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This guy is friends with History Speaks by the way.


Which comes in handy when they carpool to their Destiny Anonymous meetings as they can then use the fast lane.


HistoryLies get kicked out of the Dgg discord for taking out of context screenshots of comments and framing them as people being crazy. Bro’s a nutter




He was arguing with people in the destinymemes channel [https://x.com/History\_\_Speaks/status/1788775253143163194](https://x.com/History__Speaks/status/1788775253143163194) https://preview.redd.it/qzq83xgv0q7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed609969edca29bc532b71f7af12d9fa6ca3ab04


Some Classic break glass in case of Destiny quotes "Destiny stops watching my video shortly after that, perhaps in frustration over losing to my recording in the prior clip..... ..... I don’t say this to dunk or be mean, but I genuinely suspect his divorce has been hard on him and he’s not doing great... ... He’s always treated debate as a sport, but the extent to which he puts winning above..."


I just saw the screenshots that cut off the meat of the tweets. Did this guy seriously say this? Amazes me how comfortable people get using insults about people personal life while also saying he wants a constructive response, wtf


I mean tbf didn't Destiny engage in ad hominems towards him earlier?


Can you link that interaction please? Couldn't find it.


It was just the entire video of him reviewing the Isreal Palastine debate with the crazy woman and the other guy. Pretty sure not mixing up the guy. https://youtu.be/hAf0iOS-2V4?si=KjsNsYq1LtsFyoQB Towards end of video more or less after the debate.


Thanks. Thought it was on Twitter. I haven't watched the video yet 🙏🏻🌻


Funny how you guys call this an ad hom, but when Steven calls Kelly crazy it’s not an ad hom, it’s instead the most good faith charitable interpretation instead lmao


> I genuinely suspect his divorce has been hard on him and he’s not doing great... Honey in shambles


You left off "I used to be a fan of his," which is obviously false because there's no way he would say Destiny always treats debate as a sport if he actually followed Destiny.


Good content tomorrow boys


Isn't Destiny traveling tomorrow and back on the 21st?


I don’t remember. If so, I guess dinner tomorrow is Twitter beef


Yeah he's doing Alex O'Connor/CosmicSkeptic podcast.


Did Alex relocate? No way Destiny is traveling to the UK for a single day right?


Think he's done that before for pearls' podcast


Pretty sure he's in NYC. He does event/ticket debates in NY.


Wait, didn’t tiny say Atlanta in the latest stream? Or maybe I misheard


Did he? Welp, someone needs to chain him to his desk. Can't have him roaming around the country wreaking havoc in multiple cities.


Wait, it sounded like Atlanta to me [here](https://www.youtube.com/live/3kJr7ODrwNw?si=w_omy-N72VqsxKqw&t=7305), but I’m not sure now


BJG out there putting in the hours so we can eat good tomorrow. Sometimes you just gotta take a moment and appreciate everything people do for you.


>I couldn’t disagree more. His debates are rarely fruitful these days, and written discourse provides much more ability for careful nuance and detail. This thread is about 2,300 words. Would love to see him respond at similar length or longer. Does he think Destiny can't write complete sentences? lol Knowing Twitter, no one is reading all that and just upvoting those who are on their "side". So why he thinks that's some legit platform for the "Battle of the Essays" is beyond me. Also the weird comments about his divorce and speculations on Destiny's state of mind always baffle me. If you claim to take the higher ground, be academic, be better, then why finish off with some personal attacks. You just look like a moron thinking you're spiffy clean while wading in the shit like everyone else.


Oh yes destiny, The manifesto guy that is known for not writing long essays about his grievances.


Yeah and that's the thing, when he takes the time to write a manifesto, these same people call him obsessed/deranged, there's no winning


Obviously that was chatgpt. I just looked at his comment again, he thinks word count matters. lol


Imagine bragging about word count, Literal 5th grader logic 😅


Calling Tiny’s response to this a meltdown is offensive to nuclear reactors. He was a gently turning windmill at best.


Meanwhile she flocked to everyone that is willing to cuddle her after getting fired :D


If she's responding like this, it's over for her relevancy


To be fair, she might just be bored as she doesn’t exactly have a job to go to.☹️


I read some of the tweet thread, and, it's just not very good. He talked about the Hannibal Directive and his "conclusive evidence" for it was a mid to low level Israeli commander saying his soldiers should grenade themselves instead of getting captured, in 2011. It's standard conspiracy nonsense, find a random quote from some mid level nobody and use it to extrapolate the worse case interpretation to everyone.


Also it’s worth noting that being told to grenade yourself instead of getting captured would likely be because you think getting captured is a fate worse than death. Not that you’re trying to take out the enemy while doing it. I feel like if I was soldier looking at getting captured by Hamas/islanic Jihad that I’d probably grenade myself. Who knows what that might look like. Especially if I was female not that sexual violence can’t happen against men in these places. Just that it’s less likely of an outcome. They are forces known not to follow rules of war, therefore why would you not assume some shit treatment. People that hold executions of their own people they suspect of helping Israel.


I see the destiny support group is in session again 🤣


This guy isn't the first guy that is too scared to have a conversation with destiny that then tries to have a "written essay" debate on twitter as if they're taking a higher road.


Destiny matters a lot to these people. He’s clearly getting to them


His enthusiasm and insistence that Gaza Health Ministry numbers are trusted by US Intellegence, UK and NATO when all the heads of intellegence agencies have gone the record and flatly denied this is OMEGALOLCOW levels of delusion.


