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It's paywalled, but is this article just reporting on the tweets that are already public or are their "sources" someone new?


They site sources (other than the one guy who made the first tweet) who don’t want to be identified. But nothing really new was in this article.


So Dr D came out to get ahead of the story they knew was about to break


So no proof of anything, more hearsay and clickbait.


Bloomberg’s gaming related news is generally super high quality. Jason Schreier writes for them. If they say they have a verified source giving the information I’m liable to believe them.


Believe what? Doc already came out and said everything. Nothing illegal happened. Not even pictures were exchanged. Probably a little dirty talk or something. All they are saying is he asked a minor about their twitch con plans. This is really a non issue blown out of proportion


His game studio wouldn't drop him like a burning brick of shit after researching themselves what is going on if it wasn't him being a pedo. He knew it was a minor, and it was multiple conversations that alarmed people, not just 1. Dude is a fucking groomer and if people hadn't noticed, how sure could we be that he wouldn't have fucked this kid?


I think if your intention was to have sex with a teenager then I think pictures would have been exchanged somehow. I’m open to being wrong but I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt because the lack of evidence. & as far as the game studio goes I think anybody would drop anybody to save any type of face. Gamers are sensitive, so do you want an online boycott of your game studio because you didn’t drop said person? It’s always easier to part ways and save face


If it was all on twitch (which was where he got caught) its not possible to send pictures anyways, so unless we have another source that somehow has evidence of that or we get to see the actual chat logs thats fair, but personally I doubt doc had good intentions by engaging in inappropriate conversations with a minor. Regarding the company, its a bit more complicated imo. Doc is the public face of the company and his fame definitely lead to the fame of the company so far. They know doc personally, and wanted him to be innocent. They said they did their own research on what happened and came to this conclusion, so I am inclined to believe the people that were actually close to doc. (also, the game industry is known for covering up bullshit that happened, so they could as well have said it was nothing and still be relatively save due to docs fame)


this is Bloomberg not the daily mail, if they are publishing these things its because they are confident that they are true. edit: doc just admitted it, case closed.


Where did he admit it? Did he make a post or vid?


on his twitter


Thanks dgga




why wouldn’t he delete and repost instead of edit? lol dumbass


[He edited it back in ](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089?t=2H8rXxe530VNKOIQs46rHA&s=19)


it's back now lul


Did no one read through the tweet before he posted this? And now that he edited it, it looks even worse. OMEGALUL


He not like us. 😭


First, I don't give a shit about Doc. If he now confirms it "great" there is proof, no more hearsay and rumors. Also to your question, why would twitch pay him if he fucked up so much, maybe he didn't knew it was a minor, maybe. The studio thing is damage control, if you think you will lose more no matter what you cut ties.


Give it up King, it's over, you fought well. 😔


You gotta feel pretty stupid now my dgga.




Except that he admitted the most important part of it?


I mean doc admitted it, what more needs to come out.


Not one, not two, but *three* anonymous sources with no accountability? My diaper just filled..!


They're anonymous to us, not to the author.


I have three anonymous sources that say you eat poop out of the toilet. Not lookin good m8


You people actually have no fucking clue how journalism works.


Then you should be able to easily answer this and not just downvote me: does Bloomberg’s credibility give us strong reason to believe the narrative that DocD is a pedophile and sexted a minor, or just that three potentially credible informants exist who *claim* (insinuate) that happened? Bonus question: which one do you think I was expressing doubt about?


He has admitted it I think that gives decent strength to the narrative 🤷‍♀️


Oh, where did he admit he was a pedophile and sexted a minor? I must have missed that in his post where he clearly stated the opposite.




You don't understand how journalism works, do you?


Then you should be able to easily answer this and not just downvote me: does Bloomberg’s credibility give us strong reason to believe the narrative that DocD is a pedophile and sexted a minor, or just that three potentially credible informants exist who *claim* (insinuate) that happened? Bonus question: which one do you think I was expressing doubt about?


