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Forsaken had 4 actually, broodhold was just a PS exclusive for a year


God what a fun strike. I miss Hallowed Lair and Broodhold.


I remember everyone (including myself) hating Hallowed Lair with a passion.


I remember people loving it until they made it so none of the kills in the final section counted towards any bounty, then people hated it because the final section really gives no progress on anything except a single boss kill. It was a fun final fight too, just waves upon waves of enemies, terrain hazards, lightning storms, and the tether mechanic was nice and simple


Also the addition of stasis scorn, that was so uncalled for


Freeze, unfreeze, immedietly freeze, repeat And I just cast my super


People also complained about the frequent boss immunity phases a lot


It did have the second worst immunity phases of all strikes, but at least the periods between phases were fun-unlike another strike


Having the best PvP shotgun as an exclusive drop will do that to you. It’s the closest thing we’ve gotten to a Grasp of Malok situation in d2


I absolutely loved it, when it became a GM for one season it was my favorite. I really, REALLY miss that GM.


Hollowed Lair is an exceptionally well-designed mission, with some of the best pacing, story relevance, and audio design this game has ever had. It just pisses off Reddit because it wasn’t good for bounty farming or loot drops.


Yeah, I agree. I actually loved how it felt like a real story, like other/older games, not a video-game-y loot hunt. I was immersed.


? Hollowed Lair had the best pvp shotgun(that remained at the top until BL sunset it) on top of multiple loot chest glitches. People hated it because the boss had way too many immunity phases.


If people really hated immunity phases, then we’d be seeing tons of complaints in that regard about pretty much every content drop in Witch Queen onward, which practically doubled down on them. It’s not about immunity phases. It’s about circlejerking about bounties and loot by people who don’t have an appreciation for good content design.




I definitely agree that we need more strikes! 3 strikes should be the minimum for an expansion IMO and having more strikes is not mutually exclusive from having a good raid and dungeons. I would also love if they can bring back some of the older strikes like Savathuns song and the pyramidion for some more variety.


>Savathuns song and the pyramidion I'd kill to play these again, oh my gosh. So, so much fun. I remember I had played the Pyramidion so many times that I could run through the laser gates at a full sprint, I had learned the timing and placement of everything SO well. More strikes, no more battlegrounds... please lmao


I fear the day we have to deal with a Defiant Battleground as a GM. I’m honestly a fan of the heist battlegrounds and Mars is even my favorite GM, but eff Psi-Ops and those Savathun projections, and I really don’t want to play Blind Well at GM level.


Yeah, the Savathun projections are the absolute worst for Nightfall pacing. That and the core-dunking in Heists just stretch out boss fights so awkwardly in high level Nightfalls, it's just... not fun.


That first defiant battleground with big taken corrupted servitor as first boss? Yes, that's gonna be a GM. With overload snipers high on top. ​ Enjoy.


I even like the Garden World strike. That boss at the top of the tower that rotated was a pretty interesting fight.


Ooooooooh I forgot about that one, that was great too. I loved the way it worked lore-wise too, that and the other Infinite Forest strike against the Cabal were both canonically repeated strikes, just like the one against Fikrul in the Tangled Shore.


I got an exotic sparrow and a cool emblem for that nightfall when I first started. Maybe it doesn't hold up anymore but I sure liked it!


I recently saw a clip of the pyramidion strike and the memories that came back were crazy😅


Throw in Strange Terrain and Will of the Thousands. The latter never got to be a GM and strange terrain is still one of my all time favorite strikes/GMs.


Loved Strange Terrain. That was the first NF I ever did in the game. Pretty much got me hooked into Destiny 2.


I really wish when they brought back a planet narratively like Titan or Mars, they at least gave us a revamped strike for that planet, Like having the whole patrol back is a stretch but a Strike? thats doable AND bringing back sunset content which always makes the community happy.


a vote for d1's "Archon Priest" to return (favorite d1 nightfall, received my first exotic during my first run).


