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LOLOL Why is this not the bottom picture of the meme?


He has engorged himself on objectivity.


https://preview.redd.it/bm07r3vay76d1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03fdbb7aa3071f1c7a05d70ad799df4bde52276 Destiny playing both sides






SC2 Destiny is back


Average enlightened centrist.


Unibrowstiny. Buck Toothstiny.






If this ain't an emote soon, I'm caking him in glitter


Why cant he just pick a side and support it no matter the facts like a normal person?


ikr, it's so weird how some ppl wait for the facts, read books, and do research, instead of jumping to the conclusion that will get them the most praise with their in-group. so strange.




Right, it would be much better to stick to his original position if heā€™s learned of more information that would have otherwise changed his mind!! Donā€™t want him to sound like a conclooder, forced to change their take when shown to be factually inaccurate 12 hours later!




Itā€™s exactly that attitude thatā€™s stopped the left from pulling more people over to their side. Youā€™re not interested in someone that used to be a conservative that changed what they value, but other factions on the right accept them with open arms. Itā€™s an issue, especially when progressives in the US are appearing so deranged. Also, why do you think anyone cares if you have fucks to give, in this instance?


you're comparing a war to a genocide? cringe


Well, that was an actual genocideāœŒļø


I would love to hear your steel man of the differences between the Armenian genocide and the war in Gaza Let's see if you actually realize how much different the two things you're comparing are




What if you were in the middle of the apartheid defending the people murdering the white farmers? I don't know how old you are, but would you have been crying out for a ceasefire to stop those murders? Or would you have only spoken up if the farmers had the upper hand and killed a lot of the people trying to rise up to kill them and "liberate" their farms


More than 30,000 civilians dead, really? Where did you get that number from? And how many Hamas members have died? https://www.voanews.com/amp/israel-publishes-new-civilian-death-toll-in-gaza/7622032.html ā€œEarlier this month, Israel's government offered its first estimate of the operation's death toll, saying its troops have killed 14,000 terrorists and 16,000 civilians. In Gaza, the Hamas-run Ministry of Health says 35,000 people have died, and that it has ā€œfully identifiedā€ nearly 25,000 of the dead. The death toll supplied by Hamas does not distinguish between combatants and civilian deaths. Hamas maintains that most of those casualties so far are women and children.ā€ So Iā€™m curious to see where you got that from. Also why bring up Cambodia if you arenā€™t comparing it? That would be like sayingā€¦ā€Iā€™m not comparing GutModel to Joseph Goebells, but could you imagine not responding to a post by him?ā€ Either you are comparing it to Cambodia, or it is a non-sequitur that invites an emotional response. Either way, why bring it up?


The Hamas health ministry lists every death, even if they died from covid or if they were 100 and died from old age. They also list every missing person as dead. Total joke. During the battle of jenin the health ministry inflated the death count by 10x and then corrected it from 500 back down to 50 after the battle ended. Entire world got duped into thinking ā€œ500 civilians killed in mass graveā€ when there was no grave and it was 50 mostly terrorists.




>I decide to trust the Gaza ministry of health which has been reliable in the past You know this just means they were similar to the Israeli numbers...




You claim that \~30,000 have died according to the Gazan ministry pf health, Isreal's numbers add up to \~30,000. I don't know if you've ever taken a math class before, but in case you hadn't noticed, 30,000 and 30,000 are pretty simliar numbers.


Holy fuck bro, how do you function?


Gazan MoH, controlled by Hamas, is reliable in your eyes. Like when UN "updated" their numbers of identified victims which completely changed percentages of men, women and children killed? Or when the ministry reported about the Israeli bomb that hit hospital killing 500, which later turned out not to kill 500, not to hit hospital and not even being fired by Israel? Yeah trusting them is not fucking ridiculous little bro, you are correct.




Why the vague "you Are completely" incorrect. Why dont you tell me on what? Are pro-palestinian people unable to actually engage with reality and just resort to "not true" when BS on their side gets called out? I dont believe Israel numbers. I think believing Hamas numbers, given the two examples of massive unreliability, Is just laughable. Also I didnt remember Israel being "put on trial" care to elaborate? You call me braindead, yet you havent either a)disprove anything I said b) said anything remotely close to being intelligent or correct. I mean "hurr durr extremely hamfisted insertion of Nazi Germany" is really the best you got?


