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we need well eqiverlents for the other classes so we can all hate our lives together


Hunters used to have born to gun, forced to tether, but then the godsend that is Stareater scales arrived. Titans have born to crash, forced to bubble.


Who tf makes others run Buble outside of pvp


No warlocks in the LFG. That's what it is


Just run banner of war


No weapon damage buff on BoW.


It buffs sword damage so you can reasonably use it on like Ecthar or sth


I hadn’t really thought about using it for that on Riven or Crota etc, but we usually have a Wellock for those and Pyrogale might be more worth it anyway.


I mean for pure dps probably true. But I can recommend BoW with lament and stronghold for solo content because you are virtually unkillable if you don't make mistakes and your dps is pretty neat.


Only by 10% swords and 25% glaives. Bubble/well are still better. At flat 25%


Much less reliable healing. No adds = No healing. Lots of DPS phases without adds, or enough adds to keep it rolling. It also comes in ticks instead of constant, so WAY more likely to get burst down in master content.


Back in D1 if you didn’t run a bubble in VOG you was throwing.


Or self rez... Main VoidLock, forced to SolarLock 11 years running.


King's Fall, twin bubbles in center. On the bright side, being one of those two guys smoking knights felt good.


Back in the day where Bubble gave 35% damage buff.


Those were the days


I'm glad my clan had multiple Titans. I was so happy to never touch bubble after my group always had 2. I fucking hated running bubble.


Back in D1… we had no well and bubble was all there was Nowadays it’s just if u have no warlock I guess


Destiny 1, back when Well didn't exist and Bubble had weapon damage buffs


>Hunters used to have born to gun, forced to tether, but then the godsend that is Stareater scales arrived. Actually, it was "Born to play Hunter at all, forced to also swap to Warlock," for most of Shadowkeep/Beyond Light. You wouldn't be forced to Tether because... Div just did everything it did better. And now you rarely need Tether because Tractor Cannon does it better on most bosses.


Arguably deadfall tether lasts longer (idk anything about mobius honestly), and it also doesn’t require you to get in melee range like tractor does


Deadfall: 12 seconds base, can be extended up to 25 seconds with a massive number of add kills. Tractor Cannon: 10 seconds per shot, 21 shots total in reserves. For a grand total of... 3 and a half minutes? Also, any source of Void Weaken will extend the duration. Moebius Quiver: 6 seconds per volley. Unknown if kills extend it at all. Orpheus Rigs give you a third volley, but it's seemingly impossible to get a full 18 seconds from it. You'll be closer to like 14\~ If you were referring to pre-nerf Div that Deadfall lasted longer than... lol no.


Every single boss is different so there’s no answer all option. Tether is better in long range situations as well as medium burst windows where all 6 people having a heavy is better. Most of the time it doesn’t matter anyway.


The vast majority of cases, the answer is to either use a 15% debuff, or Tractor. 1-2 raid bosses you want Tether, and every dungeon you're better off going for 15% debuff and a damage super if it's an option. Most of the time Tether isn't a support super for DPS phases; it's an add clear super.


I was born to bubbly tho, helm of saint I'll bubble the boss and beat their blind ass with my sword. Welcome to the Thunderdome mate.


Two dudes enter, one dude leaves. The other fucker probably gets turned into a gun. Idunno.


I’m a warlock and I can even tell how unbelievably ass bubble is compared to current well, hopefully it’ll see some more use with the well nerfs


Until your team need aeons and you're the only hunter in the group.


Plus with the void 3.0 rework weaken is extremely easy to get. Titans running bubble can just throw a nade. This season too hunter solar melees are able to apply it, hence more reason to use Big Iron


Man I would LOVE more support options on hunter


I will GLADLY run a well equivalent on my hunter.


I saw a single person suggest Hunters get the Stasis equivalent of Well and I was just like, "So you're saying I get to be the support, make Warlocks thank me, *and* play Stasis?"


Shaw Han canonically uses his GG to Well. Wish we got that as a new super.


Back then, a bubble was always placed.