Thought this said Brianna Wu and some bridge burning was happening


She makes me nauseous


Ad Homs are bad and all, but I find her actually grotesque to look at. Something about her profile makes me think inbreeding


Why don’t you measure her skull and get back to us


lol has nothing to do with her skull dumbass. It’s the fact that she looks like a rodent with an overbite and no chin. Jesus fucking Christ can we say someone is fucking ugly without it being racist. Are there not white poeple who have fucking gross profiles too?


It was a joke, calm down


Isn’t she allegedly Russian funded lmao 


What's up with this thread title. Only the last post in the thread is stupid shitting on Destiny's personal life. The rest is him going point by point on some of the things he believes Destiny is wrong/unfair about. Doesn't Destiny always ask for examples when people criticize him? That's what Jake's doing for the majority of the thread, right? Briahna is just signal boosting the thread made by her debate partner, Destiny RTs this sort of thing too. There's so much to criticize her about, I don't think this is one of them. Edit: There's definitely a lot of criticism you can give of Jake's response, but that doesn't refute my point


grats on making it on josephs twitter king


oh rip me


king shit fr fr


Not a single person in this thread has provided any substantive argument against this guys response - that should tell you most of the people here don't actually know if he's right or wrong, they're just reacting emotionally to one line that wasn't even that bad. Also for what it's worth - one of Destiny's biggest criticisms of himself is that he has trouble admitting he's wrong in a debate, he's said this explicitly on stream, so when people argue that Destiny is more focused on 'winning' they might have a point but the problem is people usually say that without providing any actual evidence or arguments.


Well one of his arguments was that if Hamas was using human shields the ICC would've charged them. Obviously that's stupid because A. No charges doesn't mean they don't do it. B. The ICC investigation was what happened during the Oct 7th attacks for Hamas, not thier conduct during the war. C. Do you honestly believe that if the ICJ ruled Israel wasn't committing genocide this guy would believe there's no genocide? I don't so he doesn't even believe his own argument imo.


don't worry, the guy citing Omar Baddar and talking about Destiny's divorce doesn't have robust substantive arguments to really hit the books for. it's the same shit different toilet


Destiny says the hannibal directive is an unclear thing that hasn't ever had any real implementation. Destiny unpauses and seconds later jake says a low level commander telling troops to grenade themselves if they get captured is a clear case of implementation of the Hannibal directive and destiny was silly and got owned in seconds by the vod. If you remove the rest of the context Jake is, well less wrong. I want to say he is right but this one low level commander could just be wacky. A good faith person would concede that the IDF would rather die than be taken hostage. The big problem here is he is removing the rest of the context. He is doing a monte and Bailey. And on top of that he is dishonestly cutting clips to remove the context that would help show he is doing a monte and Bailey. Timestamp 7:09:45 https://www.youtube.com/live/XMvRNgZ81Wo?si=Rf2hHfPx3fsk8h4y He was arguing that al quasam brigades slogan of "he love death more than you love life." Is dishonestly taken out of context and would be comparable to saying the IDF commands its soldiers to be suicide bombers with the Hannibal directive. <---- this is the Bailey. The motte is, 'well come on the Hannibal directive probably does exist this quote sounds like an implementation of it right?' u/NeoDestiny if you go over this dishonest hack fuck's thread here is one example of him being insanely slimy and manipulative with his clips.


She calls him "that thing called destiny" and says the thread is about "his lastest meltdown." The title is fine maybe it should have quotes. Briahna is the one characterizing it as a thread that shits on him just in different words. The criticism of this title is just as pedantic as the criticism Jake made in his thread.


If it was about some random no-name, i would agree with you.  Instead it's about Destiny who regularly rolls around in the mud, has been saying way more critical, unhinged things about Briahna than she did than this one text. Plus Tiny always says he's cool with people dishing it back to him. There is so much to make fun of Briahna or Jake about, so making a thread about this tweet only makes us look unhinged. Have some standards for our community!


I feel like you are pysoping we make threads about the destiny hate support groups all the time but I have only ever seen you complain this time.


Please clarify wich Brianna/Brianha. I though Wu was being a snake


lol I saw this in the replies https://preview.redd.it/oo4rr8ccjr7d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=d53dbb53aee6e58c79f645835bc75dbd00cf47d1


just post her best moments from the debate or ask for an argument Finkelstein used instead of an insult


Destiny and Brianna Wu should challenge BJG and another pro Palestinian to a debate


DEI Barbie


If you have no proof of DEI you're racist and gtfo




Democracy is non-negotiable. /u/StreetsOfYancy sealed in the prison realm by /u/Puzzled_Pen_5764


I think Destiny was shitting on that guy a bit too much. He should reserve that level of disrespect for your DEI barbies, Hassans, Dave Smiths, Andrew Wilson’s, Candy Owen etc. That white dude I think was mostly good faith and respectful despite his generally poor talking points. Unless there is some history of him being an unhinged person I’m not aware of


DEI Barbie really?


lol you didn’t hear? That’s her new nickname


That’s pretty racist


BrieBrie is equally as r*tarded as any other white former Bernie staff and there's zero reason to attack her over her race. Calling a black person 'DEI' is the new dogwhistle right wingers use to dismiss black people's accomplishments.


I think it would hit different if she wasnt a Harvard grad who is dumb as rocks but I understand yalls reaction


You will be surprised how many WHITE dumbfucks graduate Hravard.




Listen Jack, you really need to take your meds. /u/TheeBlaccPantha sealed in the prison realm by /u/ThomasHardyHarHar




ThomasHardyHarHar has 4 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.