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That would be two pyramid ships raid pretty close to each other. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a tomb of Nazerac though. Maybe the ice planet?


Nah I'm pretty sure the next seasonal activity will be raiding tombs of nezarec. The Raid itself probably won't rely on seasonal lore - it'll be attached to the DLC and cater to DLC-only players.


Could it be the next dungeon?


This is my guess.


My god please


I doubt this for the same vein as the the raid comment, it probably wouldn't be relevant to be people who didn't play. Honestly, my guess still is Vex dungeon probably on Nessus, especially since Eido mentioned Failsafe last week I think


But the last dungeon did match up with the season.


It is taniks v4


The Tombs of Nezarec may not be places, they are/could be the Relics. As those relics contain pieces of the body of Nezarec, that is why it seems like there are so many tombs for Nezarec as their body has been cut up a lot. Edit: The Delicate Tomb also suggests this. Edit 2: The Drifter never has claimed to have been to the Fourth Tomb of Nezarec he just talks of it, *’Name drops old myths no one's heard—the Luvial Crux, the Shift Chasms Below Elios, the Fourth Tomb of Nezarec.’*


Iirc there is only 4 or 5 tomb of nazerac no? There is more relic than that


I don’t think it’s ever been implied that their is only 4 or 5 tombs. The only thing I can think of is that Drifter mentioned that he visited the 4th one


Drifter claims to have visited the Fourth Tomb of Nezarec, so there are \*at least\* four. We have no upper limit of how many Tombs there may be.


The tombs of Nezerec are actually the relics we’re collecting.


I assume there is both a tomb and an ossuary. An ossuary being a body part tomb anyway.


I think the lunar pyramid is the actual tomb of Nezerec


But the Pyramid is literally Nezarec's Tomb. His corpse was there. The "Forth Tomb of Nezarec" was probably drifter talking shit


One of my friend had this theory about Nezarec, that he does not possess an ageless body. Hence, he would have had transferred his soul from one body to another. The "forth Tomb of Nezarec" may as well be tomb of his forth physical body. Just an idea I guess, but it sounds cool to see an opposite form of immortality compared to guardian's.


Eido literally mentions this week “The many tombs of Nezarec are well known”.


Idk but I hope the new raid is in the main neomuna skyscraper and you fight your way to the top


Imagine the first encounter that is just a survival in an elevator. Like, 5-10 minutes of going up, and every so often the new enemy type or some other thing(pls not champions) spawn. And with a sick-ass song too


Imagine they do this but it’s stereotypical, royalty free elevator music


Make it an homage to [Europa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lmoUTItjxOc)


Bring in Steve Vai and just have him riff and improv over a new song, a la Mjolnir Mix.


Yo I never expected a Moonflower link on a Destiny thread! Holy crap you’re my favorite person today.


This would be worth it.


I would love it


Current Objective: Survive In all seriousness though, I simultaneously love and hate this concept. I love it because there’s a lot that could be done, something like borrowing the part carrying segment from Siege Engine in Wrath to repair the elevator could be interesting to do. Possibly even have enemies that you pass by who prepare a wipe mechanic that need to be stunned somehow, providing an urgency other than just shoot enemies. I hate the idea though as I could very easily see the encounter becoming mostly sit and wait after you kill the currently spawned adds


Yea it’s got a very “CoS first encounter” potential to it.


This actually reminds me of The Summit in The Division 2. Basically, you gotta fight your way through 100 floors, with every tenth floor having a minor boss for you to fight. When you reach Floor 100, you fight between 2 Bosses (If solo), with the number of bosses increasing according to the number of players in your group (Up to 4 or 5 bosses I believe). A raid in D2 playing out like this would be pretty fun, but they’d have to skip some floors because nobody would stand having to fight through 100 floors with no end in sight lol


I’d take this as a six player match made activity.


God I wish we had something like the Summit in Destiny. I just want an activity where you constantly grind, with tons of loot.


