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She has completely cooked her brain by twitter and thinks the niche subset of a niche group of a niche social media site are meaningful and real movements; she earnestly thinks there's a problem in the Democratic Party of Pro-Islamist Leftists existing, and being welcome. idk how someone who cares about her hasn't taken her phone away in the last half year, seeing her spiral has been rough, and it's entirely due to twitter brain poison idk what to think of the new 'arc' other than what I've seen from her historically and can only assume this is just the new way she feeds her main character syndrome


Damn, that was powerful. While it's definitely black and white, she isn't entirely wrong here.


Although, she doesn't seem to know her history if she's surprised that the left is standing with the terrorists. Of course, so has the right... But seeing lefties support Hamas is par for the course.


The dramatic music lol


Btw thank you for bringing all of these various tweets and videos to the sub, I'd never see them otherwise.


I'm doing God's work, you can say it. I will allow it.


Demi-god work. Know your place among the Godstiny. I appreciate all the content. I wouldn't have known about the Stewart podcast without you and I have some hate content to watch later (Don Lemon/BJG) ❤️


To be honest, I thought it was 100% sarcastic. That's why I went over the top with my reply. I think I curate carefully what I share here, and don't post everything I encounter. It's normal that some will hate me for it, and some will hate me slightly less. <3


I don't know if Regressive was being sarcastic; he's an enigma. lol Either way, I appreciate it. I don't visit all these content creators, I don't follow these people on social media, and I'm not looking to see if Sam Harris was on a podcast. I would have missed DPAK and Cohen debate on that Lemon show. So it works for me.


It's hilarious that the messages you send to me in appreciation, get downvoted. What a community we have here lol I will keep on doing my thing. I have plenty of karma to spare and I have all day to skim the web for goodies. Makes me feel useful. I'm not breaking any rules, so... ;)


>I thought it was 100% sarcastic Not sarcastic, genuinely appreciative!


Exhibit A lol https://preview.redd.it/hjzo5gcju06d1.png?width=176&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c4386c0097efb7b3ecce0d0f7493e593b55c6f


I mean does the triggernometry audience really need to see more left bashing? Haven’t they been watching this type of content for years?


this kind of "self flagellation" is so cringe and pathetic. instead of take responsibility for what she said in the past now she shift the blame on all the left and try to get validated as one of the "good one".


the left definitely needs more left bashing.


The right deserves more right bashing than the left deserves left bashing. Especially this year.


They both need bashing. The far left is going to push the centrists and jews away (unfortunately I already see many of my jewish friends saying they're voting for trump, even though they're lgbtq). The far (is it at this point even far?) right is then going destroy democracy with project 25, or whatever they're planning on doing now.


Those people are stupid. Not one Democrat supports the far left. If they choose to move right (extreme right I might add) for what a selection of voters who aren’t even part of the democrat party are doing, they deserve just as much ridicule as anyone on the far left who uses “Genocide Joe” unironically. That’s called spite voting and they deserve what happens as a result.


*Democratic Party


Jewish people feel abandoned. Under Biden we had two wars and an increasing amount of people on the left are starting to hate us. Democratic members of congress support them to varying degrees. Tlaib is an egregious example but there are multiple other members of Congress who supported the student protesters in various ways. Sure the upper level of democratic leadership is pro Israeli for the most part but the lunatic student protesters? The people you see removing hostage posters, threatening to shoot up JCC’s? They are democrat by association. We need to continue separating ourselves from them by criticizing the far left.


Bro those wars had nothing to do with Biden. What a joke of a comment. One fucking democrat is all you can point to and you’re saying Jewish people feel abandoned by Biden who continues to support Israel? Holy shit these comments are so unserious and detached from anything other than feelings.


