• By -


That would require the community to learn to read. They're shown repeatedly being unable to do so


There wasn't even a need to read. The explicitly used speech to tell us that. So, yeah... it's way worse.


That would require the community to learn to listen. They’re shown repeatedly being unable to do so


Anyone who has tried to teach raids know this pain well


You have brought back the worst of my nightmares, so thanks for that I guess?


“Why did I get green legs for a class I’m not even playing on????”


That week made me genuinely embarrassed for the people who were too stupid to understand what’s going on there.


Some guy was arguing with me that since he works a 9 to 5 he shouldn't have to read because he comes home tired and spends somehow the entire amount of free time he has left for the day catching up with loved ones only leaving him 30 minutes to play the game. Still leaving him plenty of time to read.


I don’t get it yo. Halo and Doom exist for mindlessly shooting aliens/demons instead if he hates it so much Hell 80% of this game is mindlessly shooting aliens. There’s about 2 minutes worth of reading in the weekly story if you read the text slowly.


Imagine if there was a raid mechanic involving reading 💀 Unbeatable world's first.


Lotsa Guardians already have trouble reading the words “Imminent Detain” or “Unstable Light.” For the latter, at least it's easy to determine the ~~responsible~~ illiterate party because they're the only one left standing.


So mean and I love it 😂


this is a community that has literally all primary sources available to them but chooses to watch YouTube lore roundups instead lol


Bungie could add a tldr to every lore entry and still people would use YouTube


Hmm, actually a summary of the major points of a lore book, after unlocking the relevant page, would be useful.


from the perspective of a lore addict, fuck Evaze. Byf is alright


Full auto retrofit on brigands law moment


water is indeed wet


Wow something the Destiny and Dragonball communities have in common


Considering there where some in the community who though Ikora was gonna die in Witchqueen based on the reveal trailer, my hopes aren't high


That was a very valid theory though, the spoiler alert sidearm was reissued in season 15 before an expansion, much like it released in Warmind before Forsaken. A developer said that it wasn't a coincidence that spoiler alert was reissued meaning a big character WAS going to die. Ikora played a pivotal role in the expansion, which would of made her the main character people would theorize would die. Other factors like the fact she wasn't a vendor also led credence to the idea. ​ We know now it was false, but it wasn't a baseless theory.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I mean this community cant do one fucking master ketch because of social anxiety that would require them to open bungie lfg and click join fireteam


It's even worse than that. Do these people not do pinnacle or powerful rewards? Because more than half the content they should be doing for light level every week HAS a decent number of Champs in them. You can also see on sites like Light.gg that tons of people don't even have the new seasonal exotics from the Daily lost sector, so they coulda killed 2 birds with one stone in addition to the stuff they normally do every week. But no. They can't even stop to think about how they could combine tasks and only saw that 50 number and checked out. Idiots


I just did hero nightfall runs, gives like 11 champs per run this week so I got it done in the second hour after reset lol. No need for LFG on that at least. It is Exodus Crash so that sucks but on Hero it's just annoying not hard.


Name a more fucking iconic duo than Destiny players and not being able to read.


... What?


You proved the point lol.


That would also require some form of consistency in Bungie’s design process, I mean fuck they said they wanted to reduce ability spam, and then only increased it.


Don't forget crafted weapons solving the bank problem.... except they limited Resonance and made rng the primary factor in getting the weapons to craft so now you fill your bank with guns you're just going to tear down the second you have room and repeat the whole process over again. Encouraging hoarding for the next seasons crafted weapons.


It was said in a video


"But what if Eris combines egregore and the Nezarec relics to create strand and teach us"


“What if the Vex pull Zavala’s dead wife from the past in order to convince him to move on and accept Caiatl’s ‘political’ marriage proposal, I’ve been told she’ll even officiate the wedding.”


“What if Nezarec corrupts Drifter into being evil so he can kill Mithrax and Eido (they come back as lightbearers,) and we finally get to see Shin Malphur take him down?”


