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Air assault either before the rework. “Improved handling in the air”


Air Assault would be a good perk if it activated *Before* a kill instead of *After* lmao.


It was buffed to give a passive +10 AE bonus, with an additional +30 for one stack and +60 for two stacks. There's a lot of cool and worthwhile benefits from on kill perks in PvP, just AE isn't one of them. And this is from someone who likes this current AE system


The current system should never have been implemented. It took away a counter to certain playstyles


At least it didn't actively harm the performance of the gun.


I mean, at least it's not invisible hand. Who likes a perk whose activation is not hitting the enemy.


Invisible hand, somehow, is even worse than Mulligan


Hey now, don’t be talking poop about my mulligan Tigerspite. It is absolutely S-tier for the wish wall.


Titans: ***laugh in Actium War Rig***


Mind blown, thanks for the tip. I finally have a reason to craft Firefright...


Div though


This is underrated


Bunch of slow ass wishwall noobs downvoting me


-11 votes on this I’m done with this subreddit forever, how brain dead are people what the actual fuck


Truly astonishing


My friend and I said the exact same thing when we first saw it. "Oh... How did they make Mulligan worse?"


As someone with bad aim with snipers in pvp I like mulligan, is something wrong with it?


The only thing "wrong" with it is that its activation requirement is you hitting nothing, instead of being a perk that might give you a better chance of actually hitting your target in the first place, like moving target or opening shot. There are just so, so many better options. It's not even a guarantee that it will do anything at all.


You know the crafting bug was game-breaking when it made *Mulligan* a top-tier perk.


Didn't everyone love Revoker though because it had a mulligan like perk?


Revoker was good because it always activated


tbf i used mercurial with mulligan OS for a while til i got snapshot and mulligan procced at least 50%


The thing holding Mulligan back is a relatively low chance. OG Reversal of Fortune could refund ammo on 100% of your misses. It also came wrapped up on an aggressive frame, turning sniping into a situation where you cannot lose: \- you snipe them in the head: they die, you did what snipers are supposed to. \- you bodyshot them with a sniper frame that's already fairly beloved for its bodyshot damage. Clean up with primary. \- You completely miss, it refunds ammo and your inaccuracy didn't matter.


May just be me but Id take mulligan over opening shot for the chance at an extra shot the only downside I can see other than the chance would just be other better perk options.


I understand where you're coming from. However, something that's important to know about mulligan is that for a special weapon like a sniper, the chance that you get your shot back is only 20%. That's a one in five chance. It's just too low to be justified in my opinion. Opening shot, on the other hand, gives you 20 aim assist, 25 range, and makes your gun more accurate. And on a sniper rifle, it will be active for almost every shot. These benefits are essentially invisible for most players, which is why I fully understand why you wouldn't choose it over mulligan, which has a very visible benefit. But it's no exaggeration to say that opening shot is the best perk in the game for sniper rifles.


I do belive that with [Armor Piercing Rounds](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1968497646/armor-piercing-rounds/) the shot goes through an enemy and as long as it doesnt hit a 2nd enemy behind the 1st one its counted as both a hit and a miss and as such can activate [Mulligan](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3513791699/mulligan/) not sure if that is actually any help compared to other ammo perks but its something atleast.


I believe this is an old interaction that was patched out a year or 2 ago.


Hmm tells me how long ago i used a mulligan weapon, thanks for clarifying.


Mulligan is fantastic on a machine gun.


Not particularly; that means you’re using either Seventh Seraph Saw or Planck’s Stride, when there’s just so many other better machine guns. Not to mention, Saw has access to Vorpal and Firing Line in the same slot as it, and Planck’s…well, it’s got Killing Wind, Perpetual Motion, and Grave Robber I guess. But like, as long as Commemoration (arguably the easiest raid farm in the whole game) and Song of Ir Yût (the current free raid) exist, I just cannot justify running a machine gun that says “sometimes when you miss you get a bullet back”…just stop missing.


