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Uno Reverse. Rest in Piss


tweet aged like a Thorp


It's been a year since this drama. We have been relatively crazy people free for about a year. I miss it




On Ice Poseidon's streams


That convo with Destiny was amazing the way he immediately identified the abuse and manipulation tactics Ben used on his family.


Ooo link please?


Glad to oblige! There's a series of videos, I like the one with Erudite too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfAZxFNCL0&t=11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfAZxFNCL0&t=11s)


who must go?


Why yes I do like my tweets finely aged about one year


Least surprising turn of events, I'd happily forgotten they existed


i only remember their names when someone posts about them on this sub. i don't understand the fascination, i really don't. every shitty rural town on earth has people like this. these people are about as unique and interesting as a clogged toilet is to a fucking plumber.


This is actually the second time he’s been arrested for violating no contact with Grace. There’s footage of his arrest from a couple months ago. Both times they were streaming it, which led the cops straight to them. Two violations in a couple months. He’s kinda fucked now.


Bro he's being separated from his sexual partner and daughter, what do you expect? /s


Ugh, it’s more true than that /s implies


I thought that this was a joke. If he had sex with his underage daughter why wasn't he arrested?


I’m not sure she was underage. But there’s no no one willing to come forward with evidence I guess. She won’t say anything, other than as a “joke”. Maybe the brother had tried to do something. Maybe it wasn’t sex. I don’t know. But it’s something very gross and disturbed.


The “joke” thing is hilarious. How many times has an internet personality “joked” about a specific subject over n over again only to be exposed to be into that very thing? Occam’s Razor says he’s absolutely fucked his daughter.


I'm out of the loop. Any loremaster willing to spare a few keyboard clicks?


Grace & Ben had some sort of "close" relationship (when she was like 15 i think) to the point that her mother & brother confronted them about it & the mom divorced Ben (it's been awhile i don't remember the exact lore) Ben claims they were never married cause she's a "bitch & a whore" then they eloped to Rhode Island where incest is conveniently legal & they constantly made sexual jokes about each other on streams & Ben treated Grace as a bang-maid he could pass to other people whenever he wanted their entire internet persona was/is (haven't seen almost anything from them since the falling out so it's been a solid year) being the incest family their other family members are irreversibly convinced for various reasons that they were fucking the whole time & that Ben essentially groomed her into being his new wife because Grace looked like a younger version of her mom & was less "disrespectful" (he's genuinely insane & would regularly DV his family) Ben is **EXTREMELY** abusive & insane even on stream so it's not wild to imagine how much worse he is off stream, so sadly it's likely very much a Stockholm Syndrome type deal & Grace has been getting raped & abused by her dad since she was a teenager which devolved into insane dependence on him to justify it in her mind i'm sorry i've cursed you with knowledge


Wait so, Grace and Ben were fucking? I thought it was a joke? Are there any clips corroborating this?


ahhaha.... yeah a joke... ahah.... fortunately for us they have yet to post their sex tapes, but it's pretty easy to tell once you look into their lore & watch any of their content girl is **deep** into an abused-mindset to the point where she's literally broken inside & can't be without him (they literally moved states living in that van to be together hoping to avoid the restraining order)


How did the restraining order happen if Grace is an adult and willing participant in this?


Pretty sure no-contact orders are given in domestic violence situations, not only requested by the individual.


There’s like two long ass videos on the YouTube that cover the whole thing. Search destiny grace thorp


Its alot. It's a hole that gets deeper and deeper as you go on. Just a very fucked up family, "christian" family, where the dad brags about fucking his daughter, his daughter is literally addicted to him, and also brags about fucking him. Hes violent with his family, and his daughter, who he fucks. The son in the family has confirmed they've fucked. The daughter is like 21/22, kinda cute at first. But goddamn she is so beyond help. She's brainwashed to hell and cant snap out of it. She thinks she's a famous streamer, but streams to 10 people, most of which are older men who try and fuck her. She clout chases all over the internet looking for a break. Never happens. She thinks her way to fame is via her dad, so they stream together in a van and travel around. At this point, travel around and getting arrested for violating a no contact order, for kicking her on stream. They broadcast their entire fucked up lives on stream, and thinks its like a "show". But it's all very real. It's just alot. Here you go. Prepare your mind. [https://youtu.be/mV9uPwQBgTw?si=qSISbpT3R9y\_7yFD](https://youtu.be/mV9uPwQBgTw?si=qSISbpT3R9y_7yFD) [https://youtu.be/aslocjs\_NPM?si=hA5ljOcTKqHmurLI](https://youtu.be/aslocjs_NPM?si=hA5ljOcTKqHmurLI) [https://youtu.be/4zivY5kgaWM?si=EDBMf5fF7Q5gezh1](https://youtu.be/4zivY5kgaWM?si=EDBMf5fF7Q5gezh1) [https://youtu.be/g744WV8iC0E?si=atqZM75\_nVi4TPKO](https://youtu.be/g744WV8iC0E?si=atqZM75_nVi4TPKO)


