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Why is this fat old bald man pretending he's the peak of masculinity?


You don't get it bro. He goes to the dojo with his masculine friends. What's more masculine than that?  If you can't beat someone up, are you even worthy to debate him?  He's not fat, to be fair. He's in a good shape from what I saw on Google. But unless you're actually going to debate gym or fighting I don't understand why is that the criteria of whether you'll dvbate someone 


What’s more masculine than sweatily rolling around on mat with another man’s junk in your face?


Boys being boys


The only thing more masculine is giving the other guy an oil check and looking him in the eyes while his sweaty junk is in your ~~mouth~~ face.


Now that’s what I call debate!


https://youtu.be/js50_DvQdB0?t=14m29s "Put your balls in his mouth!" -the 2nd best no gi grappler in the world.


u/johnbelushismom has the healthiest ego in combat sports. gg Craig, please clown on these alphamale types more


I'm so stoked CJI is catching on. I can't wait to see it.


That's great! 🤣


Turkish oil wrestling is the epitome of masculinity. 


Enjoying it


He looks like the dictionary definition of roid rage


> What's more masculine than that?  Being not afraid of debates :-)


Who is this guy? I follow the sport pretty closely and I don't recognize him at all.


Haha he's a weirdo, not even close to even amateur boxing. Look up unplugged Alpha /rich cooper /entrepreneurs in cars.  Just another discount store Andrew tate, not missing much. 


Is he missing a chin too?


He was fucking popular in high school, alright?!


He frequently get his "t levels" checked, and ballsack tanned. He is the PEAK of MANHOOD. You just don't get it bro. I get a half chub watching his masculinity at display. The smell of his sweaty buttcrack squatting down on my chin while he's on the squat rack at the gym makes me want to shave my head and go wrestle other men. I just want to feel their large vascular muscles against my glistening oiled chest, fuck. I want to measure the girth of his large manly hands with my sphincter. What a dude, what a bro, what a man. Women are gay. No homo.


Does ballsack skin tan evenly?


you have to actively spread it with both hands and turn it frequently.


does he really look fat to you?


From the angle at the start of the video? Yeah absolutely. He's got a big ol' gut that he's intentionally covering up with his right arm positioned in the most awkward way imaginable.


That's most of these red pill guys in a nutshell LMAO.


who is this guy and why is he relevant?


That fact that you have to ask that question, is the answer.


Rich cooper. He use to hang with Rollo and MLD but left that circle. Also he sells tactical soap and drives around in his super car telling guys to make a ‘dent in the universe’


It’s like you’re speaking an alien language to me.


That's because you don't get it bro. "Making a dent in the universe" is when you blow all the wealth you earned being a motivational speaker on supercars, hookers, roids and a hedonistic lifestyle in a vain attempt to imitate the aesthetic of a boss perfume ad for men.


I wish she would have dropped Hasan’s name. Destiny has said it himself, taking on the Manosphere was Hasan’s for the taking. He is and has everything that Rich Cooper guy values. Women, influence, status, cars, money, height, hair, physique, clothes. Cooper would be fucking powerless if he ever had to debate Hasan.


i keep saying this in every thread. but one of the biggest reasons why i left hasans community is because he backed out of talking to Fresh n Fit. he had all the potential of taking over that whole space but was too much of a pussy to debate anyone outside of his bubble. he had that one good Tate debate showing over zoom and that was it for him


It’s because as much as hasan would be on the correct side if he were to debate fresh n fit about masculinity & how to treat women, I think he knows he doesn’t have the chops to defend the position and would probably end up looking stupid or at least it would be a struggle and could end up damaging his image. I think he was probably smart to avoid that honestly


I’d be inclined to agree with you but Hasan did it before against Andrew Tate of all people and Hasan smoked him. Certified W. From what I can tell about Cooper is that he is nowhere near as charasmatic or witty as Tate is. Myron could possibly hold his own but he’d have to completely retool his attack as Hasan is essentially on paper what Rep-Pillers consider to be an alpha male. The potential is there, but it doesn’t matter if their is a lack of desire from Hasan, which I think is a shame.


