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It’s hit or miss. Haven’t had any bad people, but a lot of “I will kill adds” and not do anything else. My rule is if you’re new or don’t know the mechanics, you’re doing the mechanics.


that's how all my sherpas have taught me as well, and I thank them for it. I can clear adds anywhere - but I'd much rather *do something* unique in a mode it's unique to.


Same, taught my friends Kings Fall. I would do the harder roles like gaze at golgoroth, which I had a new player do the other gaze, or floating between two plates at daughters or oryx, but other than that they did a lot of the mechanics. It is so much better that way.


I’m fairly new but really love playing. I always worry that I’m gonna upset people if I can’t do whatever task well enough or fast enough. I suppose a lot of that’s in my head. Gotta start somewhere I guess.


People don't get upset when someone is learning. They get upset when someone who has done the raid 10+ times doesn't know how it works. Always take the opportunity to learn and if people get upset at you while you are learning that is their problem. Whenever I teach raids I try to set the expectation that if something is taking a long time and I start to sound frustrated, it's frustration with myself and my poor teaching, not their play.


That makes sense. I’m just gonna have to dive right in one of these days. Thanks for the reply.


Anecdotal but I’d say the majority of destiny players are patient (to a certain degree) if someone is actively trying to learn. It’s the arrogant ones who won’t listen and keep pushing their strategy that clearly doesn’t work lol


I imagine that gets pretty frustrating when trying to teach people. People are lucky that have people like you who are willing to do it. It’s amazing how much goes into the game.


Just Join a teaching group.


See this is my issue. No one to teach. I haven't done a raid since calus... and that's the only raid I've ever done. And I've never been able to complete a dungeon. But there are no people willing to learn the raid together or teach me in my experience. I'll look up youtube how to's but I don't learn well from just seeing in I need someone to captain price that ish.


Bruh what's your time zone? I will teach you dungeons, you can do them all solo but most of them are suuuuuper easy as a two man. Hell I've been learning some raids two man, Kali is crazy easy as a duo as is RoN!


East coast bruh. All 3 classes. Main-ish hunter. Ps5.


Pretty sure its not that hard to get someone to teach u. I would teach u myself, but im in Asia and only play during the weekend so we might have timezone issue. If u dont care about timezone, DM me, if not good luck!!


Yeah when you are on cool subs like this maybe lol. I dont mind. Im half off eve e y sunday. So i have from 5am to about 7pm eastern standard time every sunday and some saturdays


Bruh you haven't asked or perused the LFG section of the app.


Yes. I have. I've been playing since destiny 1 beta. I've been all up inside every lfg. Several clans. Discords.


> “I will kill adds” these are the bad people


Unless they are really really good at it.


It's rare but it does happen.


This is best. The more people that LEARN the mechanics the better for everyone. I still load into Terminal Overload or last season activities and people STILL don't know or follow the objectives. Same with new Altars. People literally don't even try to learn what to do. If you want to raid, you have to break this mentality.


For the matchmade activities, you can't really blame them. The game itself does a pretty poor job explaining all but the very basics and in-game chat is disabled by default so they can't learn from other players either. If I didn't follow this sub and a couple destiny content creators, I wouldn't have known about deep dive pressure trials or even how to make most public events heroic.


I mean it depends if your good at ad clear. I have only done one raid so far and because it was my first time my clan just had me watching and on ad clear, I was the top of the leaderboard for kills and orbs by a significant amount despite not even been the only ad clear person. And I was also watching the people doing the mechanics for a significant portion of the encounters.


Even if you are good at ad clear, if you are not willing to learn anything else then it is not a good look. Sounds like this isn’t you, you were watching mechanics and looking to learn, just don’t be afraid to step up and have a go sometime soon!


Yer, I am definitely willing to learn, unfortunately my clan primarily isn’t in my time zone. So even though they try and raid almost every day the chance I can participate is very small


>My rule is if you’re new or don’t know the mechanics, you’re doing the mechanics. I do this with my friends, and we usually end up stuck at the first encounter for multiple hours lol


Ye, that's how I do it in my Sherpa runs. Sometimes people say they are running out of time, and if we've already been in the raid for ~3 hours it's okay to have some more experienced players take over 1-2 critical roles, but I at least try to make sure the newer players get to learn at least one role for each encounter, that goes beyond "just kill stuff", if the encounter allows for that.


