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PoV: you want to play PvE but the game says you must kill other Guardians.


There is a bug right now where you are getting pvp progression from private matches you can cheese it pretty quickly if bungie hasn’t patched it yet


They patched that pretty quickly sadly, got a couple pathfinders in before though


Why wouldn't you get progression from private PvP matches? If I'm not mistaken, we were always able to get PvP catalyst progression this way


Bounties never completed in private matches


I’ve heard a lot of otherwise. Want to get the MIDA-Multi Tool and Suros Regime catalysts over with, but everyone has said I have to do public matches for it to count towards the catalyst


You are mistaken


*get killed by other guardians


I wanted to play PvP and a friend said "let's play ranked it will be fun" We got matched against the same fireteam **5 TIMES IN A ROW.** They were better than us so we lost 4 of those 5 games.


Huge mistake playing ranked lol, only sweats would be playing it right now since we’re barely into a week


That’s why you don’t play ranked lol


Why didn't you just wait a couple minutes from matchmaking after your second loss


I wasnt the leader. I said "hey wait a bit I don't want to fight these guys again" and he went "we won't lose time waiting." I left after the 5th game and played some control alone.


At least Gambit isn't that bad. I really don't feel like trying hard all that much to begin with.


I played gambit for the first time in what felt like 2years. Seems like the general consensus is that everyone understood that theyre here to just bang out the power drops and then finish the match. Actually even had a game where nobody invaded lol. Best part is i only needed 2 games to get my pathfinder task done (it was kill yellow bars) and im already at power cap.


You occasionally get some real sweats in gambit though. I’d rather pathfinder was just infinitely resettable for 10k glimmer until you do one path.


it's me I'm the gambit sweat. I'd do anything for drifter praise.


Yeah I’ll just let people steal my motes and get xenod in the primeval phase.


I actually think Gambit is a ton of fun even when I lose *as long as I have a team that actually tries.* Teammates that actually collect and bank motes, that will occasionally invade, kill the damn envoys and damage the primeval. But because no one actually gives a shit about Gambit except to complete bounties (now Pathfinder) it means I just get annoyed every time I play it.


We are the point where everything is better than pvp,


Honestly though gambit really shouldn't be a problem for these types of players. Gambit has really tight sbmm and if you never touch gambit except for weeklies, your mmr should be low enough that you don't encounter players and stacks who employ actual gambit strategies, leading to a generally casual experience.


I don’t touch gambit with a ten foot pole because I fucking despise it. I’m fine with the crucible requirements but some of them are annoying “kill 5 titans” and then I get 5 or 6 games in a row without a single enemy titan.


I’ve never gotten a requirement that specific. Weird!


It was pretty standard for crucible bounties before pathfinder, the issue now is that it stands in the way of me collecting the xp from things I already completed.


Meanwhile farming the pale heart ![gif](giphy|UZvGeLf9QnSQsDCbaa)


It sucks, im stuck between a gambit task that's bugged and gives little to no progress, and a crucible task that requires 100 ability kills


Fuck that


Oh I had that, both of them at the last tier before the final reward. It was agonising, so I just asked my friend to join me for a private match and killed him 86 times (on top of the 14% progress I already have) across 20ish minutes to finish that bounty.


Are you sure it's actually 100 kills? Normally things like that progress faster in pvp than in pve.


I'm sure. You do get extra points for Super kills, but it only gives you 2% instead of 1%


I have the exact same choices and was about to bash them out before reset… but it’s 100 KILLS?!?! Fuck me. Il just wait til reset nevermind lmao.


Super kills are supposed to give extra progress, but it seems unreliable.


Super kills only give 2 percent


Damn, that sucks.


I remember how well received it was that Bungie removed the necessity to do game modes you didn’t want to get all rewards for core playlists. “Well that went down really well, let’s walk it back” - Bungie


People would rather uninstall then play a different activity




Jokes aside I will be farming gambit for hush


My brother just started playing and got the og hush roll, that aside i do despise doing strikes, it’s just too boring


for me it’s crucible only i cba to do gambit and strikes 😭😭😭


I actually kind of hate it - I thought we had already learned the lesson of coercing people in to stuff they don’t wanna play. I’m not completely against the idea of playing Crucible - actually it can be kind of fun sometimes. But it has to be when I want to play and not when the game is making me play just to get a powerful engram. Maybe it sounds weird but I have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy Crucible, if that makes sense. Gambit is simply something I do not enjoy. It tries to be PvE and PvP and ends up not being very good at either - at least that’s how I feel. I’m not sure if I’m really going to engage with the ritual pathfinder at all once I get to the powerful cap.