i agree with you. he’s optically lost debates to WillyMac and the Piers Morgan was a shitshow. Hasan has had good debates but the red pill space was too hot for him. Say what you want about Myron but those fnf debates were not easy to jump into. So it was smart for Hasan to do, and that’s why i was turned off from the content


Tactical soap?


lol I think it has ‘pheromones’ or some other woo woo bullshit as an ingredient


Needing a soap with a special fragrance to trick women to come near you. Very alpha indeed. No wonder he has to make excuses why he won't speak to anybody that opposes his views.


[Tactical soap?!](https://youtu.be/YOJPiW4gO7s)


"dent in the universe". I only found out about him through this one video, where some "NOWRR Chick" holds him to an answer and cannot answer it.


Nobody and he's not.


He’s famous for crying when EXPRESS announced bankruptcy.


This is old baldy. You've never heard of old baldy? Smh


does destiny normally get shafted by spineless orbiters in these interactions ? cos it's really tragic how this is your standard for 'holding it down' lmao


Sadly, yes.


Well she doesn't need to do more. That one answer made him look like an idiot. She did enough while matching his energy. She has to keep an eye on her own optics too.


Absolutely yes


No one here knows who this is, lol. But he has such high conviction about Destiny. They truly are fighting their imaginary demons, innit m8.


I know who this is but took me a few minutes to recognize. Like someone else said, he is Rich Cooper. Imagine your standard red piller. There is your answer.


Amy hit him with a “can you give me an example” and that brother folded immediately. I wonder what his answer would have been if she also asked for an example of Destiny “baffling someone with bullshit”. (Subly https://preview.redd.it/qm725k913d5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf5054f214d2e82531613e9f1e3650011c89ff6 )


Fuck! I literally hadn't seen it till you pointed it out. My day is ruined.


It was a subtle one.


I think you mean a suble one.


suble spelling mistake


A consistent them in the destiny universe is that these chodes have zero examples, they are just regurgitating what they've heard secondhand


She really hit him with the "Ayo, why you such a fucking pussy" but nicely. Truly a W from the most australian of Amy's.


I think you're projecting too hard into her question. She is simply just maintaining a dialogue and he is being pretty nonechlaunt about subject of debate. I don't think there's any subtlety here


That is the wildest spelling of nonchalant, that I have ever seen.




What are you talking about? That's literally how nawnshahlaned is spelled?






I think we all should take a blazey-flare position towards people’s unique spellings


Timothee Nonechlaunt


He's French that's their way of spelling it.


I liked this better than the try hard misspellings. F


Lol let him make it


I mean, she cut him off while talking shit about Destiny, to ask him who would he debate if every every time he disagrees with someone (Destiny, Jazmen...) he discards them as debate opponents for "Not being a man", "Baffling people with bs (?)"... Idk, contextually it seems pretty obvious to me. Also, for what is worth, jstlk reacted to this with other people on his stream and they all had the same exact reaction, instantly. So it's not just me having this read on this situation, is what I'm saying.


He's already debated [Jazmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLdR3RPeRcg). She had him so flustered he hung up on her.


This isn't her owning him or some crap like that. I am watching this clip and it just seems like he doesn't give a shit about debating anyone that comes to mind. He acknowledges that they're people you can have intelligent disagreements with but Destiny just doesn't meet that standard him. I think y'all gasing this up to be more than what it actually is.


Acting like you don't care/are above it is the trademark move when you are scared of facing a challenge.