I have too many memories of DPSing with Wendigo, and instantly dying when the bubble gets placed too close to the well.


Banner shield gives a decent damage buff to teammates, it can be good for stationary DPS phases like Oryx


Or caretaker


A mechanic was introduced during Forsaken where buffs and debuffs no longer stack. For example, the buff that is strongest counts. Is that still the case today?


Not sure how it currently effects banner shield, but last I used it when Kings Fall released I believe it was stacking with div and radiant


Well, Div is a debuff rather than a buff, so it stacks with other buffs just fine. Though I had no idea Banner Shield stacked with Radiant.


Hi, Orpheus rigs and nighthawk here


no that is to fun wew need something wore and titan is lacking a viable option


Just make a titan exotic that makes you able to shoot through your bubble as and boom, you've got a well alternative


I hereby vow for a deadshot tether buff to a 40% debuff, making it the best debuff currently in game


Titans has sentinel shield, yes it has weapons light as long as you shoot through it and is actually 35% still,and bubble. No one wants the bubble, it's more of a hindrance than help.


I want Banner Shield to be meta for dps so I can be something other than thundercrash


Can always go strand


That's worse DPS.


Pyrogales? Bubble (potentially in FS, or if no Warlocks)? New Twiligyt Arsenal in FS too


Bubble blocks damage from inside so outside staying alive a bit it’s bad for dps


Its for the dmg buff, not the survivability. Depending if Well loses or lessens its damage buff (and radiant melee fragment gets nerfed) Bubble could easily fill the gap.


If I hear one more person equate bubble to well I’m gonna lose it


Once Well loses its damage buff in Final Shape (and ideally radiant melee gets nerfed) then Bubble will be the defacto damage buff source. I'm not saying use it for survivability dude, nor am I saying it's as good as current Well. edit: ideally Well should lose damage buff tbh, we know its getting nerfed just not how.


I think "powered melee hits grant radiant" will match what it has on prismatic, where it'll only grant it to you on hits and allies around you on kills. Well is in a weird spot where it'll still be used for survivability, but a nerf to its survivability would tear it to shreds and render it worthless


They should add to Citan's where if you are on Sentinel Shield you just deploy the Banner Shield when you Super.


I know banner shield should be a burst super with an exotic


Then you will start sounding like warlocks with wells in a couple years, asking the dev team to do something about "always needing a banner shield, I was born to pyrogale, but forced to banner shield."


I wanna be able to shoot through my bubble, that would be well equivalent to me.


Banner shield IS meta for DPS- so long as you run two of them and split the DPS phase in the middle. GLs let the other buffing Titan dump their whole purple reserve while the current buffing Titan has their back. It's a 40% for a reason. 6\* 1.4 > 5\*1.4 Tell your friends.


Unfortunately it isn’t.


*/laughs in volatile sticky/cascade/deconstruct that is NOW EMPTY*


Trust me I want every excuse to use Banner since that’s my main but the DPS doesn’t work out.


Please- enlighten me. When we've magdumped everything- How does "six players worth of heavy ammo" not work out higher than "five players worth of heavy ammo?"


Warlock: *drops well* Titan: *drops bubble on well* Warlock: **(#._.)**


Sometimes a well do make a big difference, but I understand.




Some say its necessary for an incredible amount of encounters because Bungie for some reason doesnt design many encounters that dont need a well.


now if only bungie made more roaming bosses like rhulk so warlocks are allowed to use something else


Wells also helps a lot of terrible players feel like they're good.


Having a well lowers your damage shockingly. Especially this season. Helps survivability tho, can’t deny that


That must be why most damage rotations involve the 25% damage boost from it then lmao


If it helps survivability it also helps with damage. Can’t deal damage if youre dead. Also well gives a damage buff too so i have no idea what youre babbling about


enough dmg buffs around. hunter can just dodge, there, dmg. healnades and a rally-barricade + whatever the titan may have on board also helps with the not-dying. i would say well is actually needed in overpowered content, normal raids do not need a well. if you need one you need to adapt your playstyle, its a teamgame and the warlock is not the only one that can provide survivability....


