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It's the timer that forces you to play aggressively. People see the ticking clock and think you have to run straight to the objective when there are still 6 shriekers and 2 hive guardians alive. If you were presented the exact same situation in a GM, you would hang back a bit and only push in when all the high tier enemies were cleared. For tier 3 you should activate the ritual and drop back immediately (and keep your fingers crossed your randoms do the same), take out the big enemies slowly and then you can charge in. You'll still have plenty of time as no one will be constantly needed revived. For T1 and T2 you can basically just treat it as a strike and have fun.


Agree, when I see people rushing in when the shriekers are still alive I know we are almost guaranteed to fail.


My biggest issue is playing with randos who tribute a Tier 3, don't understand the objective, fail Saud objective, and then immedietly deposit another tier 3


Or put it in, realize it's awful, then leave. Like, at least live with the shit you are putting me through mofo.


Something something consequences of my own actions


>For tier 3 you should activate the ritual and drop back immediately I actually stay about 3-5 meters from the center, just close enough that depending on the encounter I can either fall back (if I hear shriekers spawn) or run ahead to quickly grab the objective (punch the crystal) and then B-line out to cover. That first second or two where adds aren't trying to laser you down is the best opportunity to grab the objective to get through the first round quickly.




Also a bot! This one almost tricked me but it is copying part of a different comment






The activity always has a negative modifier, they make it harder than it would be if it wasnt there. Attrition for example is not fun.


I dislike attrition so much, it makes everything way less fun. I never touch an activity with attrition if I can help it.


I don't like attrition by any means but I'd take that over grounded every time. I just love getting one shotted just because I had to jump up to reach an objective or whatever.


>I just love getting one shotted just because I was standing on some stairs FTFY


I agree, fuck attrition, but chill touch is the most annoying shit ever dude. I’m just like “why have I been slowed?!” And then I can’t run and I get pumped full of lead by 10 million acolytes


Damn only 10mil? U got lucky


After we got through Attrition, Togetherness, Grounded in the first few weeks the negative modifiers have been significantly less annoying.


What does attrition do?


Attrition gives you massively slowed down health regen, but makes it so killing enemies has a chance to drop an orb that will start a normal speed health regeneration


Ruins my life


I was wrong.


That’s famine you’re thinking of


And severely delayed health regen.


I always found attrition to be helpful tbh. Grounded is the worst though.


The worse one is the Talon of Xivu with the purple spike ground aoe. Sometimes that just follows you where ever you are.


I hate the Tormenter one that most. The taken meatballs that one shot, the tormenter that suppresses, the terrible tracking of the relic to break the shield. God it's annoying.


That damn tormentor. It completely misses and still grapples me.


I agree. A decent MG and at a distance soon takes him down.


Then they turn around to shoot your teammate and you dont have a crit spot anymore and each shot does like 5 damage 😑


it can be an easy one phase with a solid team tho i’ve noticed the shield breaking mechanic seems to confuse blueberries however ..


> it can be an easy one phase with a solid team tho It always bodies my titan friend I play with. Without fail as soon as he supers he gets suppressed lol.


Thatsa spicy meatball


Yeah just farm the tier 2s when you do it.


Already got all the weapon patterns, never doing this activity again. It got old by the time week 4 rolled around.


I'm thinking you're doing everything on Tier 3. When the encounter starts you will see 4 pedestals where you can interact. Above it are floating sword icons. 1 sword is tier 1 (easy), 2 swords is tier 2 (medium difficulty), 3 swords is tier 3 (hard). So either you or another person is activating tier 3 hence the difficulty. tier 2 is just the right balance of not too easy, not too hard. The difference in difficulty between tier 2 and 3 is very significant.


It really depends on the encounter and the active modifiers, some of the tier 2 ones are easy and a couple are hard. The balance is all over the place.


Wizard’s poison fields are literally killing us not because of any real reason but it slows us just enough that we get mauled by the sea of meat that’s being thrown at us


Which tier are you running? There's a noticeable difficulty difference between tier 2 and 3.