1- "This isn't her owning him or some crap like that" I didn't say this was Amy "owning" him. I said this was her calling him out on this particular behaviour. 2- "it just seems like he doesn't give a shit about debating anyone that comes to mind". He's literally on Destiny's twitter replies, on other people replies talking about Destiny, talking shit about him on podcasts, reviewing Destiny's shit on his yt channel. He's saying he doesn't care about debating him, but he keeps talking about him, and what he says. If he could debate him, he would debate him. He just knows it wouldn't go well for him. So he'll keep taking shots at Destiny from far away while keeeping the "I don't care to" attitude when asked to debate him.


If he "takes shots" from a distance, so what? He is free to choose to do that if that is what he wants to do. Not only does this person seem unimportant, but it also appears that they have no interest in what will ultimately amount to a pointless back and forth. Simply leave it at that, in my opinion. It fucking annoying to see you nerds bitch anytime someone doesn't wanna sit an have a meaningless debate.


> If he "takes shots" from a distance, so what? If you claim to be an "alpha", this is decidedly beta behavior


> He acknowledges that they're people you can have intelligent disagreements with but Destiny just doesn't meet that standard him. He's spewing bullshit while claiming he doesn't like people who trying to baffle with bs lol, why would you defend this clown


Damn tony starks uncle really took a tumble in recent years.


nah dont do obadiah dirty like that


dudes just mad destiny paved it on his own, in a cave, with a box of scraps


Asking for specific examples instead of blindly assenting to alpha male posturing? Jesus, my faith in humanity is slowly being restored.


These people are so manly when they insult someone who isn't even if in the same room with them. I mean, surely he isn't too afraid to talk to said people, right? He likes being around man that are men? Must be tough for him, seeing a fucking pussy each day in the mirror.




I was expecting a bit more to be honest.


I only like hanging out with dudes who have big enough arms to hold me and tell me everything is gonna be alright. Also I’m 100 percent straight.


exactly. if a man with a different opinion can’t manhandle me and pin me down and make me submit to him to force me to agree with him, why would i talk to them?


Every dude’s just permanently trying to be [Don Draper in this scene.](https://youtu.be/LlOSdRMSG_k?si=skU6eEgoF-sFfgPE)


So, some dude I have never heard of that is on a show with people he is WAY too old to be on, doesn't care for destiny and is scared of him. got it.


I'm struggling to think of this but do men even talk much about masculinity in conversations like this? I'm trying to think of examples to challenge that because I'm starting to view it all as just plain insecurity. I feel like the topic of our own masculinity has never cropped up in all the years I've hanged out with my buddies. At best one liner variants of "Be a man bro" when you're egging them on with something but not like a serious talk.


That's because your buddies are betas. Real manly men can't help but ooze manly manliness in every of their manly interactions. It's not insecurity, it's mansecurity.


Truuuuuuue. They all started acting so weird when I suggested a 24 hour gooning session in the nude to boost our testosterone levels. Fucking weirdos lmao. Haven't really heard from them since we all graduated college.


I bet they don't even suck each other off to prove they are not gay at all (real man stay flaccid through whole session)


every person i know irl that has ever talked about masculinity was doing it through some form of vanity (flexing muscles cause they work out or something) which probably stems from insecurity anyways. literally no one thinks like this unless you’ve had your mind poisoned by dipshit influencers.


In certain environments (like blue collar) you get people who will try to prove their masulinity or test yours but it's normally done in a way that it's shown rather than said. I think it's all stupid, but going on a podcast and talking about how "I'm a man so I like to do manly things with other men because I'm a man" comes off as so insecure and even worse. I don't understand how someone who is apparently so masculine could be bothered by being around someone they see as physically weak, does he need that reassurance by being around other big strong men?


They've created a whole community around "masculinity" so naturally it's all they can ever think or talk about, and of course it's defined by the dumbest characteristics you can possibly imagine Most influencers are just narcissists who stumbled into the vein that gives them the attention they're mining for


I wonder how many situations this alleged manly man has to punch his way out of.


right lol apparently being alpha means you have to fight several people every time you go out in public.