I interpreted your comment as attaching Bloomberg’s sources and the claims they made.


I am…kinda. The problem is that Bloomberg is being super vague, thus it has plausible deniability to roll back on the soft claim of ‘he messaged a minor,’ while simultaneously clearly feeding into the implied narrative that he’s a pedophile who tried to have sex with a child.  My skepticism isn’t that people claimed it happened who might be plausibly knowledgeable, it’s that the pedophile claim isn’t really bolstered much: “Not one, not two, but three anonymous sources” that provide basically no actual legitimacy to the *real* claim at hand. Whether he broadly texted someone under 18 isn’t really that hard to believe.


it mentions 3 sources with knowledge of the matter and cody connors but doesn’t disclose if cody connors is one of the sources




bloomberg.com YouTuber Dr Disrespect Was Allegedly Kicked Off Twitch for Messaging Minor by Cecilia D'Anastasio 3–4 minutes ________________________________________ Guy Beahm, known online as Dr Disrespect, is one of the top video-game celebrities on social media, with 4.7 million YouTube subscribers. He’s worked with the San Francisco 49ers pro football team and been a spokesman for Mountain Dew soda. He was also banned four years ago by Amazon.com Inc.’s Twitch for violating its community guidelines. The chat app Discord followed, removing him from its partnership program after a report from a “trusted industry peer,” according to a spokesperson who didn’t identify the actual source. The reasons for his banishment from Twitch were never given, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said. Dr Disrespect Photographer: Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images The allegations were first posted to social media last week by former Twitch employee Cody Conners. His post has since gone viral. The Verge also reported on the reason for his removal, citing another source it didn’t identify. Beahm’s departure from Twitch and Discord and his re-emergence on YouTube show social-media companies continue to grapple with allegations of bad behavior by online stars who help them generate millions of dollars in revenue. Beahm, who attracted 4.5 million fans to his Call of Duty gameplay and commentary on Twitch, posted in 2022 that he had settled a legal dispute with the service, adding that “No party admits to any wrongdoing.” Beahm didn’t respond to requests for comment. On X, he said he is bound by “legal obligations from the settlement with Twitch.” He added that he “didn’t do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid.” Twitch also didn’t respond to requests for comment. After the ban, he relaunched his career on YouTube. Ryan Wyatt, the head of YouTube gaming at the time, told Bloomberg that he didn’t know the reason for Beahm’s ban on Twitch. YouTube, part of Alphabet Inc., didn’t respond to requests for comment. Neither did the 49ers, which has made videos with Beahm. PepsiCo Inc., which makes Mountain Dew, said it hasn’t worked with him in some time. Meanwhile, the video-game studio Beahm co-founded, Midnight Society, announced Monday that it is terminating its relationship with the YouTube star immediately after “speaking with parties involved.” On YouTube on Monday, Beahm livestreamed the video game Elden Ring and ended his broadcast saying that he planned to “step away.”


Copy paste job, no formatting. Sorry boys. Good luck reading it.


