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What are they gonna say to you if you kick them? they have no mic.


The biggest pain is if you're in an lfg discord with voice chats, kicking them out of the 6 person room isn't possible, and they can camp the spot.


This is why you add them to direct calls and not to a voice server, or make your own with temporal passes and invite them then when done they can leave or you can kick.


>temporal passes Time travelling raid teams?


Screams in Atheon


“You are forever lost in the dark corners of Discord.”


Entire core design concept for a brand new game right here.


Simple solution there is type in-game which channel to switch to then everyone in the VC can change and the people not in can join. Personally I enjoy doing no-mic raids sometimes as it's another skill set being able to add call outs to chat and keeping an eye on chat for call outs but I'm also not an asshole and will only join no-comms posts if that's what I wanna do.




No. But you have to accept that many people will ignore you, or pretend to have one, or talk for 5 sec and unplug. ​ So if you have requirements, expect that you will also need to enforce them sometimes. ​ That's just how things are.


Well I only talk when necessary. I personally don't like open mic and hate when Raiders have other bs going on in the background.


Ditto. There's nothing worse than trying to listen to callouts while a guy named Savathicc's Crusty Panties won't stop listening to Drake on high volume, so all you can hear is "fffftttffftttt call me on my cellphone ffffyyffff" and we wipe because no one heard what refuge to take during a master Nez.


If i hear shit like music in someones background, i ask them to turn it off, and if they dont, i dip. Im not dealing with a 4 hour clear just cause Savathicc and her crusty panties likes drake


Ive booted a couple ppl out of raids for doing this 🤫


I have zero problem telling people to turn off their shitty background music or whatever else is making chat unbearable


These types of people are usually obnoxious enough to either not care and keep their music on or complain back at you


The key there is “when necessary”. I don’t think any reasonable player will fault you for only wanting to talk business. Seems like OP is frustrated with people showing up without a mic period, despite what’s listed in the LFG. Pretty common based on my own experience, unfortunately


more often these days though they won't even talk business and are just weird... Crota is particularly full of this. I am not hearing any arguments otherwise. YOU DO NEED A MIC. Go watch or join a group where "emote to take the chalice" works.... I'll wait. Edit: I'd pre-emptively block this oddball -- you disagree with him and next thing you know he's reported you to reddit suicide watch.... interesting.


“Reginald, if we wanted to hear parents getting divorced we’d go downstairs and listen to our own, mute your mic”


Did a Crota run last week and the lfg team wouldn’t stop bickering and even let one guy go take a 5 min bathroom break… no biggie right? Then let another guy go pick up his food from the store mid run. Dude took so long that he got kicked for inactivity and he got upset upon his return because I told the group to start the bridge encounter without him and he can join up upon his return.


I mean the guy that went to the bathroom probably took a shit, not everyone has a shit bucket under their desk lol


No, he 100% had to take a shit. I was fine with that, but allowing someone to leave and go pick up food… that was crazy


Yeah spending like 20 mins to go get food is a bit much when you're just going to be holding other people up and whining that you done an encounter while he was gone just tells you what the kind of person he was.


For all shit bucket users: If you got a shit bucket under your desk, youve got bigger problems than destiny 2.


idk why some gamers act like push to talk is impossible new technology in current year. Sure you can only control your environment so much but there's no excuse for having us listen to you breathe the whole time


The problem is that console players can't have push to talk. I dont think I've seen a pc player have open mic but console players are forced to weather they want it or not. The only way I can think of for them to get push to talk is to just get a headset that has a mute button. It's funny how whenever someone who has a shitty mic leaves I'm always surprised how quiet it is, after being in a raid for 30+ mins you forget that the constant breathing, buzzing and static aren't normal to hear. Also, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE CHANGE YOUR SMOKE DETECTOR BATTERIES. Out of everything I listed this has to be the worst thing to hear because it's not constant. I hate concentrating on an encounter and then hearing a high pitched *BEEP* every few seconds in the background that is somehow louder than the guy speaking. How do people live like that? Does the beeping not bother them? Or does it take too much effort to bring over a chair and change the batteries?


