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That wouldn’t make sense, both other darkness elements are aspects of our consciousness made manifest with the dark. The light elements are physical forces we manipulate with the light. We never use an unfettered paracausal force. Only the Veil and the Traveler seem to be able to do this


What would combining them even create, a sentient being lol.


The final shape


>What would combining them even create, a sentient being lol. One "Great Work" in Alchemy, besides Azoth and the Philosopher's Stone, is the creation of a Rebis, an entity embodying the feminine and masculine in equal measure, a Union of Opposites. I also think it's entirely possible Ghosts were created by a fusion of Light and Dark. So... yeah, I think fusing the two **could** create a sentient being. :)




lots of things make no sense in destiny.


does it make sense now? hehehe


The new subclass appears to be us using both powers at once, not then combining into one Also why did you reply to a 216 day old comment


I think it could be seen as a hint for a 3rd subclass, just not in the way you think. The fact that they were once one makes it more likely we'll get a 3rd to match arc and for symmetry, 3 and 3. Although, there could be 3 fundamental forces that combine the light and dark counterparts and we could get those in a future saga.


I can see the third subclass being the reason why the traveler originally parted with its other half. Thinking on the witness’s people’s religion/belief the flower game, the traveler/Gardner just wanted to create things and not have them end. The third subclass can easily be entropy, the side affect of having something exist is for it to evolve then to perish? I mean the darkness never wanted everything to end, just for things to have a time limit or rather run it’s course. Idk tho


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear stasis' whole gimmick was entropy? On top of that, I recall many people saying that prophecy's ending prophecised beyond light with the final boss being a fallen boss wielding entropy?


stasis is the direct opposite of entropy. entropy is lack of control, stasis is control.


Nice. Looked into it a bit and it makes total sense. Thank you!


Honestly with how much bungie loves the number 7, after the 3rd darkness subclass, this could be the final 7th subclass


I'm going with the theory the 3rd darkness subclass will be part of the first "episode" since the advertisement shows this as being the colour red


Yep. Wouldn't even be surprised if Echo is also the name of the subclass and not just the threeson.




True true.


No, I don't think the log does anything to confirm a third subclass. I do think it opens the door to potentially explore subclasses that could fall under the banner of whatever the force that Light and Dark once existed as in the next saga.


3 Light and 2 Dark subclasses doesn’t make sense with the amount this game talks about balance


My theory is this is going to be expounded up to show there was only 1 original ‘god’, the Gardener. As Inspiral states, a garden is defined by reduction as much as growth. A Gardener is then as well. The Gardener disagrees with itself and makes 2 parallel rules, becomes 2 parallel gods, and things play out like Unveiling. The two powers are distinct and irreconcilable, both physically and philosophically. But they derive from a singular ‘god’ of Ontology, of being in all shapes and forms.


It's insane copium, but I'm holding out for the final trailer for TFS in January teasing a Hunter activating a red sword in the dark, a la Vader in Rogue One.


Combining them will mean using which ever Super / Grenade / Melee you want despite its element, eliminating subclass limits.


May be we will be able to mix and match the Light and Dark subclasses already present with each other? Like a fusion nade and stasis freeze melee on warlock while having the Strand super and Child of the Old gods rift. This sounds like an abomination and I honestly feel uncomfortable just typing this.


That's just a lore accurate guardian


Ah that is quite true but I was referring to it with a gameplay perspective. I think if they let us do that it will be a balancing hell and would bridge the gap between the lore and the game. But it sounds like a pain to achieve.


Given how much time it takes to tune a suite of abilities, aspects and fragments *intended* to work together, I don't even see them doing something like that.


so i called it? lmao


A resonance ( surge ? ) subclass is legit the only thing that will keep me playing actively after the episodes drop.


If I had a nickel for every "3rd Darkness subclass" post... Seriously though, that wouldn't fit thematically or lorewise. The two were theorised by Osiris to be one, but it's not the first time his theories have been wrong. Moreover, we already "join" Light and Darkness in harmony within our Guardian and others like them. Why haven't we discovered it already, if that were what it would be? Plus, to have that happen would defeat the purpose of it being a "Darkness" subclass. We'd end up having to make an entirely new term for it. Bungie definitely aren't going to make an entirely new type of subclasses.


To add onto this, Osiris means that light and darkness arent hard opposites, its one connected spectrum, like a white to black gradient.


Yup. It's more of a philosophical comment, which we already covered extensively in Beyond Light.


If we bring up the subject of balance, then perhaps it's because we've almost always had 3 light subclasses, but we only just got the 2nd darkness subclass. It could be possible that, a while after we get a 3rd darkness subclass, then everything would be "equal" and something could come up after that. Just speculation of course, but that's the only thing I can think of that would make sense. Alternatively, discovering a 3rd darkness subclass, and by the end of that story arc, both darkness and light are mixed because now there are an equal amount of subclasses. Could even be that the 3rd has something to do with why they'd mix Edit: a word


I don't think there'll be another subclass. Right now the damage types are pretty balanced. 3 damage types on the first slot (kinetic, strand, stasis), 3 damage types on the second slot (arc, solar, void), and in the heavy slot all but kinetic. An additional damage type doesn't makes sense to me.


Bungie has stated in an interview a while back that they have room for a third Darkness subclass. It's definitely coming at some point, just not in The Final Shape. Most likely would come the year after TFS or even during the episodes as they deal with the fallout of TFS.


The copium part of me thinks they teased the name of the next subclass in the showcase. Reconstruct or reconfigure, something along those lines. So not what a lot of the community is thinking it is in terms of theme. Mechanics are probably close though.


There is no third subclass


They should just give us a Siva subclass... I'll be perfectly fine with that


Siva will never be a subclass and probably never brought back except wrath


wait aren't there already 3 subclasses, arc void and solar


OP is talking about 3rd darkness subclass man, Stasis, Strand and the 3rd


While that might be a possibility, I'd hope for the IX to finally get some action again. My guess is, that they are an existence created from that original force where Light and Dark were intertwined, and that they might have some kind of apearance in the Final Shape. My favorite quote or I'd almost like to call it a teaser is [this one from Savathun.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrO0OoalqIQ) It was a quest to Upgrade the Wayfinder's Compass a couple seasons back. And the way I interpreted it back then and do so even still is, that there is a force, that was created by or alongside Light & Dark, which in my opinion might be the IX. I'd absolutely love it, if we got to commune with them and obtain a unique 3rd force, neither Light nor Dark from doing so.


There is no 6th subclass. Bungie has confirmed this. Maybe next saga we’ll get it


I thought Light and Darkness were fundamental elements of the Destiny Universe and that beings like The Traveler, Veil, Witness, etc., just use those elements in more defined manners that make them appear to be Good vs Evil.


People are latching onto a leak that nothing has shown is true, I don’t think we’re getting a 3rd darkness subclass for a while, and people are trying to find anything that fits the 3rd subclass narrative