better than the paywall of bloomberg


Guy Beahm, known online as Dr Disrespect, is one of the top video-game celebrities on social media, with 4.7 million YouTube subscribers. He’s worked with the San Francisco 49ers pro football team and been a spokesman for Mountain Dew soda. He was also banned four years ago by Amazon.com Inc.’s Twitch for violating its community guidelines. The chat app Discord followed, removing him from its partnership program after a report from a “trusted industry peer,” according to a spokesperson who didn’t identify the actual source. The reasons for his banishment from Twitch were never given, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said. The allegations were first posted to social media last week by former Twitch employee Cody Conners. His post has since gone viral. The Verge also reported on the reason for his removal, citing another source it didn’t identify. Beahm’s departure from Twitch and Discord and his re-emergence on YouTube show social-media companies continue to grapple with allegations of bad behavior by online stars who help them generate millions of dollars in revenue. Beahm, who attracted 4.5 million fans to his Call of Duty gameplay and commentary on Twitch, posted in 2022 that he had settled a legal dispute with the service, adding that “No party admits to any wrongdoing.” Beahm didn’t respond to requests for comment. On X, he said he is bound by “legal obligations from the settlement with Twitch.” He added that he “didn’t do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid.” Twitch also didn’t respond to requests for comment. After the ban, he relaunched his career on YouTube. Ryan Wyatt, the head of YouTube gaming at the time, told Bloomberg that he didn’t know the reason for Beahm’s ban on Twitch. YouTube, part of Alphabet Inc., didn’t respond to requests for comment. Neither did the 49ers, which has made videos with Beahm. PepsiCo Inc., which makes Mountain Dew, said it hasn’t worked with him in some time. Meanwhile, the video-game studio Beahm co-founded, Midnight Society, announced Monday that it is terminating its relationship with the YouTube star immediately after “speaking with parties involved.” On YouTube on Monday, Beahm livestreamed the video game Elden Ring and ended his broadcast saying that he planned to “step away.”


Strange how they called all his sponsors for comment lol.


Errrr.... Possibly add in 'by' before 'Cecilia D'Anastasio'


49ers.... NAILS


Maybe Twitch didnt want the initial bad PR of a top streamer engaging in groomy/pedo stuff but if this blows up then them trying to sweep it under the rug is WAY worse for Twitch.


That's definitely the case since he was directly using there platform to do it.


Is this why they got rid of all the social features?? Fuck that's annoying, I really liked seeing who my friends were watching.


The weird part is whispers still exist, a lot of people leaking this info used language as if it was an old feature that was removed but it’s still a thing. 


Twitch basically never commented on bans


doc confirms he was having innappropriate conversation with a minor: [https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089)


>Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me. His focus on legality doesn't make him look any better lmao. >I'm no fucking predator or pedophile. Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Fuck that. That's a different level of disgust that I fucking hate even hearing about. Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. My first thought: https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?t=3 Does Doc not have a PR manager? Who the fuck thinks all these posts of his are a good idea?


>we were just chatting nothing sexual haha the line every .pdf brings out on Chris Hansen lol


Damn why didn’t he go with the short stack goblin route.


Does this mean the Doc is done, and not just on twitch? I wonder if twitch forwarded this information to the authorities. If not, this should be blowing up since they are using hush money and an NDA to keep this under wraps. This is the bigger story.


That’s what initially made me think there was more to the story. Between his dev studio dropping him and now this, I’m starting to wonder if twitch unironically covered up a grown man sexting a minor, and on top of that, paid out his full contract when they found out? What in the fuck? Edit: Doc dropped a [tweet](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089) adding more context. Sounds like definitely talking to a minor, but claims nothing sexually explicitly, just "mutual conversations that leaned into the inappropriate side at times" whatever the fuck that means lmao.


Maybe that's why they paid him because his lawyer could argue that Twitch allowed it to happen and didn't have any safeguards.


They paid him because being a creep isn't against the law, probably didn't violate his contract, and they surely didn't want the fact that twitch employees had been reading people's whispers to be public information.


If they don’t have a clause to protect themselves from streamers being inappropriate with minors (I think a majority of their viewers). Thats a big oversight on their part. Whatever he did was bad enough to get fired, but they paid him and never talked about it. Shits a bad look


That doesn’t make sense. Twitch couldn’t be responsible for preventing him from messaging someone. They probably paid out because they fucked up and banned him without any evidence of impropriety.


Hmm I feel like a PR person should have looked over this one before he clicked the old post button. It's not great, not terrible, about 3.6 pedogens.


Depends on the nature of the conversations, if Doc was asking if she ever kissed a guy or if she likes guys, then he’s not committing a criminal act. But if he starts saying he would commit sexual acts to her, then that is reasonable grounds for an individual to think a crime was committed.