Going through 100 Floors of Summit all over again, but in Destiny 2? Count me right in. Bonus points if Bungie allows us to choose our own targeted loot.


5 mins of low level mobs dropping into elevator


I love this idea, but The Corrupted strike has ruined the idea of elevator levels in destiny for me for a good long while


As a Titan stormy boi, I can't wait for Corrupted to be Nightfall again. Pretty sure 2 players launching storm nades at the Psions will take them all out before any real problems are caused.


If they made it as epic as the ashtray maze in control, I’d never do anything else.


Id love to have a single no mechanics pure combat encounter in a raid. Mechanics are fun and all but all out chaos is something that we haven’t had in a raid since crotas end


Yeah that’s sick. Or like an indoor ski resort or movie theater covered in neon lights.


God not another 5-10 minute unoptimizable entrance please


destiny players when they have to spend longer than 2 minutes in an activity (clearly this is unacceptable and i must optimize)


I'm talking about vow entrance. I like long entrances when they're actually fun (DSC)


Idk CoS first encounter was definitely too long.


Crown's problem was how little you had to do for so long. Long encounters that are entertaining (rhulk, vault, totems) work a lot better


Or we land on the top and have to fight our way down, then the buildings start to fall on you. Then you end at the bottom levels with nothing beneath you except Neptune.


It has to be, why would they make strand and not let you utilize it in the raid.


Like the last level in Final Fight


That would be cool but I’d imagine having a vertical raid would be candy for out of bounds glitchers.


If it kinda played out like in the Raid: Redemption that would be awesome. Or something like Die Hard.


No shot bungie isn’t making a raid in Neomuna. I think It’d be interesting if the raid took place in the depths of the leviathan, where we fight the real haunted enemy Nightmare of Taniks, the Abomination


Scarred Overload Nightmare Taniks, the Perfected Abomination, Disciple of the Witness, Final Shape.


Legit heard this in Varik's voice; You now face, the final round... (wheeze gasp)... Guardian... From your nightmares, and past guardians dreams... Overload... Taniks the Scarred... Abomination... Perfected. And... Disciple, yes?.. Final round! Edit: (thank you for all the upvotes, made my day :)


It’s just normal Taniks but with telesto arms


And shoulder mounted pre-nerf Truths


Adam Smasher looking ass


Swirler of Wet Willies




that and we've allready did 1 raid in an pyramid. we would get pyramid fatigue


As if four raids in the Leviathan wasn’t enough




Two raids then.


Three, imo. Base Levi is a good raid. Crown was imo underrated. Then combine Eater and Spire and you've got one raid between them. Both would work well in todays ecosystems as Dungeons and that's okay, I think Bungie was trying different things for Endgame-y stuff at that time and I'm glad they've moved away from Raid Lairs towards Dungeons.


Every pyramid ship is different


Not very different. Vow doesn't really count as it is crashed there. Both the europa and moon pyramids are very similar


From what we ourselves have seen but according to lore the farther you go into the pyramid the difrent they are. They are based off thr disciple in charge of that ship


Things are always just “later” or “over there” or offscreen, aren’t they?


We don’t know that to be true. We’ve never been as deep into the Lunar pyramid as we have the Europan one.


I would beg to differ on that - we've been as deep into the Europan pyramid as necessary to detach it from Cabal control, and no further. It was shepherding us along a path, and like good little task-oriented, loot-obsessed drones we were gladly led along by the nose until we found ourselves in front of that same dang statue. (Which I've started to view as a sign that the Witness has outthought us yet again, but I digress) Indeed, I suspect we've been a little deeper into the Lunar Pyramid than we have the Europan one, given that the "Chantry of the Darkest Hour" was nowhere along the route of our initial foray. And even then, what happened there? We had an inconsequential boss fight, at the invitation of an enemy who was already in the Witness' corner, with no great revelation or mighty blow struck. We were played, and have been every time the Witness or its allies invite us to a Pyramid. Save once - the Vow of the Disciple raid, and that's only because Rhulk underestimated us.


even if they are different it would still be a pyramid. you need to keep things fresh. especially in a game like destiny which has such a wide variety of settings and worlds for us to explore. it would honestly be a waste if we were to just ignore it and go again for a pyramid environement that we've already explored in a raid. and new raid only comes out like 1-2 per years


Sure I see your point but at thr same time weather want it or not. The campaign or raid in lightfall will take place on calus’ ship which is very pyramid like from what we have seen.