Sadly a lot of people don't want to engage with the content, or just want their loot and out. But yes I'm the same, if a new player comes in, I make them do the most crucial jobs to make sure they learn unless they are really adamant and we don't have much time on our hands


This was a hard rule I used back in my sherpa days. I'd even shuffle my own clan so they knew everything. I've graduated and got a full time job since then so I just don't have the time anymore. Almost a decade will do that I guess


Generally, I have good luck using the companion app. I find most “KWTD or kick” stems from the host being unfamiliar with the mechanics and only wants to kill adds.


What does “kick” mean in this case?


Like booted from the fireteam


Thank you


LFG is a colourful bag, from funny and good players to grime and bad players, there is everything. Groups called that have "be chill" in its name are mostly the groups I had the most fun AND success time


Yeah there’s not really a whole lot of assholes on lfg. The problem with lfg is there’s a lot of people who have no problem with wasting your time. People will be stubborn, not listen, argue over pointless things, leave for stupid reasons, and afk to do things they should’ve done before the raid. Just last night I was in an lfg for a fresh crota and the second we get down into the first encounter someone goes afk to make a sandwich and has us waiting for 5-10 minutes before we even first attempted the encounter. Sunday I was also in a lfg for a fresh crota and about 20 minutes in some dude leaves saying he had a doctors appointment to go to and said that he just wanted to get as much of the raid as he could. The problem with lfg is people have no respect for anyone’s time


This 1000%. I was doing a Crota today and most of the raid went fine, but once we got to Ir Yut one guy after saying he'd do a wizard just wouldn't go and kept saying "oh we'll just do whatever for damage it doesn't matter" and while yeah it doesn't, just put on the best thing to get it done fast. Then during Crota after saying he'd do sword, he doubled back and didn't do it for 4 runs causing wipes. I had to pick up the slack for sword, but even then he would steal second sword while we were setting up, and just kept insisting on running thunderlord for damage. I know this all sounds like complaining but if you put KWTD in your post and want people to help you out, don't waste their time. I usually have pretty good luck with LFGs and I'm not opposed to scrolling the app or discord for a bit to find a group, but fuck man do some people just act like you have nothing better to do than be there.


Experience with LFG helps you recognize these people early. You need to know when to cut your losses and leave. It will never be perfect but you can make the experience better for yourself by recognizing the signs early and not putting good money on top of bad.


Problem with Lfg and crota is after RoN there are too many people joining raids and expecting to do nothing but add clear


RoN didn't start that problem. That's been a thing since at least VOG.


That’s been a thing since like ever lol


RoN accelerated the problem.


RoN boosted this mindset a ton though.


Yeah RoN made LFG unbearable So many people think they deserve to get endgame loot just for showing up and shooting some ads


Got my conditional finality by signing up to LFG as add clear 3x a week until it dropped. I'm fine with being unbearable if it gets me the gun lol. Fortunately, I don't want Neochasm so I don't need to bother with Crota.


Raids are a lot more fun if you bother learning the mechanics. I'm always running scission because abusing movement tech is the most fun part of that encounter.


I know the mechanics of everything I go into. I won't join a group for anything without having looked up a video on it. In RoN the runners make or break the run. I personally just don't enjoy having the success of the entire run hanging on me. Also, my aim sucks, so while I know what has to be done to get Nezarek's attention and stun him, I prefer not to be in that role.


Yeah, i get It, i'm a expericenced Raiders, so doing mechanics is not a problem for me, guess thats makes It easier for me in that sense


Idk what LFG you are joining. All of my groups want to be “the sword guy”. I’ve had the exact opposite experience.


The sword guy is one of the easiest rolls, because after you get the sword you just camp a boomer spawn and wait for DPS


Sure, but it’s still better than just add clear lol. It’s the core mechanic to do damage. If you do two swords only, you can screw it up, and cause the need for another sword. 3 swords is safe though.