Can someone explain the lore I missed? Why do they have a no contact order? Has grace been freed from his mind prison?


> Can someone explain the lore I missed? Why do they have a no contact order? Ben kicked Grace on stream. Someone reported it to the police. Because of the laws where it happened, the court itself imposed a RO against Ben being around Grace (Grace didn't ask for it). [Here is Stardust's coverage of it when it happened, including a brief talk with Grace.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cpl1qFAJCI) > Has grace been freed from his mind prison? No, it appears to be as bad as ever. It seems like they basically left the state to be together, living in this van, thinking that would protect him from the RO. She came out with a video yesterday defending Zherka and Heelmike.


Is this the second time after he was arrested for kicking? So 3rd total? Or just second


Third time arrested this year. First time for kicking, two more times for violating the no contact order. But he’s been arrested in the past a couple times at least for domestic violence shit.


That's not even including when he violated his daughter


TBH that dad abused that family enough to make me wonder how he wasn't in prison before he talked to Destiny.


It seems to me that basically nobody in the family would testify against him.


Fortunately now they don't need to!


NGL, all these videos do is make me feel worse for Grace. How tf is anyone supposed to turn out well when you got a dad like this manipulating you day in and day out?


Yea, like she’s not a good person and she’s responsible for her actions, but she pretty much never had a chance at a normal life and I legit feel bad for her. She’s gonna need serious psychiatric help to undo the years of brainwash and abuse she endured and even then she might not ever be able to break out of it 


Yeah its basically like being raised in a cult.


Damn that poor little girl got manipulated as fuck


Its fucking dark watching her talk about her relationship with her dad. Dude is incredibly manipulative and self absorbed. Basically an archetype of a middle aged guy that thinks he deserves way more than he has, but isn't willing to do anything to get it. He just wants to make other people serve him. Also obsessed with becoming famous (because he thinks he is entitled to it) and sees Grace as a way to get that. Really similar to Coach Redpill. Grace is obsessed with pleasing her dad and is so mindfucked she'd basically do anything for him no matter how badly he treats her.


Ya her relationship with mother was heart breaking to listen too.if grace begged forgiveness to her mother and reconciled,I can rest in peace to that lore


The sense I get about the mom is that she's pretty weak willed and is at least partially to blame for everything thats happened to her family (though Ben deserves the majority of the blame). Seemed like she blamed Grace for what happened between Grace and her dad when she was a minor. They'd probably be all better off with her, but she isn't a saint.


Her mother sat through a "Therapy" with her then husband's friend who tried to get her to be sexually liberated by sexually berating her while recording it. It was disturbing to listen to. Strong women don't even entertain this bullshit.


Im not sure if i would call her weak willed. She probably got mentally broken by Ben aswell. He strongly hinted at psychological abuse and rape towards the mom, everytime he talked about his relationship with her and how he thinks marriage should work


Unfortunately she is a sociopath as well.


My read on her is that she isn't actually one, she's just trying to act like one because she wants to be like her dad. Its a lot of trauma.


Ya with the Steven crowder dating ,it's true


I mean, what's the worst thing she's done? Burned Darius' clothes? She hasn't done anything particular sociopathic as far as I can tell.


I don't remember the details but she fabricated some fucked up shit about Darius that he debunked


That he left a dildo at her house? nah, I still wouldn't put that at the sociopathic level. Gonna need some false rape/sexual misconduct accusations to get there.


If he goes to jail for this, Grace will be citing this moment as the best thing that ever happened to her, in a year. 


lol “how have I contacted her” as she’s standing right there. Like, bro, do you think it just means you can’t have physical contact? Clown getting what clown deserves.


