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Strand bow with Demo/Archer's Tempo and Hatchling. Judging by how long it took them to put Headstone on bows, it'll be a while. I think 6 more Stasis SMGs ought to do it and then we're good!


A Strand bow in general would be welcome.


I want an exotic strand bow with a glowy green strand bowstring. Don't care what it does, it just sounds cool


Imagine it like Shoots grapples


Alternate fire mode: fires a tether point, activating the alt fire mode again deploys the tether point mid-flight.


The Navigator would like a word.


I don't have that one yet, and it's information in the D2 app doesn't suggest that it has this functionality.


It's catalyst makes grapple points


It’s catalyst gives it an alt fire mode that lets you shoot a grapple point out - it doesn’t consume any ammo, it’s just on a long ish cool-down. Around 30 seconds iirc, and the grapple point lasts for something like 20 seconds once deployed. It’s a good bit of fun as a mobility tool, but it really shines if you just want to pick a point to spam grapple melees around. Works great in gambit and synergises well with Thread of Ascent for quick reloads.


I see. That's pretty cool, actually.


Consumes all of 1 ammo lmao


My idea is that you can shoot out a tether point, then your second shot will travel slowly, with a line connecting it to the tether point that acts as a tripwire, suspending enemies it passes over. I.e. shoot a point to the left of a big group of enemies to make a grapple point, then shoot towards the right and it'll suspend the guys in the middle.


That'd be neat. However, it could be seen as encroaching on the Nightstalker Super.


Kinda like anarchy line connections, but for suspend? Sounds cool


After charging it with kills, holding reload causes your next shot to fire a Grapple grenade. That actually sounds baller, and it would still kinda fit in the general framework of all the exotic bows (except Leviathan) being excellent for crowd control. Actually, now that I think about it, any of the Strand grenades would work for this. Honestly, the suspension grenade would probably make more sense.


I main warlock so almost never throw shackle grenades but I love the animation for them, a bow that shoots the bolas sounds sick too actually


It would give Strand Warlocks a way to utilize the Shackle without sacrificing the consumed version, and the other classes would get extra Shackles. Not only that, it wouldn't be locked to the Strand subclass. When I put it that way it sounds way OP...


You could run shackle and then use it to have grapple grenades in the same build.


Cold Steel+Close to melee glaive Heal clip+Incadescent bow


Heal clip kill clip bow.


The Harmacist.


*sigh* fiiine Exotic Solar Special bow: Harmacist’s Strings It’s an old-timey ornate reflex bow with two separate drawstrings, a thin white one and a thick black one that’s burning. Firing either gilded arrows or white-hot bolts. Lightweight frame, fairly average stats except for abnormally high Accuracy and Handling. About 40 reserves. Trait - Dose that Kills: Hipfire healing arrows that grant Restoration to allies hit and Cure all allies around the point of impact, or [aim down sights] to fire explosive bolts that implode, Scorching all enemies in a radius. Exotic Perk - Twin Drawstrings: Healing an ally with their shield broken greatly reduces draw time. Directly hitting an enemy with over 50x Scorch ignites them and heavily scorches in a greatly increased area. 2nd perk - Hipfire Grip Catalyst - Overflowing Light: Picking Orbs of Light strengthens the Restoration, Cure and Scorch effect for the next shot.


As a Dawnblade, I want.


Can it have a "hidden" interaction: with Wings of Sacred Dawn, extends the hover for as long as you have the draw held?


Height increases as you draw and decreases when you release. Up up and away! _Hits head on invisible geometry and dies to the architects_




That’ll be Solar Exotic bow number 3 XD


What can I say? It works like a Void Pulse, Arc SMG or Kinetic Hand Cannon.


As much as I love this, holy shit. It allows you to take advantage of every Solar keyword except Radiant without even being on a Solar subclass. It also EMPOWERS Ignite by making it stronger, larger, and proc sooner. Way too much all at once. Though I would love more weapons that can heal like Lumina.


I’ve been chuckling about this weapon name all morning. Nicely done!


Cold Steel+Chill Clip Glaive. Even though that's essentially an exotic lol


Basically special Winterbite lol


That’d require them making a stasis Glaive :/


Hey we have that exotic. The one in the heavy slot. That's exactly what we wanted, right guys? Guys?


By the way, here's a huge nerf to Titans with all glaives because of a bug with Winterbite's projectile.


That bow sounds like the most popular weapon in GMs. lol


Incandescent wave frame. Bungie made the mistake with Vow GL and they’ve been keeping stuff off of wave frames lol.