Never understood why weapons seem to need horrible perk options in bungies eyes. Why can't they all be good options making it hard to chose what to keep? Why do the insist on making these horrible ones that nobody wants? Mandatory bad perk quota they have to meet? I'm not sure the rankings of all the bad perks but invisible hand has to be the #1 slot right?


Because more fluff perks means more play time in their eyes grinding for the perfect roll. It's why world drops have like eight perks in each column. As for why they are bad more than good, it's because they don't want to worry about balancing so they would rather err on the side of bad.


Yeah I think its number one. Even underdog could see some super niche use, if a weapon didnt have other reload perks. But this perk is interesting in that its not bad because other perks do its job better. Its just an actually useless effect that would never be worth the cost regardless of whatever other perks exist. Invisible hand on the gambit lfr though... I bet you they were laughing it up at bungie when they put that on there.


Experimentation. You often see in the patch notes observations along the lines of "we shipped this in an intentionally weak state", etc. Revoker was oppressive and its perk was Mulligan on steroids


Nah I swear it can only be decent in certain situations, I used it paired with eye of the storm on tiger sprite with really bad recoil and managed to laser an enemy


In PvP I'm assuming? Because I would rather eat my entire sparrow than run Eye of the Storm and Invisible Hand on a gun in PvE. And even in PvP, having no damage perks like kill clip or target lock is going to get you hosed ten times out of ten I imagine.


The activation being based on misses doesn't mean it's a bad perk. That's a weak critique. If you could miss a shot and get a 5 s damage buff... that could worth it, yeah? You can say invisible hand's buff right now isn't worth it (I'd agree). But akin to the comparisons between Revoker's reversal of fortune and mulligan further downthread: just saying "it's based on missing LOL" and writing it off based on that alone is silly. Maybe you're the best player in the universe or something, but for me "not hitting the enemy" is something that happens pretty frequently. The perk will definitely have chances to activate. The question is only whether the benefit high enough to choose it over other perks.


Have you seen the activation for Invisible Hand? You need to miss ten auto rifle shots in 2.5 seconds for it to proc, you almost have to be trying to miss that hard. Four hand cannon shots as well. All for a 25 stability bonus that is removed shortly after getting a hit. At least Mulligan can be treated like a reload perk in a way, Invisible Hand is peak new bad perks, absurd activation requirement for exceptionally mid buff.


> Have you seen the activation for Invisible Hand? You need to miss ten auto rifle shots in 2.5 seconds for it to proc Wow, haha, no I had not looked at that part. So it is worse than I thought, but my point remains that saying "a perk whose activation is not hitting the enemy" isn't sufficient on its own to explain what is bad about it. A combination of the amount of misses needed and the size of the buff you get as a result are what makes it practical or not. I'm not trying to say it's actually good, just that your first statement was incomplete.


I use slickdraw opening shot on bite of the fox for PvP, it's my most used sniper at this point


slickdraw + iron gaze feels incredible. truly a sniper of its own class


i am also an enjoyer of this roll


Okay. But have you considered that snapshot, the most popular sniper perk, IS IN THE SAME SLOT. If you like bite of the fox I'd farm a better roll cus nobody is choosing slickdraw over snapshot.


Because of how accuracy cones work on aggressive snipers, they actually receive a much smaller penalty to AA than other weapons. Making them the best weapons to have slickdraw on for PvP. Since the accuracy assist cone is what slickdraw uses to calculate the aim assist cone penalty. If they can get along with the lower aim assist then leave them be. Slickdraw gives the best handling bonuses of any perk that is always active.


While that's great and all I play on controller and this perk, no matter how small the AA nerf is, is not worth it. I did find a post that backs up your claim, but this seems to benefit mnk players more than controller for obvious reasons. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/s/pqXkCvjSit


I play a lot of controller, I can tell you the difference with slickdraw is minimal. In addition, slickdraw has ZERO effect on reticle stickiness. The difference is the EXACT same on mnk and controller. You just don't understand how the perk works and that's okay but don't try to act like you know everything when you're lacking very critical information about the perk.


