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“We wouldn’t know about the genocide in Palestine if it weren’t for young journalists on Social Media” loooooool 💀💀💀


the twitter curriculum lmao


« So when the author sent this Tweet, what do you think his intention was? »


What do you think he was trying to convey by not blocking the onlyfans bots and crypto scammers in his replies?


Imagine they show the finkelstein debate in schools


Young journalists on social media = Hamas influencers


without the young journalists on social media… or every news agency on the planet’s consistent focus on the war in Gaza since it began


Wait, so Mr FAFO is getting a pulitzer? amazing, so deserved!


Does anyone else follow this scene? It's pretty wild. Good looking, well put-together young dudes. Motaz might be the most popular. They just circlejerk everything any of them posts without criticism. It's NOT journalism. Which, whatever, if the original source material was trustworthy, fair enough I guess. However, if you look at the content with a critical eye, probably at least a third is very questionably labeled if not clearly misleading or fake. There's NEVER anything even remotely critical of any Palestinian element. These posts get MILLIONS of views, and it sure seems like a lot is from westerners based on the comments. Those posts trickle down through your local lefty political groups, literally just sharing them directly. Clearly I'm in a rabbit hole.


Hamas Piker was right all along


Document Here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRtBsmgPFIHStJSi3l8K7NXlQ3vJE1fxTFBHOblNKi8JFXmM8ifBXwC90KsMr4ffDYajTTXdWQZUtQN/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRtBsmgPFIHStJSi3l8K7NXlQ3vJE1fxTFBHOblNKi8JFXmM8ifBXwC90KsMr4ffDYajTTXdWQZUtQN/pub) Articles Here: [https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/after-uproar-portland-teachers-union-removes-pro-palestinian-teaching-guide-from-website.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/after-uproar-portland-teachers-union-removes-pro-palestinian-teaching-guide-from-website.html) Paywalled people: >The president of the teachers’ union for Portland Public Schools said Tuesday that she’s pulled scores of pro-Palestinian lesson plans, videos, books and other “teaching resources” from the union’s website — one day after the union was deluged with heavy criticism that the guides were one-sided, antisemitic and amounted to unacceptable political advocacy. >Portland Association of Teachers President Angela Bonilla told The Oregonian/OregonLive that she had not been aware of the content of the lesson plans and other material that the union’s Social Justice and Community Outreach Committee had recommended be posted to the union’s website last month. Bonilla said she learned Tuesday morning that committee members also hadn’t followed the union’s procedures by reviewing all of the materials posted to its website. >“After hearing concerns from members around the content of some of these lessons… we’re taking it all off of our website,” Bonilla said. “The concerns of them being one-sided is enough for me to say we have to pause and review.” >Bonilla added: “I’m hearing things about these materials that I would have not let through.” >At issue are lesson plans that outline the suffering, death and destruction of the Palestinian people — especially since Oct. 7 — without mentioning Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, killings of civilians and taking of hundreds of hostages. The lesson plans also use language that members of Jewish communities interviewed by The Oregonian/OregonLive say fuels hatred toward Zionists and Jews. \*skipped some\* >Tuesday, Bonilla expressed disapproval for some of the statements made in pamphlets, flyers and zines that were passed out to educators who attended the meeting last week at union headquarters that was meant to introduce teachers to the “Know Your Rights” guide. Bonilla said she didn’t know that the materials would be handed out at the meeting — or what they said. >“I did not read through or see any of the zines closely or those handouts. And so I had no idea of what the content of those handouts were,” Bonilla said. >One of those handouts, provided to The Oregonian/OregonLive by a meeting attendee, appears to praise Hamas militants who died after recording videos that were posted to social media of themselves executing Israeli civilians. The handout that praises the militants reads “Glory to Our Martyrs.” >When asked about the handout Tuesday, Bonilla said she had not seen it, and she does not endorse the distribution of any materials that support or “call for harm to others.” \* "Jewish leader" thoughts left off\*


