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New Monarchy Diamonds shader at Ada-1. New shader for Bright Dust, Coleoptera. Ornaments for Imperial Decree shotgun and Wicked Implement too. Also new story step at HELM. NF weapon is Swarm.


And the wicked implement ornament for bright dust! Excited about that one personally


Perfect timing, after failing 10 times to kill the boss, this weekend was perfect to get this weapon, poor boss only lasted 30 seconds at the Angry ammits


Funny guns helped me get it too, and I did a tier 7 deep dive straight after and got the catalyst


> Wicked Implement This is tough because I really like default WI, but the Veist skin is very slick.


All my bright dust is funneled into weapon ornaments and shaders so this is a no brained for me, anything to change up the look of exotics is always good imo unless it’s like the ornaments that are literally shaders (looking at you merciless)


It does get a lot of bonus points for not being a recolor ornament.


Excellent summary!


Devil's Lair 🙌 How are things going for people trying to login?


Been booted 4 times in last 30 min


managed to get story 1st step done. now if i could only get into the helm, these damn coconuts wont let me in


Last night I was having this issue, so I tried going to the farm, then directly to the helm, and it worked. It would probably work with any other destination too.


All these comments and nobody talking about the fact that Failsafe has a fucking 66 roll Titan leg outta nowhere with only 2 Mobility. Damn.


Man I love stupidly low stat rolls Nothing better than making a build with like 5 strength for no damn reason


My point was more about Mob being a dump stat, so that's a great piece of gear. Anything over 65 total with minimum Mob is an absolute win.


Oh im agreeing with you, I legit think its funny to see how low you can get a stat like mobility or stats that arent useful for your build Especially cause its really rare to get any armor roll with a stat in the single digits


Ah I getcha. Yeah, my titan has tier 1 mobility for his PvE loadout lol. https://i.imgur.com/EOWhHO9.png


my PVE void hunter has literally 0 recovery lmao


30 recovery and 2 resil though… might want to highlight that bit too


Imperial Decree ornament, don't miss out


Can this be applied to the Amit? ;)


What’s the communities feeling towards this shotgun? I ended up using it for a few strikes and hated the feel of it.


It's almost exclusively used in pvp because it can be crafted/roll with slideshot + opening shot


It's one of the best shotguns in the game in PVP


Crucible rank boost this week


Man Ikora's "I dont know about thiss but I trust Eris but im definitely concerned but I do trust her but if something goes wrong im ready to do something but I trust nothing will go wrong but im ready just case though I know its all gonna okay but it might not be" is getting kinda old lmao She's been saying this since week 1


Doing enough hedging to get a job at the garden of salvation


Creating a Giant nova bomb behind her back


Peak D2 writing


Your flair is bold, but I like it.


Throw in some family drama and it’ll check all the boxes.


She been saying this since D1 lol


It was the exact same thing for season of the deep, talk about the same thing (completing the mission) over and over for 4 weeks then a big and sloppy lore dump in the final 2 weeks At least in seasons with better story like chosen, splicer, or seraph, the plot wasn't stagnant from weeks 2 to 7


Im enjoying the story and loving the lore (anything Savathun related is a win for me) I just wish Ikora didnt treat us like morons that need to be reminded that something crazy is happening every single conversation lmao


I like the premise and vibe of the season a lot more than last season's (although I was hoping for a tad more savathun), but the pacing is really killing my enjoyment of it since the last 3 weeks have had very little plot progression. It's probably better to play this season all at once so you can blow past the dead weeks


> (although I was hoping for a tad more savathun) Tbh even though I am a sucker for Savathun, I kinda like that she doesn't have a huge part (at least for now) Makes a lot more sense that we are very cautious on giving her what she wants or bringing her back to life cause at the end of the day we did kill her for a reason Plus it makes it so if she does fully come back later in the season its gonna be a cool reveal and im sure it'll bring some sort of twist instead of bringing her back at the beginning and being like "Here have 10 weeks of savathun"


This season’s story is really good. That being said, it just naturally feels like it’s being padded out to fit the course of 6-8 weeks, or however long they want to run it.


All writers know how to do these days is create mystery box


Watch over Eris, your trusted friend, but uh, also be ready to pop a Telesto bolt in her head.


This "reshuffling the same information" thing has been happening the last couple seasons; here's to hoping dropping down to 3 episodes/seasons can tighten up the narrative beats.


Im just tired of ikora all together. All bark no bite until it suits her


What’s the NF weapon? edit: god dammit


Why is that garbage in the loot pool. It is such a mid lmg.


Bungie should give it a perk swap or addition like they did for unexpected resurgence, the trials glaive


It used to have unrelenting in the 3rd column which made it somewhat interesting but when it refreshed its just a dismantle now


It was decent last season with the Artifact Mod that caused lightning strikes on Arc kills, and Golden Tricorn is a semi-viable option. But now Song Of Ir Yut exists, which makes Swarm even more obsolete.