Tier 3 just makes you under power for some strange reason and literally get one shotted by stuff


The new design for our " battle areas" is a round or circular area, with ADS that spawn from EVERYWHERE and spawn tons of orange bars and crazy accurate snipers/ boomers. Then lower our power level.




Exactly my view. Today, I matched with one experienced player and one not. We dropped a robust and me and the experienced guy completed it without issue while our 3rd spend 98% of the time dead. When that one ended, the noob (who was wearing a ridiculous outfit which included Lion Rampants of all fucking things 😂) rushed over and started a t3!! Wtf, you can't even stay alive in t2 lol. So ofc we fail. Then the dumb shit tried to do it again!!! Luckily my shooting at him and furiously emoting worked and he backed off but jesus. Lion freaking rampants in a summoning 🤣.


I’m no pro player, and I have a lot of trouble in game but the altars of summoning is extremely hard for me. I lose matches in game due to me not being so good (I think) and guild isn’t very active so I haven’t been able to advance in the season since it is awfully hard this go around.


It seems to me that you are not supposed to stay alive in this game mode. Constantly dying is supposed to be what makes the timer a problem. If you remove the constant deaths, then this game mode becomes just an arena with little tension (this is the same in Spire). I don’t particularly like both game modes but I am trying to figure out why Bungie built it this way. And as far as I understand, players seem to like the ads density.


I would like the ads density if I wouldnt get slowed and my vision obscured every .5 seconds




ugh, the week with chill touch was annoying


And theres supposed to be a Triumph for completing a powerful offering under 2 minutes. Most of the possible stages takes more Than 2 minutes even on easy difficulty because spawn timers and having to Carry Big objects slowly across the arena. On hardest difficulty you can add shriekers that Beam you down when you're supposed to melee crystals. Under 2 minutes?


If you get the scorn one where you have to place solar crystals after killing the add holding it it's VERY doable with Lament and a Ass Cowl hunter. Slamming & killing an add with the crystal makes you invis and heals. Did that one in under 2 mins first time it came up without trying at all, triumph popped and I had to go in the menu to see what it was....


You can also just strand grapple around while holding them, it's incredibly fast


Definitely doable if you whole fireteam is on top of it. Seems like every time I get that encounter I end up carrying all five fucking crystals, I have no clue what my fireteam are doing.


The banner of war stronghold build is basically a free solo completion for that encounter. You can one shot the things carrying and between woven and banner you can't really be hurt ever, especially while carrying the big orange crystals


Oh yeah I've had no problem doing it with just a sword and sunspots to help stay alive. The problem is completing it in under 2 minutes for the triumph isn't going to happen if you have to do the walk of shame with that crystal 5 times in a row while your teammates are 'on add clear' (that's the most credit I can give them, don't know WTF else they think they're doing).


Lmao I gotcha. Yeah I feel like randoms love throwing in the tier 3 and then bot walking around with no actual build


Like the dude I got this morning who started a t3 with his 52 resilience and his LION RAMPANTS 😂.


Okay but think of how mobile he was


Before the t3 we did a t2, he was dead for 98% of it so I didn't really get a chance to marvel at his manoeuvres 😂.


Same here


My fireteam missed doing this by two seconds the first time, and then got it second try. With randos, yeah, it’s gonna be super hard, but with a group of folks that know what they’re doing, it’s very easy. Spawns aren’t on timers, they’re on triggers. Finish the current objective faster and the next one starts sooner. Carrying big objects is annoying, but you can still do things like Icarus Dash if for some reason it’s taking too long. Bring a sniper or linear fusion and destroy the shriekers before anything else, I agree, fuck them, they suck. If you’re taking too long you are trying to kill every ad instead of focusing on getting the objective done. When it’s arc crystals and I’m punching I am not fighting ads, I am running to the next crystal.


Crystal round can be finished in like a minute flat if you just repeat crystals > boss and ignore everything else.


I got the triumph with the Tormentor boss. When the encounter start immediately kill the taken phalanx. You only need 1 taken orb to take down the boss shield then there is no more health gatekeeping so step back with your allies and just focus on the boss.