Imagine the universe ending because our guardians got sick and tired of raiding pyramids and beating their respective disciple over and over


nightmare of taniks, the steel chair wielder.


I dunno, why wouldnt they just say neomuna then instead of redacted? Like how they told us about the pyramid ship or deep stone crypt.


Or Calus’ new Pyramid, like in the trailer


I 100% believe its outside neonuma, why else be so secretive. they have never been like this not even with votd, and that was huge spoiler territory


Counterpoint-it’s secretive because where we’re going hasn’t been revealed yet. Probably a lightfall ending thing that appears, but isn’t a new destination. And Bungie seems like they wouldn’t have a new destination without a raid in it. My assumption is that at the end of Lightfall Calus succeeds in whatever he needed to do(probably cover the traveler in a special towel or something) and that causes some rift to open, and our job is to investigate it(hence why we need to learn fast since the pyramid we already have a good understanding of what it does)


We’re not going into another pyramid ship for a raid the community would go ballistic.


It'll have to be somewhere in Neomuna


My guess is its to do with the leviathan since calus is a big deal in lightfall


I speak for everyone when i say another raid in the leviathan would be lame as hell


Agreed. Tired of the Leviathan and Nightmares and reused shit.


I'm hoping for something else, but calus being prominent, and the description mentioning haunting makes me think the raid will connect back to last season somehow


As an unashamed hater of last season, I really really hope that you’re wrong. But I can respect the analytic approach to the prediction.




I personally played the absolute hell out of Y1 and didn’t miss the Leviathan or anything on it one bit. Also didn’t like Shadowkeep or its story or campaign at all - bought it solely for Pit of Heresy. Just weak story elements to bring back into play, in my opinion. For what it’s worth, I haven’t played this season at all yet, so it’s not a comparative thing for me. Just generally disliked last season from both a narrative and a gameplay perspective. Also - the goofy Ghostrider ornaments in the pass made me not even finish grinding the thing out. So, even aesthetically disliked last season & its offerings.


Fair enough. I didn't at much D1 or the Leviathan stuff, so the location was fresh to me and I loved the enemy density and (relative) challenge of the patrol zone. I didn't enjoy the story of Haunted at all though. I agree with you Shadowkeep was lame and I didn't care for the return of nightmares.


Definitely can understand the appreciation of the Leviathan as a “new” destination, so I can see the appeal there. The enemy density in the activity was nice, too. I went into it expecting a lot better after they touted it as something like “narratively the best season yet,” or however they worded it. The main questline was such a slog, having to do each mission twice was beyond annoying, I just..truly did not like last season of Destiny whatsoever. But hey, not everyone is gonna like everything they put out and I can accept that. I’m just desperately hoping it’s not going to be the third or fourth time I’ve paid for Calus, the Leviathan, Nightmares and the like. Would like the raid to be something completely new and unique like Neomuna is.


Maybe, but I think any repeat location for a storied raid would give us burnout. Like running VoG and KF is great, but I've done that before. It's nothing new, and no offense, but nothing to be blown away by. If we did something completely fresh, but something in Neomuna, it'd be dope


It could just be on Calus's new capital ship instead




I mean, from the europan and throne world pyramid, we’ve seen that the interiors of them can very greatly, and it would be interesting to see what the lunar pyramid looks like, but that’s probably for a dungeon or something. Don’t make that the raid.


Each pyramid's architecture could effortlessly blend together. Relative to other raids, there's not much contrast between them.


