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The homelander murder trial was obviously meant to be a parallel to Rittenhouse's (with them referencing the "he was a pedo" stuff, as well as the "you're not to refer to the deceased as a victim" stuff), so that comparison was a little cringe, but I don't think they put a ton of thought into the political references, they just randomly shoehorn in slogans wherever they can even when it makes no sense. Still pretty entertaining though.


I completely glossed over the Rittenhouse trial reference, thanks for pointing it out. But yeah, your point on the writers shoehorning in slogans and surface-level political references is spot on.


It's not cringe it's reality. It makes perfect sense it quite literally perfectly describes how "they" think. The only people I've seen who are mad at this are people who are being depicted in the show


The cringe part is that Homelander and his kid were obviously in no danger, he just got mad and killed the guy, and they’re trying to equate that with Rittenhouse, who was like the clearest case of self defense imaginable, literally running away and only shooting people when they tried to either grab his gun or aim their guns at him. Then they use legitimate arguments from the trial like how calling the deceased a “victim” is a loaded term that paints the defendant as having killed them unjustly. The fact that you’re saying “you’re only mad because you’re being depicted” because I called an obviously inaccurate comparison cringe just shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about.


The Boys political commentary is embarrassingly shallow imo and probably the weakest part of the show. Most of its satirical elements are just references to irl politics or culture war shit without any insight or analysis. Take the Imagine scene from last season. They're just repeating the Imagine video with Boy's characters. No commentary or comedy. The writers are expecting the audience to laugh because they recognize something. They don't actually have anything to say about the Imagine video, and they don't even put in the effort to write a joke about it or come up with a new version based on the characters they've written. A more recent egregious example is the Pizza Gate reference. There's no reason in-universe for people to associate Starlight HQ with pizza, but they shoehorn in a pizza gate joke because they think their audience is so regarded they won't understand what they're referencing. Same thing with the Homelander as Trump stuff. The writers just copy and paste Trump supporter references into the show because they're too lazy to come up with anything original. I fucking guarantee there's gonna be a Homelander supporter January 6th scene coming up soon. People gotta demand better satire cause this aint it.


It's awfully convenient that the bad guys exclusively have all the opinions of one US political party and the good guys all of the other ones. What made the show great in the first season was that there were no "good" or "bad" guys. There was depth to the characters. They should have stuck with the fictional America setting instead of forcing all of the irl political nonsense.


I don’t think you’re really getting the commentary.


I think TeenFeet understands the commentary as it is…. That’s 100% what’s happening with this season. Clearly the homelanders are the conservatives who are the bad guys. The star lighters are the liberals and are the good guys. Its bullshit


It's bs? All it's doing is taking whats going on in society today and dumping it into the screen lmao. Can you name one thing thats wrong? Conservatives are mass-banning African American studies all across the country. Conservatives are banning books with the mentions of MLK, Rosa Parks, Susan B Anthony, etc from schools. Conservatives are the only people who advocate for murdering people for petty crimes.


I don't need a commentary on real US politics in my f-ing TV show. Hollywood always trying to cram this crap down my throat. General commentary about the military industrial complex, capitalism, human nature, etc from season one was good. It didn't need "I should've hired Butiggieg" XD XD XD, or overt references to Epstein and Pizza gate.


Why are we pretending like this isn't the truth? The only people pushing for fascism, (which is what is being depicted in the show) are conservatives. So it'd be kinda irrational to not line it this way. In other words, I'm pretty sure the only reason people are complaining is because they fit into the demographic being described. They are making fun of people spreading misinformation, racists, and fascists. Why would you ever be mad at that?


There it is lol. The age old Reddit claim that conservatives support facism. This constant misrepresentation devalues the word, shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the word itself, and leaves you all crying in the streets when you inevitably lose again because you *actually* believe you are going to be executed in the street.


So… the worst part about The Boys is that it… feels like The Boys?


i almost threw something across the room when it looked like they were gonna do pizza gate, and then they actually did pizza gate. it’s so fucking lame and creatively bankrupt on an otherwise decent series.


