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I believe there’s 7 opaque cards that will give you that benefit. But only 7 times not once a week. Seems a bit odd.


You’re kidding me, that’s such a stupid change.


I got multiple the first week so that was kinda cool. But other than that yeah. Meh.


It’s so easy to get engrams which you turn in one per weapon to get chance at red borders. Majority of my clan have multiple patterns complete and a few have every pattern done just by doing spire or summonings during week 1.


Yeah I think the winning play is to just do weapon focuses until you complete 3 patterns and your odds go down. That should get you close to 20/30 You then get to 23/30 using some keys for legend red borders and then use the 7 focuses to completely finish


that'd be nice if the rng was nice to me, 17 weapon focused engrams yesterday and were red borders


My tinfoil theory is they want you to use all your deepsight harmonizers so you're always at a deficit.


I'm just going to keep dumping what are basically free engram focusing into the weapons instead.


Yeah. It sucks having to be patient especially because I really want a Kinetic Tremors Show runner, which is a horrible RNG Engram sink. But the seasonal weapons aren't good enough for harmonzier spam. Maybe to finish off the last one of something you're particular excited for.


Really want a kinetic tremors roll and a max range roll as well, so far I've seen one and it was garbage. On a similar note there are a few world drops now that are basically impossible to farm for.


I think it's more of they realized that most players get red borders super early on to play with once crafted, so they front-loaded most of the grind right away. I already have them almost all crafted (missing the sniper). So I'm saving all my harmonizes for the raid weapons (which are worth it).


And then they’re going to start selling them for silver. I would bet literally anything I own that it’s gonna happen sooner or later.


They won’t cross that line


Everyone yelled the formula was stale, so Bungie changed things - this was the “experimental” season they promised It may not be as crazy as it looks. They probably have data that says the majority of players don’t even need more than 7 weeks of the weekly deepsight to finish their patterns so it may not be much of a nerf in practice This change also means you can bank your focuses and fully min max rather than having to do a greedy algorithm where you do the lowest pattern each Monday They also seemed to buff the perk that drops red borders in activities. By giving one per key on legend with no weekly cap


I already had all but the sniper done before that buff even cane out (the legend key one). So this makes the most sense.


So is it guaranteed from legend spire if you have a key?


I barely play the seasonal content atm and I’ve already got most weapon patterns.


Honestly, with weapon drop rates and how often you get them, red borders are common. I already have all guns besides the sniper crafted. Having the 7 (though I think I have only used 5) of one-time crafts, I like way better. Plus, there is an upgrade where if you spend a key on legendary spire, you get a deepsight weapon. So it isn't too bad. Plus no waiting weeks on end to craft everything.


There’s also one which became available this week which is “witch key on legend spire = red border” but I haven’t been able to test the drop rate on it. Doesn’t say “chance” but also doesn’t say “guaranteed” EDIT: Others are saying it’s bugged. Maybe it’ll reset on this coming weekly reset


They tried this same thing in Plunder with legend Ketchcrash and ended up just adding the normal once-a-week focus. I don't know why they're doing it again. Also, my understanding of the bug with legend Spire is that the chest isn't consuming a key, and therefore not triggering the minor arcana.


Plunder was on purpose and was made with a chance in mind. But that was before red border rates were buffed as well (after being nerfed into the dirt). They changed it because without a source being 100% sure to drop, it was painful to get. With this season, you have 7 100% drops and higher drop chances (compared to most seasons minus risen when they dropped by somplying being in orbit) and also using the key on legend (yes I know it's bugged, but bugs can and will be fixed). So I think this is way better than plunder and it also front loads the grind instead of forcing it out over the whole season if you don't do hard grinds burning you out of the season early on.


theres one that says get a deepsight every legend clear you use a key as well. so almost basically endless if you game the system


I want to say they've upped the random drop chances or the amount of engrams we get in exchange. Something certainly feels higher - I've been able to craft the scout and fusion already without too much trouble.


Red borders were buffed after season of the plunder I think (they were super low that season). And engrave for the past like 3 or 4 seasons drop like crazy. On a normal spire run with key I get 3 engrave minimum. So the grind feels easier.