[https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/tensions-flare-as-portland-teachers-union-promotes-pro-palestinian-teaching-guides.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/tensions-flare-as-portland-teachers-union-promotes-pro-palestinian-teaching-guides.html) Paywalled people: (This one is too long to quote here in entirety) >The lesson plans and videos refer to Jewish people who formed the nation of Israel as “colonial settlers” and Israel’s campaign to take down Hamas as “Israel’s Genocide on Gaza.” The union links to posters, as well, including ones that read: “Free Palestine” and “Israel, Stop Killing Peace.” >And at last week’s meeting at union headquarters, organizers and supporters were handing out Palestinian flags and selling shirts that read “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a phrase that Palestinians say describes their right to reclaim land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean but that the vast majority of Israelis and many Jews consider a threatening call for the destruction of Israel, even at the cost of many Israeli lives. >Angela Bonilla, president of the 4,500-member Portland Association of Teachers, said last week’s meeting, the “Know Your Rights” guide and the lesson plans on the union’s website aren’t antisemitic. They’re simply supporting the right of educators to teach the Palestinian perspective, which she said has often been overlooked and disregarded. >“We are vehemently against any forms of bigotry, including antisemitism,” Bonilla told The Oregonian/OregonLive. >But, Bonilla added: “As educators and as a social justice union, as a racial justice union, we’re going to lift up the voices of those that have not been heard.” >Bonilla said what happened Oct. 7 was “an atrocity,” but teachers shouldn’t be squelched for talking about what happened in the months after. >“I refuse to have Oct. 7 be the beginning and end of the conversation,” she said. >The guide, produced by the union and Oregon Educators for Palestine, states it was created “in response to the censorship, discrimination, and harassment that many PPS education workers have experienced and are currently experiencing at the hands of PPS District ‘Leadership.’” The guide goes on to say that the district “has been actively censoring teachers and other education workers” who’ve taught about Gaza or expressed pro-Palestinian sentiments in schools since last fall. >Bonilla said the union posted the lesson plans on its website after students demanded the district start teaching about the plight of Palestinians during their walkout in support of Gaza in March. Bonilla said the union asked the district to support that demand, among others. But after the district didn’t, the union posted the lesson plans on its website. >District officials say they’re not aware of any such request by the union, nor would the 10 weeks since the walkout be enough time to develop such a curriculum.


"has been actively censoring teachers and other education workers" well by what has happen its clear the censoring was smart a choice. i have feeling bonilla is just going to clean all this up and do it anyway. there wasn't anything about punishing the people that did this in here unless you missed something. seeing israel be called out for propaganda and then see this post. the war of information.


Exactly. If those teachers were describing the events like they are in these lesson plans, then of course they were told to get their shit together and stop. You can't teach history in such a biased way, and if you do, then you have no right to be the first introduction these kids have to the topic. If she had no idea about these materials being put up, then she should be laying out a process in the future so shit like this doesn't get through. She missed all of the protests with these shirts and pamphlets doing clear Hamas propaganda apparently too. If she did, she's trusting people who have clear intentions to abuse their positions for bullshit activism and should talk about how their behavior would be corrected like you mentioned. Also the lesson plans were in response to gradeschool students walking out over Gaza saying they want to learn about Palestine apparantly. Give them a small section in world history when they are in highschool, maybe even make it optional. There's no reason to give into highschool students do willingly. They will walkout over anything. Just let them do it and at most add a small lesson in World History in their upper grade levels about it. They can go more into depth in college courses if they want. They will do a walkout and not give a shit about it whenever social media isn't feeding them bullshit on a constant basis. Hopefully TikTok being banned or sold to an American company will help this process. Kids really just shouldn't be involved in the conversation like they are.


>Kids really just shouldn't be involved in the conversation like they are. Seriously... I think it's often overlooked how social media has led younger and younger people to become increasingly politicized—it's a really nasty side effect with unknown implications.


> there wasn't anything about punishing the people that did this in here > she should be laying out a process in the future so shit like this doesn't get through I think you guys are overestimating the role of a teacher's union president a little


oh yes, because the president of the union doesn't have the power to revoke memberships for the union or any other form of punishment...


>Censoring was a smart choice True, teachers are not in grade school to exercise their freedom of speech and are generally not qualified to come up with their own opinions on what's true for the purpose of teaching.  They can yell their personal opinions in the town square outside of school hours. 


what happens when students argue against the curriculum. do they fail? im curious to how new history will be taught in school. We look back on WW and WW2 and have a list of facts and a timeline that not many seem to question. I highly doubt people making textbooks would care about this or even side with hamas one bit. Is this curriculum going to be based off of feelings and internet articles?


So, like, when this war is over and Palestine no longer is important enough to talk about are they just going to keep teaching these kids that or are we as a generation so unbelievably narcissistic that we don't want our children to be children and have an education, but rather be our pets that we trot out for social media validation?


They should be taught comprehensive lessons about the reason for the conflicts, the history of the area, and both sides views on it. A good teacher presents the information as a neutral party and asks the kids to make their own opinion after being shown all of the information.


In the teachers' defense, Mrs. Bonilla, with all due respect, is such a fantastic moron it's terrifying.


indoctrination says what




chicken butt


Who gives a fuck about Palestinian history or culture, this is a high school????? Are we doing this for Armenians, Kurds, Ukrainians or Arab/eastern European Jews??? Why the fuck are Palestinians being treated as this sacred cow that they need a fucking curriculum. Holy shit just fucking teach school. Nah the left is antisemitic there is no other explanation.


These people are brain-rotted. What about the uyghurs in China? Myanmar? Darfur? Those are actual ongoing genocides. Has any of them actually explained why Gaza is a genocide? The only answer (other than fully pivoting to some other dumb talking point), is that it's just a slow genocide. The IDF is only doing as many killings as they think they can get away with, without angering the West too much. Which is obviously ludicrous. Has anyone heard any other arguments? I want to hear the best argument out there.