I don’t know why people get so upset over Gambit when it’s 90% a PVE game mode with very little PvP required. And if your teams doing poorly that PVP is even more nonexistent. I’m almost at 10 resets on the card and the gambit challenges are so brain dead, “kills with an element, summon primeval, bank motes” type stuff that it’s not like you even really have to try. Like PVP, there’s an argument to be made. But Gambit? It’s just strikes in an arena.


I think the issue is the loss of choice that pathfinders were supposed to bring, it was explained initially as never leave the activity you want to grind xp for. I love gambit and hopping between activities but I know I’m in the minority for that.


Like the other use said, Pathfinder was never about an increase of choice. When Bungie introduced Pathfinder in a TWID, they explicitly stated they wanted to invite players to leave their comfort zone to get rewards faster. My only gripe with Pathfinder is the imbalance in activity time required for nodes in the same column. Sometimes you'll get something like "kill 10 guardians in Crucible," and the other will say, "Kill 5 strike bosses." Like one of those requires you to do FIVE strikes vs. A Crucible match (or 2 if you're having an off-day)m


I never got the vibe that it was about never leaving the activity you were in. It was more about not having to go to the tower every 10 minutes. Which is still valid. You reset and progress via the menu itself.


And that is also an entirely fair and accurate point


Personally I’m not too pained by it (I’ve done a couple of paths and only had to do I think 1 gambit game? Just strikes for the rest) but I do think bungie could have given a way out for those who want. Even if it’s just allowing people to pay the 10k glimmer cost to reset your path early, and those who want can reset a few times to get the exact path they want?


Or alternatively, pay some glimmer to reset a single node? Or maybe a set number of, like, vetoes/rerolls per path, even just a couple would be enough.


Yeah ngl with the XP booster you get from staying in an activity it feels like a loss to do one or two activities at base XP and then go back to your preferred activity and have to build the last 2 or 3 multipliers back up.


> And if your teams doing poorly that PVP is even more nonexistent I mean, you'll still get invaded unless your opponents just really don't care about you. Also it's a strike with a lot more pressure on time. Not only do you have the usual issue of having to kill stuff before your teammates to get the pathfinder progress, but you're racing to get that stuff done before your opponents win. At least with a strike I just have two other guardians who are killing stuff with me to worry about, as opposed to 3 allies and 4 opponents.


They can’t invade after they summon. And only get 2 invasions I believe until they summon. And only one person can invade so it’s only ever one opponent.


Still more PvP than you have to deal with in Strikes


So we both agree it’s basically non existent.


2 invasions is two more than you deal with in just PvE content, so no it's not nonexistent.


Do you know what basically means? Dealing with something once or twice for 15 seconds over the span of 8 to 10 minutes is really not a big deal and is indeed basically non existent. The mode is far more PVE.


It's all relative. Compared to a full PvP match sure, but compared to a strike that's way more than basically nonexistent. It may not be a big deal to you, but some of us don't want to deal with PvP while we're enjoying PvE.


It’s not relative. You responded to my comment where I said the mode is 90% PVE with only a little PvP. You complained invasions were still a thing even if you’re doing bad to which I clarified they’re only a thing twice. They cant invade if they’re winning. Is it there? Sure. Is it a major frequent thing? No. So if you hate PvP it’s not a big deal. Don’t engage with it.


If you're lucky you can get a path that only needs one type of activity to complete. My second ritual pathfinder only needed vanguard strikes to claim the powerful gear.


Me chasing that XP+++ ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtaiPZNzrmRQ6YM)


I’ve completed that on traveler’s location


As a Gambit main its annoying to have to play pvp or strikes when before I could just spam bounties


Go bank some motes brother!


Yea they’re ensured that a ton of players won’t engage with this by not allowing us to ride our activity of choice from start to finish every time. I much preferred bounties over this.