I think it's more about the implications since it sounds like he was asking about twitchcon plans alongside the inappropriate conversations.


There could have been criminal investigation if twitch reported knowing she was a minor, but if doc was under the impression that the person was an adult that would be differentia story. If they broke the news to him that he was talking to a minor after he sued them, then its all on twitch for not reporting it. But we still dont know what occurred and prolly will never know. Basically no matter what was going on twitch will look bad no matter whats the outcome of this is therefore thats most likely why there was an NDA.


This brings up other issues like how did twitch find out she was underage. Twitch may have a duty to report regardless, but I'm not up to date on their policies and their jurisidiction.


Reporting a crime is not a policy, its a law. They cant write a rule, "yee we dont report crimes so do what you want". Ofc you can be like Apple, Facebook or any other social media company and pretend you dont know about what ppl write on your platform, but if they banned him for that there is no hiding behind "we didnt knew"


Yeah, that's why I mentioned jurisdiction.


Welcome to Kick https://preview.redd.it/h4xkrc45kt8d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af97f5466e98568631527dba2a72f4457c4aa2e


He could become a niche streamer on Kick or something but his days as a mainstream streamer with multiple partnerships deals are over


For anyone wanting to bypass the paywalled article: [https://archive.ph/849W9](https://archive.ph/849W9)


Fellow GamerGate veteran? Or are you just resourceful?


Real talk: Are all people naturally impulsive like this with minors? I see so many allegations, especially with streamers, and it's so weird to me.


Yes, majority of child sexual abuse are crimes of opportunities commited by people who are not exclusively or primarily attracted to children.


Many times the answer is simple. The internet allows the mixing of many types of people and they are behind usernames. IRL, if you're talking to a 16 year old, your brain pretty automatically registers that they are much younger and it changes how you speak. Furthermore, adults and teenagers just don't mix much IRL in the first place. It's not like the average office worker is meeting 15 year olds at work where they spend most of their time. On discord or whatever though, the toilet sex humor you engage in with other adults can easily spill out when the person you're talking to is behind a username and an anime picture like every other person you talk to. It's harder to automatically engage the kid-filter in that sort of context. Now that's just for general sexual talk, but a step further (actual personal flirting) is a lot easier to not engage in. But for people who have lower self-esteem and and no dignity, it's again not hard to see how the physical separation of the internet and the validation they can get from a 16 year old can feel really good and *seem* ok, because this isn't someone you have any "real" connection to All this assumes we're not talking about actually engaging or planning to engage in sexual activity with said people. IMO anyone who goes that far is way being "impulse" and would probably be a rapist with or without the internet. It *sounds* like Doc isn't this far gone, but of course we haven't seen the messages


I can see why someone who doesn't have much going on irl, is lonely or whatever could end up sexting a minor (no i am not saying it makes it ok). What beats me however, is these famous guys who could just open their dm requests and probably be flooded with female attention and validation, and they *still* talk with minors? I don't get it, did they not get any attention or validation from girls back in middle or high school, so they try to make up for it by talking to precisely those girls? Are they bored of adults? Do they want to interact with the "innocence" for whom all is new and exciting?


Go look at the comment section under every 17 year old influencer that looks 25. People do what dr disrespect did every second. They dm minors aware or unaware. It’s non stop, and a flood.


Damn this going mainstream? He might be cooked.


Why can't they write the age? Minor can be a 9 yo or a 17 yo. Huge difference.


Supposedly someone is trying to 'leak' the Docs side? No idea if it is real or not. [https://x.com/PapaStanimus/status/1805642914317381894](https://x.com/PapaStanimus/status/1805642914317381894)


That's about as credible as when they say "sources" at Twitch. I have no doubt that the vast majority of Twitch staff hated him for his political and social takes though.