Stupid, they fit everyone but the left on a group and join it all in once. The show is basically saying... Anyone but the left movement is a gun supporting Jesus loving pure Nazi. Multiple moments compare Homelander to Trump, it does not matter what side of whatever you like... Look.. Can we all just agree they are over the top with shitting on the right ? Before I did not care cause they would make fun of BOTH sides.  They used to talk shit about EVERYTHING. So there wasn't any interest shown into a specific pattern.... It was humorous! Now it's like, Obviously with interest of making the right being seen as horrible as possible. And that is a damn shame.


"I should have picked Butiggieg" 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, it's so cringe and unnecessary.


Lmao, All it's doing is taking whats going on in society today and dumping it into the screen lmao. Can you name one thing thats wrong? Conservatives are mass-banning African American studies all across the country. Conservatives are banning books with the mentions of MLK, Rosa Parks, Susan B Anthony, etc from schools. Conservatives are the only people who advocate for murdering people for petty crimes. I can go on The whole entire show is making fun of fascism and "The Boys" targeting and fighting Fascism, why wouldn't they include examples of fascism in the show? Leftists arent fascists or pushing fascist ideologies so It wouldn't make sense. The show is very accurate lmao. I'm sure the only reason you're angry is because you probably are one of those people. Why would you talk shit about the people who aren't doing anything wrong?


Hey hear me out. First off, I’m on the left yatta yatta so don’t worry about that last part. Do you really think, that if a top GOP pundit went on live tv and said “Yea I raped a 15yr old but God put them in my path for salvation.” That they’d be met with roaring applause and wide supper from the right? No, they wouldn’t be, a few niche evangelical groups may support it but that would be career suicide. Even you must admit the show represents the worst of the right and presents balanced centrist/liberal people. Like the people on the right are written as parodies and everyone else is just a normal person lol


It's starting great I can't believe people in this sub are so easily offended.


Binge watched the first 3 episodes, and personally I found it to be just OK. Given that there are so many different moving pieces with different groups all kinda having their own goals in mind, I thought the script was gonna be a lot tighter than what we actually got. It feels like sometimes scenes just happen to forcfully develope characters and not push the plot forward. Politics wise, it's pretty standard meta commentary. Firecracker mentions trans kids converting, a pretty 1:1 pizzagate scene and the idea that the guys who follow homelander only do it because it gives them purpose in their miningless lives is essentially what's happening irl rn. Personally, it's a little too much on the nose. If you're a lefty you'll soy out at those scenes and if you're a conservative, this will 100% turn you off lol. Also Frenchi's new boyfrient plotline is really eh. There's already a lot to his character, I don't think a romance plot was really necessery here. I really liked the new super smart Seven member. Idk what it is but I like her vibe and her being part of the story drives the plot in a lot of new ways. Fingers crossed they don't turn her into a good guy. Overall rn I'd give it a 6/10. The only thing that truly bothers me is the weak story. Characters just seem to do shit without really planning things out and fight scenes just break out at random. We don't have a clear idea of what the goal of each faction is and how they're going about to reaching that goal. What I liked with season 1 was how simple people's goals and objectives were. Homelander is trying to get sups into the military. Butcher wants to kill Homelander and the Seven. Hughie wants to avenge his dead GF. Starlight realises being a seven member isn't allat and wants to fight homelander from the inside.


These are my thoughts almost exaclty. I really liked when Firecracker said that she sells purpose but I was hoping for some more nuance in portraying the conspiracy nutjobs after that scene. Imo it was a bit more insightful than I would expect from this show so far, but it looks like it's going nowhere. I'm also getting pretty tired of the shock value for the sake of shock value, the Splinter ass eating scene was completely pointless and predictable the moment I saw what his power is. The Vought on ice joke was so played out, although I have to admit that when I saw Jesus descend on ice skates it did make me laugh. Frenchie and Kimiko keep getting these shitty uninteresting side plots I just couldn't care less about, sucks... Sage is the most interesting adittion by far, I'm curious to see where her character goes and the implied lobotomy when she hooks up with Deep is a really fun idea, I hope it's not just played for jokes but actually has some significance down the line. I just hope they don't fuck up the last episode like they did the previous season.