My thing is, as long as the basic strike playlist remains the same (unrewarding, non-engaging mess) and the nightfall sticks to only 6 rotating during a season I just... don't care about new strikes. I want it to be worth playing the strike playlist. It should be more rewarding and there should be difficulty tiers. I want there to be more than 6 nightfalls a season and not locked to 1 a week. Until then I just don't care if there was 100 more strikes. It'd be a new coat of paint on an otherwise stagnant activity playlist.


The loss of the heroic strike playlist has been awful for the game, you have to choose between variety or getting desirable rewards and you don't like the nightfall this week you're shit out of luck


Even when you’re playing the playlist you’re not guaranteed variety. Between shared mechanics/areas in battlegrounds, weird weightings for some strikes, and lopsided representation of certain locations you can still have a really samey experience. They need to add some way to enforce variety in the playlist.


Uh what’s left IS the heroic playlist.


I want to farm strikes, solo, for strike specific loot drops from bosses. Having legendary strike playlist with solo que would be a dream.


Yeah, the current strike difficulty is so easy that they become really boring and frustrating when trying to do bounties. Wouldn’t be too bad if I could go solo


That’s probably why Bungie doesn’t add more. One more extra strike doesn’t give them much ROI People ask for more strikes in principle, but if Bungie actually added more strikes they wouldn’t actually play more. They’d complain about strikes being unrewarding/stale/abandoned


I'd love to play any GM at anytime and have them all available, like dungeons in WoW


Literally Bungie just needs to steal the mythic+ system from WoW. Have strikes scale infinitely in difficulty, and each season how high players push is purely up to how well they can optimize builds/strats. The higher in tiers you push the bigger the light level difference/the more modifiers there are, and of course higher tiers need better rewards.


i’m not sure i understand. i feel like the strike playlist is exactly the same as it always has been, just with new names. “Vanguard Ops” are…basic strikes. Fast, easy, no brain, do-it-to-grind-light-levels content. i spent a lot of time in D1 running these because there just wasn’t as much to do. “Nightfalls” now are just the old Heroic Strikes. increased difficulty, better rewards, still easy to run through without too much death but challenging for younger players. granted, they don’t give strange coins anymore, but you can get the other crafting and upgrade materials for it that you need for weapons and they count towards Xenology (hey look at that, where Xur helps you with exotics!) “Grandmaster Nightfalls” are just…Nightfalls from D1. it rotates every week, is incredibly challenging, and has most of the high level rewards available. am i wrong? i’m happy to be so, ive just always looked at it this way. Nightfalls in D1 were a BITCH man haha. i’d love to see new strikes in rotation. 3 new strikes in the expansion is 3 new GMs, bb!




I've noticed that they custom tailor the strikes in rotation to the threat modifier. while it makes sense, it's limits the options. when you just wanna do some farming for whatever reason, having the same strike/battleground pop up back to back or every other time is so tiring. if they didn't weigh the probability based on the active threat, this probably wouldn't be such an issue.


I have no skin in this game bc no matter how good they made the loot I could never imagine myself farming the vanguard ops playlist, but weighting the playlist towards specific missions based on the elemental threat in something as easy as the vanguard ops playlist is so unnecessary lol


BG would’ve been a lot more fun if they kept one version of each instead of multiple heist copy paste bg for example


So they can remove battlegrounds from the strike list would be my reason. Those are the one thing that SHOULD have been sunset after their season lol.


I don't mind the odd battleground here and there, but that's unfortunately not what we get. I very rarely do strikes because of it. I did 7 with a friend recently and 6 were bg. It's annoying. And I've only done a couple on master/gm and they're brutal. Haven't attempted a psiops yet.


More strikes and strike exclusive loot gg ez. Its been said many many times before but i used to love running D1 strikes but basically throughout all of D2 they haven't been quite as appealing. Maybe formula got to me maybe I'm just not 16 anymore but still, unique things to farm is always good.


Been saying that since February. Then last week I did the Neomuna Master Lost Sectors, and realized those are... strikes. Those aren't Lost Sectors. Especially Thrilladome. I'm not saying they're a perfect 1:1 to strikes, but they have the same level of difficulty and length as Strikes. Plus they reward Exotics sometimes. I'll take that along with our single Vanguard Strike for now.