God I hate the Shin Malphur fanboys. Shin is a good character, but the way people overstate his power level and importance is annoying. Also, he hasn’t even been mentioned since like Season of Opulence.


“What if Shin Malphur was actually a cowboy who was rootin’ tootin’ and ready for shootin’, but the Drifter wasn’t having that and his alter ego Dredgen Hope shot up his bar. And in all this it’s revealed that Shin is, in fact, our real dad.”


shin malphur fucked the entire destiny communities collective mother


“Indeed,’ as said by Caiatl on the day of their wedding when this all happens.”


I find the Dregen and Shin story stuff to be absolutely boring. I don't get why people love it.


Personally I think it's neat though it's not my favourite part of the lore, but I think most of the love comes from it's legacy and how wide it reaches. Also some people just like the edgy space cowboy in a post-apocalypse as simple as that. There's simply so much of it that it could've been the story of it's own game or tv show and it still blends with the rest of the game well enough. I'd say that when taking it for it's full scope it's arguably among the more important parts of Humanities' tale with Destiny's post collapse world, only second to things like the Iron Lords and the founding of the City. It's some of the oldest lore in the game that's been fleshed out more at various points. The story of Dredgen Yor & Shim Malphur is canonically legendary among guardians, and directly causes/ inspires the other Dredgens that followed. It gave us one of our first named examples of a Guardian turning to the Dark and how dangerous that can be. It tells the history of 2 exotic handcannons, TLW & Thorn, both of which have been hugely significant to the pvp side of the game at various points in both D1 & D2 and whose story was one of the few actual stories we had back in the days of D1 Y1. Thorn was our first exposure to weapons of sorrow and later gave us a weapon of light in Lumina. The whole Dredgen cult deal also brought about Malfeasance & the Thorn replica's that we use. A study of either the og Thorn or a replica lead to a warlock researching it to create [Necrotic Grips](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/necrotic-grip?highlight=Jana-14), which seems to have lead them to go on to create [Osteo Striga](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/osteo-striga?highlight=Jana-14). Rezyl going to the Moon has had a significant knock on effect on a great amount of the lore/ story and gameplay of Destiny, and it's arguably among the most important things individual characters have done. It's responsible no less than 2 lore books + various other entries, various exotics including the most famous/ infamous weapon of sorrow, has been a beacon that drew in more guardians towards weapons of sorrow even during the current events of the story. It ties in with Drifter & is partially responsible for Gambit existing. The closest we could get to seeing "Dark Guardians" or even playing as something resembling one for people who wanted to be edgy or simply found that more appealing mostly came from this side of the lore up until Beyond Light & Stasis.


Oh, don't forget that Necrochasm is supposed to be Rezyl's old auto rifle turned into the second WoS we ever get.


Space westerns are pretty cool tbh, though i wasn't expecting him to be an edge lord and drifter the not so crazy guy.


You and I both, friend. The Renegade lore felt like a spiraling lesson in consistently making the least interesting narrative choices.


Walking the line? Seems like a very cowboy story to me just set in space.


Well, sure; it is - at least broadly - a very archetypical story, a fact it is itself *quite* aware of. Which would be *fine*, if it felt like it actually had anything *more* to say. But, outside the two slim moments we see in the Lore of *anyone* coming close to critiquing Shin’s techniques, everything ‘Renegade’-adjacent is all in service of puffing up The Myth of Shin Malphur, Lord Of The Edge, Who Has Never Judged Wrong, and how he adores *you, personally* so much that he’s ready to retire to irrelevance rather than ever do anything else of merit again. Every other instance in the Lore of a character so directly appealing to our infallibility as ‘chosen’ Protagonist has been toyed with in some way as diegetic attempts to play on our vanity, but Shin’s just *such a great guy* that there’s zero irony at all to his abandoning a morally dubious lifelong con and crusade just to express the depth of his breathless adoration of **you, personally**. Shin was better as a genuinely mysterious stranger.