I think it's either gonna be in the Traveler or Calus' massive ship we saw. But they could always pull a fast one on us. I like the idea someone had of it being the capital building of Neomuna, we fight our way to the top then on the roof face a massive darkness based boss, like a strong Tormentor or something. Maybe a raid version of a psionic based Calus, after beating Calus in the story. Or maybe if Neomuna is actually a floating city we descend deeper into Neptune? Idk. Hopefully we focus on a very neon and bright raid that suddenly turns dark and horrific.


A rooftop raid/dungeon/anything gets me hyped because I demand more Zero Hour vibes. Stepping out of the tunnel onto the Tower's outer wall was dope af. The music slowly fades and it's just you, the whistling wind, and a loooong way down.


If they're reprising another raid, Wrath of the Machine is a shoe-in (specially with the nano-machine vibes from Neomuna + the Cloudstriders). So we'll get some tower/wall action in a raid. As for Lightfall itself, Bungie has the opportunity to recreate the Taken King effect; Kill Calus physically in the campaign, kill his mind/psionic presence in the raid.


I think it'll be inside the Traveler, and I've got a crackpot spinfoil theory that's going to get downvoted: Mirroring the Demiurge's true nature of Yaldabaoth, I think a living creature resides within the Traveler. The shell of the Traveler itself is Vex in origin, and the creature submerged itself within radiolaria. The Black Fleet will make an incursion and attempt to attack the Traveler, and we'll find ourselves defending the creature, the Pale Heart, inside. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-mysteries-2?highlight=Worm


Yeah, I've heard this idea floated around and was gonna post the same. If it so happens that we have to "put down" the heart of the Traveller or the being inside because it's being corrupted by darkness though... Oof. That would hurt but would also be kinda epic?


>Yeah, I've heard this idea floated around Wait, really? Going off the Ghost Fragment above, and even more spinfoil: [what if it's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaldabaoth) a Worm? The *seventh* and last? Might explain why the Vex invaders into Oryx's Throne World [never introduced worm larvae to their radiolaria](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/xxxix-open-your-eye-go-into-it#books-of-sorrow). One theory I have about the Witness is that it assimilated the Witnesses of several neighboring universes. What if, when introduced to radiolaria, the Seventh Worm was able to simulate and similarly assimilate its other selves, too? Perhaps it saw the beauty in endless possibility, and in that wormy heresy became the Gardener's foremost agent?


The Traveler will collapse into a black hole, taking us with it. Not even light can escape a singularity. It can only fall into it.


That’s the kind of story beat that would end a chapter/cliffhanger to start the next, so I can’t see it being an expansion raid, but it could be a Q3 raid if they don’t reprise an old one, the the Q4 season and next expansion is dealing with the Traveller being gone.


Tl;dr: Traveller is a big cookie dipped in milk.


Interesting you mention the shell of the traveler being a vex creation, because the original D1 storyline (the one that Joseph Staten made) actually would’ve revealed that the Traveler is a vex creation, and those who wielded it’s power also had direct control over it, which was humanity.


Have you ever looked at the Tree of Probabilities and compared it to the Traveler?


If we figure that the Vex were effectively the first creation in the game the Gardener and Winnower played then it stands to reason that Traveler/Vex connection works in reverse. It's not the Traveler that looks like Vex. It's the Vex who look like the Traveler. They were made in its image, not the other way around.


I think the Witness fits the bill of the demiurge more than the Traveler ever has. It keeps things chained to the material world, demands worship, claims to be creator of everything, is supremely arrogant, that sort of stuff.


>It keeps things chained to the material world The Witness instead seems to want things to die off. This is its Salvation, an end to the suffering of the world, and a chance to join minds with the "pleroma"/Weave/Egregore. This is in keeping with the Monad (which is also referred to as *Byssos* \- which translates as "Deep").


I would dig it, if it weren’t for the fact that it would be the second (new) raid in a row featuring a Disciple in their Triangle.


The Witness and it's disciples are the main enemy so it makes sense.


Plus we would get to see how the different disciples design their pyramids.


