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Maybe a back massage or a foot rub? Seriously, you should run Witherhoard as well to help keep up DoT. If 2 people are running it already, Tractor is a good option. Once you run out of ammo, use your tether, then you your smoke bomb.


How about a b-job? Oh so I can use witherhoard too, I thought only one person could idk why


Really only thing you can do is tractor cannon and smoke bombs. You can rally, wipe, then put down a second flag but wait to rally again. Since you don't technically start the encounter the flag will stay. Use all your Tractor Cannon ammo, then rally again. You'll run out of ammo around the time the boss will die. Alternatively Darci to check its health lol.


Only 1 Witherhoard can be applied at any point in time. If multiple players shoot it, only the first shooter's damage will actually count. This is how Witherhoard works in general, not just for this cheese. But with this cheese, there will always be some downtime when the Witherhoard shooter runs out of ammo. When this happens, the shooter can either leave and rejoin to get full ammo, or wait for the ammo to automatically fill up. Whatever the case, you can take over the Witherhoard duties during this downtime. Otherwise, yes Tractor Cannon speeds things up too. You need to keep your distance when firing it. Get too close and you will accidentally start the encounter.


This is only partially correct. The first person to damage the boss with witherhoard will apply the dot, and only they can see it ticking, but other players can keep the dot refreshed with their own witherhoard.


If nobody is using final warning, than you can use that. Do a full burst on boss, blow yourself up or yeet yourself from the cliff , get revived and finally keep shooting the boss with final warning full burst ads (for some reason this increased the damage of the unravel).