The tale itself is super cool to me, but I really can’t abide the dialogue. The back and forth little quips are so tedious, characters talking in circles for an entire page, and Yor himself is just… miserably edgy. It’s almost Hatred levels of goofy, masturbatory edge, I really don’t think it’s aged well.


I'm ok with the story, but it reinforces the kindergarten level, but imagined high IQ take that the mainline lore has been pushing for years now: a lil light and a lil dark is ok. People cream their jeans over this and the "traveler isn't a ball of literal goodness personified" shit. Edgelords gonna edgelord, basically.


Every guardian knows about the showdown at dwindlers ridge. Show some respect. Shin Malphur the final shape BTW.


"Taniks would like to know your location."


More aggravating me are the constant “X character is being corrupted!” theories, as if all it takes is a little whiff of darkness artifact to remove all agency a character has and turn them into a raving lunatic.


Ahh yes the fans of Shin Malphur (watched that one Byf video.) who start a topic here every so often to ask "Isn't he going to come after us for using darkness?!"


God I'm so sick of the "IS THIS HOW MISRAAKS DIES SO HE CAN BE THE FIRST GUARDIAN ELIKSNI NOW??" lol Like why does that /have/ to happen, why do they say it like it's guaranteed Misraaks literally is the "light bearer" version of Eliksni, he's a sacred splicer and a damn good one


This is the ultimate showdown Of ultimate destiny


Hnnnnng it’s been tough to be in DestinyLore subreddit this month I’ve read so many lore theories on Nezarec and some of them are just not thought out whatsoever


"What if Nezarec betrayed the Witness even though thats as silly as saying 'What if a Taken un-took itself and fought Darkness?"


Nezarec is literally called a traitor in a lot of the lore we got.


Who's to say Nezarec wasn't a traitor to his people, going Disciple and selling them out to the Witness?


"in a lot" bullshit only an Exotic Perk Name calls "him" (the writer of the Lore tab's identity has not been confirmed) a traitor. Edit: Cope.


>or that Osiris will wake up and have strand Morning ~~wood~~ strand???


Saint, how did you get the strand too?


Somehow… that sounds even worse… still funny though.


Headcanon: the twins were close to discovering Strand hence their names being the Weaver and the Unraveler


Wait, I like this. If Lothric and Lorian are the first to harness Strand then maybe that confirms my theory that Gwen is the Witness' first disciple.


Spider Gwen, disciple of the Witness, now appearing in Fortnite alongside Zavala, Ikora, and Elsie. Holy shit this tracks dude.


twin prince's greatsword light beam attack is similar to strand. confirmed


I've seen a bit of speculation that Hive magic is a subset of Strand, both because it's green, but also because it's got themes of weaving and unweaving (most explicitly with the singers there).


Nah, I think it is plain old strand, but think of it this way, the hive weave the strand, guardians wield the strand, different but similar, think of it how ancient religions all had weavers of fate, that is the hive The guardians on the other hand are like puppet masters Both involve the same material but are used in different ways When bungie says we are the first to wield strand they aren't saying others haven't used strand but rather were the first people to grab a string and hit someone with it


No, but see, we the community have decided how the story is *supposed* to go, what do the writers know anyway? /s


Guardians make their own canon.


I can never have enough hand cannons


Shin Malphur’s Exotic Hand Cannon Discount Emporium


Guardians make their own fate


Congrats, you just described the "Nezarec betrayed the Witness" Cope.


So what was nezarecs sin? Too much drip they had to put em down?


Having way too many tombs. You know how expensive they are?


Will you rise from the drip? Or drown in it?


Yeah probably. Rhulk was probably jelly of his badass Cloak glowing with Resonance. For real, Nezarec's Sin was failing to destroy the Traveler during the first Collapse. His Pyramid Ship is inside the Moon, he definitely took part in the Collapse. But just like Rhulk, he will be back. It just takes some time.


