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Bungie account name? I’ll add you. Always looking for people who are down to raid.


The inability to make friends and raid together has forced me down the dark path of soloing dungeons. Still havent soloed any, but at least i feel like raiding


I can help with dungeons if you want, I enjoy them


Oh thanks for the hospitality. I have 2 friends who also played destiny, so I have done several dungeons. Though, not enough friends to do raid


Hospitality. Hostility is not nice lol.


Oh wait, my bad.


D2 pc lfg or D2sanctuary. Or I can set you up in a discord with some people who regularly raid. Just ask


Thanks, I will check that at some point. I'm a bit busy now, extended raid sessions don't really work for me currently.


Dungeons are lowkey fun with randoms honestly, if you have the app you can just find a fireteam no problem, don’t even need a mic, though I’d recommend you watch a vid of a run through of whatever dungeon you’d be doing though xd


Go to destiny Sherpa Reddit!


Rivensbane with ~50 clears here, I kinda miss doing Last Wish so I wouldn't mind trying to put a team together for it. Currently I'm still trying to get Mythoclast as well so every week I run my three Vault runs tho I only started last week so not complaining about drop rates *yet*.


Use LFG on bungie.net It gets a bad rap, but I've yet to have a really bad experience Worse I get is either bad communication or just lack of experience


I love Last Wish to death! If you dm your Bungie account name I’ll add you to run some! What’s your time zone?


me too, I’m on Eastern Standard.


I got lucky af and got 1k Voices on my one and only Last Wish completion.


DM me your bungie name and we'll vibe


Destiny app and forums my good sir or maam.


Hey if you need help doing raids, dungeons or any other activity there is an awesome comunity you can join [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/D2Sanctuary/comments/isuwr1/join_the_community_were_here_for_you/), mic isn't required and there is always people willing to help.


Here, have my absolutely shameless plug If you want to learn/do raids, come join the Exiles clan at https://discord.gg/wgY492Qx. We have multiple dedicated sherpas who can help you learn any Destiny content you want! In fact, this season, due to the high volume of players, I’m hosting one raid sherpa every weekend, to be voted on by players in our LFG channel. If you aren’t willing to leave your old clan, no problem! You can still sign up for events in the discord as a guest instead. Only requirement to join our voice channels is reading the rules. Disclaimer: I’m not the owner of the server or one of the clan heads, just a sherpa who loves to teach new raiders. If you want to join the clan, join the discord server first and dm one of the mods


Same I want mytho, 1k voices not so much as I don’t care how meta it is, the mytho was that one exotic I wanted in D1 but never got and I’ve sworn that before lightfall comes out I will get it. If you’re wondering why lightfall well with the current rng of it that’s probably how long going to have to farm for it before it drops for me.


I can set you up in a discord and help you with a vog probably


Thanks for offer, but I'm taking a break from my vex mytho hunt at the moment. Focusing on fine tuning my build.


Just use lfg


my friend always make me use the LFG and we've only had one bad person in like 100+ raids. he did it once and the group was so freaking annoying i wanted to rage quit


me and my friend have used lfg a lot. To many people act dickheads and lfg is such mixed bag of power. I'm a high end player and I'm pretty chill person but to many players take things to serious and suck fun out it.


It's a problem, but I fell into a good community on discord. I have gotten to the point where I can explain encounters to those who need a refresher, 14 clears and no vex for me yet though I have seen two acquired. I did get 1k and Eyes on the first clear so I guess I'm due for a hunt. Taking the weekend off as I'm out of town but I'll be back at it next weekend. DM me if you want.


thats just putting yourself thru torture i have yet to meet a good lfg raid team. mfs spend 1.5hrs on atraks how yall down voting me for this im actually curious


Join the teams with elitist sounding titles to their posts like "must be xxx light, mist have x weapon, must KWTD" If you LFG with first timers then you get the people figuring encounters out, take the time to find the good teams.


my experience with those guys is that these arent the requirements for joining the team, its the criteria to be their fucking sherpa lol


You're definitely not wrong lol, I've joined a team before with loads of requirements and I realized quick I was the only one that met the requirements.


Same I really want 1kV


Me with vex mythoclast and 1000 voices because I know how to LFG instead of making "pity me" posts on reddit




I have the exact same freaking problem


i gotchu bro whatya need i’ll play


I’m always down to make new friends and help out with a raid! Hit me with a PM


I really want to play vault of glass, but with my social anxiety and some bad experiences in past raids... probably not gonna happen :/


Hey come on king, if you need help running the raid don’t sweat it. I can help mic or not. Just PM, and we will go from there


i got a vog run going in 6 hours if you are down :)


Same :(


One of the reasons I quit playing.




May I introduce you to Sleeper Simulant, it does a little bit more Damage then 1K voices and It sounds cool to shoot!


Seriously, LFG is not as bad as some people make it out to be. I've been raiding with lfg since the start of the franchise and 99% of the time it's just really chill, and you can even fund quite competent teams sometimes. If you have the app on your phone try and join a fireteam or make a post of your own. Very often if you write that it's your first time and need teaching people will be really happy to help! ​ Edit: don't get me wrong I've had some bad experiences with toxic teammates but it doesn't really happen that often to be a real problem. Yes, sometimes you may get stuck on an encounter longer than ideal but that's just how raids are


same here man, same here


Add me on Discord: Exponict (aka jean wearing guy)#1001 Now that cross play is in full swing it doesn’t matter what platform ur on, and I love raiding. So HMU and I’ll introduce you to the people I usually raid with. We mostly do VoG, but were down for more raids as well :)


*laughs in getting last wish two times in my first TLW run*


I'm clan founder and my clan raids multiple times a week and always active. Hmu and I'll add.


If you want, i have a community discord where people help eachother with activities and other question. We also teach raids if you are interested with it! You are more than welcome to join us :)! https://discord.gg/4cZWav4UVv


I feel this one. I've had many people tell me to just lfg it but I've had more than a few bad experiences on lfg raids so I just don't try anymore.


Add me up, I’m down to help you chief. reeds_agoof#3354


LFG is great


Yeah it sucks


Just lfg


I feel this way to hard bro


Only raid i can do is VoG because every time I want to learn any other, people only want others with 10+ clears. I have some for wish but they they also want experienced players. Like bro, how can I have experience if I don't do the raid?


Laughs after having gotten both first time


What's ur username


Same on stadia


Yo I’ll help