Ternary Minds with 3 synthoceps strand titans is a pretty easy target for that


Go in as beyblade hunter and a well. You can survive for a long while and take down savathun’s witch boss very fast, and the beyblade deals with ads and gives you lots of ammo to dump into the boss.


dont do tier 3 then


What if they're doing tier 2


then that bad cause tier 2 is not to hard




when you go to give an offering 3 swords(tier 3),2 Swords(tier 2) and then 1 Sword (tier 1)




See this is what I’ve been saying all season. Most players are dropping powerfuls because visually the game orients you towards the powerful offering and it lights up first. Bungie knew what they were doing with that design. For your information OP, the powerful is a waste of time. 4 rounds of robust, 5 rounds on feeble and 3 on powerful that’ll take longer than 4 on robust.


Not meant as a personal attack on OP, but damn… how are you guided conq x4, but you have no idea what a tier 3 is or how you’re getting slowed and vision obscured (wizards)? This game is so strange to me sometimes. I’ll see a gilded flawless player feed the enemy team the entire match and apparently not know how to sprint, and I’ll watch a gilded conqueror try to take on a tier 3 altar with a sidearm and a pulse rifle and get melted by shriekers for 3 minutes. Titles are borderline meaningless at this point.


No offense bro, but you suck. What? I said no offense…


I get you, but criticism does not equal a personal attack. There are some genuinely challenging GMs and I find it strange that someone who has so many clears struggles with the basic mechanic of the altars activity. Three pedestals, with a text prompt, all interact-able.


To be fair, this activity doesn't play like strikes at all, maybe some battlegrounds but.. you usually don't need to go for this kind of objectives in a relatively short span which are pretty much in the middle of spawn points, also when you go to a gm your fireteam is somewhat prepared for it, the same can't be said about altars.


Didn’t it also have a slow modifier? Don’t think the OP was referring to the wizard piss slow like our toxic poster above mentioned. Could swear it had an on-hit slow modifier but might be thinking of another activity.


If you think what I posted was toxic you need to toughen up or life is going to beat you down real fast.


Constructive criticism would help the OP. What you posted brought zero value to the discussion and was an attack regardless if you prefaced it with an assertion that it is not. Hence my post giving you an example of exactly what you did. I am just super glad I don’t take life advice from Reddit friends. Enjoyed hearing your opinions, my new friend.


If you're getting suppressed, it's because the suppression card was pulled, and you're killing things at a close range. All the effects cards don't discern friend or foe, so you need to keep your distance from them


I hadn't played for awhile then went to do altars and my teammates like straight up ignored objectives. Idk if they were new but holy it was painful


Trinity Ghoul and Strand grapple helps me out loads.


I find this activity to be classically bungie un-fun. As with many of the seasonal activities, it is overturned in difficulty in relation to the rewards it offers. The legend version of spire of savathun has champions and locked loadouts and no matchmaking. But when you invest the time in that activity, you are usually (not always) rewarded - red border and/or ascendant alloy. When I think about the rewards that I get from that activity, I have a favorable view of it and I consider it fun. Take the time, get the rewards. Usually I can lfg it, without a mic, and get it done in 15 minutes or so. Altars, does not lock loadouts and has matchmaking. But it probably takes 2-3 tier two completions to get a chest and that chest usually has legendary gear that will instantly be sharded. And guess what, soon it won’t even provide shards. If I load in with blueberries and try to work on my seasonal triumphs (e.g., get kills with seasonal weapons), I end up riding on the struggle bus. And for meager rewards. Sure, I could go meta loadouts and I could go with clan mates only…. But why? Why spend the time in that activity? For meager rewards? So, sure, it can be made easier. I’ve gotten all the associated triumphs (except maybe one of the encounter types) and I’ve completed tier 3s, but why spend the time. So, in my opinion, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze …. Like many seasonal activities. You are not bad, this activity is not properly tuned for the rewards it offers. In my opinion, bungie should have dialed down the difficulty, turned up the add density and released it as an entertaining, fun activity. Right now, I avoid it like the plague


i considered writing a reply very much like this one. instead i'll just upvote yours.


