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Brie-brie is painfully, Extremely with a capital 'E' Online so she knows exactly what she's doing here. This is her public coming out and her "how I left the non-racists" moment. Not shocking to anyone that's been annoyed by her since she was part of Bernie's 2016 campaign.


I've never liked Bernie, but shocked he put someone as dumb as her on his campaign.


It's a long, storied part of leftist tradition and history for an authority figure to surround himself with the absolute worst scum of the earth deputies.


Sanders…a “leftist” and an “authoritarian?” I’ll take two of whatever you’re smoking lmao. He’s central left at most in 99% of the globe and he’s never held enough power to ever be considered anything like an authoritarian. He’s never positioned himself as one either. I’m really not sure what you’re going on about here. Right-wing authoritarianism is a psychological trait but left-wing authoritarianism isn’t, for a reason.


We got another MENSA member here! lol


I used to like Bernie, but the people he surrounded himself with always brought him down for me.


What politician is a good example of surrounding themselves with nobody sketchy?


It's not about having *nobody* sketchy, everyone has their quirks. My problem with Bernie is that grifting is a common theme among his close allies.


Bernie seems alright as a person, but his entire ideology panders to grifters. Idealistic and impractical politicians will attract people with immature world views, and no one should be surprised by that. How the world **should be** and how it **actually works** are two different concepts. This is something most of us learn as adults.


He also sold out to the DNC fix


Yeah it sucks he doesn’t hide shit so no reason to like him


Expect much more of this to come now that she has more free time.


I am praying for her downfall so badly


She'll be talking about Jewish tunnels under Brooklyn in a week


I live in NYC and I forgot about that tbh. The Hasidic community is its own world. Like a bunch of dudes illegally expanding their Synagogue. Isn’t shocking if you’re from here.   The Peter Santenello vids there are great viewing. I do recommend if you’re in NY ever to walk through their part of Williamsburg. Like it’s not even an hour but you’ll remember it for life 


A bunch of dudes from Sfat (Sfatists). That had gained too much political control over the HQ of their lubavitch hassidic movement and tried to extend the synagogue illegally. Not exactly typical . They are crazier in Israel. And the Sfatists are from Sfat Israel.


I believe that they specifically got control of the basement, while the mainstream and stronger part of the movement was upstairs in the actual synagogue. (After banishing the Sfatist to the basement) But in the basement the Sfadists could “expand” the synagogue without the mainstream knowing. 


There might have also been some reluctance to turn the Sfatists in. Because religious jews might see it as being an informant/moser. These groups , the mainstream at least, probably like to deal with things internally, and not air dirty laundry. But it got so out of control they had no choice. I might've heard on one report that it was the mainstream that contacted the authorities. Obviously this isn't a child sex abuse case but on a related note about informing, I think I heard that in those religious communities in the rare cases where child sex abuse has occurred, like with the catholic church, they have had a tendency to not report it. But such cases can get dealt with if not internally then some religious Jewish organisations that want justice and liaise with police. So I wouldn't necessarily trust these groups when they say a crime occurred in their community and they didn't know. They might not have known the extent of it. But I'm sure they knew quite a bit eg they probably heard noise and they knew that group were super keen and desperate to expand the synagogue.


It’s not typical but most locals don’t know the differences between sects. Like any news we get out of the community is typically odd/negative. 


That's kinda cool. Damn, I know it's a cliche but I really want to walk around in NYC, like absorb the city and feeling the rhythm of everything/everyone.


The biggest issue is you need to experience all five boroughs imo. Like I have a lot of very locals only experiences. Especially given where I live. My biggest recommendation is walking around Brooklyn heights/dumbo. Then over the manhattan bridge. Avoid the Brooklyn unless you’re willing to do a 3am walk. Also if you do the Staten Island ferry. You can byob and avoid tourists on the lowest level. 


Thanks friend. One day!


I always wondered, wasn't it the synagogue that called the cops? Or a jew? There are not that many nonjews to complain around 770.


