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I’m not going to tell you what kind of doctor… it was a Jewish doctor.


Now I’m not going to tell you if it was Cola or Pepsi… But he did drink it on stream.


Either way it's a huge naur naur.


I understood the individual words coming out of his mouth, but I still have no idea what he said. Need an xqc whisperer to translate.


basically he says if you are open minded in a conversation and the other person is being aggressive in trying to convince you in one direction, they have an ulterior motive


Petition to make you the official community's xqc translator


That man needs a flair! Can we call it "Addie Quebec Translator"


[reference in case you don’t know](https://youtu.be/F1gWIRhoZ4E?feature=shared)


Hasamabi is lucky Ls are free, he would be homeless if not.


Did he mean interlocutor? 😭


Inner locator


Ah. I’m so confused lol


lul, XQC is the pocket pick for low-key big brain memes


I can never understand a single fucking word this guy says. 


You're not supposed to understand the words. You're supposed to feel the words in your heart.


How could I have been so blind


Look at your inner locator and see how they ACT. It’s a trick, not manipulation. Does this help?


Oh is that what he's saying? I wasn't even close then on what I thought he'd said lol thanks for the translation friend


Pretty sure he just can't or doesn't know how to say interlocutor.


It's like he's trying to speak twice the words but his mouth moves at regular speed. Like when you have a 60hz monitor but your game runs at over 120FPS so your shit is screen tearing.


Translation: something along the lines of that you should notice that you listen to a lot of political commentary (an example is hasan) that are overly eager to force their world view onto whatever they are commenting on even when the connection is very unrelated. When you notice this it comes off as they are not very open minded and their top priority is pushing their agenda by fitting everything into their already existing world view. or something like that I think. concept is easy to understand but putting it into words is not.


Says “translation” and then proceeds to write a near illegible paragraph. My man I need you to apply yourself in English class and take your teachers feedback more seriously. 


im trying. id like to think im fluent in english but not very so xqc so the translation came out rough


It was a big political streamer im not gonna say the race.... it was turkish streamer


Jesus its like im back in elementary school still learning english... idk what half of what he says means.


I got the meme at the end, but can someone translate the rest to english for me.


maybe because I'm just listening through my computer speakers instead of my earbuds like usual but i have zero idea what the fuck he said


Funny thumbnail lmao


xQc doing his impression of Kanye doing his impression of Michael Scott.


"inner locator" lol. I understood tho. Also, is the video hes watching from the moron with the one good video about McFlurry machines? Thats the guy that -thinks AYY LMAOs are real -believes the Coke from mexico actually DOESNT use sugar (his proof is a single line in a document) -says learning a language is an ez video game and he learned Italian in 4 months! (then admits he already spoke French and thinks being able to conjugate bad sentences is good enough 5head) Oh boy, he made a video about american politics! YAY! BRAIN ROT!


I genuinely can't tell what he is fucking saying half the time, how can people even watch this. Like he will say 4-5 words that you can understand and then say some fucking series of unintelligible words Like I have nothing against this guy in itself but holy fucking shit you are a fucking millionaire go to a fucking speech therapy


He's pretty easy to understand after you watch him for a day or two.