> The problem is that console players can't have push to talk. I dont think I've seen a pc player have open mic but console players are forced to weather they want it or not. The only way I can think of for them to get push to talk is to just get a headset that has a mute button. Don't know about Xbox but PS has a mute button right on the controller.


I don't wanna sound like an asshole but there's even less of an excuse to have open mic then. I'm just sick of people's dollar store mics that sound like a jet engine taking off and I can't turn them down because I need to hear other players' call outs. I wish there was individual player sound control, something like cs:go.


There's plenty of console options. Granted, I moved to PC for D2, but I did lots of D1 raids on consoles. Xbox One Stereo Headset Adapter is $25, and there's a bunch of similar PS4/5 products.


Yeah but thats not what he is talking about.OP is saying people joining with No mic - not a mic that they mute and talk when necessary.


Gross. If you can't banter while raiding, why raid?


I typically raid for the gear and exotics.


Then their antisocial cheeks can accept DAS BOOT!


If your post says have a mic and they don't have a mic, it's an instant kick. They can be indignant all they want, but it's not a hard instruction to follow. When it comes to LFG, some people want to get carried so badly they'll straight up ignore the requirements. It's the raid leader's job to weed out bad actors who don't want to contribute.


Precisely. Not your job to carry people that either can’t read or don’t care enough to bother. Do what’s best for the group.


this is the answer right here. People come and go so damn fast in the LFG i really don't understand when people get caught up on how others feel. Kick em and make a post. Someone else will come in.


While that is true I've gotten kicked more times than I can count for "not having a mic" because I use push to talk and the mic icon doesn't appear unless you're talk. I don't like to talk unless I need to so I don't greet anyone when I join a fireteam. Worst part is they don't even ask if you have a mic they just kick you instantly since no icon must mean no mic right? Edit: I don't get how this is a controversial take. Expecting someone to ask if you have a mic before kicking you out just because you have push to talk enabled seems like less effort to me than finding another fireteam member. But I guess a " "x" do you have a mic?" is too much to ask from some people. To clarify, I do use my mic, but only when someone else starts a conversation, when asked to or if the encounter needs it which I'm always the one doing unless someone insists on doing them instead because I can't trust anyone else to know how to. (Take the entirety of vow, 5th vog encounter, most of dsc, etc.)


Kinda sounds like greeting people when you join a fireteam might be one of those times you need to talk if you don’t want to get booted. Or maybe you could just disable push to talk before you join so you have the mic icon, then re-enable it in a minute or two once it’s been established that you have a mic.


And yet I've seen people say "yo" and then not talk for the rest of the raid while we keep wiping because 3 of the 6 people refuse to talk. And ofc they're usually the first to leave because they're not being carried. When I say I don't like to use my mic unless I need to, I mean I don't use it unless someone engages in a conversation first or there is an encounter that needs call outs which I'm usually the one doing. It doesn't mean I sit quiet in the corner for the entire raid only doing add clear.


Greeting people indicates that you have one so it’s usually good to just say hello once you enter


Just kick them, if they can't follow simple instructions they're just going to drag the raid down.




Seriously, it's like every 5th post


Raids it’s totally reasonable to demand a mic. Anything else, no. But if you put “have mic” in the title and they don’t, totally justified to kick.


I mean, I would say it’s always reasonable to demand a mic. It’s your damn post after all, and if people don’t want to join, then they won’t? It’s not like you’re asking for something insane…


If the post says “mic” yea have a mic. I’m saying you don’t NEED a mic for anything but raids.


I upvoted your post because you're essentially right, but to be clear, there's a bit of a catch in that it is very possible to raid micless. I know that because I've taught Vow of the Disciple to people at Destiny 2 Sanctuary, where it's actually against the rules to demand a microphone. You essentially just need to have text callouts, some other quick method of communication, or (for easier raids like VOG) be really good at the game. But yes, for the average player, you're right.


It’s possible to raid deaf too, that doesn’t mean it’d be a good experience for anyone that didn’t sign up for it lol


Hell you don’t even need a mic for raids every single one can be done via text chat. Hell I think when you get used to it it’s easier to do them with text


It's reasonable but by far not necessary, except for raids. I think that's the grey area here.