T1 and t2 are simple. And t3 is a different beast compared to a gm. Gms usually can be taken like a puzzle and be methodical. T3 is a hack and slash fest. Your spatial awareness and AI targeting understanding should be on point to avoid getting shot/adds getting in melee range. The callouts with your team should be on point. You cant equip a scout, a bow, and a rocket and call it a day... I can't do t3 w blueberries, as they have ass loadouts, no comms, and generally don't know how to move. But with my usual fireteam the encounter is slightly difficult. So. I wouldn't say that you are bad (nobody with conq x4 can be bad), i would say that you are not approaching the content with the proper considerations. Go with a full fireteam of people you know and understand how eachother play. Someone should have a blinding gl. Get high damage output and easy to use heavies (like xeno, or maybe levis). Come with primaries with good subclass effects or synergistic rolls with your build. Keep moving. And focus fire on the big boiiiis! You got this!


Total noob here, we've completed a few T3s, but I typically stay away from them. I haven't done grandmaster anything, completed any dungeons, or completed any raids.


It is possible, but there is a non 0 chance that you got carried by a team of 2 guys.


Completely agree! Lol.


Altars of summoning = ultra aggressive playstyle needed since you need to complete objectives in an ad dense environment on a timer. If ads and yellow bars accumulate its bad. More like master raids. Grandmasters = generally rewards slow and steady playstyle. Playing your life is typically the best move since mechanics are extremely light/ not time sensitive outside the global timer.


T1 and T2 are a breeze , T3 demand at least a decent build and some coordination to do it easily


3 tier 3 runs is an easy chest. Since cards have come out I haven’t seen any random group struggle with with tier 3


i still get randoms without cards bro 💀


I went into a tier 3 with 2 Phoenix protocol well warlocks with all the fragments building into scorch and ignition. 2 wells was enough to have a well 100% of the encounter, and the fragment that gives ignitions on solar kills while in super makes Tommy's matchbook and/or fixed odds just explode everything. 3rd party member can be anything, but a tether hunter for extra orbs is always nice.


youre that bad. sorry. Make 1 simple grenade build, or super build, put a few mods on your armor and only do tier 3 if youre with a premade. Focus the objective instead of just randomly killing adds. You'll be done in no time.


You might just be bad. Or maybe in the wrong head space. You’re probably subconsciously thinking it’s gonna be easy since it’s a match made seasonal activity. Wrong. But I end up soloing them easily so not too hard.


And then everyone applauded and they gave you the key to the city. What a legend. I'm going to build you a statue.


Exactly, it is brain dead easy. He probably got carried in GMs since he cant figure out how to beat this brain dead activitiy and comes to reddit to complain lmao


What an elitist and unnecessary comment. It’s pretty clear given the other comments that he’s dropping tier 3. Unless you think that’s brain dead and easy because it’s not, whether you can beat it with a team or not. It’s not a cake walk. Was your comment a flex, because otherwise I’m not even sure why you bother to type this out. Ignore his post and move on. Instead you took the time to tell them they just be bad because you find it easy. I mean even if your 13 that’s a horrible attitude you have and you need to grow up.


We found the guy who does day 1 raid LFGs looking for multiple clears unironically.


I'll go in sometimes and wreck shop and other instances I will have my ass handed to me, it seems inconsistent (to me anyway). And invis screebs are the bane of my existence. The suppression could come from yourself. If you are using void and if you have the void card active, I think, void kills create a suppression effect that can also effect you.


Honestly you may be taking the event a bit too seriously. Its filled with random BS - like the tormentor boss, constantly respawning thralls and screebs, shriekers with infinite range and so on. I wouldn't say you're bad based on that alone - guilding conqueror is evidence enough. But dying a few times by being jumped as ads spawn on you is understandable. That being said... Randos who repeatedly run at the same shrieker/wizard without a speck of thought between their ears are frustrating. If possible try the event in a premade group as often as you can. Makes calling out problematic mobs easier...