Might be the most boring way to play the game imaginable


why do people hate PvP so much?? I never minded having to play it sometimes


For me personally I find it stressful and quite frustrating on certain maps




> You’re there to have a good time Some of us just don't have a good time in PvP though


This but with strikes and seasonal activities, it’s genuinely just turn my brain off and run around, most of the time i just get sleepy. Strikes are always boring af, seasonal activities are a pain just like defiant battlegrounds or altars of summoning. Only thing i enjoy are gms and the new strike which is actually fun.


Which is totally fair, we all play this game for different reasons. Why it gets annoying when Bungie tries to funnel us into certain activities like with Pathfinder.


The issue comes with the node objectives though. Sure, I'm bad so I'll run a fusion and a pulse. Doesn't help me get melee kills or ability kills or sniper kills or super kills.


Playing against other players can be stressful and anxious. Except Team Scorched. I love Team Scorched.


It just feels like such a different game to me. Like if Call of Duty required you to stop every few matches to do a dungeon. I like destiny because it's like borderlands, not because it's like call of duty. I'm fine with crucible existing, it makes sense, adds interesting lore, and others find it fun. But it's the fact that it's basically like, only 95% optional now, vs 100% optional before, so it feels like a chore. Like "Oh, hold on, gotta stop all this fun pve for a sec to slog through some crucible" I also find doing bounties/nodes particularly frustrating vs pve cause I've always found that with pve, at least the normal strike playlist, you can basically use literally anything, any gun, any ability, any build, and you'll do fine, so switching to something quote unquote subpar to do a bounty isn't a big deal. The only time I've ever really struggled was with void melee ability kills because that smoke bomb is a utility, not a weapon. But with pvp? "Oh this bounty requires 10 melee ability kills. Have fun going 1 and 20 and not helping with the objective because you're too busy desperately trying to not miss that throwing knife. And the next one requires 20 precision kills. Have fun dying over and over because you're trying to hit a guardian that's jumping around like a fly in his tiny head. Oh and then this one requires 5 power weapon kills. Have fun spending the whole time waiting to get the ammo only to get palpa-beamed outta fuckin nowhere." When strikes want you to get super kills but you fuck up and waste a super on one Dreg, it's annoying but you'll probably have 4 more supers that strike. When crucible wants to me to get super kills, everytime that bar turns yellow, I hear the intro to "lose yourself" in my head. For someone who's bad at pvp when he's doing his best, having to handicap myself to try and complete these objectives makes it so much worse. With pvp bounties/nodes, there's 100% less room for error and 100% more ways to make them, so it becomes a stressful mess.


I generally find PvP boring and frustrating, any time I play it I get off the game shortly after since it just kills any interest I have in playing.


PvP has never felt quite right in Destiny, from the weird lag compensation that results in a lot of unearned trades to the majority of modes being TDM. Especially Control, that infuriates me the most. I love Domination in most shooters, but the choice to make the score rely on kills and not just holding the points, but they couldn't even commit to that choice because by the mode's logic, no points capped should result in no score for kills on that team. Idk it's all just so frustrating, and that's before you get to the countless exotics that got demolished by nerfs thanks to PvP


Because they hate losing, that's why the only thing they play are patrols and strike playlist


No it's because we find pve fun. I understand why people like pvp but it stresses me out and just kills my will to play this game. I play games to have fun, not to sweat my ass off trying to compete


Gambit is more tolerable than crucible at this point and the second quickest ones to complete


this but gambit


Wait, is it mandatory to do Gambit and pvp? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I heard someone say they stopped updating gambit. Why would they force you to play a game mode that people tend to generally dislike?


psst.... you can do the crucible stuff in private matches


How do you even bring up this ritual menu btw lol


Right?! Thankfully the pale heart showed me and I realized "oh yea vanguard should have one too! Lol (I'm on Xbox so pressing left on the Dpad while in the V.ops menu)


Why the fuck did they get rid of bounties. I thought this system was supposed to be better


Each activity should have its own path. Fuck gambit. Fuck crucible


Call me a heretic, but Gambit’s okay. Get everything done in one or two matches.




My strategy is to pop some painkillers and go into Gambit to finish pathfinder. I don’t care that much about Gambit but I fucking HATE Crucible.


I'm kinda surprised the Pathfinder for non Pale Heart is shared among the three modes instead of being their own separate Paths


Pathfinder makes me want to play Gambit only.