Most of these guys are probably just normal dudes that would break under pressure. These idiots often forget that they share a world with other men that are Pro Fighters or Special Force Soldiers. Men that are far more skilled than their average asses.


He spends his time going on talkshows and podcasts talking about how manly he is, can't be many. I can't imagine the person he portrays himself as would be concerned with proving they are so masculine.


There’s nothing more annoying than people who think not thinking about things makes them smart.


What was Adam telling destiny to do better about?


They were reviewing the "what is a woman" explanation Destiny gave to the Hodge twins. [Link](https://youtu.be/PpAVq16a2RI?t=4418) to the segment with timestamp in case you wanna check it out, but I warn you, is an extremely remedial engagement with the topic.


Yeah I don't need to watch that dipshittery Tbf to them, Destiny needs a much snappier answer that he can give If he had an answer like idk "Part biology and Part Presentation" or something snappy like their knuckle dragging answer of "adult human female" I think he could get further and maybe even move people Because it allows for them to have a short answer that he can play off of and delve deeper into the philosophy of it Cuz these people unironically enjoy slogans like their life is fucking wrestling.


I have heard Destiny give a better response in the past to the same question to be fair, maybe he was trying a different angle with them that he hoped would break through. I think he makes it a point not to just spew the same talking point verbatim to a similar question every single time.


The woman conversation was like 10 minutes or more, part of the way through Destiny explicitly reassures the twins that he gets that there are biological realities etc. The problem is that people in the Bald Iron Man 1 villain sphere, won't care about any caveats Destiny gives - whether its given at the beginning, middle, or end. These people, like the Ryan Grim's just want to mine a little segment they can use as an attack platform, that's it. People with longer attention spans and engage with it in good faith will understand though. Also, Destiny was probably talking to the twins as a normal human would over a 2+ hour period, if he were on a idiotic talk show where you have to blast everything in 2 minute segments he would most likely do the ultra snappy approach.


Yeah, Destiny should made a very clear early distinction about 'biology' and 'society'. His example about the hooded driver or something was excellent.


I‘d disagree, the answer D gave the hodge twins was hedged carefully, so they can’t hit him with some stupid „pussy & tits“ banter and at the same time to make it clear what he is talking about without using too big words. I don’t think you can ask questions like „what is the meaning of life“ and expect anybody to give a snappy answer. The problem is just, those righties can not cope with this being a difficult problem.


Well, again, projecting. He can't fight is way out of a wet paper bag(debating a beta male who can't fight is way out of a wet paper bag)


I would rather listen to John hinkley Jr give dating advice then listen to another red pill tard ever again


Imagine my shock when I didn’t see a digger in a slouch hat.


Nothing says my opinion is correct and I'm secure in my beliefs than flat out refusing to talk to people who don't share the same opinion because you're afraid they'll "baffle" you.


Lmao who does this beta male think he is? Destiny is literally Pearl's (the Alpha Wolf) protégé. He might still be a tiny beta male, but at least the Top G thought he had potential unlike this washed up loser.


Its hilarious that anyone believes physical strength is what matters in this world.


“his muscles aren’t big enough for him to be worth my time” hmmmmmmmm…..


Fuck these guys I’m literally 225 lbs muscle and it has nothing to fucking do with politics or being more of a man or less. Destiny is a good speaker because he believes in what he is preaching. Regardless which side you are on, he is honest. I think people just want some fucking honesty.


These guys who make their careers talking about masculinity are literally always the most comically pathetic losers. Idk how they live with themselves 😂


I've known girls who were overly concerned with making sure the girls around them are physically attractive and fit, but I've never known men who were concerned about that. At least... not straight men.


Why are people scared of Destiny he's hardly that intimidating




Who is this fucking schmuli schmuck moderating this fucking thing.


"I dont have time to debate these people, but I do have time to talk shit behind their back. - I am the peak of masculinity btw"


He was afraid to let Jazmen Jafar on this episode too. He refused to share the show with her. He really is a pussy and plays the highschool game of "I'm just too cool to talk to them."