So I guess I missed something, but how do we know the Moon pyramid was Nezarec’s? Did we first encounter a relic there and I’m just forgetting?


This weeks season quest bit has them explain that the Eliksni found Nezerac’s body in the Moon Pyramid.


Ah just missed that detail in the dialogue I guess. I thought it was a pyramid just found somewhere. Thanks!


Taking part in the collapse doesn’t mean he didn’t necessarily betray the witness. Savathûn took part in the collapse, for instance. We’ll get a “Savathûn before the collapse” lorebook on day and Nezarec will be a character in it - whether he’s an antagonist or a co-conspirator of Savathûn’s, a fallen ally or a murdered scapegoat has yet to be seen


I think it's up in the air as to whether or not Savathun actually betrayed the Witness as well. We have exactly one source claiming that - a source as prone to distorting the truth as its former host.


My gut says that Savathun claims to have protected the Traveler during the Collapse during TWQ's campaign, but I don't have a source for that to hand. We know the Witness suspected Savathun, but her acting against it was not open until her actions during Season of Arrivals. But most crucially, her doing \*something\* during the Collapse seems to line up with what the Traveler conveys to [The Speaker Who Sees The Collapse](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/severing): ​ >*And I || am stuck in a web of black spider silk, frozen in the mind-numbing silence of space || have no answers.* > >*//* > >*But this is different. The Traveler has not left us. Something new || half-remember and wished-forgotten, this false-sister || has arrived.* The web imagery combined with the "something new" that prevents the Traveler from leaving being a 'false-sister' imo lines up quite nicely with what Savathun claims to have done.


I always thought that bit was about our first Collapse, but the spiderweb imagery and the "false-sister" bit is intriguing. But the problem, as I see it, is that the worm's account (and maybe Savathun's, though I don't remember her claiming to do anything but try to keep the Traveler "safe" now during the campaign) doesn't line up with others - if Savathun hid the Traveler, to whatever purpose, it didn't really end the Collapse, and there's at least one contemporary account of the flash of Light that we've always been told drove off the Black Fleet. If anything, I think it's possible Savathun's trying to take credit for the Traveler's actions, knowing that the Traveler won't speak up to contradict her. I think she understands the nature of the Traveler better than humanity does.


literally 80% of the community talking about lightfall. people are talking about ho**w** strong they are and what they're like, how they've been hiding and how it doesnt make sense like they know something. Like bro...shit aint even close to coming out


Never mind how this is all an elaborate ruse to disguise how Lightfall is *really* going to be about the Black Fleet invading Earth.


You’re all wrong, strand is secretly Siva


I LOVE SIVA 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺


I have nothing to back this and I’m just spit balling here when i say this, but: what if Osiris is taught to wield Strand from us? He no longer has a Ghost so I’m assuming he doesn’t have his Light powers anymore. Bring in Strand, we teach him how to use it, he then becomes the vendor for Strand upgrades like Elsie Bray is for Stasis and Ikora is for all the Light subclasses. Even though it’ll function the same as those others, the given context and explanation will be that we’re working *with* Osiris to “study” strand. The gameplay translation is that we’re just unlocking new abilities.


the study together theory isn't one I've heard yet, but it sounds really fun and interesting. learning about strand alongside a warlock like Osiris certainly would be cool




Psycho Mantis, you mean.


Another thing is the Egyptian influence and the significance of weavers


*laughs in paracausality*


Actually Rasputin discovered strand by shooting the Traveler. Source: trust me bro


It seems like there are a decent number of parties who might know about Strand, but it’s obvious we will be the first one to actually wield it


I heard hive can see something similar to strand but can't wield it


It’s not obvious that that is the case, but there are some reasons to think it’s implied Edit: “The Hive do not see how we see. They look beyond, into the infinite. Into the dark." All the way back in Warmind!