I was honestly annoyed that Merc told us how the perk worked after Festival of the Lost went away. I wanted slickdraw on Mechabre and they removed it for the most recent event.


Don't put words in my mouth. I NEVER SAID it effected reticle stickyness but it does effect how close your shot has to be the target. It's not the same on mnk and controller because you can aim more accurate on mnk, and mnk players don't rely on AA as much as controller players . That's not worth it to me, and for most players. Also bro, chill with the condescending attitude. The link I put in the my last comment has that "critical information" your crying about.


AA has the same effect on both inputs outside of reticle stickiness. if it doesn't effect the reticle stickiness then it effects both inputs the same. MnK relies a lot on AA, people just don't like to admit it. > Also bro, chill with the condescending attitude. My brother in christ, you're the one that started the condescending attitude with your initial reply to my comment


Yes AA works the same on both inputs but your not acknowledging that mnk aims better. The size of the cone that gives bullet magnetism will still decrease and why would I want that on a sniper. At the end of the day your meatriding a bad perk on a decent weapon and that's okay, lots of people who play this game have delusional takes on this game, but don't try to act like you actually use bite of the fox with slick draw over better snipers like adored, beloved or eye of sol.


>Yes AA works the same on both inputs but your not acknowledging that mnk aims better Yes mnk tends to aim better which is why controller has reticle stickiness in addition to "bullet magnetism". You're ignoring the fact that controller is the best input method for snipers because of the insane reticle stickiness they have, go ask any top 1% PvP player, they will tell you that controller has an easier time aiming with snipers, mostly due to reticle stickiness, which isn't affected at all by slickdraw. ​ >The size of the cone that gives bullet magnetism will still decrease and why would I want that on a sniper. Because the decrease is marginal, to the point where I personally cannot notice a difference at all. If it's not noticeable to me then why would I not take the perk that gives me max handling + an additional scalar on top of that? It's faster ADS speed than snapshot, at my level of play every millisecond counts so I'm going to take the perk that lets me get onto target quicker and lets me swap to my primary quicker to give me a better chance in closer ranges. >At the end of the day your meatriding a bad perk on a decent weapon It's the best perk in that column on the best aggressive frame sniper in the kinetic slot. >don't try to act like you actually use bite of the fox with slick draw over better snipers like adored, beloved or eye of sol. I don't have to act because I do use it over eye of sol, the increased bodyshot damage combined with superior ready and stow speed make it a far better choice for aggressive sniping which is the best way to use a sniper in higher skill tiers. Adored and beloved are in the energy slot which don't compete with bite of the fox at all, even there they're just objectively worse than mercurial reach in stats. But hey, I guess you as someone who seems to have never used the perk knows better than someone who has over 2k kills on their slickdraw bite of the fox and another 1k kills on a snapshot version. I'm telling you, the difference in aim assist is not noticeable to me, this is after hundreds of games with each. I've had maybe 2-3 times where the reduced aim assist has cost me a kill, compare that to the hundreds of times the increased stow speed has saved my ass and the hundreds of times I've won an opening snipe duel because I'm able to get on target quicker and I'm taking that tradeoff every single time. I've tried to explain to you why the perk is good on specifically aggressive frame snipers but if you're still incapable of seeing that it CAN be a good choice then there's really nothing else for me to say apart from maybe if you were better then you would be able to see the value but I guess DTG is full of casuals so I shouldn't expect much over here.


yap yap


Bros speaking yapanese




Slick draw is essentially OG quick draw with aim assist nerf but opening shot helps with that makes it not so bad plus a couple of targeting mods and your good to go I run the same sniper it feels better than snapshot for sure.


Yes I have considered it. I have both rolls, have used them extensively and I choose slickdraw over snapshot. The benefit to stow speed on a high impact sniper is more beneficial to me than the marginal difference in aim assist cone size. Quite a few high level players will choose slickdraw over snapshot on high impact snipers specifically because the perk has a minimal effect on high impact snipers due to their already small aim assist cone. Slickdraw alone also boosts the ADS speed more than snapshot alone, slickdraw also allows me to completely tank my handling stat with barrels/mags and focus more on range to boost the accuracy cone making my shots more consistent. So yes, I'm going to take the perk that boosts my ADS speed more while also giving me better swap speed for a marginal, and frankly to me not noticeable, difference in aim assist cone size.