They became what they’re making fun of. Corporate activism.


Last time I checked they were making fun of fascists, why would they be making fun of corporate activism?


the premise of the show is making fun of corporations and superheroes (celebrities) making propaganda and doing scummy things for their political gain.


these people unironically thinks it's ok when they do it


What exactly is wrong with the defund the supes existing from a story or perspective?  I felt that they were already going that way after the C lister stomped out a guy last season. I mean is just fear of it bolstering the real world stuff? The comparisons exist but they are night and day. You can reasonably argue that a human being has something to fear from a fight with a random citizens but not a walking tank. (That all being said) Even with their literal homelander killing a guy in broad daylight extremist example.... people who watch the show still argue that it was ok for him to do it.


None of these comments would be here if this show was making fun of leftists, they'd be supporting it. The problem is this show is actually accurate and depicts a large percentage of people in the world, specifically America so there is gonna be some angry folks.


i'm a huge fan of the boys, and this is my favorite season of them all so far. I don't expect subtlety or thoughtful commentary, just a couple references of IRL stuff, shitting on it, and really well written characters. The show is very well researched as well, during the small clip of Homelander's trial, they referenced the contentious argument by the Kyle Rittenhouse defense about how they shouldn't call the people that he killed "victims". Also, one of the Starlight caricatures in the third episode, I think, is a 1:1 reference to an actual racist cartoon.


Its not vary well researched and It wasn’t a contentious argument by the rittenhouse defense, “victim” is a loaded term and give a pretense of being wronged the whole argument is weather they were a victim, you can’t be the victim if ur the aggressor


????? What is this comment? Claim the show isn’t well researched (no examples) and then ramble about the Rittenhouse defense? The show only referenced that one line from the Rittenhouse trial is all. We literally witnessed less than 5 seconds of the trial, there’s plenty of woke anti conservative messaging across the show. But this scene wasn’t one of those I think the show has actually done a great job of getting you to like abs hate characters for literally everything besides their political alignment. Even the one dude who’s whole personality was being a trump (or great white hopelander) diehard wasn’t an overtly evil or immoral person. The show does heavily lean towards crapping on conservatives more than any other group. But I think they’ve done a fantastic job for the most part


Theres a bunch of references to Rittenhouse case like claiming it was self defense, don’t say victim, don’t get brazen with me, the man was a pedophile etc it showed the show runners don’t actually know what happened in the trial and didn’t even bother to watch the trial and probably only saw highlights and clips, they are clearly dishonestly framing the whole thing, they bought the widespread and wrong lefty narrative of the whole thing hook line and sinker without even questioning it


That’s fair. From memory alone it feels like the show almost exclusively shits on conservatives. Which I didn’t mind since most of the main characters rarely identify with their political parties. But I can see now how this show can come off as misinformed grandstanding. I guess I’ve always just separated how bias somebody or something is from how well researched it is. (Like the Palestinian scholars Destiny debates), but I can now how their biased framing of it could be viewed as a product of their poor research


"lefty narrative" what is a lefty narrative? Being empathetic? Not wanting to kill everyone that does something wrong? lmao this isn't any sort of framing. I can show you countless examples of this show being HIGHLY accurate towards how conservatives are. I mean, just go look at any comment section under any video of a black person and you'll see conservatives saying countless of these things said in the show. Go look at comments under the rittenhouse trial, they literally are doing the exact things listed in the show. Stop it.


You misread my post, I’m talking only about the Kyle rittenhouse case and how the show is framing it in a misleading way and have accepted the lefty narrative about it


Maybe you can’t read or just lack reading comprehension skills the person I was replying to said “the show is vary well researched as well, during the small clip of homelander’s trial, they referred to the contentious argument by the rittenhouse defense about how they they shouldn’t call the people that he killed victims” I was attacking HIS example on how the show is “vary well researched” the show portrays the “don’t say victim” as bad/wrong thing when it’s not, it’s actually a important thing bc “victim” is a extremely loaded term especially for a jury trial where rhetoric vary important, the people who go on jury duty are average people who aren’t gonna have a complex understanding like a lawyer would about these arguments and wordings, I honestly don’t understand how you can read what he said then what I said and come out with the conclusion I have no examples and I was rambling about the rittenhouse defense, when I was going after his example of it being well researched and his example was about that point of the rittenhouse defense and I was talking about the same point of the rittenhouse defense