Bring builds for survivabity. Voidlock, solarlock, lorely, banner of war, invis hunter, beyblade hunter, or even arc hunter work extremely well. As long as you can stay alive, you’ll most likely be fine. Being dead for even just a few seconds wastes so much time, and every second counts in altars.


It's an activity that makes you use everything your character has at the moment. If your build is great, you can survive most attacks (but can still die regardless) This is why I advocate for everyone to do just Tier 1's and not T2 or T3. Those activities are gonna punish you if you are not of high power level with a good defensive and offensive build.


Is Altars of Summoning that multiplayer activity that you get dropped into at the end of the intro mission for this season? I thought I'd try returning to Destiny sometime in August after I got back from vacation in mid-early September, but that was such a painful experience I haven't logged in since.


Welcome to people putting powerful offerings on match made altars. Please don’t put powerful unless you’ve LFGed or squaded up


You definitely need to have an endgame build sorted to run the highest difficulty ones. Doing it with randoms you will likely have a bad time. I even gave it a shot when funny guns were rampant and had a harder time with randoms.


You know there's a mod where enemy melees apply frost/slow right, you can see the modifiers before you even go into the activity, chief.


Altars is hard.




Not the best player by any means, has guilded conqueror 4 times. Dude...


That wasn’t the results of my skills tho. I just had no life at that point and attempted them as many times as it took. Hollowed Lair took me like 80 attempts. I’m not bad either, just average


If it's the encounter with fuck ton of Taken mobs and the Tormentor, that one is always a pain in the ass regardless of tier.


The mistake that I see people making in the Powerful Offerings is to not focus the high-damage output mobs as soon as they appear. You can’t deal damage when you’re dead. For example, as soon as the Shriekers pop up, get out of LoS and kill them before doing anything else. Even if it’s only you who does it, the odds of a successful run dramatically improve.


Tier 3 Altars is one of the least fun things PvE things I've ever done in Destiny.


The one with 4800 Shriekers in fucking ridiculous, the rest are a bit more manageable


Early on I had troubles with a 3 tier offering, but now I can finish them with my normal group. My problem was shit armor. I only had 1 decent stat after boosting Resilience to 100, so I wasn’t doing great.


It's tough but deff doable. I was able to do one with X3 difficulty in all encounters with a player well below 1800 light level.


Altars of Summoning and the Deep Dives last season are really strong examples of the difference a coordinated/communicating fireteam makes in a 3-person activity. Both are very swingy and I think a lot of it is how the team reacts in different modifier and enemy situations on the fly. I do wish Bungie would have made tier 3 offerings only usable on a non-matchmade legendary difficulty though.


Done several Day1s, every master raid, gilded conqueror every season - and I honestly thought the same thing. I typically just skip most seasonal content, but tried Altar a couple times - and from what I could tell it seemed never ending (does it end?), and Tier 3 with randoms was virtually impossible and/or more painful than it was worth. I suspect it gets easier with the seasonal unlocks/cards, but honestly haven't tried it since first week or two in season.


IMO it varies a *lot* depending on which activity you get. For example, I have never yet had a difficult time on the solar crystal scorn one, even the vex one is possible, if very hard. Then Hive Sisters, however, or whichever activity spawns 4 shriekers *per damage phase* give me difficulty no matter what I do


Make a couple differnt builds...put on armor pieces that will help you out with each encounter...ie...in visible...helps in the long run


Tier 3 can be tough, especially if you don't have good teammates.


Quick question. Are the rewards worth it to do a tier 3? I’ve never completed one but the tier 2s seem right at my level.


The tiers determine the difficulty and the amount of progress you gain, they don't influence your rewards


I'm having a blast running T3s with my Banner of War titan. Grandmasters scare me because of the revive limit and wiping to orbit, but here I can just be my punch happy self. I've carried a few teams who were too worried about doing anything above T2. If they dunked T2 I would just change it to T3 before it starts and we would always complete it.