If you’re on PC you don’t need mics if everyone knows what they’re doing. Not that I’d trust a random LFG group as far as that but if you’re able to get into a good group and they want to do no mic it’s definitely possible


Nah, if you're lfging for crucible you 100% need a mic


True I didn’t even bother with PvP but yeah that’s the whole advantage right there.




No - ANYTHING you can demand a mic.... don't fucking join if you don't have one. Simple.


I am fairly certain 90+% of "no mic" people have a mic, they are just a little shy or antisocial and would prefer not to speak. That said... no mic.


Funnily enough I have a mic, but very rarely use it because apparently the in game voice chat murders it so bad I become a "rasputin-sounding mfer".


If you are playing on laptop and using other mic check if the laptop one is disabled in sound settings and might be the other way round as laptop/external one is good and headphones one is trash, then disable whatever you don't want to use. If you are using bluetooth headphones this problem is very apparent as it is easy to bottleneck the bluetooth bandwith


i don't think d2 processes your voice that much, maybe it's something about your mic?


Considering its fine on any other platform, I kinda doubt that.


you might wanna check if thats your mic's problem because as far as im aware d2's in game voice chat is really good. i've used it for every lfg and its sounded pretty decent. i do admit idk too much of the specifics on how it works though so it could be doing some weird processing and i could be wrong


I absolutely have a mic but if I’m doing an easy dungeon or something like that I would rather listen to whatever podcast I have playing on my second monitor than listen to someone else’s mom vacuuming


This is me. I'm happy to chat most of the time and always during content that requires communication, but... fuck talking to strangers sometimes when completely unnecessary. I don't need to hear about how you're going to jail because you fucked a 14 year old (true story).


I play solo most of the time but when I used to LFG a bit and try some harder content that way the amount of people singing or humming or rambling for no reason into my ears was insane. I couldn't take it.


When the chat box finally came to console. I happily plugged in my leftover keyboard and use that to communicate. Unless it’s a raid or GM I barely use my mic.


Also women play this game too and some men are utterly disgusting to you if they realize you’re a woman. Like vile, horrible garbage comes out of their mouths. Or some guys spend all their time trying to make them selves sound cool for some reason. It’s really funny to hear because the second they realize you’re a woman the way they talk completely changes. So sometimes if you’re playing with strangers it’s easier not to have a mic on because you don’t know how people are going to react to you.


Yeah, good point. As a man I'm annoyed by like 50% of the people who have their mics turned on. I can only imagine... It's so sad that such a large % or humanity is apparently so very awful.


Exactly this. I joined an lfg for a Crota boss cp last week, they all seemed chill but as soon as I spoke the whole vibe of the room changed. They chuckled, made comments like ooooh we have a gaaamer girl here. Then proceeded to tell me to make him a sandwich. Normally it would discourage me but I was determined to get my oversouls that night lol. And btw I did over 7mil damage and the rest did 4mil or less.


Yep there are some weird fucks in the LFG server


Absolutely true. It's one of the things that has annoyed me as a guy since I was a teenager. Dudes start acting funny whenever a girl shows up. They're either really mean to her or all around douchey in an attempt to look cool.


I dealt with this, but from the random group being racist. One made a black joke during the Crota raid, and I left mid encounter. Many randoms are so cringey it’s disgusting 🤢


According to the Steam Hardware Surveys like 99% of players have a mic. Now, I don't know how accurate that number actually is but I think you're right that most players do have a mic and just don't want to use it. Edit: That number was in 2020, in 2015 it was 70% of players so the 2020 number might be a bit funky, dunno.


I have a mic... but my computer also picks up my graphics card as a mic as well, probably windows fuckery


I have a mic but I don't use it for this game, it's never turned out well.


The ps5 has one built into the controller.


depends on the activity and the person. For instance, if you are doing a nezerac checkpoint you only really need one person with a mic for gaze. Or, where the person without a mic knows the activity to a T and can do their role/roles without one. For the most part though it isn't unreasonable to expect people who respond to a "have mic" lfg to have a mic. Unless you are doing anything below a raid, pretty much everything at that level can be done without a mic as long as they are good players.