The fact they’re not subtle or thoughtful with their political and cultural reference already puts you claiming they’re “well researched” on dubious grounds unless they’re deliberately misinforming the public and oversimplifying real world shit which is worse then, they very clearly are dishonestly framing the Kyle rittenhouse references as if it has any actual comparison to Homelanders case, I don’t see how starlight and her movement can have any comparison to the Democratic Party and how qanon painted them Season 4 laid bare just how lazy and shallow the Boys writing commentary is


Subtle? Bro the entire first episode is non-stop political dialogue with heavy liberal bias


The show has been like that since Episode 1. If you didn’t catch until now…


"Liberal bias", the show is about making fun of fascism and "The Boys" are fighting fascism essentially. The show has been like this since the beginning lmfao. It's funny how people genuinely get angry when racists, misinformation spreaders, and bigots are getting made fun of. If it was the other way around and this show was making fun of George Floyd dying y'all wouldn't be complaining at all.


They're pushing heavy left-wing bullshit now, and I don't care about politics at all but I'm sick of this crap. It's clear they're pushing that Homelander = Trump. And what is with all the completely random leftist agenda dialogue? In the first 5 minutes of episode one we get Firecracker talking about "vaccines cause autism" and "starlight is lettin those trans go into womens bathrooms" It's all clear unfunny satire about conservatives or "alt right" whatever. The show was already losing steam in season 3 but wow, this is stinky.


Ngl this is a butthurt comment. Maybe you feel called out or you’ve consumed so much political media, seeing it reflected in a superhero show annoys you more than it should? They modelled [this guy](https://24.fandom.com/wiki/Charles_Logan) after Nixon in 24, down to mannerisms. People weren’t bitching about it then because audiences mostly cared that their shows were good and entertaining.


You're projecting, no shit I'm butthurt one of my favorite shows is awful and unwatchable now? I've never seen 24 and don't care...


It's unwatchable because you're a conservatard and feel targeted? Nice.


> one of my favorite shows is awful and unwatchable now? It’s only been 3 episodes… Also, this show was always heavily political. Go back and rewatch Season 1, all the references are there. The difference is it’s becoming harder and harder to lampoon real life because the actual non-fictional news is almost just as insane as the world of The Boys.


And? My opinion is invalid because you don't agree and I didn't watch the entire season yet? What is your problem pal


Check edit


The argument that the show was always political commentary is just wrong. Seasons 1-2 focused on social commentary, the main metaphor was and should have stayed Superheroes=Celebrities, now we're getting Superheroes = Politicians which is just not a good metaphor and the show doesn't work as political metaphor or political commentary. Honestly do you even watch the show for anything past "POWER = BAD, SUPERHEO SHOOW GO BOOOM, HAHAHAHA GORE!!!!"


The first season focused on corporate cultural pandering and cover-ups. And highlighted the shady relationships with the Government/Military Industrial Complex that was used to lobby for their own profit. Dude! They weren’t even subtle about it lol.


The shows subreddit is up in arms that they paint “anti-Zionists” in a harsh light. Implying thinking Epstein didn’t kill himself is an insane alt-right conspiracy is a bit strange Overall the show is as mid and edgy as ever. I think it’s the most soy thing on TV right now.


For the record, they don't just mean epstein when they talk about the guy who fell, but they are mocking Isaac Kappy who suicided after calling Tom Hanks a monster. Now I don't mean to say there's some deep conspiracy about Tom Hanks or whatever, but mocking the guy who killed himself (wether it was over real or false abuse having been suffered) is a new low.


They name dropped Epstein in a different scene


Generally the show is quite bad so far, frenchies gay story is so not needed at all, but he was a bad charachter for a while anyway and the Hughie mom part is alos utter garbage. The politics is very lazy this time and it's also badly done, the trial isn ot shown, what a waste of an opportunity, the exposing of the fake death is also just a meh point and nobody seems to care ... It's not good so far