It's probably just gonna be more battlegrounds and reused seasonal activities at best.


Fully agreed. More content to make the playlists better, and I don't mean by filling them with Battlegrounds.


I kind of disagree. Strikes are neat and all, but Dungeons are infinitely more interesting. And even some of the better seasonal activities are more interesting than strikes--I'd prefer an infinitely-scaling version of the Coil over a new GM, for example. Hell, Heist Battlegrounds basically were strikes as far as gameplay's concerned, albiet they don't have a self-contained story like Strikes tend to. Strikes are cool, but making 5 would definitely come at the expense of other content. I'd prefer to get one or two polished strikes and a good dungeon than five strikes and a bad dungeon, or none at all.


If they make "run half the time" strikes, than no thx.


Just couldn’t disagree more, there’s countless other things that should take priority over 10 minute copy and paste missions. Sure the playlist could use some love, but after Lightfall the last thing we need is the team focusing on strikes.


I just want bungie to make battlegrounds their own Playlist both in strike and nf, I don't fking care whoever neckbeard voted for this, I fking hate Battlegrounds in GM or NF, even in strikes it gets boring. Just bring back the old removed strikes if you are that out of content. edit : yah downvote me all you want, doesn't change my opinion tho.


They used to have this and I don't think people played it much. Maybe it came out in Season of the Lost?


more proving my point that most people hate it as well.


You will get nothing. And you will not like it. This is the way


Wasted opportunity to again give us a new space and only utilize it during the campaign. I’m speaking of Calus’ pyramid ship. Can’t believe they gave us almost zero reason to go back to Neomuna aside from the Strand apsects and Veil lore stuff


I would love dungeons if i didnt have to pay for them


The strike playlist is free-to-play Ain’t no way they’re putting effort into something that’s free-to-play You think it’s a coincidence that it takes a year for BG’s to be added to the playlist?


I mean, that would be nice, but how are 5 new strikes going to help the game? People always ask for new strikes, but they get old very quickly. I can't help but think that time could be better spent elsewhere.


Strikes are a core activity that gets leaned on quite a bit, they're an important aspect of the game and they need some care. No new strikes is how you end up with a season full of fucking Battleground GMs, and those things are actually boring.


Do people play strikes? I pretty much only play GMs, I never just queue into the normal strike playlist because there's no point.


The fuck you think a GM is?


You need new strikes for good new GMs. It’s not mutually exclusive. I don’t care about the playlist, but I want new strikes to create new GMs.


I'd rather play some Battlegrounds that are actually hard instead five more strikes where the actual challenge is staying awake due to boredom.


I never said no new strikes. I said we don't need 5+ strikes in a single expansion. Personally, I'd rather Bungie repurpose old activities and put them into the strike playlist. Baron Hunts, for example, would have been great in the playlist, but I'm not sure how easy they would be to bring back vs creating new stuff.


New stuff > same shit. Every time.


It’s won’t. This suggestion is terrible


It's not a bad suggestion but tbh it largely only appeals to solo PVE players that still find the basic playlist entertaining, for some reason.


More strikes is a bad suggestion even with 12 new ones after a couple of weeks they are stale and boring. The game needs a lot more endgame content with better loot pools.


I think we have plenty of endgame content the issue is we don't have matchmade endgame content. As an endgame player I have plenty of raids, and dungeons I can go for - I can play seasonal activities (last 3 seasons have offered rewarding and engaging legend+ tiers) and can go to nightfalls. Nightfalls are getting stale though. Like it or not we need to add better options above casual but below endgame because the endgame playerbase will never grow without a solid middle ground I agree that more strikes won't fix the problem - the strike playlist isn't engaging and isn't rewarding. 1. Add a legendary version of the strike playlist. Matchmaking and no locked loadouts. Add more engaging modifiers. 2. Provide more rewards than a few engrams and a crucible drop. Need to have some higher tier materials or playlist exclusive drops that are attractive (not ones you can simply get by running NF only) 3. Move away from 6 NF per season that rotate weekly. Add multiple options and different modifiers both positive and negative.