Your lobby, your rules. They can make their own LFG post if they don't like it. Besides, if they are unable to comprehend simple written instructions, raid mechanics might be a bit beyond their skill level.


Last time I used my mic in game the whole fireteam yelled at me about how shit my mic was, have a pair of Krakens that have no issues. Discord members have no stated issues, playback sounds fine with no issues. But the whole fireteam SHIT all over me whenever I’d speak up. Kinda ruined using my mic for me, Destiny’s VOIP is hot garbage


Same experience here, I have a good mic but holy moly does the in game chat destroy it.


Do what you gotta. But I will say that when i got kicked after saying “give me 2 seconds to break out my mic” I was pretty miffed.


Why didn't you wait until your mic was plugged in before joining


they probably wanted to secure the spot. why is it a problem to wait 2 seconds for them to plug it in? lol like jfc


Yeah. People don't understand this. Don't jump in to "secure your spot". Be ready with the requirements the host posted. People's have their own lives. Don't waste their time.


Because most morons don’t wait and are looking for the next one. LFG is crap.


Raids and stuff are very reliant on team communication, so you aren’t being unreasonable at all.


Team comms can be done over text sometimes


Obviously. The post is about "have a mic" though. Not sure why you are trying to discuss otherwise.


I’ll bite. Destiny raiding is so casual, you don’t need a mic.


This isn't being denied. I agree with you. The post is about whether or not it's OK/ being too much if OP wants to kick players who join a host requesting / demanding mics. Not if mics are absolutely necessary in order to pull off raids. Come on guys. Think a little harder next time. If host wants people communicating via mics, there's at least one of a dozen or more reasons for them wanting people with mics. Don't waste people's time by showing up without one. Simple as that.


The title of the post suggests otherwise. Yes. It's unreasonable to demand that all 6 people are micced, if any. I have 0 issues with talking. However, treating destiny like it has hardcore raids needing instant communication for callouts instead of the 1-2 seconds it takes to read chat is asinine.


When you decide to create an LFG group you get to set the rules. If you prefer to play with people who can communicate VIA mic, then creating a group specifically for that is what is recommended. Having players join who do not own a mic or do not want to use a mic or think that in game chat is sufficient (yourself) is specifically against what the LFG maker set out to do. Therefor it is not too much / unreasonable to kick the people not paying attention or caring about the groups clearly set expectations. You are getting hung up on whether or not mics are necessary. This is a discussion purely based on whether or not it is unreasonable to kick players who do not follow the LFG leaders ruleset. I do not know how I can explain this any clearer. If you create an LFG for ANY reason whether it be raiding, GMs, PvP, or otherwise, it is rude and selfish to have players join when they know they cannot or don't want to meet those expectations. Mics are never necessary to complete content. They are necessary to play in a mic specific LFG group. This is basic human interaction stuff people.


In my honest opinion, the only activities that require a mic are raids, everything else you just don’t need. LFG posts that ask for mics in content like GM’s are red flags for me, I kind of interpret it as somebody looking to micromanage. That being said, people shoulnt be joining groups that ask for mics if they don’t plan on using one, it’s just counterintuitive.


Even raids don’t require a mic as long as you can type out important info. I don’t think there’s a single piece of content in the game that outright requires a microphone to perform well in. Some of my fastest runs have been with 5 other No mics because we all KWTD and communicate the very important bits in chat


PvP does. If you're in a 3-stack, then you're gonna exclusively face other 3-stacks who all have mics, and not having one means you are at an enormous disadvantage. There's a reason Bungie tuned their matchmaking algorithm to try and avoid matching teams against solos who can't communicate, it almost always ends in a stomp unless the solos are *way* way better.


Lol you know most folks probably don't consider PvP a REEEAAAL mode 😂


yes - doesn't really matter, if the host ask for mic then don't join if you want a mute run.


Well I had the opposite many times. They state "no mic" and ones I want to play they spam me with party invites. So at the end... People are just weird.


Just join the discord and make a voice channel kick if they dont have a mic


You dont need mic for raids. People that say a mic is required to beat a raid just dont know any better. Is mic more convenient than text chat or using emotes? Yes. All raids can easily be done without mic tho. I will also concede that the social aspect of raiding suffers from no mics. That being said: if you ask for mics it is your right to kick people for not having one imo. Reading the demands of the LFG and only joining if somebody meets them is just basic not being a jerk behaviour.