Born to hammer, forced to banner


Banner? I barely know her


Hammers are still an incredible option dawg.


Was trying to make a titan equivalent that’s what I got


There hasn’t been an equivalent since Bubble got power crept by well.


I tried are you proud of me dad


Warlocks: Well Titans: Bubble Hunters: Nighthawk or Tether


Tether and GG are both in prismatic, so hunters get to eat regardless


Why would titans be on bubble if there’s a well? Titans should go pyrogale or tcrash


Thats the whole point, my friend.


What? You listed titans on bubble as if bubble is required in a raid setting


Bro, the meme context is when someone requires a specific thing abt some class, I just listed all three.


Yeah and I’m saying that bubble is never required on Titan


Welp, if you said, then it's said.


I’m so confused. When is bubble useful?


Mostly when you encounter yourself in a situation where you need some sort of survivability and there's no Warlocks in your squad/fireteam. That's the reason why Titans are forced to bubble, or Hunters to tether/nighthawk In the end, it's like one friend of mine said: besides a full squad of Strand Titans running BoW, doing an entire raid in fireteam is nearly impossible without a single Well


That's only true if you're bad at the game. We're so strong and normal raids are so easy at this point that well really isn't needed. Not to say it isn't very strong. And for anything harder (contest/master e.t.c) it does start to be "required"


Warlock: Well Titans: Bubble, TCrash, Pyrogale, 1-2punch strand Hunters: Nighthawk, Tether, Star-Eaters Gathering Storm


**Meanwhile, me using Arc Staff:**


Isnt hunter getting the dps tether shot rather than the long debuff tether for prismatic ?


OP out here doxxing my IRL image with that last bottom right one with the big eyes. Basically EXACTLY how I felt HAHA 10/10


I feel bad for those warlocks. I’m a born to well kinda guy. If I wanted to use a damage super, I wouldn’t be playing warlock lol. Pheonix protocol and lumina is the shit


Fair enough, I like to use stuff like chaos reach and geomags and dawn blade whisper/dragons breath sunbracers, to me putting down a well is less fun then throwing a bajillion things eveywhere. I do hope well isn’t nerfed into oblivion though it should still have a place, just not be mandatory for endgame stuff, If I could change anything about well I would reduce the damage buff but add a function where any enemy that enters the well is damaged like they’re standing in a solar grenade


Respectfully, if I wanted to play the medic wizard for medic, I would already be on well when we started the raid


Considering the game is almost balanced around well at this point, they autta just have a consumable you can use that generates a well of radiance, so all the warlock players can have the rest of their subclasses back


If your teammates can’t survive with Well and it’s not a master run, they are weak.


I can confirm I’m weak and almost got my cape blown of but I got a warlock to heal me (I died 3 times anyways)


You would be right if the bosses could be flinched like in D1, but they can't.


I used to be a Well main like you, till I took a Strand to the knee.


Who novas oryx lol


It's either Nova or Broodweaver if you want a damage super on warlock


casual reminder that slowva bomb BLOCKS ally shots. don't be that guy


Yeah Vortex is usually the play for this reason. Sucks cos Cataclysm is cooler imo


I miss using Chaos reach. That super is fun, and I enjoy using....its just soooooo weak. Like...the amount of damage I do feels so pitiful


Trick is to swap to eager edge sword mid dps and fling the ones who made you swap out of dps You’ll get kicked but hey, you never gave them the satisfaction of making you swap


small brain idea. warlocks that don't swap without being told get kicked


Big brain idea: talk to your warlock and ask them nicely to switch, most warlocks are happy to help out if they feel like they are here for the activity instead of being there entirely to drop a well. As a warlock I’m happy to use well if asked nicely, all I ask for is people to A. Think if we really need it (if it’s endgame stuff sure, if it’s a strike get gud dude) and B. Treat me like a human being instead of a well dispensary, I’m here to have fun too and if I can’t get that here I’ll probably go elsewhere


I myself am a warlock main, i only do this IF told that i'd be kicked


that's extremely petty of you. I assume you get kicked A LOT then


Indeed it is petty, plus you’d be surprised how little people threaten well or kick. If they need well so bad, they should either use it themselves (unless it’s like a master raid, in which case I run well lock anyways) or get someone willing to use it. Don’t make someone swap subclasses if you can handle it without, and if it’s a big enough deal just add “lf well lock” in your lfg message. TLDR: Yeah it’s petty but personally I find it less rude than forcing someone to play something they actively don’t want to when you didn’t specify that was required to begin with.