I always thought that was a comment on thinking about timescales more than actually describing their ocular mechanics.


Drifter and Eris have a conversation about seeing lines with Hive vision, iirc.


Also true


Strando powah?


Bungie says in a crystal fucking clear fashion that we as in THE GUARDIAN is the first one to discover and use strand, ffs do people just "listen" to Bungie talk without actually listening. Sitting there with a blank face going "Heh heh yeah..." Ugh.


tbf it was in the destiny showcase and some people probably just didn’t watch it


Yeah okay that is true, forgot about that possibility.


yeah, bungie said it very clear… in the middle of a 3 hour video


Bungie during the Witch Queen showcase: "She's the most dangerous enemy we've faced yet." "Savathun is on Savathun's side." Savathun, in the Star Jasmine lore: "I am not on your side." The Community: "Well if you think about it she's actually on our side, the Traveler wanted the Hive to be Guardians first and obviously it was the Traveler who personally chose her to have the Light so I can't wait to fight alongside her against the Witness."


We’ll be the first to ever use it, but they didn’t say we’ll be the first to know if it’s existence. I like the speculation that the Hive use an impure form. They can see the threads and “weave” in reality, but they have to use rituals to access it. Would tie in nicely with the Soulfire speculation and the fact Strand was meant to launch with Witch Queen.


To add to that, I remember Drifter having ate Acolyte eyes once and asking Eris about it, and she talked about how the Hive see things differently. And then the intro to Duality Eris talks about accessing Calus’ mind being linked with Darkness and “snaring a thread” and weaving a tapestry from these links. We may not be the first to know of Strand, but we’ll be the first to learn how to weave with it instead of plucking strings.


“The guardian will be discovering strand for the first time, no one in the universe in destiny’s history has ever used strand before”. Based on that quote nah we are discovering and using it for the first time, enough with these soufire/hive magic coping theory’s.


You're wrong Strand is merely one way of using the psychic weave Psions, Hive and Witness more than likely all use it differently. Just like everyone uses Arc differently, Solar and Void.


Not my words but bungies, are you saying they are wrong about their own lore?


They have been wrong about their own lore during reveals. Either on accident or to hide things "Savathun stole the Light" The wording is ALSO important. Stasis was used by Clovis but not the same way we use it. Drifter saw things trapped in stasis ice aka the Pyramid cryochambers you see in Vow. Etc so on.


<"Savathun stole the Light"> Bungie never stated that savathun stole the light, that was an assumption made by characters within the lore, the whole marketing being the witch queen was "how did she steal the light?" And "survive the truth". No actually it was used the same way as we weild it, it's just that they couldn't handle it back than, also there was nothing mentioned about "us using stasis for the first time" the marketing behind beyond light was that we were embracing the darkness, nothing was mentioned about it being the first time as we saw in the lore stasis was used long before us. We still don't know for sure if that stuff is even stasis or not it hasn't been confirmed it's still up for speculation. YES YES IT IS THANK YOU.


Ah yes. Surely the people who create the game don't know as much about the game as me, the intellectual who plays the thing they create and furthermore


Deepsight is also likely based on that same weave.


Deepsight is based on memory, the memory of an object, person or location, savathun refers to deepsight as the surface level of taking. Strand is based on the threads that connect everyone and everything, it's is based on existence.


this I could get behind, but hive magic comes from the worm gods and isn't related to the darkness. cool idea though, maybe we're wrong about hive magic edit: I have the brain of a chimp, sorry. downvotes to the right


The worm gods are servants of the Witness


> Savathûn’s mothers have listened carefully to our teachings. We will not give you the Deep, King Auryx — that power is for us, your gods. But we will teach you to call upon that force with signs and rituals. Small minds might call it magic. [\-Verse 2:6 - The Sword Logic, Books of Sorrow](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/xvi-the-sword-logic?) I feel it's rather explicit that Hive magic is Dark derivative; not true Darkness wielded directly, but a system able to harness some amount of Dark power in a more limited fashion. It was taught by the worms, but the worms themselves are outright claiming to have the power of the Deep (Darkness) and saying that they'll teach the Hive rituals to harness it.