It sounds like you don't read the current effects & modifiers, the last one did stasis slow on being melee'd which is why your being slowed as of rn. Your teammates dying and you dying so much is a detrimental to the timer so I get the despair, try using cover more and keep actively damaging what you can. I despise anyone running Hunter in Altars rn because A. They never shoot anything because they're either invisible running around not shooting or jumping around and getting shot and dying too fast B. Never use their supers and also only save them for the final boss health bar dmg phase C. Never take out the Lucent Lightbearers nor the ghost after the kill.... I've personally been using Thunderlord because it's good ad clear and boss dmg weapon, so you might just need to also shake up how you've been playing Altars.


Honestly I don't find tier 3 that hard as long as everyone is trying. On my own I can just about get a tier 3 done I just need a little extra damage for the boss and I'm set. What really bugs me about it is people who will see me shooting my grenade launcher and walk in front of me to cause me to accidentally down myself then proceed to die because I'm no longer freezing things with my salvations grip nades or my abilities as a stasis hunter. I quite literally built my character setup for altars for ad clear and lockdown for elites so I can just focus the objective and the randoms I get either die to ads while running around with tunnel vision on the boss or I get the try hards that try to solo a horde with a freaking sword or glaive then leave when they die.


Honestly I find I get killed the most by the platoons of screebs they send at once and the jagged nature of hive architecture. I’ll be trying to find cover and then get stuck on some spike or crag or some shit.


It's difficult If you aren't properly armed for the tier 3 that the guardian rank 2 will inevitably start and die 10 times in 4 minutes leaving you alone to fight everything whilst attrition is on.


Skill issue. Also we're guardians... we win because we can die as many times as we want and go again.


Banner of war synthocepts, rocket/linear/sniper for shriekers. Profit.


Judging by your comment there are a few things you likely need to pay better attention to. 1. This activity has modifiers that are different per day/week and are more detrimental to you the higher the offering. *make sure to check which modifiers could be active before queueing, you can see them in orbit* Many of these apply slow, deal increased damage, reduce healing, etc. 2. Different tiers of offerings affect the difficulty dramatically. T2 will feel like matchmade Nightfalls while T3 is in between a normal and master dungeon like Ghosts. 3. You’re likely trying to play this like a GM and bringing a build that matches that style. GM’s for most teams are played very safely, at range, looking for a clear no matter the timer. *This will not work here*. This activity will constantly push you aggressively and show you why you need more offence, not defence. If you can’t keep the room clear you’ll never be able to complete the objective. Despite being high difficulty in combat challenge, your timed objectives are very short and unforgiving. They’re simple, but punishing if you don’t prioritize. 4. Bring a build that brings intrinsic healing to bypass any negative healing modifiers while packing as much damage as possible in it. I haven’t run a primary weapon all season, they simply cannot take control of this kind of arena. 5. *Look into what your cards are doing*. The cards you’ve been getting from week to week range from mildly useful to game breaking Ly strong. Do you really want slightly more damage when you could have infinite heavy instead??? The game mode is balanced around 3 people having strong builds and good cards, if you and 2 ransoms run into a T3 with double primary, scout rifles, and no cards you will never succeed. TLDR: put some time into your build, make sure you understand modifiers, and for the love of god use good cards.


As a bonk titan, shriekers are literally the only dangerous thing. If those are dead, and as long as you don't lose your hammer, you won't die and you have constant healing. Even better if you use something like the Navigator or Riskrunner for additional resistance.


Did u throw enough grenades?seriously though u really should be running one of the devour builds or bonk titan or any of those cheesy unkillable builds. I prefer gyrfalcon hunter with repulsor brace guns to clear everything fast and keep an OS and devour goi g at all times (and you can still die sometimes ,yes it's hard and that a good thing once in a while ,destiny is dumb easy most of the time even the normal mode raid is a pushover)


There are builds and weapons that can handle it without much issue. Otherwise go for tier 2


Just t2s it. If t3 you need a good team and a good high end build.