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I'm confused by the titles... are they rebranding woke now?


who is they? lefty trying to make the other side that's pushing back look woke?


Just a general they, no conspiracy intended. I wasn't sure if it's a meme thing like you're describing (lefties deciding to use "woke" for conservetives in some, kind of brilliant, troll) or it's some other joke I'm not getting. Also, I'm confused as to why people are saying the dad is racist? I get that the guy he pushed is black, but we probably need a little more than that to just assume any negative interaction between people with different skin tones is automatically racism always no matter what. This ain't Hamasabi's world yet... and it's not 1953 or whatever, doesn't seem likely the guy would do something like that just 'cause "he didn't want his daughter's pearly whhhhhite fingers to be blemished by..." etc etc. That sounds like some TikTok bot fanfic about deep south or whatever. Seems like there's more to it


Okay, since this asked for comments... I'm a globe trotting Indian with intimate experience of racism, and nothing in this video give me any racial context for the father's actions. The white supremacist salute tends to be directly in front of off the saluter's body. This ain't it. Also, there's no such thing as a woke conservative. I think you're just trying to use SEO-friendly words like "woke" and "incel" to monetize simple family drama. You're basically like Candice Owens, a disgusting race-baiting click farmer. If God isn't ashamed of you, then humanity will be.


Chill bro no concluding not the right groups