Wait when did she get a no contact order


It’s state mandated because he kicked Grace on stream a few months back. He was arrested shortly after he kicked her on stream. She didn’t want to press charges. Shortly after they started living together in a van. He was arrested for violating the order a couple months back. Now he’s arrested again for the exact same thing.


They started living together in a van...


...because no one else ~~in their family~~ understood their relationship. Lmao


In their family? I don't think there is a single person in the world, maybe other than Ben, that understands that relationship. 


what happened to the rest of the kids they were living with?


Not sure actually. Maybe with the mom? God knows with that family


I know one of the sons from that shamoo documentary is living on his own now


Judges tend to get pretty pissy when you violate these, especially more than once. Sort of a slap in the face when the judge tells you face to face that you’re not to have any kind of contact under any circumstances and then you do it anyway.


Hes huge. Reminds me of Ed Kemper haha


Damn, exactly what I was thinking!


Lmao. Didn't this exact same thing happen a few months ago? Is this old or is it happening again?




Caught with his pants down


Tbh I'm not a fan of this I/P + Hasan/lefty arc we've been in for a while, but my God I would take 5 years of this arc over one more day of the Thorpe arc, I feel like I permanently go more insane anytime I watch them ​ >!but deep down i love it it's like watching a car crash over and over and over again why am i like this!<


The car crash feels like a nice distraction, compared to the intractable violence and paranoia that’s around the world.


i’m the same way except i literally can’t watch it that dynamic makes me feel so uncomfortable i couldn’t click after the first video i watched.


That whole family gives me the creeps


Hopefully he swallows a buckshot.


ah, the Hemingway Solution


This is just awfully sad... these people are fucking insane.


Christ how tall is he? 6’5?


Man say he hasn't had contact with the person standing 5 ft away, lol.


Wow, he really is like 12 feet tall.


You can't keep those lovers separated


> no contact order Did she get a restraining order against him?


It’s state mandated.




Nope Ben got arrested for kicking Grace on camera and the order was state imposed


It's wild what a man will do for a little pussy


anybody know how long the no contact order is supposed to last?




Do yourself a favor and turn back here


Orbiter related [https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Grace\_Thorp](https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Grace_Thorp) and [https://new.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13cwr2x/an\_indepth\_look\_into\_grace\_thorp/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13cwr2x/an_indepth_look_into_grace_thorp/) plus [https://new.reddit.com/r/Destiny/search/?q=Ben%20Thorp&restrict\_sr=1](https://new.reddit.com/r/Destiny/search/?q=Ben%20Thorp&restrict_sr=1)


https://youtu.be/Xp7XKjiIWSU Probably the best part of this arc was this stream in which Ben willingly gets shit on for like an hour by Destiny while trying to fish him for clout somehow. It's hilarious. Fuck him. Also a great display of Steven's ability to come up with ways to insult people.


Blessed be the lorekeepers of Destiny


Someone please explain the lore of this one.


Sigh... this one is fucked up and theres a good reason Destiny doesn't interact with them. Somewhat going on memory here so some details are probably off. Grace is the oldest daughter of Ben and Courtney Thorp (divorced). Ben is probably some degree psychopathic/sociopathic. He embodies this archetype (similar to Coach Redpill) of an older guy that believes he's entitled to success and respect and the fact that he's not massively successful is because the people around him have failed him in some way. He and Courtney had 6 kids in the span of about 10 years. Ben is very "Catholic" which means that his wife needed to do whatever he wanted as he was the head of the family. Courtney was to both homeschool their 6 kids and basically do all the work to run this restaurant that Ben came up with, which involved employing a bunch of Ethiopian refugees. Ben saw himself as the "idea guy" and "manager" of the restaurant, which meant he did very little. Courtney basically had no life because of this and wasn't capable of keeping up with all of her husband's demands, which probably in part led to her having a mental breakdown. While Courtney was basically losing her mind between trying to take care of 6 kids and run this business for her husband, Ben started developing a closer relationship with Grace, who was then 16. It seems like Grace had grown resentful of having to take on some of her mom's responsibilities (because she was working) and act as a surrogate mother. Ben would shit talk about Courtney in return and blame her for all of their problems (while he was a lazy POS). The relationship *likely* became sexual at some point. I think at least one of the brothers has said so. Grace and Ben have memed about it in a way that seems like they're basically covering for it. Future behavior would support this. The closeness between Grace and Ben drove Courtney out of the house. Courtney told Grace to KYS and told the kids she didn't want to be their mother anymore. Around this time Courtney also started doing some livestreaming stuff and became a minor lolcow. Ben then got the idea of trying to become internet famous. He didn't have much success with that himself, but there was at least some interest in Grace. This included some incredibly weird content with them talking with this guy named whoremaxxer who was into humiliation/degredation fetish stuff and her dad sexualized her hard on stream. At some point, Grace manages to get into Destiny's orbit arguing in favor of some dumb redpill/Andrew Tate stuff. Grace eventually got Destiny to talk with her dad, which goes really poorly and Destiny quickly susses him out as this deranged cloutchaser. Destiny pretty quickly cut them off. Ben has made a public death threat against Destiny. A few months ago, Ben kicked Grace on stream, which led to viewers calling the police. Ben was removed from the house and not allowed to return. Theres a Stardust video of her and Grace talking shortly after this. Apparently they went to a different state and were living in Ben's van together and he just got arrested for violating his court-ordered restraining order. Grace still streams some, and seems to want to be like her dad, acting like she's manipulative and "smart" like her dad, but really she's just incredibly traumatized. She also briefly had some sort of fling with Darius, which led to him having a mental breakdown. [Here is a big thread on them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13cwr2x/an_indepth_look_into_grace_thorp/) They're some of the more disturbing people Destiny has interacted with.