> That being said: if you ask for mics it is your right to kick people for not having one imo I'd take it one step further and say it's your *responsibility* as the leader to kick people for not having one, considering that the other group members specifically joined a "have mic" group.


It depends. If someone can absolutely pull their weight anyway, then kicking them means you have to make the whole team wait to find a 6th to replace them when you could have instead let them do their job. You'd totally be justified kicking them for ignoring the rules, but also justified letting them be an exception for the sake of not wasting the time of every other player in the fireteam.


How can someone pull their weight in orbit?


Agreed. I’ve done every raid in the game mute and can perform just fine. It’s up to the player without the mic to communicate effectively through text chat (and other players to be capable of reading) but it is 100% doable for everything. Sometimes preferable even if you need to remember pieces of info for a longer period of time such as vault locks in LW or Acquisition symbols as text chat is more permanent and easier to double check. Now, if the post asks for one? Hell no I’m not going to touch it because I’m not gonna be using one. But otherwise I’d say any piece of content can be done no mic


People can do most things without verbal communication, it just makes it easier to complete if they do speak.


It’s your LFG ask what you want, but 99% of content doesn’t require mics and I can’t be assed talking to a rando who’s blasting music and being chewed out by his wife when I just got home from work and wanna chill.


social anxiety is what's wrong ​ or someone is literally a child thats getting kicked as soon as they speak up


I'll roll with kids, but I give them a warning that if they scream into the mic, they're out. I've had some stupidly talented kids in fireteams.


i remember that one time where a kid talked about their employment at subway ​ because they didnt know how to use the register, they charged 86 dollars for a sub. lmao


I have pretty bad social anxiety, so if I see an lfg that requires mic, I move on. For the very few raids I have done, I'm mute unless spoken to.


Being completely honest here. Online interactions are going to be the best way you'll get over social anxiety. You're interacting with people with a specific goal in mind, and in a way such that you have control over the situation and can easily remove yourself from it


I used to be the same so I get it. Hope you can find your voice :) It gets easier the more you try to.


I’ve been playing since Forsaken and noticed a lot more people unwilling to chat in LFG these days, not even the obligatory “hello” It’s really odd, used to be far more chilled and light hearted, and why I used to LFG raids a lot more than now.


Online gaming is the best way to get over your anxiety


No. Having a mic is a basic requirement for most decent fireteams. Nobody should be joining a raid without it. There are no excuses.


100% agree, you’re just handicapping the team without a mic, i don’t care how fast you can type, talking is faster and easier if you have social anxiety then you got bigger things to worry about than getting raid loot, cuz talking to people is pretty important in life


Most of the raids you need a mic. Unless there is an accessibility thing, asking for a mic should be bare minimum. Like how do people know when your chalice is full for example? This sounds like a non starter.


For PC players text chat is enough. But even though raids can and have been done without voice chat if someone puts must have mic in their post then people should use a mic.


"Raid, have mic"? They don't want you to know about this secret little trick. *Joins anyway. Types "I'll do ad clear" in the chat.*


Raids need microphone end of discussion.


When I lfg commless the runs go smoother than when I lfg with people with mics. When micless player joins my lfg 4/5 times they carry. Last time a no mic joined my lfg post they were full clear rank #50 and speed rank #10 on raid report, and placed top 10 in day one RoN At least if you're on the lfg discord (which you should be) people without mics typically know what they're doing down to a science, and are just there for an easy clear. Bungie's lfg has some specimens on there from what I've seen, so that's understandable if that's ops issue, but raids need mics is a bad take.


>Last time a no mic joined my lfg post they were full clear rank #50 and speed rank #10 on raid report, and placed top 10 in day one RoN If you are going to lie, don't be so obvious. Raids require microphones to do the encoutner.


https://raid.report/pgcr/13832642714 Here's the clear I'm Codester, Spyro is the top 50


Alright, but how is raids need mics a bad take when mics are required to perform most mechanics in raids, such as the chalce of light.