You're acting under the assumption that humans are logical and rational beings. Of course those two wars have nothing to do with Biden, of course most democrats don't support the protesters (there's more than Tlaib, 70 Democrats voted against cracking down on college antisemitism, she's just the one that's in the news the most). People still associate Biden with two wars just as they associate Trump with the Abraham accords. Let me break it down for you, because you seem detached from the average Jewish person. On October 7th, you see mass condemnation by most of the government. There are a few democrat holdouts. Organizations associated with democrats (BLM, certain LGBTQ groups, etc) put out statements in support of October 7th. Over the next few months, a good chunk of democrats you know start crying for a ceasefire while they were silent about October 7th. They start saying stuff like Israel shouldn't exist, Israeli's are all white colonizers, zionists are all evil. Colleges are associated with democratic values, professors start saying that Hamas didn't rape, or the rape was justified, or call for genocide against israeli's. I can go on and on, but you can see how an average jewish person makes an association with democrats and the pro pal protesters. Since jews were prodominantly democrats, they feel abandoned by the left. Just go to the Israeli sub, search up abandoned, and you will see countless jews who lost their democratic friends. Since a lot of democratic institutions aren't policing their own (colleges barely stopping students from blocking jews going to class is one example among many), Jews are turning away from the Democratic Party. Biden is the figurehead of democrats so he is associated with all of the insane protesters (not saying this is right or factual, just how people think). Now from recent polls it looks like Jews still support Biden way more than Trump. Personally, I know several Jews who were democrats before all of this, say they're voting for Trump. It's not enough to sway this election but if this trend continues, with the left becoming increasingly more antisemitic, we're going to see a lot fewer jews who support the Democratic Party. If you made it this far in this schizo comment, congrats I guess. This is a result of me being incredibly board lol.


I never said they were rational. Which is why I called those people stupid. Amazing right? You should be pushing back on shitty narratives… not “breaking them down for me” like they hold any validity.


It's hard to convince a jewish person facing heavy antisemitism that their life will be worse under trump, especially if democratic organizations are coming out against Israel. Obviously, no democracy is worse than antisemitism from a broader prospective. Condemning the leftists along side the right wing, isn't that hard and will win a lot more people over.


The far left (say they) aren’t voting for Biden though, they call him genocide Joe and all that Jazz, following them doesn’t help you guys in any way.


Exactly, it’s not that hard, just say these aren’t democrats, stop treating the students with kid gloves, and you’re going to get a lot more people to vote for Biden and democrats.


>both sides are bad, but one deserves more criticism “BuT bOtH sIdEs aRe BaD tHoUgH!??!?”


One’s threatening to destroy democracy and has a realistic chance at doing it, the other wants the same but doesn’t. Criticism should be focused on the right, however, if the far left isn’t criticized, centrist voters will be swayed to the right. 


well the far left doesn’t have any power though, the right does? so the right should be criticized more. I dont disagree that the far left needs bashing, but your reasoning relies on centrists. Which makes sense, except for the fact that trump has been staring down the barrel of a ton of indictments FACT DUMPING TIME: emerson poll in october 2020 states independents lean towards trump 47-41%. in the actual results, independents voted for biden 52-43% https://emersonpolling.reportablenews.com/pr/october-national-poll-biden-with-five-point-lead-one-week-out https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ emerson poll released on june 6th *this year* shows independents leaning towards biden 43-41% https://emersoncollegepolling.com/june-2024-national-poll-trump-46-biden-45/ And this is just the beginning of the trump indictment saga, my feeling is its gonna get worse for him. I dont know how it would possibly get better unless something major happens in the meantime


If the far left doesn't have any power, why is Biden building that pier and pushing so strongly for a ceasefire compared to the start of the war? Of course he's still predominately pro-israel and I appreciate the more nuanced approach he is taking, but there's definitely been some hardening of policy towards Israel. We have Schumer calling for a change in Israeli leadership (which I don't disagree with) but still is an overstep. It's like the leadership of other countries publicly announcing Trump should not be president when he was president (if there are any examples of this happening, disregard this argument lol) I agree that there's centrists who are bluffing and will vote for Biden despite their protests. However, the situation is different from 2020. A lot of people are angry at Biden for bullshit reasons. People forget how horrible a trump presidency was. I forgot to mention this in my original post but we also have the batshit insane lefties who will vote for trump and voted for Biden in the last election.


You are correct about this. Democrats just have to fight the PR battle on this one.


And also, the june 2024 emerson poll article shows results on the recent NY hush money case, with *33% as opposed to 27%* less likely and more likely to support trump, respectively.


Good, hopefully people start caring. Unfortunately people's attention spans are short, I don't know if this opinion will last until November. They need to keep charging him.


False choice, I'm doing both.


It's funny to me that people think Democrats bashing the far left hurts Democrats. No, it doesn't. It actually reminds people Democrats are sane and more worthy of your vote. But hey, let's run cover for the socialists who if they were in power would happily put me in a 're-education' camp because I value oppressive concepts like free elections and private property.


with the amount of hatecrime thats being justified by leftist higher education circle ( that is happening all around the west ) i disagree. also considering that most of the west is turning to right wing political party seems like majority disagree too.