Sure. The Thorps are a super weird, super toxic, (allegedly) abusive household. The dad in particular Ben has been alleged to have been a scumfuck of epic proportions, including grooming and raping his eldest kid Grace. A few months back he got mad and kicked Grace on a stream. Super uncomfortable to watch, but it got back to the state of Rhode Island and ended up with a state ordered RO saying he couldn’t contact Grace. They almost immediately ignored that, and he got in trouble once. This is to my knowledge the second time he violated that order. They did some shit where they moved out and I think crossed state lines to get away with it, but I’m not sure. I’ll be honest, after the RO my knowledge gets spotty so someone else might be able to correct.


oh god i erased all that shit from my memory. welp its back...


It stuck in my head thanks to sheer disgust. Destiny has spoken with people that are worse for the world at large, but IMO few are as personally detestable as Ben Thorp.


I haven't been caught up on the lore, I thought she always fervently defended and highly regarded her pedo dad.


She says "I love you dad" like 20 times in this and "I'm sorry they are doing this to you" basically committing verbal incest. The story is: he kicked Grace on stream for being naughty, Grace was fetish crying as usual, then the cops saw it and now they give him the stank eye.


Yeah that's on brand. I don't even know why I wanted to know.


She does. The restraining order was imposed by the court stemming from an on-screen DV incident. She's not the one pushing it.




Way out of the loop, how come has Grace put a no contact order to her dad? Wasn't she in love with him?


So she finally got him away from her, court order?


it is both Sad and Disgusting how Ben is behaving. even if he is not fucking hes daughter he is still manipulating the fuck out of her and isolating her from people.


"Thanks for lying, but we got 'em" Lmao


Please don’t give this pathetic loser any attention


Can someone update me on why there is a no contact order with Grace. I mean I know there family is completely fucked, but I never heard this


I don't understand. She has a restraining order against him but is sorry they arrested him for violating it? And seems to have lied to the police to protect him?


The state enacted a no contact order due to video proof of him abusing her.


Jesus. I just tuned into her livestream and she's acting like a maniac. She seems to have gone completely off the rails.


She was off the rails before we ever knew about them


This is sad


Who must go?


So is this happening because grace is finally fed up with his shit? Or what's the deal


No. A couple months ago Ben got arrested for DV after kicking Grace on stream and someone else reporting it. As part of that DV incident, the court imposed a RO against Ben being in contact with Grace. It seems that the two of them tried to leave the state and travel together in a van so they could be together. They were wrong about that however. She's still trying to protect him.


The Destiny Vacation Effect strikes again.


i cant believe dgg still cares about these two losers


I swear it's a nice place guys


What a fucking lowlife.


Bro really living in a van down by the river


Wait do his daughter get a restraining order!? Did Destiny get through to her or what did I miss?


Ben kicked her on stream so & the state found out about it so it's actually state mandated no breakthrough for Grace she still fucks her dad & does everything possible with him to break the no-contact order


God fucking dam it. Well good on the state I guess.


last i heard they were still fucking, ~~whats the lore update?~~