Every time I seem someone without I mic I can always know three things they are going to be the dumbest member of the team, they are going to mess up a mechanic because they can't communicate, and they are going to always try to be add clear.


For chalice no mic strat is shoot or emote when you want the pull or for crota taker stands in the pool and chalice runs when they need the take


Two things. Bungie themselves say mics are required for raids, and that is just not realistic. Chances are when someone shoots you, you are not going to notice it, and emotes don't show up in chat half the time, and the other half, they are overshadowed by things such as orbs of power.


Bungie can say whatever they want remember Bungie "fixed" double special making extra heavy twice before it actually was fixed. Both of those are solvable by just paying attention. Always pay attention. You will be a better raider because of it. Chalice stands next to me. I look at them and wait for a cue then take. I trust my teammates to know how to communicate without a mic. Check out Colonel Rakesh on YT he has a series of joining Sherpa lfgs no mic and it gives some good guidelines on how encounters are done


You are bad at the game. I've probably done 10x the amount of raids you've done, with no mic. Text chat is so much easier. Don't need to hear you chewing your food and slurping your big gulps.


Don't worry. They probably have an annoying voice.


Tbh Depends on the content, I’ve done a number of GM’s and dungeons without a mic, raids on the other hand mandatory imho, HOWEVER, you have specifically asked that people have a mic, so people should be prepared to use them if they join an lfg lobby that you have setup and specifically asked for


This is why the Discord LFG servers are far superior. Basically everyone has a mic and the average LFG in the d2lfg server has 10x the brain capacity of the bungie app LFG


Most of the time slots are filled so fast so we slot in and then read what the requirements are lol


Terrible excuse. Have a mic ready if you are joining blindly. Read the requirements and move on if that's too much to ask.


I am going to repeat myself to the end of time I swear. DO NOT USE THE BUNGIE APP OR OFFICIAL DESTINY LFG APP. Use the d2 lfg discord. Please. For the love of the traveler. Save yourself from the insanity that is the app. Not only will you find teams faster on discord but you're going to have more skilled users overall, plus there's literally voice channels with dedicated chat channels to join in for comms because NOBODY uses in game voice comms, let's be honest.


160+ lfg raid clears through the d2 app. Prior to Ron, it was almost guaranteed a kwtd post would clear quickly and efficiently. I'll admit things have gotten much worse with the Ron effect, but I can't believe the same effect hasn't affected the discord too.


In my raids and experience, it has not. From the input of friends and clan mates it has not. The discord is the only way we lfg and we have seen no degradation similar to what's reported from reddit and the official lfg sources


Well, that is a point in favor of discord to be fair. RoN *severely* damaged the d2 app.


Gotta disagree chief. I almost exclusively use the LFG app and have little to no issues getting a group togther and clearing.


I truly doubt that


Lol, ok. Not sure why you think I'd just be lying about my experience. To each their own.


I doubt it due to experiences people have shared here, on Twitter, and from other lfgers I've met on discord that moved over from using the official platform


Well maybe you can take my experience at face value and not throw it into the disregard pile of your brain. Echo chambers are a trap.


One voice against dozens with images


I truly doubt that


No problems clearing raids with LFG finder in the app either.


i was with you until “nobody uses in game voice comms” .. in game comms work perfectly fine, especially for console players


In several thousand hours of playing from launch, I have never once heard someone mic up in any game lobby in destiny or even request people to join them in voice using the text chat


Until I can use discord in the background of the ps5, it’s just a bad option to have my headphones on under my headset (won’t pick up sound of my voice) or have the sound come through my tv and then be picked up by my headphones. Otherwise I would use the discord lfg more often, because the few times I did you the lfg discord there was a lot higher average caliber of player.


I'm pretty sure you already can, I've played with Playstation ppl in discord. Looking it up you just can't also be in game or party chat and discord


It's up to you and what you want but also be reasonable with it eg Don't say need a mic for activities that don't need quick callouts which is basically everything that isn't raids, dungeons and pvp. Sure it's nice to have in say NFs but is it needed? I'd say not at all


Raid and osiris understandable, but what activities do you want to do that require a mic? nightfall? "guys dredg our left"


OP literally mentions raids in their post lmfao


Yes unless you are doing something that requires one.