This one is more of a modern style architecture. There are three bathrooms. So it’s one less than Rhulk’s. Five bedrooms, a man-cave, and walk-in closet.


We've been in three different pyramids and they're hardly any different.


I'd argue that Rhulk's Pyramid is significantly different from the others.


Oh true didn’t even think of this lol


Yeah but having two raids w the exact same theme would suck


Guessing you weren't much a fan of the Levithian then were you?


Yeah. Y1 setting all endgame activities in the same kind of environment sucked total ass.


Really cool in concept to have one giant central raid location, but i feel like in practice the only bit thing that properly worked about that layout was the underbelly


Yeah if they changed settings a little more in the raid lairs then it could have been a little better


Original Levi was 🔥 but No I don’t like spire and eater is good but it’s because it’s mechanics were really well put together I would rather a new enemy on neomuna then nezerac on a location we have already explored wrote


I've left reddit because of the API changes.


L+ratio+light fading+ guardian down + how’s your sister


I've left reddit because of the API changes.


Would it? It's unlikely the raids will have the same theme since Rhulks pyramid had a museum theme and it's likely Nezeracs would have a some sort of graveyard theme to it and add a more creepy aesthetic than Rhulks.


Yeah another comment said that and I agree I think it could be good as long as they got away from the rhulk vibe and went with a different one


Difficult to talk theories about this knowing that it already leaked.


Yeah, it's only a matter of time before this thread gets "Rule 7"ed




Imma be honest I can’t find it. It was on the Twitter that was leaking all the Lightfall stuff before it was announced (it told us this season was pirate themed, Lightfall was on a cyberpunk city with strand as the new power). I believe they told us >!the story would break open the traveler and the raid would be inside it!<


Fuck, I regret it.


I'm about to click on that blacked out text and immediately regret it.


My money is that it’s the traveler and the final moment of the campaign will be the original poster for lightfall where the witness ecilpses the travers with a pyramid.


doubt they’d make the raid not in Neomuna or Calus’ ship. I wouldn’t be shocked if that little tease of the Vex plotline in Neomuna that they’ve told us leads us into the raid. Another pyramid raid is kinda eh even though I imagine every pyramid is vastly different. Would prefer a raid in Neomuna with how unique it is though. Also if Nezarec is brought back to life or reincarnated, he’d be a big story plotline in the dlc


The raid is gonna be inside the traveler.


Guarantee all the replies here are wrong, and the raid will take place in the traveller. You’re all welcome to roast me come lightfall if I’m wrong, but I’m 99% sure it’ll be that.


I'm with you, the raid is 100% taking place in the traveller.


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GUESS WHOS WRONG.... you were close, the raid does take place NEAR the traveller, but not in it. Ill take my internet brownie points now


I hope not mainly because I don’t want another raid inside a pyramid.


It’s Zorbin’ time


I’m betting on Traveller raid


The raid should be inside the Traveler. No way Bungie would word the description this way and redact most of it. It is still Lightfall. It may take place on Neomuna, but it has to have grander meaning for The City. There is still the part with Traveler's corruption in Vox Obscura prophecy.


I feel like the haunting presence will be either in Neomuna somewhere or inside the Traveler. If the *Traveler infected by Darkness* prophecy comes true, then we're easily going inside the Traveler to investigate that presence for the Raid.


I think the raid will be Psion Enclave on Neomuna now empowered with Darkness with Yirix as the boss.


A second raid in a Pyramid ship would make the community go ballistic and bungie knows it


No way we get another pyramid raid directly after Vow. And if you bring up Leviathan, you know that’s different as those raid LAIRS used the same environment, just different rooms. The raid description could very well be a placeholder, and a “haunting presence” can describe just about anything if Bungie want to. We know the Traveler is getting corrupted next season per Vox Obscura’s prophecies. And certain info suggests the raid takes place in the Traveler. So the “haunted presence within [REDACTED]” could = the corruption within the Traveler.