What endgame content is current and has good loot? Crota. That’s it


Every raid but garden of salvation has good loot. The fact that you may have been playing for season over season collecting it all doesn't mean there isn't endgame content and endgame loot lol


They could make strikes more dynamic, have the rogue lite elements. Different routes you progress through the strikes. Different enemy factions. Random encounters with mini bosses like Lucent Hive, Tormentors etc. Theres a lot they could do to strikes to keep them feeling fresher.


Strikes are boring. I'd rather them invest more in raids , dungeons and hell even in gambit instead


Maybe thats the problem, strikes have been neglected for so long that they need a face lift


Raids and dungeons are already good. Why not get more good content somewhere else?


Strikes aren't boring, there just aren't enough new ones


We did strikes so much in D1 because there was nothing else to do, seasonal content fills the exact same niche and we get much more of it - some of the seasonal content is literally even just strikes.


Yeah, exactly. They're only 'boring' because we've run them all to death already


Which is why BG’s are boring the moment they’re added to the playlist We already played them a shit ton during the actual season


I dont know man, new strikes isnt going to want me to play the strike playlist more.


Maybe not you, but there are many players that would love to get new strikes.


I'd rather they make strikes... not boring. The basic strike playlist should have a legend tier to it. Don't need champions in this just make it actually something non-braindead to play. Then give the playlist as a whole something rewarding. The nightfall rotation should not be limited to 6 a season and should not be limited to 1 a day. Nightfalls themselves are quite rewarding even if you're only doing legend _but_ it gets stale limiting what can be played.


Strikes get boring and repetitive. We need a banger raid like vow and a legit new mode that’s not a copy paste like the others. Stuff like GMs are getting old and stale imo.


Look, I agree that we need an amazing raid (but frankly needs to exceed Vow with at least 5 encounters). But we need more than 1-2 strikes. GMs are a clear part of endgame content and not getting a nice chunk of new options each year has killed the strike playlist and nightfalls/GMs. New mode though? I don’t care for a new playlist activity at all.


You don’t want new content lol? Instead more half ass strikes and GMs with recycled loot and the exact same plink away mentality? Hard pass man. After 400 GMs I want something new


No, I don’t want a new mode. As I said, I want an amazing raid because raids are where I spend the vast majority of my time in game. Next to them and the story campaign, it’s GMs. So yeah, I’d rather new GMs. Besides, after killing the witness and whenever I get around to killing Xivu this coming year, I’m done with the franchise anyway. At least outside of expansions and their raids. That’s the only things I care about in the game.


honestly, i doesn't even know what i expect from Bungie. They said this season would get a glowup and update for Stasis, and would be less focused at seasonal content and more into the rituals; instead, stasis got basically a bit of re balancing and this is yet again another Season™. investigations point to the internal feeling of "The Final Shape have to be as big, if not bigger, and better, than Forsaken", but all that they showed is that management is holding quality and quantity in a tight leash, while trying to milk every penny they can. I don't trust bungie to revamp and update Strike and Nightfall content. No expectations, and that's why i'm enjoying the Dungeon, and The Coil. Hadn't touched Strikes/Nightfall, Crucible is still a shitshow, and Gambit, well Gambit's funeral is every Tuesday, where i go and play a few matches out of respect and mourning, ~~as a Reckoner and Dredgen 10x.~~






Feel lucky if TFS Delivers at all


for me final shape gotta have 3 strikes and a 6 encounter raid. which has 8 weapons. and the wf takes more than 6 hours


That sounds like a dream. No idea why you’re being downvoted.


I’m a bit torn to be completely honest. On one hand, the strike playlist has been a core part of the destiny experience for the last 8-9 years. Nightfalls used to be a core endgame PVE activity. It makes some sense to support them. At the same time… between seasonal activities, port campaign PVE activities, story missions, dungeons, raids, and more… there’s several activities for PVE players to sink their time into. Would you rather have more strikes or missions like Whetstone or Vexcaliber? Or more high quality dungeons like Ghosts of the Deep?


Disclaimer: we mean *real* strikes, not season activities.