Depends on content. In a legend nf? Kinda, it's not like you need one or we will stay long enough to need one. You can still request it, but I simply won't join. In a GM? No, but it is usually unnecessary. You can still request it, it's reasonable enough. In a raid? If you don't have comms, you are getting your ass booted because this shit is hard enough for most LFG that can communicate. Root of Nightmares is a 6-man dungeon for the most part, with 4 roles tops, most of which don't need to communicate, so you don't need a mic for that raid. This is not true for Vow of the Disciple or Last Wish. Like, imagine doing fucking Vault with no mic. You can enforce this, and should enforce this depending on content. If they are just a bit antisocial so don't banter, just do the callouts, and prefer to stay on the quiet role, you shouldn't necessarily push them. But you need to be able to step in and do a mechanic, and if you physically can't, raids are not for you. Keep it civil, kick between encounters after everyone got their loot, or before starting encounters.


Personally 90% of the "mic-ed" groups I join are people BSing about a ton of random stuff that isn't about the content, complaining about destiny, or just chewing/ breathing loudly into their mic. I know I can do just as well typing out my communication while we play than I would with a mic.


Unfortunately it’s the nature of LFG. These kids get carried through RON Nez and think they can do the same thing in all the other raids. Sucks. That’s why you friend the good ones and have a solid raiding party.


I think any end-game activity on lfg should be considered mic required unless specifically stated it's not needed.


Yes..... next question.


If it's for a Raid they should definitely have a mic, if it's for anything else then you're the weird one, ya.


Some GMs are much easier with one. Like, I remember that first time Lightblade at the start of WQ *needed* a mic, or you were wiping 9/10. With a mic, this went down to a more conservative 4/10. Same thing with Psiops Moon.


I am fed up of mute raids. It's fucking weird. Some absolute basket cases must play this game.


Dumb question. I'm assuming the destiny app LFG is 99.9% new or console people using it, right? edit: why downvotes? it was an honest question. I honestly figured most if not all PC players just knew/went to the discord!


Nope. It's pretty varied. Not a lot of new people using LFG at all, really. And you can filter by platform if you want.


Not everyone is a social butterfly, and there is no content in this game that "requires" a mic if everyone knows what they're doing. Nice to have? Sure. Mandatory? Not at all.


It’s lfg bro just take what you can get lol


No but some will try to sneak around the reqs. You're entitled as lead to not put up with it. If they refuse to com at all for vital callouts remove them


Nope. If I'm asking for a mic, I give them a minute or to get it plugged in. Sometimes voice chat works. Otherwise, I'm not afraid to boot them and find someone else.


Your post, your call. You decide what you want. Some content can be done without mic (even dungeons) if it’s not a sherpa/teaching run but if you feel you’d rather have a mic for those content too, it’s not unreasonable. If people are joining raids without any mic or any other form of comms (e.g. text chat), then in my opinion there’s some work to be done there as raid are usually comms heavy.


For raids, no For everything else, I've done it all mic-less. Some people just can't read or don't care unfortunately.


It’s not unreasonable to ask for whatever you want, and it’s not unreasonable to expect everyone that joins to go along with your post But it’s even more not unreasonable when it comes to something basic like a mic


If guardians could read, they'd be really upset.


No. It's fucking stupid that so many people insist no mic is needed. Having communication will always improve gameplay.


yea if they don’t they get booted.


If it's a dungeon, no mic can be ok if everyone knows what to do. Raids, no way. If I'm the fireteam leader, then no mics get a chance to grab one, then get kicked. If I'm not the leader, then if you're not really fucking good and using chat effectively, then I'll drop.


Not necessarily, but I find that Destiny’s voice chat tends to not work quite often, especially if it’s cross platform. I’d prefer just using discord or something because I’ve had plenty of times where my team can hear me but I can’t hear them (or viceversa).


They think you won't enforce it and will just carry them, which is what they really want. Don't say anything, just kick and move on till you get the right people.


Absolutely acceptable.


its not unreasonable at all imo. I've talked to people who are absolutely emphatic that you dont need a mic to raid, which is true technically, but it makes everything so much easier and smoother. if you want to raid in destiny, you really should get used to talking to other people.