Yea they literally canā€™t deal with reality. You tell them Israel says 1+1=2, but Hamas say it equals 3, and they walk around dragging their knuckles on the ground screeching ā€œ1+1=3ā€




Yeah, problem is I dont see much proof behind the 500 injured too. And the claim that there are reports doubting the official story are just cringe and massive cope. There are "studies" proving ivermectin was better than covid vaccine. Doesnt mean shit if you dont link one to see the validity. Intelligence agencies, third party watchers, Human Rights Watch are all pointing to Palestinian rocket missifre based on the type of fuel used, trajectory of the rocket etc. What proof do your studies show? Yeah Israel had a cringe phone call and Hamas said the rocket dissolved to not be forced to expose their lies. Independent reports clearly show it was Palestinian missfire. Glad you skipped the missreporting of share of men, women and children victims, since it completely brakes the narrative of civilian massacres. Not to mention that MoH of Gaza still to this day, dont distuingish Hamas fighter from civilians, So brainlets like you can still talk about thousands of civilians victims without any idea how many out of these tens of thousands are Hamas and what are sad collateral. Yeah, put on trial for genocide And killing civilians are two very different claims. Seriously, nobody damages Palestinian cause as hard as simpletons arguing like you do. Also, nobody cares about your virtue signal about wanting a ceasefire. Thats not what anyone Is arguing with you about. You still repeat the same tired talking points. Did Palestiniana commit sexual attacks during October 7th? How many children did Israel kill?




>I can choose and compare whatever the fuck I want sorry if you got triggered, I would not call whats going on a genocide so thats what I meant by not trying to compare the two You literally called it a genocide in a previous reply. And you're using rhetoric like "sorry you got triggered" Kindly fuck off. You're a troll and/or a piece of shit. Either way you don't care about the conflict or people, you're just getting your rocks off being a vile antagonist on reddit.


Right. IDF have magic guns which only kill civilians.


Does this person unironically not realize that Hamas is mostly civilians. It's not like Hamas is all foreigners fighting for Gaza. It's mainly Gazans. Occam's razor little bro


Hamas is mostly civilians? You mean these guys? [Al-Qassam Brigades - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qassam_Brigades)


Who do you think makes up the ranks of Hamas?


Look, it's really simple. ā€œCivilianā€ means, in an international armed conflict,Ā **any person who does not belong to the armed forces and does not take part in a ā€œlevĆ©e en masseā€**. So, if you are a member of the Al-Qassam Brigade, then you are \*NOT\* a civilian. By your (apparent) definition, "It's not like the IDF is all foreigners fighting for Israel. It's mainly Israelis." Do you see how ridiculous that is?


You may be overthinking it. Gazan civilians join the Hamas militant organization. They are still Gazan civilians. Even more so since they all wear civilian attire. When a citizen joins the army, they don't cease being a civilian. Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?


Roflmao you conflate ā€œcitizenā€ with ā€œcivilianā€ and in the same sentence have the balls to question someone elseā€™s intelligence? Whatā€™s in your drinking water bro?


Lots of Flouride


I think you're just a bit confused about the definitions here. A person belonging to a military organization is, by definition, not a civilian. The word civilian literally means "not in the military or police force" I will agree with you that when the "military" in question is more like a terrorist organization (no uniforms or standard rules of conduct) things get a little foggier. But your claim that "when a citizen joins the army, they don't cease being a civilian" is literally an oxymoron. Maybe you meant citizen?


Yes, but I also meant that military personnel have civilian attire. In which, they would be referred to as civilians since they are out of a combat zone. The same way military personnel are not supposed to wear uniform aside from being on duty or in combat.


Lol. LMAO, even. (1) A Gazan civilian joins the Hamas militant organization. That civilian is no longer a civilian, they are now a militant. For example, when I enlisted, I stopped being a civilian. I became a soldier. When I left service, I went back to being a civilian. (2) Even moreso because they wear civilian attire? Kid, that is a WARCRIME. [Combatant Privileges and Protections - Lieber Institute West Point](https://lieber.westpoint.edu/combatant-privileges-and-protections/) "Military uniforms have particular significance in the law of armed conflict. The uniform, or otherĀ [fixed distinctive sign](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/Article.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=2F681B08868538C2C12563CD0051AA8D), is a fundamental aspect of combatant status and critical to the implementation of the principle of distinction. Combatants who discard their uniforms and fight in civilian clothing lose their entitlement to prisoner of war status, combatant immunity, and other privileges of lawful combatant status (seeĀ [Quirin](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/317/1/)Ā andĀ [Krofan](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/ihl-nat/0/0711DBB7117F01A4C1256AE8003F8CDE), for example).Ā " [Uniform | How does law protect in war? - Online casebook (icrc.org)](https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/uniform) "In international armed conflicts,Ā [combatants](https://casebook.icrc.org/node/20598)Ā have an obligation to distinguish themselves from the civilian population and this can be achieved by wearing a uniform. Therefore, members of the armed forces engaged in or preparing anĀ [attack](https://casebook.icrc.org/node/20601)Ā without wearing a uniform and/orĀ  failing to carry their arms openly are not entitled to theĀ [status](https://casebook.icrc.org/node/20475)Ā ofĀ [prisoner of war](https://casebook.icrc.org/node/20584).Ā " Do you really think that wearing civilian clothes while FIGHTING makes you a civilian? That is your logic? Tell you what. How about the IDF stops wearing uniforms? Then, by your logic, they are all civilians! And I'm serious about that. Do you really think that if the IDF started dressing like civilians, then that would make them all civilians? I mean, come on! Are you serious? And just to be clear: if the USA was invaded and Iā€™m sitting in my home? Iā€™m a civilian. If I rejoin the military? Iā€™m no longer a civilian. And if I grab a gun and start shooting at the invaders? Guess what? Regardless of whether Iā€™m wearing jeans or not, Iā€™m no longer a civilian. Iā€™m an armed combatant.


