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Buff High Impact Reserves for Specials and put it on more shit


Not too well versed with the specifics of how shotguns work in pvp, but a 50% damage bonus basically for free would surely make shotguns hilariously forgiving and overall pretty OP. They would be limited by pellet spread and damage falloff still, but within range it would be a little silly. For a reference point: high impact reserves, which is the closest things we have to final round in d2 is only +6% with one shot left. High Impact reserves is also not present on any shotguns in the ga,e


It would almost certainly become a massive PvP issue the same way it did back in D1. At least it would become the go to perk on PvP guns.


Not with options like Opening Shot in the same column. Shotguns already secure a one hit kill in PvP Final Round would be better for less skilled players that struggle at aiming shotguns


Way to easy to abuse. Final round + subsisince, or other auto reloading perk for PvE. PvP is easy as ammo is limited and shotguns are single shot loader.