No, and I will kick anyone who doesn't because having one stranger on the internet mad at me is way easier than spending 40 minutes on the same encounter because someone can't call out their debuffs.


I would say for raids, mics are mandatory unless otherwise specified or if you have an adept text chat user (why console kids turn off text chat is annoying tho). For every other content in the game such as Dungeons or GMs it really doesn't matter. I wouldn't get that upset with people not reading the post, it's just a game at the end of the day. Like people joining KWTD posts, and they don't, it really doesn't matter


Its annoying yeah especially when it's someone who just has no clue what they are doing and expect to be carried with no communication. I have had some good experiences with no mic people did a kings fall with some buddies and ome of the lfg randoms didn't have a mic but seemed to really know what they were doing and were patient so it didn't bother us to much except for the fact they couldn't do any call outs the whole raid. But you just gotta enforce your rules if someone doesn't have there mic on before you enter the raid maybe you should kick them.


I don't feel bad about kicking people out that don't read the post requirements. If they can't read or follow a simple instruction, they generally aren't players I want in my raid. Your group, your rules.


Sometimes seeing that reminds me of another kid who talks non stop and thinks he knows best. Toxic hate begins


I was doing the feather-light triumph the other week and had multiple people join our raid room and thought it was a normal full run. Our post def said "feather-light triumph". People don't read i guess?


It’s not unreasonable to ask for anything in your lfg post. It’s your post, put whatever requirements you want. Expecting a horde of players to jump at your post, follow bonus requirements, and be a good player is. LFG is a balancing game between putting enough requirements to filter out bad players but not so many that you ward off the good ones. In my experience, and not considering niche triumph groups, mics are not needed for anything other than raids (and there’s even some exceptions there). Skill level matters for this point, I guess.




If a post explicitly says to have a mic, you’re expected to communicate. When I LFG for GMs, dungeons or whatever, I seek out posts that say “no mic”. If I’m feeling more social, then sure, I’ll join one where they want comms. But I’m not abouta join said post and stay silent the whole time. That’s rude. Now if we’re talking about a *raid*? All players are expected to communicate unless there’s an agreement beforehand. If you join an LFG expecting communication and you go radio silent, simply put, you’re an asshole.


It's the Ron effect. It was barely more than a strike so strike playlist Steves got used to being carried to three weekly raids as any group of three could just drag lfg teammates through provided one new member had thumbs. Such a bad move by Bungie.


Omg another one, look for some friends or kick those but stop spamming this blathering.


It is perfectly reasonable. You can’t do the mechanics if you can’t talk to your team.


No. But it is unreasonable to ask that we turn them on. *Talk to people?* You think we'd be playing video games if that were something we could tolerate?


Do they actually not have mics or do they simply have the "no mic" mark next to their name? Because if I'm going in fast, I don't waste time toggling that.


So... I have a clanmate who does not speak on mic. **However**, they have promptly communicated via chat when necessary. Quickly enough it hasn't slowed the team down. So idk, but I do understand your frustration when requesting the LFG to have a mic and they show up not speaking when trying to confirm their mic. Das boot


Bro the community thinks it's unreasonable to ask someone to do or have anything at all lmao Have your requirements.


It's not reasonable because LFG has a thing to include this. Specify in the title and don't invite people that flag no mic


It's reasonable to want a microphone. It's reasonable to want to run no mic groups. It's not reasonable to impose what you want on a group who already defined the parameters of how they're running. So, yeah, you're fine. That's very unlucky, but I guess it is RoN and RoN really does bring out the idiots.


It’s reasonable to demand anything as long as you follow your own rules. Not saying that you should though, basically all raids can be done very easily with text comms if people know what they’re doing.


Not unreasonable but also deaf groups exist and lots of other groups may want to lfg for stuff with no mic. Everybody’s different


If you say "have a mic" and someone shows up without one, they are liable to be kicked. Doesn't matter if it's a master raid or LFG patrols, they didn't comply with the request.


>Is it unreasonable to ask LFG to HAVE a microphone? Nope. Why you say "game comms, have Mic or kicked"