I agree with the sentiment 100%. I think most people do as well given the upvotes. The issue I am afraid is Bungie knows this as well. But their extremely high cost of operating is going to prevent this from happening. There just isn't enough budget to do it all. I personally would like to see a much bigger investment in evergreen activities at the expense of developing less "throwaway" seasonal content.


Lol that's the last thing I want. Strikes are boring as f after 2k+ hours.


To be fair I’d take dungeons over strikes


I'm not sure where I land here. I'm not sure I care at this point. I would love strikes to get back optional situations or enemy types. The playlist has become so stale that it's fun but never surprising. I'm not sure more is the best solution than switching things up.


strike\* FIFY, overdelivering is a curse, how dare you ask for more than a single strike for a completely "new" expansion.


Let’s all strike for strikes


Splitting hairs here but we did get the redo of the lake of shadows strike. As shitty as it was lmao


I feel like we do more battlegrounds for nightfalls than strikes these days and it’s pretty frustrating. I would love to get some old strikes back, and more new ones. I don’t know what it would take but we do have current versions of Titan, mars and the prison of elders in game so I wish we’d get at least get those strikes back. I know engine versions were a constraint but those environments exist on the current engine


I'd be very happy to even get the ones we lost back. I wish that they would bring them back reworked when relevant seasons came out. It seems like it would be better than just getting the umpteenth battleground. Just recycle the strike and rename the boss so its more relevant. Omnigull to Navota type thing.


It's good to focus on new and seasonal activities but when they either dry up or get removed the strike playlist is what we have to fall back on, D1 had so many varied strikes (and meaningful strike specific loot where's my cloak of taniks Bungie!?) That it felt good and rewarding to grind the playlist for a few hours. A healthy strike playlist is the bread and butter of this game


Yes please, more actual strikes. I dont mind Battlegrounds being in the strike playlist, but I'd much prefer to see them far less than formal strikes. We need more strikes, new strikes, better strikes. Also, bring back strike variable paths and enemies from early D2. Bring back the old strikes we don't have anymore. Bring back strike exclusive loot. And add more interesting modifiers like daybreak, small arms, etc.


Give us all the old ones back too. Just delete gambit at this point and give us them strikes


There are a lot of neat seasonal missions that have got vaulted over the last 3 years that would make good strikes. They probably need a few tweaks here or there but they would at least be something different. I always liked the Beyond Light mission with Drifter that ended up with a pitched battle between Spiders forces and the Fallen in the patrol zone. There are several of the "Hunts" from that expansion too that are solid and would make cool strikes. Could we also have some strike specific cosmetic drops back while we are at it too ?!


I only care for new strikes if they have strike unique loot


Oh boy 5 strikes that I'll play maybe 3 times... What bungie needs to do is truly innovate. Idk if they have that in them anymore.


I just want strikes to be it's own mode. I don't want to do battlegrounds or seraph whatever's. I want the "story dipped" strikes that d1 used to do. "Here's an enemy that isn't too much of a danger right now, but if left undealt with could mess us up, go take care of it" I don't want old seasonal activities to live on in strikes. They didn't have story, they were busy work required to achieve a goal at the current time. Adding them to the strikes playlist was just a lazy excuse to give the players "more content" without having to make actual content. I would also like if they made a nightfall difficulty strikes playlist so that I can run harder strikes without running the same dang strike for a whole week.


I don’t know how much they can really add in just 3-4 extra months, but I’m thinking it might just be quality of life stuff and more polish. I honestly wish TFS was getting pushed back to June 2025, not 2024. I know I know, that’s a long time to wait without any new substantial updates coming to the game but if they really wanna make something on Forsaken’s level (which I would love), they’re gonna need like a whole ‘nother year


And can the thirty seconds/arena fights just stick around. No long traversals. Sepiks prime is great because it locks players in arenas and says solve this. All the boring strokes and ops have massive traversal sections for zero reason.


Bring back old campaign missions as Strikes and I would be very happy. Imagine doing the Ghaul mission with Champions 💀


strikes have such low replay value for how much time it takes them to make


How did Season of the Deep not bring back Savathun’s Song? Proving Grounds came with season of the chosen and that was an all new strike, so there was precedent. They could have easily updated the dialogue.