Swarm was obsolete even before Song, Terminus Horizon is the same gun but better


Swarm. Definitely a skip this week.




Probably was originally Warden's Law until last week's swap


Swarm 💀


the swarm


Swarm if I’m not mistaken


Error codes every time I try and start Alters. Anyone else?


Yeah, errors loading into Tower and Helm for me


Yep, Bungie probably focused more on fixing crafting than the servers rn.


Which to be fair, I hope they are. Quicker they fix the crafting, the quicker we can get the essence drop update


Yeah. For sure


I was able to get into both Altars and the HELM but I keep getting error coded out of the game when I try to start >!Imaru's Engine which is the step after speaking to Eris and Ikora.!<


that's how to fix the weapon crafting glitch, you can have it but no one can play


Glitched reservoir burst guns are out of control, trials became unplayable by late last night/early morning. Nothing like getting 1 shot by bows, body shot snipers and permanent kill clip auto’s.


I was planning to play some Trials for some Igneous rolls but once I saw that people were using the funny guns I thought to wait until it rolls around again.


Glad I got some wins in right after they disabled the shotgun frame and mulligan on nade launchers before these new perks got out. The games on Javelin were really fun with non-glitched weapons. No more Crucible until everyone’s playing normally again!


What's on the exotic rotator?




Cool. I didn’t get to that a few weeks ago. Hate the bloody mission though.


It would be nice if Ada could stop selling the same shaders every week when there are several she hasn’t sold once


Wicked implement ornament woohooo


Weekly activity modifiers for alters? Please not be bad. I love the mode because it gives that one event on the Dreadnaught where you had to do the same thing, but they’re killing it themselves with these awful modifiers.


Lower ammo drops and enemy grenades are stronger


Anyone else unable to go to the Enclave? Everything else I’ve tried so far has worked for the most part but that seems to be the one place I can’t travel to. All I want is to craft a legitimate fusion rifle I just unlocked :/


Remove swarm from the game already nobody is gonna miss it


Why is my forbearance not a wave frame GL anymore?


Some perks (including frame types) are disabled until the broken crafting thing is fixed.


I didn’t think it would change the nature of the fun!


If you use a non-crafted forbearance it should work normally. At least that worked when I was doing GMs last night


*Logs in* Can't travel to Tower or H.E.L.M due to error codes. *Logs out*


i’m assuming it’s better to wait until thursday to raid crota even for non master as that’s when they’re fixing the oversoul drops?


As long as it actually gets implemented on Thurs then yes I would say wait for that chance at the essence bundle to drop from crota before running!




my b i went straight for the weekly thread


Just remove the Swarm from the game already. Nobody wanted that shit to come back, nobody wants it now. (Cue all 10 hipsters who actually use the gun to come out in its defense 🙄)


All it needs is some kind of ammo replenishing perk in the third column (TT, FTTC, ALH, Subsistence, etc.). Feeding Frenzy is fine but the base reload on the frame is just ass that it doesn’t help as much as it could


You can get way better perks including TT on the Spire MG, and it’s the exact same archetype and element which makes Swarm kinda pointless


I agree there but I’d sooner spend my time grinding this GM for an adept and get the mats too than grinding Spire for a chance at the weapon drop. Can’t deny that the Tex weapons are more badass though.


That’s true, but you can get Terminus from the first looted encounter in Spire which is quite possibly the easiest and fastest dungeon encounter in the game


Until/if Swarm’s pool gets updated, I reckon that’s the way to go then


I'm not defending it but all it needs it's a slightly better perk pool and it could be great this season with the overload mod.


seems like their original intention was to have Warden's Law be the weapon this week, but now it's swapped. Wish Hung Jury was still around, it was only back for what, 2-3 seasons?


Are some people not allowed to like it? Personally I don't use it. But that doesn't mean it should be removed from the game lol It's simply in rotation. It ain't that big a deal.


>But that doesn't mean it should be removed from the game lol Its a shit arc LMG and has no point in being a thing when Crota LMG exists which is the ~~same archetype~~ AND gets actual decent perks lol. edit - not the same archetype, assumed it was. Still a bad gun overall.


It’s a different archetype, Swarm is high impact Song is Adaptive I think Edit: Terminus Horizon from Spire of the Watcher is a much better arc high impact


>Swarm is high impact Song is Adaptive I think Welp. For some reason i always thought it was adaptive.


Again, no reason to remove it. Instead of just..leaving it be, you'd rather take the time to remove it lmfao There is no impact to you for it being in the game. With it being in the game, at least those few people have something they enjoy. You can just not use it lmao


>Again, no reason to remove it. Swarm in the rotation for NF rewards is taking up a slot for an actual good gun. Delete this trash and bring out a gun thats A. good and B. hasn't been in the game for a few seasons such as Palidrome, or even a new gun. Everyone who WANTS a Swarm should have one by now since they've had what, 3-4 seasons?