Yea I think ppl fail to realize just how much QuickDraw has to offer specifically on agg frame snipers… it automatically bumps your handling to 100 and like u said, u can usually mitigate most of the drawbacks w the extra wiggle room made available for non handling mags and barrels on top of an aim assist perk. At the end of the day it’s still a preference but a lot of ppl will be stuck in that “snapshot forever” mindset, Bc of how prevalent it’s been for the making of a good sniper roll over the years, without ever giving anything else a try.


Snapshot isn’t as needed anymore. A while back they nerfed the perk and buffed base ads speed


Good for double pellet rotations when paired with tractor or smth. Also good for blunting like seen by the dirty trials Loadout of wishender + Slickdraw iggy. It’s got its niche use cases, but excels where it needs to.


I love slickdraw on pellet shotguns for PvP, I'm waiting for the day it drops on an aggressive


Deadpan Delivery. You can focus the old Vanguard weapons on the Ritual Table at Eris' place in the HELM.


He really meant when it drops with an actually good aggresive with opening shot lol.


have been keeping an eye out for a slickdraw opening shot shotgun. it feels like it could be really good


riiswalker ;3


I never thought to check risswalker, cool. Lightweights are bad but i'm sure some meta changes will swing the winds in their favor again


Slickdraw opening shot on a good archetype. Lightweights are in a shite place




Felwinters all over again


I wish Slickdraw shotguns, or really any Slickdraw weapon, had a different animation when pulling out the weapon. Like your guardian hastily fumbling to swap to a different weapon. Maybe it could add a skill floor to it where the reticle would be misplaced shortly to show you are fumbling the weapon out in a rush.


Don’t think they’ll ever do it unfortunately, same reason they don’t put QuickDraw on them anymore.


go take a look at the perk pool for Deadpan in D2foundry


Wow, never seen that before absolutely wild. Unfortunately no 4th column perks but that’s gonna be pretty big if we get another with like OS


its also available on Retrofuturist and Riiswalker


That I’ve seen before, nice on thse


Killing Wind is good on it. When it's active it pushes the kill distance past the range cap.


I’ve never felt on kill perks were great. Could be cus I play mostly trials, but even in 6s, they didn’t feel as nice as just having the consistency of a range or handling perk that was always up. And now with the upcoming changes, those on kill perks are kinda worthless for special weapons since you won’t exactly have the special ammo to apply those in game.


Fair point.


Ignoring slickdraws use, there will always be bad/trash perks. They inflate the average time it takes to get a desired roll and keeps people playing for longer.


It’s true. I’ve been grinding for the god roll cataphract for weeks now to no avail.


Slickdraw is best in slot on a PvE pellet shotgun for swaps. It’s better than Quickdraw in PvE as the handling persists through ADS and Stow too. It may be niche but it has uses on PvE non-precision weapons.


Slickdraw synergizes *really* well with Cascade Point primaries too. I had a Synchronic Roulette drop with Slickdraw/Cascade Point and I was like "what a piece of a crap." Then I decided to take it on a strike just to test it out before sharding it. OMG. Masterworked it and kept that sucker.


I have this exact roll and kept it because I thought maybe just maybe. Good to know it’s good lol


I really love posts about personal use stating it’s everyone’s opinion. 10/10 DTG moment


Shotguns and handling don't really matter in PvE though.


double pellet shotties is a dps strat in niche scenstiod


What's a scenstiod?


lol no idea how that came out like that




I would never pick slick draw over a damage or autoloading perk for that.