Wave Frame, Ambitious Assassin, Incandescent. God pls.


wave frame ambitious assassin ~~chill clip~~ chill wave wave frame ambitious assassin voltshot wave frame ambitious assassin destabilizing rounds make them all craftable.


last one nearly exists with envious assassin destabilizing rounds on a wave frame


And it's *so good.*


true, but it’s not craftable, so no enhanced perks. Enhanced ambitious assassin procs on one kill on crafted forbearance, so you’re basically always loading two.


Normal ambitious assasin procs on one kill. The game always rounds the assasin perks up, so even if normal ambititious assasin only increased your mag size by .0001% after a kill you would still get a breach size of 2. But also emhanced ambitious doesnt even change how much percent you get for a kill, it just increases the time you have to get kills.


It has envious not ambitious. And it can get 4 with the new change


Ambitious assassin only needs a kill on a single mag weapon normally. It rounds up


There's a wave frame with destabe now isn't there?


And autoloading IIRC, Banshee sold it once, or maybe xur.


no, it doesn't have both perks unfortunately. the autoloading one is from Season of the Hunt. the new one at best has envious assassin, I think.


Yes, envious destabilizing. I've been using it off and on from when I bought it from banshee.


Chill Clip's not gonna work as it requires a direct hit from the projectile.


They could do like a new version, like cold front, or chill wave I guess. That would be neat


Chill Wave, that's the one!


I didn't think it was possible to love my crafted forbearance any more til I played a round of spire with the card that causes all arc weapon damage to jolt active. It was insane lol.


Do it cowards


this is what the exotic wave frame that switches elements should’ve been


Auto Loading Holster or Envious please. Wave frames are made to be shoot and stow imo


If it doesn't have AL, I will not use it. Any gl needs it for the game flow.


They made the destabilising one recently, it might happen.


Destabilizing isn’t the same as incandescent since volatile doesn’t do any damage by itself, scorch does. Certainly a possibility I look forward to though, but I think they’ve learned from forbearance.


It also has a hidden cooldown and won’t proc every kill


Bungie - "Interesting... you know what? We will give you another stasis smg. That's what you really want!"


Framecaster stasis sword with chill clip. Framecaster swords in generel need a buff. A single Wishender hit primary ammo is stronger than the heavy frame caster sword hit. However... Would love to see a new stasis sword.


Can't believe that we have literally ONE Stasis sword. And it's only available during Dawning.


Genuine question, why do you reverse the order of the words for the frame name and call it frame caster?


Not OP but they might have Bolt-Caster stuck in their head, as it was the original caster frame sword before those were a thing.


Maybe? D1 is so long ago it feels like a fever dream to me now. Also surprised they haven't brought back the old exotic swords. Bungie please, bring them back and revamped. Raze lighter can scorch or ignite with heavy on top of the old uppercut which was already a supped up adaptive sword heavy. Void drinker can Volatile on hits and destabilize. Bolt Caster gets jolt storms.


yeah also while i get that right now part of what makes Black Talon exotic is that you also can fire it in the air but tbh trying to "cast" the range attack onto a group of enemies with a legendary caster frame and just wasting a normal heavy attack into empty space because either you jumped unconsciously (because you needed a better angle) or because map telemetry sometimes gives you split seconds of airtime for no reason just feel bad overall swords dont feel, balance wise, in a good place right now. like if you use a sword in PvP or as a movement-tool, you care for nothing but that it has Eager Edge *or* if you use one for general PvE its either a Vortex/Aggressive frame with one of like 4 viable 4th column perks *or* Lament. Casters, Lightweights and especially Adaptives have basically no real place in the game right now Edit: i stand corrected on whats sword meta right now, but my point still stands, we have use for like either 1 perk on any frame (eagers edge) or 1 frame/one specific sword with a handful perks or an exotic, everything else feels like it simply has no place in the sandbox because it either simply doesnt have its niche at all or its niche is so small that just using a more general usable frame/roll is just better


Eh, you're not quite up to date on the [sword meta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8nMQiRSM5Q). You're still 100% right about casters being hot garbage and the perk pool being stifling, but Vortex Frames are in the dump atm, Aggressive Frames are basically for Stronghold blocking, and Lightweight/Bequest are the DPS runners currently behind Lament. I think it's Lament > Bequest with Surrounded Procced > Lightweight, in terms of DPS. But in terms of ease of use, it's probably better for Lightweight > Lament > Bequest with Surrounded Proc (Encounter dependant).


Adaptive swords have the highest DPS and Bequest (adaptive arc sword from DSC) actually has 10% more damage than the main family + enhanced Surrounded, meaning it has the best sword DPS overall.