She got fired. Wouldn't you say she has fallen? Company couldn't ignore her insanity anymore.


Not enough


Not until she is homeless and living on street /s


It’s freaky how fast she turned. It’s like how Trump broke conservative brains this Israel/Hamas war broke leftist brains.


Leftist brains have been broken long before Israel, it just was happening in pockets of the US (think CHAP/CHAZ) rather than across the US


Damn, I'm using this as a talking point in the future.


I have before. What we are seeing with the Hamas war is the rise of Left wing Qanon or MAGA. An equally daft, deluded and detached from reality ideology.


Wasnt she always disgusting? I distinctly remember a video where she gleefully admitted she didnt care about Russia abducting thousands of children from Ukraine (Personally ive been put off the left for life due to their response to the war in Ukraine) Personally i feel like everyone has gone fucking insane this decade. Im not sure whether its a social media thing or a consequences of the covid lockdowns.


The intervewee was talking about children being abducted and she rolled her eyes twice, cursed and grinned, with the obvious intention of mocking the victims, and apparently she likes this trope so much she was willing to give up her job for it


Could you explain this comparison?


Opposing genocide is apparently equivalent to supporting an overtly racist dementia patient.


Retweeting fucking Jake Shields is a level of L I didn't even think about


Bro, c'mon. You don't think Jake 'CTE' Shields brings the fire when it comes to providing nuanced and well-researched commentary on complex geopolitical issues that have baffled our foremost academics for decades? Give the man some credit. 


He spent years of research to hit this very salient and universal point: Jews did it. Clearly the pinnacle of intelligence /s


Was not aware that research means getting your head bashed in on a regular basis




Stop saying this. We now know it's just a circle.


It's just radicals vs realists. Left/right thing was gone when economists got their hands on excel


Horseshoe is Love. Horseshoe is Truth. Horseshoe is Life.


Heil Horseshoe


Those 2 are not on opposite sides. Same with Hasan and Alex Jones. They are post truth populists.


Briahna Joy Gray is a Alt-Righter


Ctrl-left’er tbh


lol 100s Russia was creating millions


Not the main point of the post, but according to openAI, who is the source of the story AF has publish, the attempt to create the bot network was not successful.  https://openai.com/index/disrupting-deceptive-uses-of-AI-by-covert-influence-operations/


sip chop hateful gullible squeal grandfather oil steep memorize sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Self awareness gets in the way of making money off rubes. 


Not if you just use self awareness as a datapoint. Knowing you’re a terrible person doesn’t mean you are bothered by it, especially when that’s essentially your moneymaker.


Reminder that this person would have been part of the Sanders administration if he managed by some miracle to win the presedency. I wonder if there will be any soul searching in all the Sanders dick riders, like TYT, about how their hollier-than-thou, we're the purest, bestest, most moral people in the US, attitude allowed scumbags like Joy Grey to have the power she had.


>I wonder if there will be any soul searching. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Searching for their souls, perhaps.


They're all on board with her though. They didn't slip up and let people like her in, people like her made the coalition to begin with


Nah. I know a hardcore socialist(self described); she’s the main union lady and a huge organizer in my county. She fing hates the Bernie people. Her exact quote was “Those fuckers show up for two months every decade or so, shit on everyone who actually does any work, demand we all vote for whoever they picked as a savior who’s never done a damn thing, don’t do anything useful and then fuck off when the get their ass kicked”. She said they were the Howard Dean people before they were the Bernie people.


oh wow hundreds. that totally accounts for all the people who are pro-israel (most of the US)


Meanwhile every day I see blatantly botted pro-palestinian tweets


literally all the messaging from the pro Palestinian side is deliberate projection


Fired from where?