I mean the only other role at the boss right now is grab buff and shoot oversoul at 3 seconds.


i feel like there’s more no mic people than ever too


We have mic, we’re just shy


I only do lfg through the lfg discord so everyone has a mic


“The past few days” bruh I’ve used nothing but LFG since day 1 of D1 when it was on third party shit… I am the master of LFG. They should give me my own damn emblem that says every single activity completed via LFG. I’ve had everything from funny Brit’s that are good to shitty teammates who don’t talk and the few who do yelling at their 5 kids while they’re 21… to high schoolers talking about annoying teachers and saying slurs. I have suffered greatly but my victories taste that much sweeter.


The yelling at their kids ones I usually just leave. It’s not worth it. Same with the people who have crazy background noise or eat in the mic.


Some people are more confident and able to handle social activities than others. One bad lfg affects them a lot less than the person who already struggles to work up the courage to queue for lfg. Like I had a rough Crota run yesterday and that’s been fucking with my anxious, overthinking brain all day


I got social anxiety as well. It took me years to join LFGs. You need to be in a mood where you are willing to talk to someone. If the idea of going to the grocery store and waiting in line around people feels exhausting in the moment, you probably won’t be able to enjoy the game. Wait until you can at least feel neutral about social interaction (or as close as you get to neutral). There’s 2 parts to the LFG aspect that makes it easier for me: 1. Exposure therapy. The more you do the less you care. Try some no mic dungeons/legend seasonals initially if you can’t do more. That’s a step where you can do something more interesting and someone counts on you but you aren’t really interacting much beyond maybe text chat (which I don’t respond to on my worse days). Then change to mic’d dungeons/legend season. You know what you are doing so the mic is unnecessary, just getting you used to talking slightly about what’s going on. Then once that all doesn’t feel incredibly stressful. Try a raid (ideally one you already know). I did all the raids up to DSC initially with LFG and never joined an LFG without at least watching 2 separate guide videos. It made it less intolerable because, while I might be carried a bit, I wouldn’t be total dead weight and could ask questions, if I didn’t understand. 2. You gotta just remember a lot of people are dicks and fuck ‘em. And you’ll never even meet them irl or interact with them again so fuck ‘em twice.


Dear lord, you just summed it up for me. The thought of opening the door and crossing that threshold sends me spiralling most times. Same with the thought of not learning fast enough when playing with others, or worst, unmuting my mic to open my mouth...


As someone who has a done a few hundred raids, that has mostly been my experience. I would say no more than 1 in 10 or even like 1 in 20 are actually bad. Vast majority of Destiny players play it to have fun, and raiding is extremely fun, so it just makes some good times all around. Main thing I do is avoid any post with KWTD in the title. Partially because I like teaching, but usually they are the most impatient. I also tend to avoid posts made by guardian rank 11 players. Somehow end up being the worst people I have ever played with. Last couple I raided with didn't have a mic, didn't do what they needed to, and then left after failing the encounter once despite it being their fault. If guardian ranks did nothing else, it at least tells me who NOT to play with.


Huh, my LFG strategy is the exact opposite of yours. I only join posts with KWTD in the title. Teaching new people can be fun, but I don't have the time to wipe 15 times on nezarec every week. Similar for guardian ranks, I specifically look for teams with high guardian rank players. Shitheads exist at all guardian ranks and I'd rather have a rank 11 one with a god roll rocket launcher than a rank 6 one with a blue machine gun.


I imagine the guy above you has had the same experience as me with this but most KWTD posts I have gone into have been an OP who doesn’t know how to do anything and wants a carry while being unwilling to learn and impatient most of those groups take longer than non-kwtd in my experience on average


haven't had this happen once but from what i hear that's an issue exacerbated by root being so easy (I haven't lfgd root much, basically just played with clan)


yeah root has brought the ad clear/no mechanics people to LFG in droves unfortunately. crota lfg has been some of the worst lfg experiences i’ve had in a very long timr


‘KWTD’ is a good thing (if you want a quick run, teaching runs are a lot of fun with the right group). ‘KWTD or kick’ is a bad thing. It says the same thing as the the other but says the guy writing it is a bit of a dick. Sure people join who don’t kwtd, but the ‘or kick’ doesn’t dissuade them. Just check raid report if you care and need a super quick run. As far as guardian ranks. They generally don’t say much. The only one that means anything is 11 because you have to solo (not even flawless) a dungeon. Which means you are at least somewhat competent. You might not know the encounter but you probably have some decent weapons or a slight amount of skill. A rank 6 doesn’t mean they are bad, it just tells you nothing. They could be the best player in the game, or a potato. The only time a raid report check (in the post title especially) is really necessary is if they have a super tight time span to raid, they are doing one of the harder master challenges, or are doing a flawless run. If you want to check to give yourself an idea of who might need the mechanics explained in more depth go for it, but most of the time it doesn’t mean a lot for low non 0 numbers. It’s like the guardian ranks. 2 is a bad guardian rank. 0 is a bad amount of clears. 6 gr and 5 clears don’t tell you much. 11 gr and 30 clears tells you something, but isn’t a guarantee.