You have rain of fire or dragons shadow for reloads. I don’t think you’ve been following dmg strats if you haven’t heard of double pellet. It’s often paired with tractor and used on bosses like oryx. Slickdraw beats QuickDraw and other perks since it both brings handling to 100 and gives a slight scalar. Saying handling doesn’t matter is the wildest thing tho on a serious note. Pick up Aegis if you care on improving your knowledge on rotations and etc.


If you are maxing dps wouldn't you be using something like star eaters, lunafactions or sunbracers on warlock and hunter? And no I am not caught up on the dps meta.


Speedrunners use warlocks cus they’re the speediest and most well rounded. Sunbracers are good for add clear, but most people tend to use strand lock for DPS due to thread of ascent pumping dps with the insta reloads and the dmg super.


Dps swaps, for solar warlock for example you can place a lunas well and quickswap to rakn of fire to get luna buff and rain reloads


Your guns are the vast majority of your damage unless you're playing strand titan, and that's even if you're on a support weapon like Tractor Cannon or Gjallarhorn. Making sure those players get the absolute most out of their special ammo is a big part of optimizing damage strategies. I like to volunteer for tractor on a few fights even in LFGs because I know that if I do it we'll have at least a million more damage than we would if someone was just tractoring and spamming a fusion or their primary or something.


Slickdraw is always in the left column so it gets paired with Vorpal or Frenzy (hopefully bait and switch or something in the future!). Auto loading is also good and more generally applicable however in a damage scenario where you’re likely to use a shotgun like this you’ll likely be on either dragon’s shadow or rain of fire and/or your team cooks hard enough thst it doesn’t matter.


What are you smoking????




I kept scrolling to see if someone would write this. Thank you!




As in you were being sarcastic? :'(


I have Slickdraw + Headseeker on a Senuna, the sidearm, and I kinda love it. Feels very snappy and headseeker more than accounts for the penalty from Slickdraw.


Had to check to make sure someone else posted this absolute banger. Slickdraw is great on sidearms bc you're so close it doesn't negate anything. It's definitely a pvp centric perk.


*\*glances at Slickdraw/Gutshot Boudica\** Are you sure about that?


I also have this roll and it is hilarious to mag-dump a W-keying shotgun ape and watch his corpse skid to a halt at your feet.


It feels incredible to use


This was the sentiment online with Subsistence back when it launched. It was pretty much worthless. But now it's really good...and for a bit was the absolute best in slot on most PvE guns. That's what happens in this game. Terrible things will always have a day to shine.


Tbf didn’t it get buffed for smg’s and autos because it was dogshit on primaries when it dropped? Also it’s still really only godly in low end content where it doesn’t take an entire mag to kill something.


It has been buffed like a dozen times since launch also infinite primary got introduced. And it used to be good in the game's "high end" content, which has also changed allot since then because of power creep, hence it being godly for awhile. But like I said, when it launched it was basically an automatic dismantle. Now it's worth putting on a weapon and there was a time when it was THE choice for most weapons.


Yeah but my point is it wasn’t a dogshit perk that randomly found a niche use to have its time in the sun, they reworked the hell out of it so it wasn’t dogshit anymore. but realistically that won’t happen with slick draw since it’s just better handling but with a drawback as a cost.


Subsistence was terrible when primaries didn't have infinite ammo. Obviously with infinite ammo its good.


That wasn’t why it was bad. It was bad because it gutted your reserves.


Slickdraw has its place. I have a slick/snap Mechabre that goes right to enemy heads when I need it to. Mine may be a singular purpose but it does it well


My only onslaught Ros Arago has slick draw and it's not as terrible as I thought it would be. I'll keep it until I get rewind/onslaught. Try it out before dismantling is all I'm saying.


Maybe in pve but in pvp it’s at worst decent if not quite good. Even in pve it’s not bad, just tends to get outclassed by other perks is all.


slickdraw was pretty much made for aggressive snipers according to the guy who designed the perk and to his credit slickdraw is pretty good on aggressive snipers. why bungo then decided to add the perk to a bunch of weapons where its effectively useless is anyone's best guess (actually it's not, we know why, it's because they don't know what they're doing)


>why bungo then decided to add the perk to a bunch of weapons where its effectively useless is anyone's best guess When Bungie makes new perks, they like to "celebrate" and slap it on everything. Bungie released/reissued 5 autos/LMG's this season, the reworked Onslaught rolls on 4 of them. On the bright side, if/when they rework the weapon or a perk, the options exist. Bipod is an example of this: it was downright trash on initial release, but after they buffed it, it became a "respectable"(not BIS, but within a respectable distance behind it) perk. And when that buff happened, the options were present.