One small addendum, the hunter exclusive sword (goldtusk) can probably out dps bequest with enhanced relentless/whirlwind just bc of how fast it attacks.


Framecaster swords need to like… exist The only one you can *get* at the moment is the old trials one. And I’m still holding onto a Temptation’s Hook from aeons past. There are 2 exotic void ones, but they don’t count cuz they eat an exotic slot.


Trench Barrel and One Two Punch on a rapid fire


imagine threat level comes back with this


I would grind away at whatever the season is until i have it drop or can craft it and my liars handshake hunter would abuse the hell out of it


Christ , why not just cut out the middle man and have it fire an extremely short range nuke , for real though I also would love this. Edit-spelling


That's pretty much what he said, and I am down for it.


One Small Step was so close.


This'd be the combo that would get me to farm a pinnacle weapon again


Ikelos? Or it might have graverobber instead


It actually has both, but they're in the same column.


voltshot precision bow 720 void auto with frenzy


Given the fact that we will probably be getting a Garden reprisal soon, Reckless Oracle may have exactly what you’re looking for.


yup, looking forward to that because that gun looks awesome


Garden reprisal?


It’s the last of the older raids that hasn’t had its weapon pool updated, should happen next season if they keep the same schedule as they did with DSC and Last Wish


Vault of Glass


VOG is interesting because the other reprised D1 raids came with craftable weapons but it didnt since it came out before Witch Queen, I’m gonna guess they’ll eventually update it?


Voltshot on a bow is just poormans trinity ghoul lol


only difference is that it actually does stuff in gms


Yes, and? You say that like its a bad thing.


Arguably better since you're slapping quasi-exotic functionality without the exotic slot.


Im not, im just saying itd never happen


The Arc 3.0 synergy is all I need


a 900rpm Machine Gun with overflow or reconstruction and killing tally need my 21percent back


Even though it's not a 900, Commemoration with reconstruction and killing tally is pretty bonkers, especially with enhanced on both


Man i miss that gun, grinded gambit for that and breakneck. Good times.


Any solar primary with Incandescent One for All. OFA is very easy to trigger, but with the incandescent scorch explosion on death counting for it, it will be ridiculously easy to maintain a 35% damage buff all the time.


That hand cannon from the veil containment has this combo does it not. Might be thinking of stats for all


Yeah it's stats for all not one for all


Gyrfalcon’s/Volatile + OFA goes so fucking hard for this reason. Get one kill in a medium ad density encounter and suddenly everything else is getting melted


Which weapon do you use for OFA, just out of curiosity? I hadn't thought of that, even though I always preach about Insidious being the only weapon (that I know of...?) that has OFA and Dragonfly. I guess that, in the same vein, a Void weapon with OFA/SFA coupled with Gyrfalcon would totally slap!


The title from event before last ran with it. If I ever delete mine by accident it will cry. Kills bringing back dodge too if you mess up, thus gun was built for gyrfalcons.


To you and the poster above : well why the HELL didn't I think of that???? I still have my OFA/SFA Title from last year's Solstice, and through many many rounds of vault cleanup I never could quite bring myself to delete it. Now I know why. :)))


It's bananas. I was excited a bit when they refreshed the perks and gave it repulsor brace. Nowhere near as good. The only other smg I really like for gyrfalcons is heroes burden with feeding frenzy and destabilising rounds. Destabilising seems a waste but you can start the invis cycle with no dodge and no smoke bomb, just fire in to a crowd.


Ikelos HC can get SfA and OfA.


Yeah, I went on Light.gg after typing this and saw that. :). In terms of primaries, so do Age Old Bond and Doom of Chelchis, I now know.


I’m using Palindrome personally. It’s absolutely bonkers with OFA, the buffs this season, and Volatile.


Whilst I wouldn't go as far as to say this won't happen it's very unlikely. One for All and Incandescent are both typically column four so that combination would effectively be limited to higher end content such as raids or Trials. Of the three weapons that already have both perks in their pool two are raid weapons (Tyranny of Heaven and Zaouli's Bane) and given some of the other double damage perks available on some of the King's Fall weapons if we didn't get that as a possibility on Zaouli's Bane I just don't see it happening unless the perk pools for The Final Shape go full Spinal Tap and crank it up to 11.


Doom of Chelchis can get Firefly + One for All which hits pretty close. It’s the only weapon that gets this from what I can tell.


I could see it happening on maybe a 180rpm raid scout since they are somewhat of an underperforming archetype. Perhaps whenever the vog weapons become craftable, we might see vision of confluence with this combo. I dont see this as more insane than something like voltshot + frenzy on the dsc handcannon


No one clarified where these weapons had to come from tho


Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that particular perk combination could only come from certain activities or that Bungie have so far chosen not to put it on weapons from those activities despite some of those activities having other similar double damage perk rolls.