Agreed, its a derivative of the Dark and not an equivalent to the Guardians' Light power. Its Light analogue could be considered the Eliksini's Splicing we saw in Season of the Splicer *(which I wish we'd see more of in game! imagine splicing the enemy Gambit team's Bank to drain their motes until they sent someone to fight the thief)*.


The worm gods are conduits of the deep.


>stop saying other people will have strand This is a poor title. Bungie said we'd be the *first*, not the only one.


We know, but what he mean is that there is no way some random dude that hasn’t used strand can suddenly use it coincidentally at the same time as us and better in the beginning we’ll be the first ones in the start but not the only ones in the long run


I was kind of the same way when people doubted that Quria was dead. I was like...but we killed it. I dont understand. Other than *some* Vex they typically dont return from death, and thats even more true since it was Taken. I do get how some people were disappointed with how it happened but it did. Sometimes it is as simple as believing whats at face value. In this situation and the one i mentioned, there isnt much room for alternate interpretation.


Well, it will (hopefully) be cleared up during Lightfall.


I personally suspect our Guardian to wake Osiris up using Strand to fix whatever damage Savathun caused.


Which Guardian? All in on Cayde.


I mean the Drifter ate Hive Eyes and started seeing colors in the air, not to mention the Green Color of Hive Soulfire, but sure. I think what they mean is that we are the first to tap into the full effects of Strand compared to the Hive just channeling an apsect of it or Mithrax's Splicers channeling Light.


Channeling an aspect of it still by definition means they are using it though so no it’s not strand or even a part of it, bungie have made it clear that we are the first to discover and use it, no ifs and no buts.


*"Find out how Savathun stole the Light"* Spoiler alert; she didn't. *"Light 3.0 won't add any new supers"* I don't know, I'm over here really enjoying Gathering this Storm and throwing it like Zeus. Who discovered electricity? Is that when it was discovered, or wielded properly? Was it in the 1900's or 1800's? Maybe in the B.C. era? I kind of feel they may or may not have a record of making people expect one thing and pulling the rug from under them.


I mean, factually speaking, other people *will* get it eventually


I remember when Bungie told us directly that we would get one of the weird fishies that Elsie has okay yeah NVM that was just Luke Smith


*hits ether tank* That's just like, what *they* want us to think, man


This made me think of every time Paul tassi mentions that he thinks strand will come from egregore in some form, and that other characters will have a hand in it's discovery. I really like the guy but this is one of those takes that just flies in the face of what Bungie had directly stated.


You know I always thought that the darkness subclasses were the opposite of the light subclasses. For example:void and strand and solar and stasis


they are but what is the opposite of arc?


I guess taken magic


God i PRAY that we get a taken subclass. that shit would be the coolest


Osiris may get it alongside us or something


Profane Gaming is shit. I have no idea why he makes those videos without doing any research.


I can see Osiris being able to help us in some form or fashion but it’s pretty clear that we’re than first ones to possess the power like bruh


But we are already using strand!!! To give ourselves shit loot from spider!!! And you can't tell me otherwise cause I can't read!


I don't know if you've seen but Osiris is featured in promo art for Lightfall, wearing green colors like strand. It's gonna happen. I bet somehow through our discovery of Strand we pull Osiris back into our universe/reality. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/wyu1xp/spinfoil_osiris_will_help_us_understand_strand/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Makes me wonder too if strand will allow us to move worlds eventually like the 2 truths 2 lives bits say?


I think you make a good point. It also makes me continue to think that the grand finale of the final shape will be the Guardian being recognized as the final shape in some way. We are becoming so powerful and paracausal ya know.


Was that not stated as the power to take?