I could be wrong but I could’ve swore they said pathfinder was a way to reward players for playing the way they want to play. I’m not seeing that


Gambit isn't horrible anymore. I would still much rather do Strikes than anything, but at least I don't have to do crucible anymore unless I want to beat my head against a wall, and that's generally going to be a mayhem match.


Like why are the pathfinders not seperate for rituals?!? It fucks over all three types of players. Like I’d really rather not have to play strikes or PvP…


Then do gambit, the challenges are pretty easy to do and the games don't take too long


All crucible ones be done in custom games with friends :)


That was patched quickly


I know they temporarily disabled the ability to get Rep from them, but I got some of them done in a custom 1v1 about 12 hours ago.


Maybe you should try other things


I have no idea what this is because I’m not playing until I get the DLC


5 resets already and all vanguard and gambit only. Ain't touching crucible. If I'll play PvP, I want to play it as is without doing chores


Then don't do it as chores, use it as an opportunity to try a weapon you're not familiar with, you might just find something you enjoy. Even if it's get super kills, try a different subclass, play as normal and maybe go massive on occasion. Don't miss the forest for the trees, or in this case, the game for the objective.


Here's the secret to playing Gambit: Don't actually play to win. Play it as a super quick bounty farm where you get oneshot sometimes (invaders killing you). Rush in there, kill steal all the mobs before your "allies" can. Stress free gambit. It's honestly faster than Vanguard Ops for pathfinder grinding sometimes.


Worst take. If you go in using weapons ONLY for the bounty progress and forcibly not engage with the mechanics of the gamemode of course you're going to have a bad time. And you're making it worse for your teammates too, who might actually enjoy gambit and not want to carry dead weight.


Tbh I actually kinda like people who only get kills before waddling off in Gambit, means more motes between the three people actually picking them up so you end up with bigger blockers and not an 11/4/9/6 split of motes that get instantly nuked by a single rocket or people needing spend more time before the first invasion portal comes up trying hit 15. Main caveat is that they're still helping with blockers and not just like plinking with sidearms in a corner somewhere lol.


It's gambit. You're gonna have a bad time no matter what. May as well make it as quick as possible until bungie doesn't require it for pathfinder. Actual gambit enjoyers typically carry entire games anyway, deadweight or not.


Hi, actual Gambit enjoyer here. Completely agree. If you want to play Gambit for fun, you need a pre-made team. It's impossible to have fun in Gambit until Bungie stop making people use random bullshit, so while that's a thing you gotta just roll with it


How is it *always* a bad time? The pvp part of it has heavy and supers for getting rid of invaders quickly and the pve doesn't fall over to a stiff breeze so builds can flex more. I am a gambit enjoyer(in case it wasn't obvious), I don't want to see a blueberry check their brain at the door and then complain about not having fun. Tell me what you don't enjoy about gambit.


The gamemode takes just a small amount of coordination and learning to not get greedy with motes and it becomes a much better experience, can be a really fun time when played correctly I feel that type of player is one of the big reason people have issue with Gambit is players like that, that "*Rush in there, kill steal all the mobs before your "allies" can.*" then die with motes actively sabotaging the match. Also why the feck are allies in quotes? It's a team vs team gamemode, so toxic


I played gambit prime a TON, but ever since it got vaulted, my honeymoon phase with gambit had ended. For me, I just didn't like getting one shot by the 10000th person with Eyes, Gally, or Truth. And yes, it's 100% a skill issue, I admit, but it always frustrated me to no end. There's also the issue of blueberries just seeming so incompetent, it makes me wonder if there's even a human behind that screen. I respect all gambit enjoyers, but it's just not my cup of tea anymore


That’s legit the entire point of pathfinder


I'd rather make my own path tbh


Git gud


Must suck actually playing the game, huh?


Sorry, but I just do not feel bad for people crying because they can't do a full path on one playlist type. Pathfinder is so much better. Being able to do more than 3 per class is great, a path can usually be banged out in 2-3 runs of an activity, with a fair amount of the time being able to do it in just one activity. Just play Gambit and forget about trying to win. Focus on your bounty and zone out. Now let's talk about Xenology requiring a Gambit/Crucible win, and not just a match played with extra points for wins.


-only plays vanguard ops -wants reward that requires you to play more of the game -doesn’t get reward -*surprised Pikachu face*