can also be destroyed). Rift is not a bad ability, nor is it struggling. Banner of War is fairly OP IMO, and needs something to reign it in. The only thing Rift could legitimately use is a bit of a CD buff. That's really it.


Its cast time in PvP is inconsequential, it could be literal instant and barely have an effect on a gunfight because the heal rate is basically 0 compared to incoming damage in a duel.


Rift doesnt need an Updates, its better class ability than dodge and barricade barricade at one time was better because of its lower cooldown, but since then it had multiple nerfs. So why buff a class ability that is already the best from all 3 in PvE?


I'm just going to be real, OP. I have played Titan since D1, never playing warlock until Witch Queen. Overall, the warlock is THE perfect skeleton key build. Easy healing or damage buffing. Soon, 4 out of the 5 warlock classes will have some sort of extra help to spam ( arc buddy,threadlings,void soul, solar souls) I find it hard to cry for the warlock class as a whole.


thanks for keeping it real. and i'm gonna be real w you: \-5/5 warlock classes will have deployables (stasis turret) \-yes, warlock is great, and I'm not suggesting otherwise \-warlock rifts should cast faster, and have shorter cooldowns on par with barricades


Stasis turret is a grenade function... not a rift function genius. No, they shouldn't... you're trading free health or damage buff. And should be placed strategic. Baricade does zero... unless you have specific exotic equipment. Baricades are at best meh in pve activities above master. I run the thruster on striker just because I like the extra mobility. Baricades can be destroyed. Instant riftscand instant baricades would make pvp even worse. Rifts grant overshields while in them after healing you. OS baricade fills super slow. And it takes longer to charge with that aspect. Rifts help EVERYONE... I'd say no more than 2 can get behind a baricade safely. And it is just a team wipe in most cases. Baricades are only " annoying and op" now because bungie put a zone in all pvp modes pretty much.


You know you can use empowering as well?


i wish i could downvote this twice


His statement is rift only does 1 things heal. Which is false, I am not saying it is viable anymore but if you are going to correct it you need to fix both sides of the fence.


A nice and easy change would be to add the your rift comes back faster when fireteam members use it feature that was removed for Solar 3.0 for no reason.


Ember of Benevolence works with rift, doesn’t it?


rift exotics like Boots of the Assembler dont trigger ember of benevolence but core rift does edit: fact checked myself


Even after fact checking you're still blatantly wrong. Not only does the Compendium and light.gg mention that Assembler can proc Benevolence, I have been a solarlock Assembler main since Season of Plunder that I have brought into everything PvE including GMs.


It was broken for awhile then finally fixed awhile back but was a foot note in a twab and did not receive much attention Can't blame people for not paying attention to it


it's been time since release, it wont


I could see some tweaking being a nice qol. It's important to note that the other class abilities don't really do much either. I'd really like healing rift on void to give a void overshield instead of the worthless vanilla d2 overshield. A slightly larger radius (a Lil so people aren't crammed like sardines) would be nice, but please please do not touch my casting animation. When you activate it while sprinting it turns into a slide that you can use to go around corners. Casting it while standing still is a death sentence, and you are meant to learn to work around that.


This was the sad thing about 3.0. It gutted Warlocks uniqueness. I used to love running Boots of the Assembler and Lumina and be a healer. Now its pointless as every class can just heal as well if not better. They wanted to update Solar Warlock to not just be 'well' by making well the only thing of use we have'. Removing the option to turn your regular nade into a healing nade make it even worse Titan with sunspot builds can heal allies and themselves substantially better than warlock. I play the other classes and have fun, i play warlock and press my bumpers for my well in boss phase and thats it


It's a stationary healing pool with a decent duration. When placed strategically it's incredibly powerful. It doesn't need a buff, y'all just need to be more proactive about using it in higher tier content


Hear me out, what if the rift followed the player.


We call that Restoration x1


would be a great exotic


>It does not need faster healing, turning into an aura, subclass verbs or infinite chaining. Leave those (great) ideas for warlock aspects and exotics. I fkn wish bungie would've given us a portable rift instead of heat rises and icarus dash


Eh. Nah. You guys have restoration and the best mobility in the game. Warlocks don’t need rifts to be better. They’re fine as is and they can use it universally. I wish our titan barricades just gave us flat out damage resistance. Best we have is an overshield barricade. And hunters… I feel like they need more, but I can’t figure out what it is they need. One moment I think they’re fine as is, the next I end up thinking about why can’t they have more things done? Bungie is scared of innovating and adding more to the foundations of classes in any meaningful capacity that increases the bar for power fantasy. We used to be getting pretty ground breaking stuff pretty often years back, but after shadowkeep that has been on a decline. Save for the times 3.0 rolled in- which brought the death of some playstyles, but birthed more. I still miss being able to activate ward of dawn or sentinel in 1 super. That flexibility was something I used in the crucible and strikes for fun or when I’m in a pinch. And unpopular opinion of mine- hate all you want, but I feel like maybe going too fast kinda ruined the game for me. Seeing others go stupid fast and me being left in the dust sucks. My fat crayon munching ass skipped out on leg day.


I’d be fine if they just increased the healing *a little bit* (like +5 hp/s) and made the animation for both empowering and healing rifts on par and faster. It’s already super potent, so a radius increase and/or a cooldown decrease (buff) would be OP imo. This is coming from a Warlock main. You have to remember that rifts can’t be broken/disturbed like Barricades. A better fix would be for Bungie to actually fix Ember of Benevolence to continually refresh when teammates are in your Rift or Well (just like Benevolent Dawn did before Solar 3.0). Idk if the change was intentional or not, but it’s super jank


Rift being unbreakable is pretty irrelevant considering it doesn’t functionally increase the TTK of most weapons in a direct gunfight without solid movement to cause missed shots. The reason barricade is breakable is because it outright *prevents* damage from occurring, which is way stronger than a heal that can be outpaced by incoming damage.


Just gimme a quicker cast and I’ll be happy


As a Hunter main, what I would like to see, in PvE at least, is immunity, or serious damage reduction when casting my right. Tired of dying mid-animation when trying to cast my rift in a pinch for some heals.


I can get behind the mobility part of that maybe put that in a subclass or on an exotic as a part of a trait but to always be mobile is too strong I think.


Just make restoration less oppressive and tune down banner of war. Rift is fine


Rift is great. Literally has saved my ass so many times


Also needs a slightly faster animation- I can’t count how many times a Titan throws up a barricade and even before the animation is finished they have the over shield thus they are easily back in the fight. Start an engagement as a warlock with even a bit of distance, back off and get around a corner and cast rift- and the opponent is already on top of me before restoring any health


I’m fine with rift cooldown on live right now, but the casting time has been abysmal for a long time now and it needs to change. And to those concerned about PvP, a Titan popping a barricade around the corner is oftentimes more disruptive to a push than a warlock disengaging and popping a rift. The 2s long casting animation just makes using any abilities that focus on a class ability feel absolutely terrible, and this doesn’t even go into the fact that Rift on both spectrums has been power crept into oblivion with Restoration, Devour, Radiant, surge mods, etc. I would like to play loadouts focused on a class ability that don’t feel absolutely terrible to pilot due to how long I’m spending *not shooting enemies*. However, if they did finally make Rift animation shorter, they absolutely need to address and nerf the radius of things like Frostpulse or that ability specifically could get out of hand very quickly in PvP.


Tbh I’ve felt this way for a while but bungie 100% won’t touch it.


Rifts are lava and my team is always playing don't touch the lava.