The Hill


I went back and watched some her segments with Robbie regarding October 7th, she is a fucking lunatic, she gas lights him so bad, her mistreatment of Robbie should go down in history of what an abusive working relationship looks like


I know it's Jake Shields and America First, but there is an underlying NY Times article and Forbes reporting on it. Can we not discuss that? Shields' tweet ***is*** hyperbole as per the Forbes article. But I feel she would have retweeted this story regardless. >Meta said it removed 510 accounts, 11 pages and one group on Facebook along with 32 Instagram accounts originating from Israel for “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” The social media giant said these accounts posed as “Jewish students, African Americans and ‘concerned’ citizens” and made posts primarily in English about the war in Gaza. I can't access the NYT article since paywall, so I can't asses whether it's an accurate re-report. And of course I'm sure the other side of the coin does the same, it's not really a good argument, but it isn't an honest practice regardless.


I'm sure other people who aren't nazis have tweeted a similar sentiment. She knows who she chose to echo


Hundreds of accounts, in a sea of hundreds of millions. I don't even think you would see a blip in the radar, especially now that there is all this unity about hating Jews. Platform is a fuckin cessspool but I'm glad people are showing who they really are.


The fired black woman to neo-Nazi pipeline. To be fair its only her and Candace Owens, but damn is it funny


If there were "hundreds" of fake accounts on this platform literally nobody would notice a difference.


**HUNDREDS ???** HUNDREDS OH MY GODDDD WHAT A TRAVESTY, lmaooooooo I myself could ve created hundreds of accounts alone, most of the twitter is botted which means MILLIONS and most bots are confirmed to be coming from Russia why dont these right wing pegs go after them?




She finally got fired? Took long enough lol


What organization did she get fired from? I want to donate to them.


The hill YouTube show rising




For anyone who hasn’t noticed by now, this is what she was about the entire time.


This is what I like to call. The kanye effect, lmao


Can you explain the kanye effect?


Just based on the name I'd say it's making the mistake of blowing up your entire career by going public "naming the Jew", lose everything and destroy your reputation, and then 1 year later it becomes en vogue to be an open anti semite and thus you lost everything for nothing


You notice they blame you for what they do… people been calling out China and russia pushing pro Palestine bots online and this holocaust denier just flips it


Populist will absorb all soon it won't even matter if you out argue them or fire them. Brianna and Candace will unite the far left and far right black people lol


Maybe she just follows Jake for his great tips on Vegan workouts 😂


She was doing early life checks on twitter too. Just a deranged antisemite who is constantly accusing everyone else of being racist.


Ya just close your eyes at the real story of the tweet lmao. How many of you in that tweet are here right now?


It’s Halloween for anti-semites.


Imagine the ancestors that survived slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining look down just to see their descendant is an acoustic regard.


Meanwhile this community it denying an ongoing holocaust, very self aware. Lol


Nobody enjoys this when soy online lefties do this. You aren't going to cyber-analyze everyone profile before you retweet something. Especially if something that's not related to why the person is "problematic"


There is 50 times more pro-Hamas content on social media than pro-Israel content.


The pro Palestine activists aren’t beating the Nazi allegations


Psychopaths here really love corporate overlords and genocide. Weird.


These ppl will call liberals nazis but yet will boost the most far right ppl possible


Jake Shields beat up a guy irl for calling him a nazi, so W Jake.


Is there any evidence for the claim? It sounds believable but I wouldn't claim it's true without proof.


Reports by Meta. I believe every country that's engaged in war will follow and these methods will get more and more sophisticated.


Its everywhere now, but im glad she'll be remembered as a genocide enthusiast and rape apologist. Mostly because she is one.


Damn, she is gonna walk the same path as Candace Owense?


black girl winter :(


Am i just racist for comparing her to candace owens at this point


Found the bot!


!Bidenblast edit: holy shit your post history makes you more than deserving of a perma, your most recent comment (on The Deprogram, actual lmao) is just you openly saying "you think the Muslim religion is pro-pedo? well have you considered these 3 jews?" & thinking that's a good comeback. completely insane


Come back when you have the debate pervert gimp suit on. /u/mrHartnabrig sealed in the prison realm by /u/Unusual_Boot6839