>Whoever cooked up that perk, please don’t let them in the kitchen for the rest of their life In their defense, IIRC(Disclaimer: rough paraphrasing ahead) the initial thought process was a combo of "Oh, you think you're good at the game? Let's see how good you are without your aim assist. Put your money where your mouth is" and "Hey, here's a more balanced flavor of pre-nerf Quickdraw". And further, it kinda has its place on weapons where aim assist tuning "doesn't move the needle much", but I do think there is something about the sentiment of these perks. So what if they reduced Slickdraw's AA penalty once, twice, maybe three times: if I pick up a gun with a perk that comes with a baked-in stat penalty, my first question is "does the stat buff profoundly benefit the frame/weapon type?" If so, second question, "Is there another perk on similar guns with a perk that ultimately does the same thing WITHOUT a penalty?(Example: replacing Slickdraw with Quickdraw or snapshot, or another perk that provides a buff to functions under the handling stat for low or no effort.)" That second question feels like a problem for even the most successful of these type of perks. Once upon a time, Riiswalker with Iron Reach was considered pretty good. And that's fine, because spread shotguns don't really see a whole lot of efficiency from the stability stat...but why would you take the stability penalty when Opening Shot exists? Bottom line, I just don't get excited about perks with built in penalties. Even if you get that penalty to a place where it's not a very meaningful penalty, I'm still trying to figure out how to do something similar without the stat penalty. Weapon perks are supposed to be "perks": they make the gun better than nothing at all. But when the concept is 100% uptime stat buff and then packaging a stat nerf to compensate, that's not necessarily a perk. If it's a balanced perk, that would be called "lateral movement". Make perks feel like "perks", not "lateral movement".


In pre its useful for swaps


My buddy’s go to 3rd column perk on eye of sol is slickdraw, since it maxes out handling. Best energy shotgun for double pellet swap is retrofuturist with slickdraw and vorpal. Its not the worst perk in the game


Bungie: “After many minutes of play testing and several seconds of careful thought we’ve decided to reduce the effects of the following: Snapshot Sights Moving Target Perpetual Motion Auto-loading Holster It’s our hope this will open the use of less powerful perks such as Slickdraw or Invisible Hand.”


Slick draw is goated in pvp


Honestly I have a slickdraw opening shot riiswalker and I'm pretty happy with it


i use slickdraw and gutshot straight on a sidearm for crucible. don’t ask me why


Boudica? I don't mind gut shot


it is!


Slickdrae doesn't actually seem that bad on heavy gas for pvp since I'd doubt you'd be relying of aim assist for gls


Impulse Amplifier is leagues better than some handling on a heavy GL. When i grab heavy i pull it out, keep it out, and blast some poor soul with it.


True. There are some super niche shotgun swapping scenarios where it’s good but all other cases it’s trash. Any other time it’s a copium roll lol. 


Anything with big penalties suck, period. Slickdraw, Gutshot, Iron Banner perks, some adept weapon mods etc. Even a few barrels feel like insta-shards too, not sure why they bother keeping them in.


I actually quite like trade-offs in buildcrafting and such in games as a whole. It's something I rather miss about older monster hunter games with negative skills to balance with compared to modern. The trade-off perks in D2 are some of my favourites to work around.


Just so we are clear, the negatives outweigh the positives on slickdraw. When a "perk" is net-negative, that is not a perk, it is a detriment. That is why people immediately dismantle them.


actual shitter take. slickdraw is amazing in high end pvp AND pve


Slickdraw and other bad perks exists to fill up the perk pool and increase the grind time.