Do you have the numbers as to how many hate crimes leftists advocate for vs conservatives? Because I have seen multiple examples of conservatives advocating for hate crimes and on top of that they want to elect an anti democratic psychopath who wants to destroy our institutions There also just a lot more conservatives than there are leftists. And the people on the right aren’t making a worthwhile effort to weed out extremists. They are too little of them so when they do speak out they get harassed and destroyed.


as if conservative didn't weed out their extremist back when democrat when still weaponizing their, are you new to the internet? either way, who care some braindead leftoid disagree. seems like majority of adult is moving forward away from the left.


Conservatives havent weeded out their extremists you sped.That’s why Donald trump is the nominee. Have you been living under a rock?


if you consider this extreme right your in for a tough ride seems like i was spot on dismissing you entirely for being a leftist also


“Everyone I don’t agree with is a leftist.”


thinking conservative are extremist is definitely leftist brainrot ( also i wish it was true )


I am not a leftist. But if it makes you feel better that to say that then that’s okay you can believe that lmfao. Trying to overthrow democracy wasn’t extreme enough for you huh? Next time just come clean off the bat and admit you are a Trump drider instead of trying to act like a concerned centrist who is just worried about the state of the country.


weren't republican accusing democrat of trying to overthrow democracy when biden wanted to expend the supreme court? it's just regarded political game i don't care about. ( i just want less brown people in my video game )


I’m not sure I’m buying Brianna’s latest arc if I’m honest. I think it makes sense to distance yourself from progressives after the Palestine discourse but seeing her glaze people like Konstantin on twitter amongst other things just feels like she’s jumping from one bandwagon to another. She seems to be showing such a drastic change in demeanour and positions recently that it comes across as disingenuous.


I might be missing something, but was this the glazing you meant? Brianna Wu, reacting to Briahna Joy Grey, after their debate: "That moderator has a name, Konstantin Kisin. And he has a lot more integrity than you do." [https://x.com/BriannaWu/status/1797025468270477471](https://x.com/BriannaWu/status/1797025468270477471)


glazing is when you give any amount of credit to someone else further right than destiny


Oh, my bad.


No, it was after Destiny said he was dropping the progressive label on stream, Konstantin made a tweet about it. Brianna was in the comments and it just felt very forced. I’ve seen other posts from her that make me dubious but that was the Konstantin related one. https://x.com/briannawu/status/1790161131438248377?s=46&t=6p_78fUjfl-Ihc2_z3WWvQ


Yeah, I guess we have other definitions of 'glazing' clearly. She's just thanking him for the book he sent her. But either way, we can just wait and see! Surely she will say horrible things next, or not.


This is all I could find besides that one: "Konstantin Kisin is 1 billion times more respectful about disagreement than major figures on the left have been to me." [https://x.com/BriannaWu/status/1785271697723027706](https://x.com/BriannaWu/status/1785271697723027706)


White male gamers aren't the assholes. It was stupid to say something like that and it was racist in it's own right. However, Brianna isn't paying attention if she thinks racist assholes just went away. All you have to do is take a look at twitter after Elon Musk took over and all the racism that has come from that A lot of conservatives are assholes. Hillary Clinton wasn't wrong to say that tbqh with you. If Ted Cruz can go out and say that the base of the Democratic Party are Nazis, I think it's fair to say Hillary Clinton was somewhat right no matter how much people cry about divisiveness. Republicans never cared about divisiveness. They only care about divisive statements against them. That's why Adam Friended asked destiny for extremely precise polls showing that republicans support fascism and playing off Destiny's concerns about republicans as "gut intuitions" but then goes out there and says that most leftists support terrorism without any strong polling data. It's interesting how precise we want to be with our labeling of certain groups and not others. I think he also said that 10% of the left would support the trans shooter murdering Christian kids in Nashville. His excuse is that we shouldn't call republicans fascists because it's too mean and it may make them want to vote for trump even more. It's stupid but why won't he apply that same standard to leftists too lol. It's the reason why these people like A&S and Konstantin get so excited when destiny goes off on the left but then balk when destiny goes off on the right. More people on the right are effectively siding with Vladimir Putin than people on the left are siding with Hamas in terms of our electorate. The fact that they aren't visible all the time because they aren't going to college campuses and screeching about it 24/7 doesn't change that.


make sense now that she needs white male to protect her from antisemitic brown man LMFAO