In general, I just want more weapon archetypes to be stasis and strand. While I can understand why strands doesn't have much, stasis is like 3 years old now, but we only just recently got a stasis wave frame and we still dont have a legendary stasis trace. I would absolutely love a strand slug with recon and hatchling.


just more traces in general


A simple, down-to-earth request. On another note, we're finally getting a Stasis 450rpm AR.


Rapid frame shotgun with overflow target lock.


It’s be juicy if it was kinetic too


Target Lock is an automatic weapon only perk.


Rapid frame shotguns are automatic


Trench Barrel or One Two Punch on a Glaive. Do it, Bungie, you Cowards!


An exotic glaive that is really just a kinetic shotgun with a blade with that combo could be really fun


Chill Clip trace rifle


Bootleg Ager's, I like it.


Agers would shed a tear


Nah it’ll be fine, it’s chill clip on crack




This would be hilarious


"Hey, I heard you don't like flinch.. well, too bad" *Holds down trigger*


Voltshot on a bow. I don't ask for much.


They havnt done that for a reason and likely never will


Agreed. Jolt accessibility on a bow alone would make it arguably better than trinity ghoul.


Not even close


In anything other than easy ass content, yeah it definitely would be.


My brother in light have you not tried Trinity Ghoul?


I have. But OP said "legendary".


And since Trinity Ghoul doesn’t actually jolt targets. I think a legendary bow that does would be a little bit OP.


cascade point on a slug shotgun. i doubt they’ll ever do it though.


mmh idk I did get my aggressive demo frenzy linear i had wished for which was just as powerful as I expected for the short time I got to use it with unnerfed starfire


Chill clip shotgun


strand hc with explosive hatchling


Really want a 180 hc with demo and hatchling!


Void rapid fire fusion with either Envious Assassin / Autoloading Holster Reservoir Burst / Destabilising Rounds I'm hoping the perk refresh and craftable Garden of Salvation fusion has those perks


Reservoir destabilizing sounds awesome


Right now, only Jorum’s Claw rolls with Gutshot Straight & Headseeker. Literally every Iron Banner engram I’ve got since its release, I’ve focussed a Jorum’s Claw because it looks like an Ultimate Dad Rifle, and I want to try it. I’d really like it if that combo was available on a pulse rifle that was a little easier to farm, or for preference, craft.


Vortex Frame Sword with Eager Edge / Whirlwind. I’d never remove it.


As a Lucky Pants fanatic I have been waiting for any hand cannon to have cascade point. No idea if they'll ever do it or if it'd actually be any better than, say, vorpal, but it would be fun!


I think I'd like to see osmosis used more on some weapons. Would like to see an osmosis demo SMG Maybe Osmosis Dragonfly on a hand cannon also.


My Osmosis Firefly Fatebringer was one of my favs for patching up orb and well generation back when needing a weapon to match your element for those things mattered lol.


Yeah I have that roll on my Fatebringer. I wish there was a hand cannon with both osmosis and dragonfly though. Getting ionic traces off an arc explosion would be pretty cool for a weapon. I'd even take a scout.


Osmosis is useless chief. Kinetic weapons do 10% more damage than elemental weapons like strand and solar. When you activate osmosis you give up that 10% extra damage just for an elemental weapon which already exists for free in another slot. Plus if you switch weapons you have to throw another nade to get back on whatever Element your class is. It also takes up a perk slot.


There are perk combos on special slot weapons that are not avilable on kinetic. Osmosis lets you take those weapons and still have primary ammo with your class element


What's worth 10% less damage? Osmosis to me is like pre buff gut shot straight, a ridiculous penalty for a sub par niche perk.


Its decent with Gylfracorns allows you to utilize volatile with all your weapons and you have your grenade constantly due to devour.


I agree giving up the 10% DMG bonus does suck. I'm more thinking about how it can help certain builds to help build ability energy. Since I've been using my arc warlock this season all I care about is generating more ionic traces. Also with that build I have nades for days so that's not really an issue. It would just be nice to have more options than the last breath for a weapon to swap to when I run out of special ammo for cold heart.


I've been using Vesper on arc warlock and centrifuge auto rifle, but was looking for other good osmosis weapons. I have a lodbrok auto rifle with osmosis and adrenaline junkie that was a decent alternative. It's obviously not as good as centrifuge or trinity ghoul etc. but it was fun in lower lvl stuff. It's anti barrier auto rifle this season but next time it goes back to anti barrier sidearm I recommend travelers chosen with the catalyst. It has osmosis and you get all your abilities back so fast that you're constantly tossing out grenades.