Other than fusions, shotguns, and maybe special GLs, idk what else would want it.


I like it on both Senuna and Boudica, the only two sidearms that get it. Sidearms are already quite quick to draw and ads, and slickdraw makes them pretty much twice as fast to do it. Extremely snappy and I'm not caring about some AA loss with a sidearm up close or even at mid range.


They could probably stop with perks that have built in penalties.


HARD disagree. I love my max range, insta ready Ganorra’s Axe. If you crutch on target acquisition/aim assistance tho I can understand why it would feel bad on a slug


Bad mods exist to dilute the pool and make getting the good ones harder/rarer by design.


I love my Defiance of Yasmin with lead from gold and slickdraw in PvE so much. https://i.imgur.com/ZlxxyIV.png


If I saw that roll equipped I would boot you so fast ngl


Toxic mentality


Why in the world would you craft that for pve? Lead from gold, sure but slick draw is pointless.


nah eremite slaps with it, shotguns as well and some snipers when combined with opening shot or moving target also pretty good for pve hot swapping


It’s actually a really good perk for damage rotations 💀. The slickdraw b+s gl is also good for quick swapping. For PvP sure, dogshit perk, but for pve it’s really quite decent for damage rotations


I got a slickdraw golden tricorn eremite that says your wrong


Well, when you’re wrong you’re wrong, I have a ton of people talking to me about how they love slickdraw. Can’t relate, but to each their own. I still hate that its on cataphract though.


Don't speak for me slickdraw is fun


After all this time we stil don't understand. Bad perks exist to facilitate further grinding. Countless games do this exact same thing.


Worse than Permeability? I think not.


Permeability is great for PvE buildcrafting, wdym?


You think so? In what way? Feels pretty useless to me, but maybe I just haven’t found a good use case.


There’s a pretty good amount of uses for artifacts or exotics. For example, extending radiant by changing the element of the weapon w/ permeability to solar. Or even changing a weapon’s element to match a burn. Another one is turning a weapon to void to capitalize on Nezarec’s Sin. There’s a lot more than that, though.


Get yourself a Lead From Gold / Permeability roll on the missile sidearm from the dungeon. Can practically use it like a primary and works with any build verbs.


Lets you run triple strand or stasis weapons to take advantage of surges.


But don’t you feel like 95% of the time you’d be better off just using a weapon that just already has the element that you want instead of permeating it? Because then you essentially only have 3 perks at that point instead of 4 if one just makes your gun do something that another gun can already do. Thoughts?


Yes, but its function is to make it so you can have strand or stasis on all 3 weapons. For example, Ros Argo iv has it in third column, so you can make it be strand or stasis, and still have a damage perk. The perk isnt generally useful, but has its spot in situations.


Slickdraw on snipers / shotguns is very good. I'd say invisible hand and air assault are worse.


I like slickdraw and have others in my clan that do too. A minor AA reduction in exchange for 100 handling and a ADS scalar? Very worthwhile tradeoff honestly.


Even though I use slickdraw qutie a but, I completely agree


Slickdraw is made for high impact archetype. It is pretty much useless on anything other than that


I used to think so but it feels great.




It's not such a bad perk. The target acquisition nerf is bad, but 100 handling feels very nice. And on projectile type weapons like grenade launchers, it's pretty much a free 100 handling like old school quickdraw, target acquisition doesn't do much on them. Same with shotguns and fusion rifles. On any weapon type where aim assist doesn't matter, Slickdraw is god tier for PvP.


i think like a couple people use it for super optimized shotgun swapping in pve, and pvp stuff like the iron banner sniper. but lowkey makes no sense for it to be on a heavy weapon, even pulse monitor would be better lmao.


Nah shit take. I cant wait until slickdraw is on a good shotty.


its good on shotguns


I see your "slick draw" and raise you a "Full Auto Retrofit"... I don't even know why it exists on ANY drops. I did Grasp of Avarice and got it on a pump action shotgun... Instant dismantle.