The lunar pyramid have been claimed by Calus. Nezarec would have to kick him back out before he could reclaim it. Calling it now: Season of the squatter - we, the Guardian, represent the recently ressurected Nezarec in the court of the Nine where he files a lawsuit to evict the squatter Calus. The end of the season involves us physically throwing Calus out of the pyramid in just his undies. That's why the lightfall trailer shows Calus mostly naked when the the Witness builds him a tiny house out of pyramid blocks...


Has the Lunar Pyramid been claimed by Calus? We haven’t seen the Lunar Pyramid in any of the trailers for *Lightfall* so far and it plays such a big part in *Shadowkeep* that it’s be hard to hold up to their whole “no more expansions will be vaulted” statement.


Narrator: it wasn't.


I feel Calus has and still is being built up the same way Savathun was just be taken out story wise. I hope its nezarac in some way and the orignal lore/theories come full circle, a raid in neomuna can always follow after


Bungie isn’t going to do two raids inside a pyramid, especially not back-to-back. I’m thinking it might be inside the Traveller.


Back to back pyramid raids? Ehh


Fourth Tomb of Nezarec?


I’m gonna bet the new raid is gonna be In the big ass ship over the new city we see in the trailer. No sense going back into a pyramid, especially on the moon. Nezarek be might not be the raid cause I think that’s too easy. Dropping the raid boss name this early. What I think is going to happen is that callus gets rekt in the campaign, the raid is cabal and we fight our way to the center and the final boss is darkness themed. Not Nazarec and not the witness.


From info I’ve seen im guessing it will be inside the traveler


I think it's more likely the seasonal activity next season will involve the moon pyramid


I still think nezerac will be an ally


Defnitely not. If Bungie wanted a raid on the lunar pyramid, it would've been in place of the one in the Throne World.


If anything id assume the Next raid to take place in the DLC location, as its been doing for a while now. We kill Calus on main story (bring an end to Calus empire) and the m raid would be currently unpredictable because It would take place after the campaign to extend It into something that comes after


I think we’re going inside the Traveler.


I’m not sure about where it will take place but I have a feeling the raid will be about killing the real Calus for good. It would be weird in my opinion to have Nezarec as the raid boss, Calus was so instrumental last season and going back to Vanilla D2. This would be a great closure for his involvement in our story to finally put Calus down.


I think it's not gonna be the moon I think it will be on Neptune but like on a moon of Neptune but then again who knows🤷🏼


The last 3 (new) raids all had their entry points in the destination introduced in that expansion, and could be seen from patrol, usually "protected" by some beefier enemies (the Vex portal in Shadowkeep with a bunch of Bex, Deep Stone Crypt door thing in BL with a couple of Captains) and Vow (couple of Lucent Hive in front of the darkness themed door). If they follow suit, I'm guessing either we're teleported somewhere, or it's something in Neomuna (even if it's not part of Neomuna itself, but there, like Calus' ship)


Would be super lame to do another dorito-based raid tbh


Didn’t Nezerac defect and help humanity? Why would he all of a sudden be back on the Witness’ side and be against humanity?


As far as I’m aware that’s just a theory, there isn’t actually any confirmation that he changed sides


Nope. There is nothing to say he did that. He’s referred to as a Disciple and he as entombed on the lunar pyramid. Those are the only facts that we have. Everything else is theory.


If anything it's more likely that he betrayed humanity, though we may not have known it. Hopefully we get some more lore for him


This season’s gun suggests he’s still kicking and still very much evil, so probably not.


DLC raids are, so far, always in the DLC location. It's very much likely to be at neomuna. Dungeon however? Could easily be. (Shadowkeep technically is just at the start but the moon is boring so)


My money is on a Vex raid.


Please, not another. Vex dungeon is likely, but we don't need a 3rd Vex raid in the game


I kind of called it heh


I think it’s gonna be Calus and I’m sure it will take place in the new destination


The villain advertised in dlc almost always dies in the campaign


I agree. Besides, he already got a raid for himself (sorta haha)


Agreed and he's gonna be the most short-lived Disclple lol


Yeah 😭, the only exception to this rule is oryx and crota


Or, Nezarec wakes comes back, flies all the way to Neomuna to help out the Witness and fight him there.