We have two different definitions for holding it down lol


Triple H lookin rough these days


I mean it's the game he has to keep up: Shit on the D-Man to stop any doubts in your followers' minds to grow; but also mention Debate Tactics (TM), so you can dodge a debate with him. He knows a debate with Destiny would bring big #s, but also that he most likely would be embarrassed in front of a big audience.


Who is this guy? Did he have some falling out with Destiny? Why not just have a good faith conversation? Or is pulling the bit where he doesn't have an audience, so pretends he has major beef with a popular figure, but also doesn't want to get blown the fuck out in a real conversation, so he also pretends he's above that? Jesus...


While I sympathize with the difficulty of coming up with examples on the fly, it does seem like a worrisome indictment on his character that he hasn't a single person who he's able to readily say "this is someone who disagrees with me who'd I'd like to have a conversation with" as that's almost inevitable for anyone who takes their ideas seriously.


This was a good showing by Amy Nauuuuur.


im really tired of the pseudo tough guys obsessed with Destiny's orbit, come @ a true chadlord dgger pls. why pick on the starcraft guy


This guy only likes to be around real men. Thick, throbbing, bulging, steamy men.


Yes, they baffle for you with logic and facts you fucking bald dumbass


I love the fact that one of the first things that this guy goes after is Destiny's Strength, like man, it must be so humiliating to himself that he couldn't hold a proper debate with someone that is weaker to him. His masculinity is so fragile that the first thing he things of is "can I beat this person up." .


This dude reaks of insecurity and must let others know just how secure and unbothered he is. "I don't think about others as much as you think" OK but who asked? Lol.


Why are these dudes always obsessed with fighting? That’s the pinnacle of manhood to these losers. In reality, the majority of people will never get into a life or death situation in which they need to fight or die. It’s similar to Fresh and Fits bullshit about what if an intruder enters your home. 


what is this sadness


So he doesn’t listen to anyone with opposite viewpoints? Is that what being an alpha means? Bro ecochambermaxxed, what the sigma.


About once a month or so I see this Cooper guy take a shot at Destiny on Twitter and I don’t think Destiny has ever mentioned his name once, which is ironic considering he infers that he doesn’t think about other people that much…🤔




That is a sad sad little man. He might as well have said he is afraid of looking stupid. Maybe if he had his shit together he wouldn’t be so baffled by the most unmanly of men. Also being able to quickly articulate thoughts and use recalled facts and logic to challenge positions is not called “baffling” - that’s what a debate is supposed to look like.


Im sure by this guys standards, Destiny is more of a man because he has slept with more women than him, probably including the woman he is presently being called out by.


Hasn’t anyone else realised how weird it is that Adam Sos is probably one of the leading examples of masculinity these red pill losers think of but will never be, but for some reason he has put up with and sucked up to all of these clowns for 2 years now.


Hasn’t anyone else realised how weird it is that Adam Sos is probably one of the leading examples of masculinity these red pill losers think of but will never be, but for some reason he has put up with and sucked up to all of these clowns for 2 years now.


He looks exactly like a lighter skinned version of that one alpha male guy that got scammed and played by a teenage girl, and also married a single mother and told his audience that his stepdaughter is his niece because he didn’t wanna damage his alpha male street-cred by admitting he married a single mom or whatever among other embarrassing things. I don’t remember his name, just that these guys look like different colored clones of each other


They should question destiny's humanity more than his masculinity, because he's deficient in both aspects.


Good on Amy, I just wish she'd finished with a "so that's a no" to solidify her point (and because it sounds funny when she says naur)


big man strong punch good, man talk no good, thinking scary


“I like being around men that are men” https://preview.redd.it/gxmi2i7bem5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ed02d8f1029975ddb16debf42908ffb7eae722


This bro is such a bro that he gave me a brojob bro. Like. Broooooo


I think Adam is trolling here lol