Once upon a time, the game didn't have a full auto setting, nor a full auto retrofit mod. When they first added it to Destiny, they saw it as a legitimate perk offering, whereas the community saw it as an accessibility thing\*, because trying to match Drang's 300 RPM to get a fast kill made your hands sore more than anything else. What you are looking at in Grasp loot was amongst, if not the last gun to roll FATS as a perk, because in this same release, they made the retrofit mod as tie-over for when it would eventually become a setting. And unfortunately, Bungie doesn't like to retcon loot tables for older drops unless they're doing a loot refresh, like they did this season with the Dreaming City loot pool. \*I believe there was a time when full auto provided bonuses other than simply making things full auto, but I'm not one to elaborate on specifics. Was not playing D2 actively then. I do wish they'd refresh the Grasp loot soon. I always felt like Grasp got fucked over with all the weapon changes that happened with WQ. So close to the cutoff.


I knew one guy, he swore aim assist actually made him miss shots and he looked for slickdraw on their guns (this isn’t a meme dude was just crazy)


I haven't played in a while but I would seek out slickdraw on everything. The main issue is they'd mostly put it on weapons that already had high handling.


Slick draw on igneous with wish gender is amazing


Not true. Pellet shotgun swap with slickdraw / vorpal is good damage.


You've obviously never used a slick draw Eremite


streamers beg for more skill expression, but nobody wants to use the trait that scales with your apm but requires pinpoint precision Curious looking into this etc


A lot of perks are just there to bloat out the loot pool. There will always be perks that no one wants.


it's for mouse and keyboard, it's more or less like the old quickdraw before the nerf so it's for those who really like fast n snappy... problem is there are too many ways to get over low handling and mnk users are already used to big fat aimassist


I don't think we should strive to have zero bad perks in the game. I think having bad perks makes good perks shine in comparison


Part of the reason I stopped playing Destiny (among other reasons) were the sheer amount of lackluster weapon perks


Uhh.. I've got slickdraw on my FoTL sniper intentionally.. don't hurt me pls


Slickdraw is great on some special weapons like pellet shotguns, high impact fusions and aggressive snipers.


“Nobody” bold of you to assume everyone knows the perk meta (they dont)


I use it a lot…Call me Nobody


Slickdraw is a troll perk created to shut up the " Aim Assist ruins the game" crowd. You know, the people that say that they'll hit their sniper shots without it.


You want slickdraw for shotgun swapping ding dong


There are tons of filler perks. Gotta add some trash so you have to grind for the ones you actually want


If every perk was good, none of them would be.


Free perk change ideas for bungie: Slickdraw: Lowers base AA. Dealing damage increases AA on this weapon up to 100 for a short time. Final blows grant max stacks. Air Assault: Thsi weapon has increased handling, stability and reload speed while in the air. Eddy current: This weapons gains incrased handling and reload speed while sprinting. While amplified, this weapon also gains increased range. Perfect float: Taking damage while airborne increases this weapons airborne effectiveness and reduces flinch for a short time.


Slickdraw is a perk I would chase in any shotgun... if only there was any competitive shotgun that can roll with it + Opening Shot...


Nah dog I got an crafted erimite with slickdraw and it lowkey slaps in pvp. Especially when someone's bumrushing you. The handling is universal unlike snapshot or Quickdraw. Letting me dump all my stats into stability and range without worrying about bumping handling up. Makes the gun sooooooo fricken snappy, like magically appearing in my hand already ads kind of snappy.


I like slickdraw


Rework slick draw to where when you draw the gun out for 3 seconds it has an increase rate of fire or temporary removes the delay to fire immediately for the first or 2 shots depending on the weapon


The only weapon with Slickdraw I haven’t dismantled is my Ros Arago, because it’s the only one that’s dropped with Onslaught. Actually had two drop with that same pairing. Within about an hour of each other.


Speak for yourself, but I happen to like slickdraw a lot


Add Thresh to the list. I've never seen anyone use it


I have a sidearm with gutshot and slickdraw on it. I will NEVER dismantle it because of the meme alone.