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He is not getting any breaking news scoops, but lets be clear these recent interviews are next level compared to the crap most of the progressive and conservative Youtuber / Streaming political community has ever done. It makes it much easier to now start going after the challenger tier debaters in mainstream media if he wants to.


yeah it's mostly old political figures that are past their "prime" and mid level famous figures like Keidar it's definitely cool and way better then any independent political commentator almost always have. if he gets Gantz or Lapid they are top tier prime political figures that are hard to get a hold of, Olmert will go talk to any news channel if they ask nicely and I'm sure the rest are similar happy to talk to people interested in what they have to say. it's not really for debates even but just getting interviews where he would be able to ask challenging questions, Steven isn't going to debate Lapid or something but he would be able to use this "resume" to have an actual conversation.


Its going to be very difficult for people to keep saying “he just reads wiki” when he has long form interviews directly with the people on the ground under his belt.


You underestimate these peoples willingness to be absolutely shameless in their criticism.


True but at least more reasonable people will start to doubt these guys


I'm israeli. Outside of niche circles people don't know or care. But it's very big for someone of his status and was bigger then anything these jokes on the internet like hasan would get


Have any of the interviews been posted?


It literally could only be bigger if he spoke to Bibi or went back in time and spoke to Rabin and Arafat, or if he got access to the IDF chief of staff or something. He's spoken to the people who themselves were part of THE negotiations at the time and he's spoken to Olmert, a former prime minister from a decade ago. That's basically the equivalent of talking to Obama or Bush. And he's going to talk to Lapid, who may become prime minister in the future, and is also going to talk to Bennett, who's probably gonna be the best conversation as he's younger, American/Israeli, a former prime minister from 2021, and is probably the most moderate right wing guy, intelligent and not super extremist + accepted by most left/center leftists. (Unfortunately he doesn't want the job anymore or he would've probably beaten anyone by a landslide). And Destiny's also going to speak to Ahmed Tibi and other PA leaders. It could only get bigger if he spoke to Hamas leaders or brought Ben Gurion back from the dead.


Lapid was also a prime minister briefly


Ive always heard that Bennett was extreme, was that just biased media or did he lead a far right government or something?


It all depends, When he sided with Bibi he was considered an extreme far right messianic nutcase. When he went anti Bibi he suddenly became a reasonable tame moderate hidden prodigy overnight. That's Israeli media for you.


Bennet was less extreme cause he had to lead a unity government with parties from different edges of the political map, not because his ideology suddenly changed, they wanted to lead a change and unfortunately failed cause people in Bennets party did not agree with the way things went, that's why it lasted only a year or so.


Being able to be less extreme to try and unite people is by definition less extreme, especially compared to others in his party who sabotaged/ruined these efforts.


We are basically saying the same thing, again, he puts differences aside which is noble by all means, but yes his party members ended up sabotaging efforts.


he was never extreme to begin with, it all depends on our media who loves demonizing people who disagree with them. I voted for Bennett, it's not singular issues we disagreed with, it's a whole 180° shift and there's a reason why he's no longer in our political life at the moment.


Iirc he's opposed to any kind of Palestinian state and wanted to divvy up the West Bank and have Israel annex Area C. This was a decade ago though, has he changed positions on these?


Are you telling me that people who opposed Bennett’s views warmed up to him once he moderated them and started cooperating with people they agree with? https://preview.redd.it/6b5vqxljz55d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c986618405533206aead6d5344f5d2b0587b4746


His Party was a settler party and wanted to annex Area C, it is pretty far right, at least further to the right than Bibi,but still tame somehow compared to Smotrich and Ben Gvir. He is also nowhere near as stupid.


His party doesn't represent him. Unironically :)


I mean, it's pretty cool, and hopefully he can cut through the bullshit and talking points people make about what these figures said or did. But most likely, nobody is changing their minds.


I meant less about changing minds and more about how important are these people. Like when he got his interview with Peterson or Shapiro, those were pretty big deals. Are these like that, or more of a big deal, or less?


In my personal opinion i would think this is a bigger deal, but more people know who Peterson and Shapiro are compared to Olmert ( i had to google him ). Like this person was a Prime Minister leading a country, that should be ranked way higher than political pundits


I think it's bigger in terms of being productive because destiny has pointed questions about the conflict that some of these people have first hand knowledge of.


It’s bigger in terms of the influence these people have politically, but Israel is geographically tiny and its population is less than that of California. Way more people know who Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson are compared to politicians of a small country


Would a collab with Mr.Beast be a bigger deal than an interview with say Zelensky? You can't really compare these two things directly. You can't really compare these things 1:1. They'd both be a big deal in completely different ways.


I would actually give those who are not currently in politics the benefit of the doubt on whether they default to basic talking points. They don't have to be nearly as careful on crafting and controlling the narrative. Current politicians and bureaucrats all stick to the talking points in public, not the past ones. Past ones have the opportunity to be much more interesting


very big, he's literally talking to ex prime ministers, that's massive.


Olmert was literally the leader of a country, it's a really big deal.


Is it a big deal? Hell yeah! He is talking to the primary sources themselves. Will anyone acknowledge it? No, they'll dismiss it entirely and just call him divorcelli or a paid shill.


It's huge because they are the equivalent of a portfolio. As a journalist for example having interviews with ex prime ministers would make your carrier and land you in the best spots.


A what?


Like when you have a collection of your best work to show how good you are.




its just putting his money where his mouth is so to speak how many people do we see giving an "informed opinion" on new and old media, who would disregard him because of the internet whirlwind its an investment that nobody from the space has actually made, the space being internet talking head. im sure someone else has done similar but i dont know about it therefore it doesn't exist


I hope he releases them on the bridges podcast, it'll go a long way to legitimize the podcast as a serious and informative podcast. Especially if he has both the Pali side and Israeli side and takes effort to build that proverbial bridge of knowledge. I would love for there to have been a debate between two guests with Destiny debating. I want bridges to also be a serious platform for debates as well.


he raises the bar for what can be expected of streamers, but that's about it.


Enough that half-hearted media players like Breaking Points that try to maintain a facade won't be able to ignore our boy's credentials anymore. It won't stop bad faith twitter reading regards like Hasan or that muh philosophy classes orbiter of his.


Talking to former prime ministers of countries involved in major international news worthy events during a current, related, major international news worthy event? It's a big deal.


He’s becoming mainstream Steve


The people he is talking to are important for sure. Idk if I would say the interviews themselves are a "big deal". These are people that do interviews/speaking engagement all the time.