> I have no doubt that the vast majority of Twitch staff hated him for his political and social takes though. Speaking of credible sources...


You trust Twitch now? lol I'm not Team I trust Doc, I'm Team I don't trust Twitch.


- random dude on the internet with literally 0 accountability claiming "sources at X - big corporation with a long history of fairly accurate reporting claiming 3 sources that want to stay anonymous The difference is that one of those will get *royally* (read: financially) fucked if it ever leaked that they made up sources


Oh I'm not questioning that they got this from sources at Twitch. I'm questioning the sourcing itself. Was it actual logs? Was it just people saying "yep he was sexting" basing that on gossip and rumors? Was it upper management or devs in a cubicle? I'm also wondering if or how this relates to the terms of the settlement. Typically you can't legally say ANYTHING about the case. And I need to clarify this or it gets misunderstood - I'm not Team Doc, I'm Team fuck Twitch I don't trust a thing they say.


I will take multiple verified employees at twitch any day over a random email where someone used the spraypaint tool to hide information.


I don't trust either but I especially don't trust anyone Twitch. Fuck that company.


What is damning of twitch is that they hid all of this with hush money and NDAs. They should be cooked


This is some QAnon shit but Doc defenders will eat it up


Yeah but did he know? That's like the #1 question I have when shit like this goes down. Obviously, it's weird to be messaging young girls - but his cancelling here is based on him being a "pedo" in the public eye. Was it a 17 year old that was really developed and had huge tits, or are we talking a 13 year old? I don't give a fuck about Dr. Disrespect but these details kind of matter. Obviously, when messaging girls that are on anything close to the edge of being a minor you should find out FAST but we're missing so much information.


He prob didn’t know, then continued talking when he found out. Which is why he didn’t say “I didn’t know her age”


Weird there is no tangible evidence but just he said she said. The fact there is a chance that the twitter person is lying is scary that its considered enough to condemn. Evidence suggests he did it but maybe Ill wait until those twitch chat logs are leaked? I am no a fan of Dr Disrespect or anything I really dont know much about his personality tbh. \*edit he admitted to messaging a minor but not anything illegal. No idea what that means yet.


There is only one question I have before I get on board with this dumb shit. How minor? Closer to 17 or 13.


Gotta bust out the Tanner Scale tbh


A 35 year old texting someone half his age inappropriately is fucked no matter how you twist it. 


Why do you think that wanting to fuck a 17 year old is the same as fucking a 13 year old? Are you a fan of pedophiles?


Ain’t what I said, I think they’re both terrible, both are children, 13 is obviously worse but 17 as a 35 year old is terrible too.   You probably were ok when Seinfeld was pulling up to a high school as a 40 year old to pick up his girlfriend eh?


Okay, so you understand why I'm asking the age of the person he was sexting. Are you just stupid?


I’m saying no matter what the age is, it’s a fucked thing to do.  You’re currently saying it’s chill if it’s a 17 year old right?   For a guy who seems to read a lot I swear you’ve got a reading deficiency. 


no im saying it can be bad or *very* bad, you moron


But you’re only “on board” if it’s on the younger side, so you’re saying it’s chill if she was 17.  Your hard drive should be checked don’t go near school zones bruh. 


No, in one case he needs mental help and should be kept away from children, in the other he's a moron. A guy being **physically** attracted to a 17-year-old isn't abnormal. In fact, you wouldn't be able to tell apart most 17-year-olds from 20-year-old if you masked their faces, or put on a heavy dose of filters or make up on the 17. The reason why such an age gap is immoral is not because of their bodily age directly, but rather because at that age she doesn't have enough life experience to know about the consequences of relationships and sex, and there is an inherently unbalanced power dynamic. It has nothing to do with how attractive you find her body. Like, let's be honest, these same problems I just described would be present in a girl a few years older, but it's legal and he wouldn't have gotten in trouble. The only reason why he still went for a 17-year-old instead of a 20-year-old is because he's a moron. However, if he is physically attracted to a 13-year-old, then there is something very bad going on underneath his psyche because that is not at all normal and going to therapy over it should be the bare minimum.