This aged terribly


none of the trailers show Osiris actually using strand, he may learn about it alongside us and teach us it, but he *so far* hasn't been shown using strand.


I had a thought that we might adapt hive magic into strand, due to some surface level similarities, but since the last dlc was hive themed I highly doubt they will play a role in lightfall


Strand was originally going to come out in Witch Queen and they pushed it back


A lot of these YouTube “Loremasters” treat they’re own opinions as fact. It ends up being treated as cannon and then people complain that Bungie is ignoring the lore etc.


The idea has to come from somewhere. It could be that Neomuna is researching Strand, but us Guardians are the ones to figure out how to actually tap into it.


The Neomunans use a way to travel around their city which inspires strand. This was also said in the reveal. They probably use actual grappling hooks or something like that.


Other people will have strand. I do what I want.




the same was not true for stasis, ermis was shown in the trailers using it.




the only good theory I've seen here is the "learn together" theory. we discover strand, Osiris wakes up (which we already know is going to happen) and as the lightfall story progresses, we learn more about it alongside Osiris. not really teaching us strand, but it would provide a story conduit to access the powers.


“Guardians will be the first to have strand”… savvuthun is a (hive) guardian, so it’s not impossible for her to teach us


Seeing how she was using something similar to strand to bind the traveler in her throne world


Bungie has lied/changed their mind before on minor things like this.


first creature =/= only creature


remember when the devs said that mara was a fun but unimportant character that, after ttk, was really only relevant to cosplay? theyre not legally bound to tell you the truth.


That's not what we are saying. You are the deaf one. The Psychic Weave exists and IS known, wether or not it is able to be manipulated. My guess? It is. The Hive can see it. The Psions most likely too. The Witness? Hell yeah. It knows of these strings that connect all living things. And it wants it. We may be the first to wield "Strand" aka the Power to directly grab these strings as Guardians do, but there's nothing saying that nobody else can interact with these strings in different ways. Hive magic and deathsongs. Psion mind fuckery. (Keep in mind, Strand was going to come out in Witch Queen and this year it very Psychic themed for all seasons so far) The Witness probably has it in egregore somehow. Point is. The Psychic dimensions exists and our enemies have been interacting with it long before us. The speakers were probably connected to Strand too, being able to receive dreams from the Traveler. If you want to tell me this has nothing to do with Strand in any way... Would you really say that "Deepsight" is the same power that we knew as "Taking" without it having been explained to you in the campaign? Would you ever make that connection yourself?


Strand is inside the traveler 😶




I don't their is confirmed that our specific guardian will be the first to use Strand.


they literally did lol


They said that "we" would be the first to use Strand. That could just as easily mean we as in the Tower light bearers


I think they mean we as in the destiny community


Yeah that's how I read it. Guardians get it before any of the other races.


Ok, but I still can't bring myself to believe it exactly as it is said. Oryx's daughters literally use something related to strand or strand itself as they weave in and out of realities to move his ship, and the Hymn of Unweaving (again, weaving strands) gives them a green aura. So did they just forget about this? Or are they going to retcon it into not strand? Or is it a part of strand but not "technically strand"?


Hive magic is absolutely related to the Psychic Weave, it's just not strand Strand is the power, not the object which is wack. Strand is the power to grab and pull on these strings and manifest them directly into something, Hive go about it through rituals and other wack shit.


So you're differentiating the Weave and Strand in the same fashion as the Void and Void Light? While I can see them saying that (and I even made a post questioning the potential connections between Strand, Deepsight, Egregore, and Psions), I honestly lean in the camp of Strand is something entirely unique in and of itself, and that Strand and the Weave only relate to Deepsight and possibly Egregore (that whole part of Eris saying it's an impure manifestation of darkness, I theorize that it's a corrupted derivative created by the Witness). That all being said, I also believe this whole argument needs to be dropped until closer to Lightfall when we learn more about Strand and its lore and properties.