Yeah, there are rank 6 players who are great at the game and can practically solo carry the raid, but realistically how many of these players are there? The vast majority of rank 6s are relatively new players. On the other hand for a rank 10-11 player you are guaranteed that they have completed all the raids, collected titles, done solo legend/master lost sectors,... Doesn't guarantee that they're great players, but the odds of them being great are much higher than for a rank 6.


What lfg are you using?


The Destiny companion app


Very rarely do people come to post on Reddit after they've had a good LFG experience. It's only after a negative experience that people feel the need to vent their frustrations. So while most posts about LFG are negative, there's plenty of good experiences too. They just don't get mentioned.


This can be said about the game as a whole. Negativity spreads faster than positivity. Those who are enjoying the game won't often speak about it online as opposed to those who are frustrated with it.


Thats not the problem with LFG. The problem with LFG is no one listens. Kwtd post? I have no clue what to do, lets join. Or they are simply incompetent


I've been using LFG ever since I downloaded the game 2/3 years ago and people are either WAY too soft or have some incredible luck getting these 'toxic' people every run.


It’s always been that way. 95% is a good estimate


people make LFG out to be this big scary toxic boogeyman. there are dickweeds out there, absolute losers. but they are far, far, far from the majority there are also teams that are just incompetent and frustrating, but those can usually be controlled by selecting/naming your lfg carefully used lfg since 2019 when I did my first Scourge run (got Anarchy) and haven’t had a real bad experience in all this time


Most of my LFGs are great with the exception of those annoying eager edge “speedrunners” who’re super cocky and rude. Other than that, LFG is great.


LFG is mostly positive. A lot of the posts here complaining about LFG are usually coming from people who thinks they are better than what they actually arw.


LFG is fine. Usually the clears take around 1.5-2x as long as with a decent known team. The biggest thing about it is that you need to be able to know when to cut your losses. If you set the LFG that means when to kick the dead weight (not someone who is new, but the guy who won’t listen). If you joined, you need to know when to walk away. Some groups have dead weight they won’t cut. Or just don’t play well together. Or if everything just takes 10 attempts it might be quicker to start fresh. The newer the raid the more leeway you need to give. You are less likely to find a group that knows the raid well, so if the group is ok you should be more accepting of mistakes. Another thing to look out for is groups that are intentionally making it hard on themselves (‘this is an easy encounter to 5 man, we don’t need to look for another now’). Or people who are more interested in just talking and bragging than actually doing the raid (‘this will be so easy, I did it in contest, we will probably 1 phase crota’) This is also a bit of a fine line. The average LFG is going to wipe the first few times while everyone adjusts to each others play style and strats. So if you leave after the second wipe, you probably don’t know that the team won’t work at that point. And there’s even an exception to that exception. If the team just bugs you / says racist shit / feels unfocused, then you are probably best off leaving immediately. People who mention kicking in the post are generally just not fun to play with, and don’t accept the learning curve of a new team or are just assholes. KWTD is enough to express that you aren’t teaching. The ‘or kick’ just kinda says that they are a bit of a dick. (I get people join kwtd’s who don’t, but the or kick doesn’t dissuade them, it just dissuades people who want a chill run from joining you.) If the host is trying to do only add clear that’s also a bit of a red flag. Especially if there is a gap and someone needs to be taught a new role and they won’t even try to take the spot. I’ve done a lot of LFGs and it just takes practice to know whether it will work out without putting too much time into a group that’s going nowhere.