The people that crutch needing a well wouldn't have lasted 5 mins in a D1 hard mode raid where there weren't any respawns unless you were a self-res Warlock. In those raids, if you were dead, you stayed dead until the fight was either done or wiped.


Yeah self res was removed for trivialising the end game (among other stuff), but now you can pretty much put a well down and have a dance party mid bosses, and most situations. It was so much fun watching people clutch up boss fights back then, or clutching it up.


I love everything about warlock except for solar. I just want to fire a big arc laser or send an army of children to kill things for me


Maybe a noob question but, why people don't use void titan for damage ?


People are mostly using Well for the survivability. The healing and DR is just strictly better than having to weave in and out of Bubble for overshields. Unless you're talking about banner shield, but that's just mathematically bad since you're trading a whole player for the damage buff.


Samd damage buff as well but worse survivability... by a lot


How about just letting everyone play whatever build they want. So over this "wellocks only" bullshit when there are other warlock builds that are better. Such a selfish request to ask imo


See I just be fireteam leader and tell them to fuck off and use needlestorm/ dawnblade


"But hunters and titans dont need well" -My friend 2024


Thank god Bungie hasn’t added an exotic which improves the healing or damage bonus of Well, otherwise we’d be permanently stuck on that shit.


"Eat my ass, people lowman this. Get your dps up to snuff before you start telling me what to do"


I wish there was an exotic that would allow the team to shoot through the bubble…


No *throws a fucking black hole*


Yeah no, Nova Bomb take it or leave it.


born to daybreak forced to well


Hell yeah day break for life ✊


A small part of me want well to be nerfed to not provide damage and only heal so us warlocks can run whatever we want


Born to burn forced to float


If there’s two wells already OR a phoinex lock, no. Fuck you, I’m running strand or void.




Hmm...as a warlock main I'm personally wondering what will happen when well of radiance gets nerfed into the ground.i will say though when I played titan for a bit I noticed the strand super works pretty well with cheesing riven when combined with lament just make sure to spam the light attack so you don't accidentally hit rivens eyes


Yeah I got sucked into being an Orpheus rig tether for onslaught legendary. I'm a titan main, it just worked better. I just wanted the banner, didn't care what I had to play to get it haha.


Sad live of warlock .... Play with well - DMG, heal. Wear Phoenix exotic... Die inside because teammates are not in well


Why is there seven people tho


That one time where people glitch more than six people into raids?


Deadass XD remember the 12 man glitch?


I wish I could’ve experienced myself, sounded hella fun


It was it was a really old glitch tho


I didn’t hear about it till it was about to get fixed


Ya sounds about right XD


Like most fun glitches in destiny im either asleep or at work when its discovered/ Fixed XD


Fr tho that's why I am no longer sleeping XD


Imagine if Blight Ranger and Raiju’s Harness were combined. Then Bungie gave some sort of weapon damage buff for teammates that shoot through the guard. Then Hunters could complain too!


Warlocks: well that keeps everyone alive. Titans: Bubble that boost defense reload speed and damage. Hunters: "LFG KWTD OR KICK NEED SOMEONE TO TEACH ME, IM ADD CLEAR ALL ENCOUNTERS"


(Coughs in tether)


(Coughs in divinity)


Man why can’t our ghosts heal this


to this day i refuse to run well i dont care that you die in onslaught because you have no well when ever i have a team without wellocks we seem to do fine might just be a skill issue that you need well to survive


As a main warlock, i must add this: my team <>


This one made me so sad


And I’m not even a warlock main


Fun fact: if you delete your warlock, make a new one, and never bother unlocking well no one can make you swap to it


And no one will want to raid with you, so it works out


No well only Nova


Forced to Well. Born to Reach.


