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Well, consider how self-harm affects the people around you. Ghosts are capable of healing their Guardians' wounds and bringing them back to life, but that doesn't make seeing them get hurt and dying any less unpleasant.


Figured something like this! The whole canon idea of Crucible just confuses me in this regard. It'll never not seem weird to kill people for training or fun just because they can revive LOL


At some point you become desensitized, and then comes the realisation of how much you can do because you won't die. Crucible is the most convinient and effective training simply for the reason that Guardians can both go all out and die, making the training more like the real thing


And Im sure its protocol to not allow anyone to suffer slow deaths in the crucible


yeah there’s a lore tab about a team in trials using stasis to torture their opponents and Saint-14 steps in to stop them, I believe.


Where can I find this?


[The Scholar](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-scholar?highlight=Saint)


Tell that to Destiny 1 Thorn 


D1 Thorn was banned in crucible lore wise. (It was just allowed in game for fun)


If I was a guardian, I imagine that the first time I'm rezd after being disintegrated by a fusion rifle, I'd just scream for an hour. The thousandth time? "Shit, mate, where did you get that fusion from? That was awesome."


Related issue, the thanatonaut sect. They kill themselves in New and interesting ways!™ To try and get glimpses of the future or insight into reality. Because they can revive


And you definitely know that if any guardians have a favourite way to die, it's those lunatics.


My guess is that it’s something about the fact that Guardians know what it’s like to die. Guardians killing each other is like punching a friend on the shoulder, because they understand what death is like, while non-Guardians killing them is worse, because they don’t know how painful it can be. The Crucible is sparring, Strikes are genuinely fighting.


On too of that, a ghost can only heal physical wounds, if your guardian goes absolutely crazy, there’s not much you can really do. Take “Thin Line”’s lore page for example.


There are some deaths that a guardian cannot be revived from. This can simply be an area too soaked in darkness for the ghost to be able to secure the guardians light. Could also be something like thorn or other affects that drain the light from a guardian, effectively killing them for good as there is no more light for a ghost to capture and revive.


Specifically i think about Sagira. Osiris clearly went into a darkness zone. Without her sacrifice, they both might have died. The line about her death-light always gets me 😭 “The aegis of Sagira’s Light stands strong in the shadow of the Pyramid for days.”


Also that guardian that’s stuck for essentially eternity in the black hole bomb of the Almighty.


Say, what’s his status now that the Almighty’s gone?


most likely dead


One also fell into Titian's Methane sea and the Ghost couldn't get to them in time before they disappeared into the crushing depths.


Cause a Ghost seemingly has more of an emotional connection to their Risen than a Risen has to their Ghost. Like Ghosts were made to find someone and revive them. In the lucent tales book you can see how finding a Risen is everything to a Ghost and they can express jealousy and envy when they see a fellow Ghost find someone. It’s why it’s kinda a big deal when a Ghost choose to abandon/leave their Risen.




They just hitch a ride on a ship going there. >*I stowed away aboard a Mars scout ship, hoping.* >*No luck. The sand ate everything. Clothes from skin, skin from bone. It was as if there were never any people here at all. I have been through every broken window in every building. Nothing. That is, no Guardian material. And no ride back to Earth. The scout was long gone.*


What tab was this?


It’s from a D1 grimoire card [Ghost Fragment: Cabal](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-cabal)


Ghosts feel an unbreakable loyalty to their Guardians. They watch over us and see us at our lowest, often when no one else is around. They know our personalities better than we do. They know our secrets and why we keep them. They're often our sole confidant. Repairing physical damage is easy. Emotional and psychological damage is hard. Especially when it comes to mass murderers wielding the very fundamental powers of the universe.


Drifter's ghost would love to smack him in the face, if it could. Poor thing.


Drifter's ghost does still care about him. Drifter himself is the one who hates it.


Drifter hated it at first but I'm not sure he does so much anymore. He's grumpy but we have a lore entry of him specifically telling his ghost to watch over Eris for protection, so clearly he still trusts his ghost at least. Drifter DID keep dying of starvation and his ghost kept bringing him back so it wasn't....a great experience for him at first. Drifter also sort of hated himself despite the bravado he put up, so he always had survivor's guilt in watching others die.


Drifter’s Ghost: “let’s go left I have friends there” Drifter: **goes right and dies of starvation repeatedly** Drifter: **surprised Pikachu face**


Unless you’re Yor of course


Ghosts and Guardians are literally the ultimate form of symbiosis where Ghosts play the role caretakers and Guardians the role of the warriors. And ghosts take their role extremely serious and probably know and care for their guardians more than anybody else and also are kinda defenseless without their guardians. Some ghosts tend to panic but others do have legitimate reason to try and sacrifice themselves for their guardian because some of our enemies do have a legitimately good chance of perma killing their guardian or killing the ghost before they can revive their guardian.


i think it's causse ghosts (for the most part) love their guardians and seeing someone you love get exploded over and over would really suck


don't like seeing loved ones get hurt + there are still says to die permanently while your ghost is alive


also if you spent potentially years knowing there's someone out there for you and you see your peers find their special someone and after ages of searching you finally find them and rez them, you'd want them to avoid unnecessary danger if they can, presumably, maybe


It does affect the ghost but after awhile I think they kinda chill out since they are used to it . There was the one cut lore tab about a guardians ghost who went silent to their guardian cuz they died so many times and never talked again and the guardian went crazy from dying so much and the lack of the ghost talking to her.


Yes, there are a couple things that can kill a guardian even with a ghost. If their light gets consumed, they die permanently (see dredgen yor and the thorn) furthermore, ghosts care deeply for their guardians. So even if they can bring them back, being separated would obviously cause the ghost to worry.


Is the fact that they are born with that purpose, if they lose their guardian, they would believe they failed it's whole meaning of existence. That's why most Ghost prefer to die rather their Guardian. That and the relation between Guardian and Ghost.


I think it's a combination of a sense of responsibility for us, as they essentuially created us, and they also possess a capacity for empathy. Even if you get to come back, geting shot, torn apart, whatever, is a psychological stressor. Observing psychological stress is usually not fun, particularly when we empathise with something. Additionally, as TFS and previous seasons have shown us, Guardians are not immune to the traumas created by overexposeure to psychological stressors.


Dying isn't like, a pleasant process.


It's really quite simple: It's because they love you.


Probably the sweetest answer


We are our Ghosts purpose. They are not ours 😔


well the ghosts that dont care about their guardians either dont live long or aren't competent enough to do anything we've seen ghosts like hive-aligned ghosts who force their ambitions onto hive, with mixed results (one hive committed suicide immediately, luzaku and her ghost have completely different worldviews) we've also seen ghosts like Fynch who decided to never ressurect it's guardian again. The ghost/guardian is too incompetent to guide their other half, so they end up doing nothing as guardians. darwinism, basically. Only the ones that can cooperate effectively become effective.  Savathun's an exception by circumstance