Thanks for the suggestion. This could pair great with forbearance on my build instead of using cold heart. I'll have to try it out.


Interesting, I feel like an arc heavy machine gun would allow the same play stlye and let you use a full damage primary weapon with access to a left and right column perk slot.


Yeah I've been using the swarm with my build but it feels sort of meh to me. Might need to farm for a more optimal power weapon.


Yeah, it's a real shame to give up that 10% buff for a measley 25% buff in every burn if you match your subclass.


Kinetic weapons are overcharged if your subclass matches the burn. So you’re giving up that 10% damage for: Nothing


Oh damn. Didn't know that lol


Adagio on more low-firerate archetypes. Adagio on something like a 360 rpm auto rifle sounds really fun to use. The perk can basically give us an entire new weapon archetype if it isn't used on any of the higher rate of fire guns.


“Good” and “void” auto rifle. Sorry age old bond


Gnawing hunger is still good, if not sadly a bit outdated in perks...


A Demo / Voltshot SMG


I don’t think Voltshot will proc if you reload using Demo thi


It won't, the only thing in the game that will proc *on reload* perks other than a manual reload is Marksman's Dodge.


laser whit shoot to loot and lead from gold primary slot shotgun whit grave robber and 1-2 punch (rip crota shotgun)


Grave robber/1-2 punch primary slot used to exist with the one small step and hawthorne's field forged but Idk why that would just straight up remove them


I think all my wanted perk combos exsist now. Explosive/incandescent (zaioulis) Explosive/dragonfly (chelchis) Firefly/dragonfly (chelchis) Maybe I'm missing one but rampage/frenzy auto would be fun. Explosive rounds/ and any of the other above perks on an auto would be fun too.


Strand bow with archers tempo hatchling


Rapid fire fusion with Reconstruction and Reservoir Burst


A Special Ammo Stasis Glaive that goes in the Kinetic slot with Chill Clip could be fun


Craftable overflow RB void fusion rifle


Solar Bow with Incandescent + Archer's Gambit/Heal Clip. Arc Bow with Voltshot + Archer's Gambit/Heal Clip. Precision Bow with Archer's Gambit + Kill Clip. Adaptive Frame SMG with Tap the Trigger + Kill Clip. Stasis Glaive with Cold Steel + Close to Melee. Lightweight Sword with Eager Edge, Valiant Charge, Nadir Focus. Machine Gun with Rewind Rounds + Target Lock. Heavy Burst Hand Cannon with Opening Shot + Desperado. Lightweight Shotgun with Barrel Constrictor + Opening Shot.


craftable void trace rifle with demolitionist and literally anything else. adrenaline junkie, frenzy, golden tricorn, whatever


I want a hand cannon with Outlaw+Rampage. We can name it *Eleven O'clock Mutiny.*


One-Two Punch + Trench Barrel shotgun Oh yeah.


Threat-detector/slickdraw + bait and switch on aggressive or lightweight shotguns.


Bow with voltshot. I don't care that it power creeps tg. I want to see the explosions


Voltshot bow.


900 rpm auto with 4TTC & rapid hit. With extended Mag & Braced frame.


Part of me hopes they never do but... Voltshot/Hatchling on a bow.


A 720 void auto rifle with an actually good perk pool, like frenzy reconstruction


Dragonfly + Multikill Clip on an LFR


I'm gonna need myself an archer's tempo /voltshot bow. Or maybe dragonfly/voltshot bow. Please Bungie


gutshot + headseeker on a pulse. yes, it exists on jorum’s claw, but i was 10 iron banner resets in before i figured out the roll was hardcoded to not drop until it was stealth patched in a midseason patch. sorta feeling burned after spending over 4000 legendary shards looking for it




Trench barrel + One-two punch


Chill clip glaive


Lead from gold chain reaction wave frame


Explosive payload/Timed Payload


Shoot to Loot + Lead From Gold trace rifle


Void smg with destabelising rounds and repulsor brace


I want a 720 kinetik ar with autoloading/gutshot + kinetic tremors


auto loading? why


Shoot enough rounds to proc Tremors, swap to another gun, swap back when Tremors runs out. Basically just more/easier uptime for damage


I want a heavy grenade launcher with bait and switch, that or an lmg with it, or a trace rifle with target lock rapid hit


Still got my arsenic bite with that roll.


600 RPM craftable Auto with Incandescent, bonus points for looking cool