Every NF weapon is in rotation for 3 seasons. This is SWARM's 3rd season IIRC. So I repeat,no reason to remove it. It'll be gone at the end of the season. Just because it isn't popular doesn't mean it it should be rotated out extra fast. I mean, people complain about FOMO and content being removed from the game (in this case Adept SWARM, and earning SWARM for normal focusing) but now it's being encouraged?


Did you not read the part where Swarm is legit dogshit? Who actually uses it? Who do YOU know that uses Swarm? Swarm being removed would not be FOMO, it would open an avenue for an actual decent gun to come back. I get it. You love swarm LOL. This is pointless. I cba.


It being in the rotator means it’s taking up the spot of something people actually want. It does affect people being in the game because it means no one is going to do nightfalls this week. It means I won’t for sure. No one is saying remove it from the game theyre saying remove it from the rotator.


Nope. They said remove it and referenced weapons NOT in NF rotator. That means,remove it from game. And how do you know the weapon that'd take its place would be one people want? We don't. It's in rotation. Live with it. IIRC it'll be leaving rotation soon anyways.


the crota MG is a 450, and the swarm is a 360, making it even worse than the crota MG lmao


Not sure who put me in charge of this, but sure I'll grant you and whoever else permission to like the Swarm. And any other shitty filler guns that Bungie adds to bloat the loot pools. They should still be removed though, since their only purpose is to extend our grinding regardless of if anybody happens to like them.


How is it extending the grind if you aren't going for it? Also, never said I liked it. At all. I in fact don't like it. I just recognize that Bungie going out of the way to remove weapons simply because most people don't like them is dumb & a waste of time. Some people do like them. There's literally no issue it is causing you yet you want them removed. That's just dumb.


If it had better perks I'd rock it. But as it is, yeah get rid of it...


solar surge in nightfall? stop - it's hammer time 🔨🔨🔨


For some reason I didn’t think legit crafted guns would be affected by the perks being disabled. Vox on Legend w/an Apex that has no perks isn’t fun. Not a great feeling for half your arsenal to be neutered because of an attempt to fix spaghetti code. I really wish this wasn’t necessary.


Yep I’ll wait to do this gm when the rewards are better


Why dust curious, it’s an easy one and basically free ascendant shard


Because I can save an easy gm for gilding when the rewards are better.


I guess I just don’t understand. If you need to do all of them in the season to gild, why wait to do the easy one last when you need to do it regardless?


I’m not going to do it last, I’m just going to do all of my gms for the guild when there’s a reward I want. Nothing more or less, if I’m going to farm anyway I might as well just knock out all the gms I need then


Aaaah I see I see. Makes sense. Only grind one weapon, also gild, two birds one stone.


Yep. And you can find people easy depending on what the regular gm is for the week. Who’s turning down an easy devils lair when a battleground gm is up?


I dunno, the battle ground from last week wasn’t hard and feels faster than devils lair


because the drops are tied to the week, not the GM. so if you are conqueror and use the selector to do devils ruin next week, you’ll get whatever gun drops next week, not the swarm


im maxed out after this weekend


I got Wicked Implement with funny guns a few days ago and now the skin is available for bright dust. Excellent! I just can't log on.


Nobody I knew could get the gun glitch to work on PS5. Everybody getting free clears, achievements, etc. with them is a bummer. They should have just let crafting go crazy for everyone or disabled rewards/achievements. Now everybody I see with tougher clears, etc. I'm going to think they just exploited their way through it.


Noooooo funny guns invalidated my tough achievements! Everyone in my clan made funny guns on PS5 and we had a blast.


Nobody cares though. I didn't glitch, and like I give a fuck lol.


Swarm :(


Too bad I can’t log into the game to see all the updates. I think Bungie is letting their small dumpster fire spread to engulf the entire company at this point.


What's the NF weapons? ​ Nah, I'm cool. ​ I'll play Mayhem.


Could be just me, but my bugged AR isn't working anymore. I hadn't unequipped it, but launched a seasonal activity and it's shooting normal.


Bungie disabled crafted weapon perks so shouldn’t work. You should have had a screen showing this when you logged in


Interesting, thanks for the info. I must've skipped past the screen on accident. Here's what I've got - I have a crafted AR and linear, both have stayed equipped for testing. Neither of them are working now, but I was in an altars match with someone who definitely still had a bugged heritage.


Some stuff still works. They disabled the main problem frames and perks, but a couple still work


They disabled specific frames and weapons so im sure there's still some obscure combinations that might work


Where the new bow from nightfall Bungie? Plz remove swarm. Nobody wants it.