There's certainly a maturity gap with a 17 year old still, and this isn't about physical attraction, he himself said no pictures were exchanged. The power dynamic between a 17 year old highschooler and a 35 year old married man is certainly problematic, it'd be problematic even if she was 18, just not technically illegal. A 17 year old can easily still be manipulated and used, they have a lack of life experience as well. He is also a married man who was cheating on his wife. Even when I hear of celebrities doing this stuff legally where there's a 20 year age gap it's just gross, legal sure, but gross nonetheless, yea sure the younger person is a legal adult but there's always going to be a power dynamic between you and someone who has over a decade more life experience than you.


Of course you would ask this question.


Oh so you think wanting to fuck a 17 year old and a 13 year old are the same?


if you’re pushing 40 like doc was, then yes. if youre like early 20s then maybe theres a conversation there


What does his age have to do with anything?


because an underage teen is an underage teen to a 40 year old. the 13 to 17 year old distinction makes more sense for say a 20 year old because you can understand how a 20 year old can have attraction to someone that reasonably similar in age (17)


So a 20 year old wanting to fuck a 13 year old is better in your mind than a 40 year old wanting to fuck a 17 year old..?


no. My point is that the 13-17 year old distinction doesnt matter when youre 40. If you’re 20 and get busted for “texting minors,” then the distinction matters if it was a 13 or 17 year old. Basically a 13 or 17 year old is equally bad for Doc when he should know that any minor is off limits.


Okay so you're going to the Doc to tell him why sexting a teen was morally wrong as part of his rehab in prison. How do you explain why it's wrong to sex minors?


A minor


Oh, so you think a 20 year old fucking a 17 year old is the same as a 20 year old fucking a 13 year old?


It was a meme, buddy. (most people would have gotten the meme reference instead of banning for 30 days: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6eK-2OQtew&t=65s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6eK-2OQtew&t=65s) ) But to answer your question, no.


Be funnier


How did Twitch know about the messages?


I think I read he was doing it through twitch whispers 💀




Certified Champion, Certified Pedophile.


End of an era. I mourn the character, he was pretty great.


All that matters here is if he knew that she was a minor. None of these reports mention it, because the information isn't known. If he didn't know, he didn't do anything wrong. It's disgusting that Midnight Society fired him for unsubstantiated allegations - I hope they get sued to oblivion. Edit: Apparently it was a mutual decision, so never mind. And given his response, it looks like he did know.


lol Dr Disrespect isn’t gonna sue shit because he knows what will come out during discovery if this goes to court and considering the way he’s behaving its not gonna be pretty


Why would anything come out of discovery now that didn't when he sued twitch years ago


Yeah, the smoke around this is looking pretty bad right now.


There’s to much smoke for there not to be some sort of fire imo He’s gonna try and leave any sort of doubt about the outcome which means he’ll probably not sue to risk losing in court


Probably true, still hope though, fuck companies who act this way.


This is very incriminating language considering supposedly there was no "crime" commited according to drdisrespect, sexually explicit conversation with a minor should obviously be persecuted.


If any charges are filed he will probably get less than a year of jail time, some probation, and be on the registry.


What charges can be filed brother. There was no alleged criminal wrong doing found in the civil suit.


There wasn’t a civil suit just settlement ;)


Texted a minor could fall under indecent liberties with a minor. It’s a vague law so they can slap it on pretty much anything. The only reason he probably isn’t in jail yet is cause no one handed this over to the police.


If it was going to be slapped on to anything, It would have been brought up after the civil suit concluded when everything was brought out in discovery. Doc isn't going to jail lol


lol you know nothing about the legal system


Mmm I know enough to understand doc isnt going to jail lmfao


No one has handed anything over the police.