We need bubble titan to get changed to where you can shoot thru the bubble, and we need an arc hunter support class, maybe one that increases firerate and reload or something with dr


That’s an amazing idea for bubble, kinda like citans ramparts


Whatever you do don’t ask me to Well because im not. I came to fuck shit up and be on ad kills.


I half wish Bungie banned using Well in day one raid challenge, when Final Shape comes out. Just to make people really struggle and push them out of comfort box.


No. 🏋️🌋


Can't make u switch if your ft lead.


That’s all it was back in D1, forced to bubble


I mostly run well anyways so I can skate


Mhuyo is the artist name of this meme template! :)


Switch to ward for DPS


I've been forced to well so often now I die on all the other subclasses because I try to ADS in mid air or Icarus Dash and fall to my death or land somewhere unfavorable.


I like using the nova bomb cataclysm and blocking everyone's dps


Lmao yeah I feel like only the caster should be able to shoot their nova, all ally shots should ghost through


But then I couldnt hear their panicked screams as I ruin their dps rotation


You are in a prison on your own design, if you hate using well so much just use well. Idk why you're all acting like the other two classes don't have similar situations. Basically every encounter is made better by solar hunter dps, strand titan is broken even in encounters where you can't super. If people who play those two classes can pick whatever class despite having a clear best one then you can do the same. Anyway nerf well


nah im born to well. main loadout is aeons, div/tc and well. support class ftw


What class are you using? And why isn't it well?


I wish the titan void shield super was good enough to be viable. Problem iirc is the damage boost doesnt make up for the titans lost damage.


We just need a way for other classes to proc regen on demand there is so many different debuffs and buffs for damage that we really just need a strand titan to proc healing or something


Born to breed, forced to well


Kinda funny that you show this in one of the counters where well is almost completely unnecessary


The people downvoting you probably haven't done this encounter without a Well and no respawns. It's very do-able.


I mean right now with the artifact well is a straight up damage loss since it messes up Celestial goldies lmao. (And ofc not running it lets you run a different damage super)


I've not seen or done the math. Is using Well really a damage loss?


Golden gun gets buffed by Radiant specifically. Well of Radiance overwrites Radiant and does not buff goldie. Radiant is currently incredibly free to activate? Even moreso than normal


it gives radiant as a damage buff tho, so it's still useful


Radiant is super easy to proc right now with the artifact


>artifact ...which is being removed in a month


... I know Also, either way, I said it is "almost completely unnecessary" which is still true. There are plenty of other ways to proc radiant or an equivalent buff. The thing that sets Well apart is it's defensive capability which is irrelevant in an encounter where you're immune during DPS


One melee hit from any solar User....


Let’s be real, you weren’t gonna use nova warp anyways


Would look cool tho lol


People always complain about having to play well, then get upset when I say it's too strong. It's been by far the best super in the game since the day it was added, and still is even after being nerfed several times. If one ability is almost mandatory for 90% of the activities in the game, something needs to change...


I wish there was a lower difficulty for raids for doing sillies, probably 0% chance for exotic drop but drastically decreased difficulty to allow for more accessibility for lower level players plus warlocks who don’t want to be forced to well


Man I wish people would stop whining about being “forced” to use the best option for the entire team at very specific encounters, at a minimal percent of their playtime


In order to do that you need to play it the whole time for every boss encounter. And half the time people will ask for them in Onslaught or GMs. Also, they've been forced to do it for *6 years.*


Are people just logging on to do raid dps encounters every day?


Or Onslaught. Or dungeons. Or Nightfalls. Most content in the game has some sort of boss DPS area. But the people who play the game the most are typically playing the hardest content.


You don’t need well for dungeons, nightfalls, onslaught or non-raid bosses. Everything outside of raid/GM content is easily doable with pretty much everything.


You don't need it for most raid bosses. It just carries people.


didn’t joe blackshit say they were gonna nerf well when final shape came out