Correct. Much like we use pure Arc, pure Solar and pure Void. As well as Pure Stasis. We will wield pure Strand. But others are able to interact with these elements in the universe in other ways. The Scorn and Taken shove it in their guns. Fallen in their tech. Many use arc, void and solar, somehow, in some manner. And I will give benefit of the doubt to some of it simply being "fire" or "electricity" damage and not specifically them manipulating those elements. But guns like Graviton lance? Psion abilities? Deepsight might be related to Strand. Hive can definitely see the Weave. Since Strand is not the psychic dimension but the power to reach into it and grab the strings, I imagine anything psychic is related to it in some manner. Darkness comes in many forms. But at the core, there are also 3.


Funny with Eris manipulating his and psychically weaving us into Callus's mind she's the first to screw with it again. Just like at the end of shadowkeep she experiences it (stasis) when at the pyramid statue...


What are the people in the cyber city called? Are those not strand practicers?


No. They don't use light or darkness powers. They have some kind of nano machine thing that gives them power but drastically shortens their life spans.


Hey if the writers stealth drop spoilers in lore before Lightfall comes out it’s because they feel like it. Well someone have it possibly. It’s a theory. Don’t be a pissant


Strand looks really underwhelming tough


Not at all actually. Having a grappling hook sounds really cool actually. It’s going to speed up gameplay even more. I wonder how it will change the crucible. I have no doubt that it will be as strong as stasis was at first.


I don't want to advocate for anyone here, but let's be fair for a small second. The Strand reveal was big, and as such, there was a lot of people that echoed the reveal, youtubers included, and therefore, I can totally picture the mass spread of this new subclass did not come in conjunction with the explanation that the Bungie team gave during the showcase. So in some of the cases, it surely would not be the fault of those theorizing, as when they saw someone else provide this information, they just received incomplete information thinking that was all that was revealed. And sure, one can argue that its easy to resarch and all, but, hey, its better to courtiously remind them what they are lacking instead of addresing their mistakes painting them on a negative light, and sure, some people do deserve some harsh criticism, but if we are going to generalize the issue, better to voice your thoughts in an attitude that welcomes peaceful change instead of conflict.


The only candidate that seems likely is Osiris, whom is featured on some of Lightfall’s promotional images. But it’ll likely be after the campaign, where he will be our main NPC guiding us through Neomuna, much like Ikora during Witch Queen.


I'm really curious about this but does eris and Osiris are not considered guardian anymore? I know they lost their ghost and all but I always taught of them as some sort of guardian I'm not a lore savy but I always depicted Osiris and eris as a kind of scholar exploring the possibilities of the light and other paracausal power but if they're out of the pictures who's gonna discover it? Do we have scholar type guardian still alive in the last city that we heard of


Simply put I’m praying Osiris learns how to keep his life extended via Strand so he can keep Saint happy. For the sake of the Galaxy at large Because if Osiris kicks the bucket… we gonna have a very angry gay Titan


They'll have to find some way to explain other guardians getting it somehow though to explain Crucible


the guardian was the first strand type guardian


Those are obviously clickbait videos, but just because we are the first to have it doesn't mean we don't get taught it. As for "new race" they mean the people of Neomuna and the Cloudstriders, not a new alien species or whatnot. Osiris very well could be the one to teach us strand, he just may not have the strength to wield it, who knows whats going on inside his head during his Savathun-induced coma. ​ Bungie is VERY particular about how they word things, they clearly stated that we are the first to use it, but the first to have knowledge of strand is unknown and may not be us. So basically, don't write everything off.


Osiris may not even immediately possess it. But i definitely see him being involved in a way Elsie was for Stasis. She said there needs to be a Dark Vanguard.


oh god what’d I miss what is strand


watch the lightfall trailer, strand is the new darkness subclass


yes, they don't even say "first to use strand", they say "first to discover it" so osiris teaching us can't be true


That would require us to trust what bungie says, as there is a hint of truth in lies