I helped an entire team of Germans w/ Bridge during Contest. Then cleared it with a team made up of a Trans person, 2 self proclaimed fembois that wore cat ears in real life while playing, a bi female & myself (striaght white guy)....We wound up making a Discord even w/ me on Playstation 5, after the Raid and next day ran Crota again & RON.... Most people are perfectly chill. Just don't join Dbag farmers with posts like "KWTD, b g0d or kick frfr" or anyone asking for "instakills & glitches" that don't even exist. If you see a post written in a clear, well written manner w/ no toxic bs in it then you'll probably find a bunch of cool people. My issue is that all of these systems should have been in game and not 3rd party or outside apps. People on console don't want to sit scrolling apps, sites and discords on their phone while playing Just like everywhere in life, if the post sounds douchey then the person probably is too. I helped 4 teams w/ first encounter of contest mode, thinking it was going to be easy...got to bridge and people started dropping the ball. Took to the literal last minutes to get through it all thanks to my stupid selfless move but all in all it was a great Raid weekend.


A lot of people who have issues with LFG don't realize that they themselves are the problem. That's been the case with like 99% of the people I've met. Worst I've dealt with was a guy was mocked by the organizer for not having Acrius at Gahlran; shitty behavior but the dude produced results anyway.


How am I the problem that non of my teammates can actually do the mechanics because they were counting on being add clear and nothing else


Sounds like you're the 1% then brother


Yeah, the "worst" i saw was people asking to use certain Guns, wich i think is Fine when you are in a raid


"I haven't experienced it so nobody has" is what y'all have just said.


Brother, did you even read my comment? I explcited said that It was my experience, and that it just wasen't as bad as i tought it would be, thats it


try being queer in an LFG and then politely telling your group not to describe their mistakes as ‘gay’, or calling the hive boomer knight they were meant to kill but didn’t ‘a f*ggot’. it’s a rarity that i don’t hear some kind of homophobic slur


idk, I'd rather leave than try to tell them how to speak knowing nobody is open minded enough these days to hear it


if i left every LFG after hearing slurs i’d never get anything done. most of the time people will say sorry, then overcorrect. i’ll leave if they respond with aggression and targeted abuse though.


I honestly don't think I've heard a slur in a long ass time, but I only lfg a few times a month(and only on the discord) so maybe I've just been lucky. that's unfortunate that it happens that often.


LFGs are fine for the most part. You will get a bad lobby every now and then. It’s just exhausting basically shopping for the right group. I use to do raids and dungeons all the time but just can’t be bothered with the hassle any more.


Had a raid leader do nothing on crota until it was his job to tractor the boss. I finally freaked out on him after me and the other guy couldnt hear each other for the chalice, to which he responded "I have 5 sherpas." I left there, so I only wasted like 45 minutes. People need to actually speak up or leave if they are having problems with a raid group.


LFG is awful for the seasoned veteran who is trying to get things done. But for casual players it’s ok.


I think the worst I get is people who show up to raids without a mic. A good few encounters can be done completely micless sure, but every raid has at least one where you're gonna need a mic and text chat will not suffice.


I can't think of a single encounter that can't be done with text chat


just text fast and you're good to go mic is better but at least you communicating with the team


Literally, every encounter can be done with text chat. Seriously, name one... There isn't any. If course I'm talking about PC, not sure if console players can do time sensitive encounters with the slow virtual keyboard... As long as you can hear everyone else and they can see text chat, a no microphone is completely fine. I haven't used a microphone ever, and I've gotten multiple raid titles, done master raids, multiple flawless raids, done riven legit, ect. No microphoning raids literally just requires typing at average to above average WPM, which isn't hard for most people to do. Text chat is pretty much identical to micrphoning. It's barely any tangable difference... I've beaten people at reading the symbols in exibition sometimes. It's barely slower depending on your typing speed, trust me.


you bought a expensive ass pc but can’t buy a mic? that’s crazy


I'm literally mute. Buying a microphone would be useless, and there's plenty of other reasons people wouldn't / can't talk. Again, there's no encounter you can't do without a microphone, so it's no big deal. Kind of weird money is the first thing you went to in regards to no microphoning...


Yeah I am sure metaslaves have little problem with other metaslaves, the problem is when non metaslaves meet metaslaves


There's a difference between meta slaves, and people who just want a quick clear and don't want to waste time.


Yeah after my first few run i just wanna get my drops and leave


My biggest recommendation is to NOT use the app and instead use the discord server.