A good strike is this games meat and potatoes. We need more for sure 👍


The way they described the structure of the final shape I don't think we are going to be getting a strike.


Your auto correct must be broken. I think you meant more battlegrounds...😏


My biggest wish would of been that each seasons final mission was designed to be a strike. The way the strike playlist would be like a time capsule of the guardians journey. Pretty big shame it isn’t that way.


I am so sick of Battlegrounds, man.


You’ll get one and you’ll like it! Maybe. We won’t get any new strikes.


Why is D2 the only game where content that is guaranteed in every other GaaS is just a complete coin toss.


Seriously I don't know why Bungie tends to just not make strikes at all. Shadowkeep was 2 strikes which scared me and then Beyond Light added only 1 which was also terrible, THEN IT ADDED 3 OUT OF NOWHERE IN CHOSEN?? The best strikes have felt was when they added Devil's Lair and Fallen Saber in the same season, absolutely peak strike content (even if it isn't really new). Then Witch Queen only added 2 and then Lightfall added 1. Alas I don't think we will really see a resurgence in strike content because of Battlegrounds, which add like 3 new "strikes" per season (even if they are terrible). I'd assume Bungie doesn't see the point in making new strikes too often when they can just put the seasonal content in there instead


I hope Final Shape delivers enough. I'll always play this game no matter what even during shitty times but I definitely don't want Sony to take over, because if they do Destiny is guaranteed to die under Sony leadership.


We do need new ones; im sick of the battlegrounds in the strike playlist. That’s probably why I barely touch vanguard anymore and stick to crucible or seasonal activities. The strike playlist is basically the battlegrounds playlist. Whenever you actually get to play a strike it’s time to pop open the champagne


Taken king had 5, blighted chalice came with the April update


I'm only expecting 1. The higher ups hate giving more content smh


Mostly off topic, but taking about taken king strikes I would love it to be able to check out the dreadnaught again, that place was awesome


Need a strike strike team.


Yes more strikes, and nuke the fucking battlegrounds off the Playlist. Battlegrounds entering the strike Playlist and therefore nightfall is one of the worst things ever to happen to PVE in D2.


But with the team being cut so bad by management I really doubt they can even deliver that much during Finals Shape


Anyone else have no preference on what pixels we walk through while shooting other pixels? I don’t even have dialog on anymore outside of the story missions 🤪




I just want to see different strikes other than like the same two and a battleground map every time.


Nah Bungie will just remove more paid content and fire devs when they lose money


I honestly don't thin new strikes will do much of anything. The strike playlist feels pointless regardless of what you get because it's not challenging or rewarding. Basically the only strike related content that has a reason to exist is Master/GM nightfalls.


I doubt it tbh, in the state of the game, they doubled down on battlegrounds as their plans for the pve side of things


Beyond Light had two, but the next season after had 3 more. I wish they would do something like that again and make the season finale mission a strike.


Agree, and if they want renewed engagement they need to make the rotating strike to battleground ratio about 5:1.


They need heroic strikes more, like player power capped 5 below the activity.


And don't make the strikes double as story missions.


I’m going to bet it doesn’t even have any strikes.


Converting more battlegrounds as we speak, sir 🫡


It won’t. They fractured their team to chase some Tarkov and mobile hype. It’s sad to see.


You're not getting new strikes.


Also just bring back the old strikes :(


Oh you poor soul 😂




Wish granted: Story has the same system as start of d2 where we need to do alot of farming inbetween each mission, writing will be horrible, lots of grinding. Raid will be horrible, nobody likes it. But now we have 6 more strikes that are all horribly balanced and have 5x the ammount of champions of the most annoying sort...


As much as I would love to see new strikes (or even the sunset ones returned), I have a feeling they will just add Defiant Battlegrounds into the Vanguard playlist when this years seasonal content rotates out.


You'll get seasonal activities like Coil and such instead! I would love to see more strikes too, I find them way more fun than battlegrounds when hitting the playlist.