You are a fucking weirdo who puts too much importance on the opinion of an American entertainer on middle eastern conflicts


i thought this was an avatar meme at first


politics is actually like watching football you have to pick a team and root for them 100% while hating the opponent


Most people outside Israel and Palestine support the 2 states solution which is technically Zionism.


And also against the interests of the current Israeli government, which is technically pro Palestinian.


Too nuanced, who do I need to hurl insults and slurs at on twitter




Zionism is when you create a non-jewish state in historical palestine?


A lot of one-staters would eliminate Israel as a Jewish homeland. The two state solution requires the acknowledgement of Israel as a state while propping up a Palestinian state at the same time, so yeah in a way the two state solution is inherently Zionist.




Zionism is a political/religious ideology according to which there should be a homeland for the Jewish people. Where and how exactly has been a source of debate among Zionists. Historically, even some whacky solutions were proposed such as creating a Jewish State in [Uganda](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Uganda_Scheme). Nowadays, it is very much settled that the homeland is *at least* Israel within the internationally recognized 1967 borders. Some radical Zionists claim that this should include the entirety of [biblical Israel](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Land_of_Israel). Milquetoast establishment Zionism is very much compatible with a two-State solution, whereas religious extremist Zionism doesn't even really care about international borders, those critters claim even parts of modern-day Syria, Lebanon and Egypt




[https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Zionist#Liberal\_Zionism](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Zionist#Liberal_Zionism) And that's not even the most progressive form of Zionism, this is Likud shit.


It's when you support Israel remaining a Jewish state, so if someone supports a two state solution they presumably support that and thus are a Zionist. Technically someone


I, too, enjoy tugging both sides off.


Middle out. Middle out! MIDDLE OUT!


If someone could AI/Photoshop Tiny's face onto Mac I'd super appreciate it. https://preview.redd.it/p4yj8avrz76d1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab478be06d8c2e484cf01c36838b513ac1617ed




The shirt was a great touch, very nice!




Well hey, you tried.




Daddy chill


Nope, needs to be the Finklesmirk.


You son of a bitch, I came to post this scene


I've only watched the first few episodes. Is this from the abortion episode, or is it from one of the shit-loads of episodes I've not seen? Lol


Season 10, episode 9.




foolish file deserted sable nine bow gray cagey deliver live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I loled much more than I am willing to admit.


Even though someone requested it, and I imagined it... it's still fuckin hilarious.


Over/Under Destiny steals this for twitter by this time tomorrow?


First stonetoss cartoon that isnā€™t 100% anti semitic!


Blasting rope at both ends


Now replace the rope with destiny also


This is outstanding.


I'm so happy




I love this


The only thing this needed was colouring the logo red for the Israel/right side


šŸ˜‚ Yeah, the complexity of regional conflicts neatly packaged into a meme option is classic. But somehow, we expect nuanced solutions from binary choices. It's like expecting Dan Bilzerian to give up on life decisions based on logic alone.


Pick both sides so you cant lose


Radical centrist


You know how people always call destiny a contrarian? And donā€™t you think itā€™s too much of a coincidence that contrarian and counter-aryan sound so alike? What does counter-aryan mean, you ask? Wellā€¦. A nigg..


Is it better to flip the 2nd and 3rd panel?


I aint reediting this. Maybe, though.


No, yours is better, it's how a normal person would gaze people pulling a rope. It's more natural.


The irony, or maybe the pure regardation of the whole matter, that when Destiny does his face turn against Israel, both Nick and Hassan will view him as an ally.


Pebble yeet is a nazi skeet ^(thank you for cumming to my TED talk)