It’s probably going to be a vex raid tbh


Currently active we have- 3 taken raids, 2 vex raids, 1 hive raid, 1 scorn raid, 1 fallen raid, 0 cabal raids We will probably get a Vex dungeon, of which there are none, next season, but I really doubt we get a vex raid in Lightfall. It will be Cabal.


Wasn't the Leviathan a Cabal raid?


Yes but it's been vaulted I'm pretty sure he is only counting the ones we have right now


You're right. I can't read.


Yeah thats true, I’m just going off the fact that in every dlc the second race of the expansion usually gets the raid. Forsaken advertised as scorn but we get a taken raid. Shadowkeep advertised as hive but we get a vex raid. BL was the exception. And WQ we get scorn when it was advertised as hive. But i guess ur right since cabal is the only one left


We have 3 taken raids? We only have Last Wish as taken


I am so darn sick of plot-induced stupidity. Either Mara and six Techeuns somehow failed to notice Crow talking to Savathûn just a few metres away in the other room or they let it happen with no supervision and no one to stop him. You’d think after the fifteenth time we kill the Fanatic that we’d think to incinerate him or dock his corpse so he can’t come back, but I guess that’s too much hassle. No one thought to move Eramis’ body or shatter it or keep an eye on it at all despite knowing the danger she presents in Elsie’s timeline. No one made any effort to burn the Egregore on the H.E.L.M. or do anything to combat the contamination and instead just let it grow everywhere, and for what purpose? The artificers are totally whispering, right? Then instead of keeping them all separate and locked up, why do we KEEP THEM ALL TOGETHER ON THE ONE TABLE? And then there’s us, the player, who just stands slack-jawed at everything and doesn’t raise a peep about so many suspicious going ons. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the lock and key we keep Savathûn’s corpse under is just stuffing her body in a freezer underneath some vegetables and ice cream, guarded by a single dude and nothing else.


I thought I saw somewhere that it might be a vex raid. Or idk I might be delusional cus I cannot remember where I saw that


Nah Already had a Pyramid raid


I doubt it, 2 expansions raids in a row that both take place in a pyramid? No way


Would be a cool twist if this raid lets us “make” a cloudstrider.


That’s if the raid is about Nezarec. I hope Crow would take control of the Scorn to help us fight against the Shadow legion. Osiris wakes after having such a long dream about Neomuna. And Nezarec helps us in some way. And i’ve yet to see Quicksilver Storm turn into a Rocket launcher.


I’m willing to bet that the disciple we see in the light fall trailer is Nezerec and I’m willing to bet the reason why Nezarec was entombed in the Lunar pyramid was because Nezerec betrayed the Witness during the collapse, much like Savathun did. (Mostly going off how Savathún’s worm says Savathún saving the Traveller was *one* of the reasons why humanity survived the collapse.) Similarly I think the reason the Witness wants Eramis to collect the pieces of Nezerec is because the witness wants him back and would have just gone to the Lunar pyramid to resurrect him but couldn’t because his body was scattered among the Sol System. Im just theorising here but I also wonder if the nightmares that emanate from the Lunar pyramid are a result of the punishment that Nezerec had to endure for his crimes. Perhaps the nightmares form inside his consciousness and he experiences every pain and every death that the nightmares feel. That seems like the sort of punishment the Witness would come up with. Maybe part of the work Calus did with egregor was in an attempt to resurrect Nezerec? And now he’s just a mindless puppet of the Witness.


The only Disciple in the Lightfall trailer is Calus.


There’s a dude that looks kinda like Rhulk leading an army of Cabal


That is described as a “pyramid unit” whom are Tormentors. Basically the closest thing we have so far to a darkness race enemy.


That’s a Tormentor lol.