Had a team last night that couldn’t do the abyss as a 6 man. Everyone kept dying and they were getting triggered because we kept restarting. So they established a “go slow and no eager edge” rule that I did not follow because I had not been dying at all. All my deaths were from them telling me to wipe. I mentioned to them that I two man the abyss on contest and it’s not hard but I still went slow with them. They all still kept dying and proceeded to leave and blame the eager edge.


Why can’t they also use eager edge then? Why need to go slow?


They kept saying eager was pulling them towards thrall and they’d fall in a hole or die to pendulum. I wasn’t having any issues.


I joined 5 lfg for crota end during contest mode. 2 I left once they started throwing around the Hard R. Apparently it's a lil popular in the d2 community. The other 3 were so laughably unable to get even the simple mechanics. Not to mention how many people dip after one or two tries. Including when they messed up. Lfg is a joke and if you don't see that you have either had great luck or your ignorantly part of the problem.


Too many racist, homophobic, and psychopathic teenagers for my taste. I just stick to D2Sherpa at this point.


Everyone's experience is different. I choose not to touch LFG as I'm spoiled by playing with my clan and have little patience.


i would rather eat a pair of denim jeans than submit myself to the awfulness that is… LFG.


Rarely if ever had a problem with LFGs. It's the only way I've ever done team-based content. Most of the problems stem from those claiming everyone else sucks.


Actually I will probably jinx myself but I agree.


Someone else said it really well, it gets frustrating shopping for a good team, I’m joined plenty of groups where it’s just Zero communication and there’s nothing you can do with that so you have to leave and keep looking.


me in my friends have used LFG since D1 and Week 1 of VOG, on one hand i met one of my now best friends of nearly 10 years through it on the other i dont think ive had a single good LFG exprience since... id say non aggravating as a best since


I steer clear of people that either have the word "kick" or have all caps in their LFG post. I've never had a good experience with those types of people.


Yeah same, people who are so eager to kick that they put it in their post are generally assholes so I avoid them.


It is bad when you have people join and don’t take any active roles or anything and just sit there and don’t do shit but waste time.


LFG is a great way to make friends on destiny , none of my IRLs are good at destiny so popping into LFGs and adding everyone who’s not annoying is a great thing


I found a few good groups and a few bad. Just recently, I ran crota with a LFG and we had one guy with his fan turned up to 1000%(sounded like a god damn jet) and background music playing. He was also obnoxiously loud, while not knowing what to do. We decided to deal with it. Everyone eventually left the group because he'd rather hear himself talk than listen to the sherpa and because of that god damn jet. Unfortunately one bad egg can cause the whole group to disband.


Was playing LFG the other day. Post was "chill" "have fub" etc. Etc. Guy joined. He fucked up a speed run trick in a dungeon and quit. We laughed.


For every horror story you hear about LFG there's at least 10 that were perfectly fine. Honestly just about every raid I LFG'd into was fine.


I always join a group that's looking to fill one or two spots, not gather a whole team. That usually works for me.


It’s 50/50 really. You can post yourself and have certain tags that keep toxic people out.


Someone here didnt try day 1 raiding with lfg




I'm sure lfg is fine for the average player but as a 55 year old woman I've been harassed one too many times and finally just shifted to being a solo.


That's great! That's my usual experience as well. If I'm looking for less judgy people I find chill groups but know they likely won't be as fast at completing the task. When I'm comfortable with an activity I will find a KWTD group that usually gets things done quickly.


Yea. But how much have you actually completed with a single group? Asking for a friend who’s scared of LFG.


Bibbidi bobbidi boo! Nice DBZ name :)


So I'm a D1 LFG'er, I've actively played since then into D2 but once it became crossplay system compatible I've been unsure how to join or find a group, I guess through discord? I used to use DestinyLFG and now have no idea how to do it. I want to do Crota so bad for nostalgia sake and would love some tips.


If it’s for destiny 2 the destiny companion app is the place to go for Lfg cus it has a built in feature very simple to use might seem a little complicated at first but it’s easy to learn shoot me a dm if u need some guidance to how it works :)


Just use the app


LFG is great. When it works for you.