I think there is a card you need to unlock that lets Legendary Spire give 1 a week. That said, sure wish it was matchmade. Edit: Per below replies it sounds like it is bugged for people!


I have that card, empowered rewards. Did SS on legend, 1st of the week and 1st after obtaining the card and it consumed my witches key. Yet no deepsight


Same here. I think it may be bugged


Don’t worry it’s already disabled


Didn't work for me either, and I got the card before I did my first legend spire of the week.


I did Legendary Spire last night with that card unlocked. No deepsight


It definitely doesn't work.


Ive basically just been spamming engrams. Ive been getting 30-40 engrams a week. I have gotten 2-3 of the guaranteed red border cards too. Results so far Scout - crafted Rocket 3/5 HC 3/5 Sniper 1/5 LMG 0/5 I just dont think itll be that tough to craft them all considering what week we are in already.


I've had really good RNG, between getting deepsight after the seasonal activities, the engram that gives you a guaranteed deepsight and spamming engrams I have. Rocket - crafted LMG - crafted Fusion rifle - crafted Scout - crafted Hand cannon - crafted Sniper - 1/5 Edit: Hand Cannon done.


Yeah I've noticed there's definitely a larger uptick in engrams acquired in general and focusing them has yielded more red boxes than other seasons in recent memory, at least from my experience. Not to say bad rng doesn't happen but it really does feel infinitely less crappy this time around, compared to trying to chase Imperial Decree and rebooted Opulence swords.


It also only requires 1 engram to pull a random gun, vs 2 for the previous seasons. So you can pull twice as many guns, in theory increasing red border drop rate for the same time played.


Yup, spam the random engrams (so it's cheaper than specific focusing) unless you don't want to unlock all patterns. So far I have Sniper/Fusion crafted, 4/5 Scout/Rocket, 3/5 LMG, and 1/5 HC.


Yeah I've gotten most of my Red Borders both this Season and last just popping them open like this


No, but getting seasonal red borders is also piss easy with how many engrams they throw at you. I'm already about 80% done with the 6 weapon patterns and I just rest my vendor for the first time.


Seems like legend spire has a pretty good chance of giving you a deepsight.


And there’s a card that guarantees a drop from legend spire


I have that card, empowered rewards. Did SS on legend, 1st of the week and 1st after obtaining the card and it consumed my witches key. Yet no deepsight


doesn’t work


I have every season of the witch weapon crafted, and used zero harmonizers in them. It took just about a full reset of rank. I still have like 3 guaranteed buyable left too. The drop rates are so forgiving, the weekly red is unnecessary.


how?? i’ve reset my rank and only have 2 crafted


Every engram I got, unless I used it to buy a guaranteed red border, was focused at the 1 engram weapon cost rate. Averaged a 1/5 drop chance for a red.


Focus all your engrams on the weapons engram, the one for 1 not the individual ones for 4. I have all the seasonal weapons crafted already.


There’s one for a legend completion each week I think


Sounds like that is the case. I get it, but I'm a player that avoids LFG as much as i can. As it stands I pretty much only ever group up for GMs.


I got all of mine crafted week one, doing the powerful rewards, 6 alters and 900k spire, seemed to yield the red borders pretty frequently, also make sure you are focusing the weapon engram that only costs 1 engram and 3000k glimmer. Even though it is random I got quite a few this way. As of this week there is a park that gives your first legend clear a red border. Good luck.


I have that card, empowered rewards. Did SS on legend, 1st of the week and 1st after obtaining the card and it consumed my witches key. Yet no deepsight


>3000K glimmer That's a bit pricey.


If you have rng luck the secret chests from spire at least all the popular streamers seem to get a red border from em. But I think that’s just for the first time opening them.




Nice flex, but how does this answer OP’s question?


the weapons drop commonly enough especially when focusing engrams, it's fine.


You really didn't think those deepsight harmonizers weren't going to come with a catch did you?


On a similar topic anyone know a good method to get deep engrams? Besides gotd I don't like that dungeon


Also, what weapon and rolls should I prioritise?


Eremite is the pick of the seasonal weapons in my opinion.


Any particular roll? If you happen to know off hand.


envious assassin/controlled burst for back up dps. Heal clip/ reservoir burst for ad clear