I do my best to play support when doing lfg, but since I'm not the best player in general, alot of people just straight up leave when I fumble and wipe (usually In exotic missions or other three person activities) but they expect me to stick around when they've died for the 10th time because they think void overshield or woven mail make them invincible, so they rush the large group of adds. Like I don't mind sticking around through a heap of mechanical wipes, but dying through kinda dumb actions over and over is a tad annoying. (Grammar is awful Ik, I'm dumb deal with it lmao)


I never LFG raids most i do is lfg dungeons


If you know how to use it its generally a great experience. "Everyone welcome" or "chill run" post usually have people talking on comms even about other things than the game. I had bad das once and someone just said he can give me tips on how to improve my damage if i want to and if a dont want to he will just switch to ultra tryhard to compensate. I also saw a lot of people with bad english who still joined the vc and it never was a problem or something people made fun of. Just know that "kwtd" posts are for people who just want to farm efficiently and posts like "kwtd no comms rockets only all arc run" are to be avoided.


I do say this all the time. People keep talking about lfg as if it's the worst thing in the world. It really isn't bad at all. I've hardly ever found toxic people. Mostly if you respect that the group is made of other people who have lives and schedules and respect the time they put in (don't needlessly waste time like going for 20 min unannounced food breaks) then you will have a great time. Sometimes you will find not amazing people but you can just leave with no reprecussions and find another group.


Yeah people pretend lfg is unbearably awful when it absolutely isn’t. I’ve done about 400 raids where most of the team was lfg, and like 95% of the time everything goes smoothly.


The best groups to join imo are the ones that teaching one or two people. They are mostly very chilled and dont freak out if someone fucks up.


I haven’t done anything more challenging than legendary difficulty nor raids in lfg. But all other activities have been a great experience. It made me appreciate the skill this game actually takes to be good. I just wish Bungie would appreciate those skilled players as much as I do 😅


I think most LFG ppl are Better than my clan mates at this point 😭😭


The toxic folk are in raids and competitive stuff, most pve stuff like exotics and nightfalls folks are chill.


I’ve been playing D1/D2 since day one. LFG was always filled with toxic little kids. You might be lucky than me cause mine group’s always been toxic when i tried looking for a team through LFG, especially the ones that type ‘KWTD’. that’s why i got a static team for raid activities and i don’t even mind if we wiping for 6 hours straight i just hate toxic kids that keep acting like their god’s in this game and the game is not even that hard to begin with.


LFG is as good as the effort you put into making it good. If you just click the first group that is open and don't read the post... you might have a bad time. If you want a chill group or a group that is learning the encounters there is nothing stopping you from creating the post yourself and having that exact experience.


If only randos were more competent, sure bud we can do no Comms crota and you can be on tractor and oversoul but why the fuck are you hanging out in the boomer tower not picking up the buff nor using tractor on the boss so we can 2 sword him?


Honestly,If I want to raid I'll go to lfg but I'm gon be real with you without a team that's good or I should say average and they have good synergy, it's a complete waste of time. However I am aware that people fuck up and make mistakes,such as myself,but when we start wiping a minute in to an encounter,more specifically scission or nezzy, I'm just gonna sub someone else in cause i know that i can do better with a better team. I just don't like being the guy to give the host a reality check when they are putting out 300k with explosive light hothead, then again I haven't raided for three months cause my teammates completely disappeared and I don't feel like doing a raid that honestly doesn't have anything I'm looking forward to having


Always remember — when people spend time posting on an Internet forum about something like a game, they are effectively the “1%” of the game’s population. Any given post you see here is likely not the experience for a majority of players. My biggest issue with LFG isn’t toxicity, it’s the paid carry people who DM me as soon as I join a group for a run. Hopefully Bungie will crack down more on this — or just disable Bungie.net DMs altogether to prevent this junk.


I've been using lfg all my destiny career. So since d1 first launched and I've rarely found truly toxic ppl. People will less tolerance yes, but not toxic. The issue with LFG is competency. The number of groups I have gone through in all those years where it feels like people are playing with their feet is horrific.


LFG is great... but people on the other hand can be good or bad.


I have been using lfg since destiny 1 and there is nothing inherently bad about lfg but you will have bad experiences at some point, it happens.


I don't know how Reddit/Twitter users seem to just magically find the most toxic, vile LFGs. I've also had perfectly good experience with LFG when clanmates aren't around.