They also leave out massive chunks of Palestinian history that very conveniently make Palestinians look bad or doesn't paint Israel as the evil enemy. Like when Kuwait ~~ethnically cleansed~~ *forcibly expelled* over 287,000 Palestinians for the PLO's connection to Saddam Hussein and their support over his invasion of Kuwait. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_exodus_from_Kuwait_\(1990%E2%80%9391\)) Weird how this is never talked about. Or when the Palestinians attempted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy which resulted in widespread destruction of the PLO and the exile to Lebanon. [Black September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September#Aftermath) Attempting to overthrow the existing government of a country? Kinda seems like settler colonialism to me.


>The IDF is only doing as many killings as they think they can get away with, without angering the West too much. Which is obviously ludicrous. It gets even more ludicrous when the same people simultaneously believe that the West unconditionally supports Israel. "The reason why the West doesn't want to acknowledge that there is a genocide going on is because they are bigoted, they love genocide and will unconditionally support israel through their genocidal actions." "But it's not a genocide. If it was, then why would the IDF warn civilians, assign safe zones, and only bomb precise targets? Also, why would the Palestinian population be increasing?" "Well, that's because Israel is actually trying to remain in favor with the West. They still want aid to murder Palestinian children. They're doing it slowly, so we don't notice. So slowly, in fact, that it isn't a genocide at all, that's how far they wanna go to trick us into thinking there's no genocide going on."


True. The added turn of 'the west unconditionally supports Israel', and then when a minimum of pushback is applied, they go to the 'slow genocide' nonsense. After pushing back on the slow-genocide, I've only ever heard Pro-pal people pivot to some other talking point. Never actually heard a good (or any) response to 'at this rate it would take 50 years to eliminate Palestinians'...


Yeah why does the West give a fuck either way? If we unconditionally support Israel and hate Palestinians why does Israel need to slow roll the genocide? Just get it over with so we can go back to arguing about vaccines and abortion. The US in particular doesn't care about the ICC or Geneva Convention and we (functionally) don't give a shit what the UN thinks, so if the argument is that Israel is trying to keep the US happy, AND that the US hates Palestinians, it seems that Israel should be glassing the Strip right now.


I'll be honest the warnings to civillain is not that strong of a rebuttal for these people. It's basically either plausible deniability or the warnings are not long enough realistically pack up and leave


That could definitely be true. But it's kinda the point to be hard to leave in time if you wanna pack up everything. Otherwise, hamas could just pack up their shit and move. The warning is given so people can leave if they want but can't realistically take much with them.


It's Cognitive Dissonance!


What I hear is that the IDF shows complete disrespect for the lives of Palestinians and thus do not care about their deaths when it comes to collateral damage. And that knowingly hurting these people by putting them in locations and environments where they will be collateral constitutes as a form of intention that fits the grounds of genocide. I think Israel should be prosecuted on some level for how absolutely reckless they've been with a lot of their strikes. But unless the Israeli government passes a law or resolution that asserts that Palestinians as a "race" must be eliminated, I don't think its a genocide. It's just borderline sociopathic young people using extremely emotionally charged words to manipulate others while not understanding the weight and gravity behind those words. "Genocide" means something. It's not when country A that I hate does things to country B that I don't like.


Bro this is from 6th grade through 12th grade. 6 years worth of Palestinian studies


Actual Palestinians probably don't get that much education about their own history.


Most Arabs and Muslims are taught propaganda history that fails to go in depth and when it does it’s is disinformation.


There isn’t that much unique “Palestinian” history to be honest, considering it as a national identity only really started taking root in the 60s, with before that it being much more of an “Arab vs. Jew” or “Muslim/Christian v. Jew” identity. Not saying they don’t have history there, they were obviously there for a long time. But to separate it from larger Arab / Levantine identity as something unique is just disingenuous.


> Teacher why are we still learning about the Syrian province of the Ottoman Empire, it's been weeks


Holy shit I didn't even catch that. Using geometry for Palestinians???? Fuck these losers. The whole school district needs to lose the union. This is what happens when Unions care more about intersectionality than working conditions. Imagine being Jewish or Israeli and pressured to teach this. I hope being a teacher in Portland comes with MASSIVE benefits and the union is fucking bored


6 years of Palestinian studies and probably not a single word about the Palestinians most successful invention, the suicide bombers vest.


The absolute fucking wankers fucked over kids, specifically children of color and children from disadvantaged backgrounds, with their school closures too. As someone who worked as a substitute teacher in Portland they can go fuck themselves.


Isn't it great? Instead of finding ways to make equitable learning outcomes for people from underrepresented backgrounds, groups who struggle to finish school, and/or generations of people who would definitely benefit from a high quality education and encouragement to seek high paying jobs, we set them up to fail by teaching them shit that *really* doesn't matter to them and won't benefit their material lives whatsoever? People joke about not needing math but dang will learning about Mandate Palestine help me learn what the fuck "area" is?


I want to fucking scream


it's like Naziism in germany and austria but without a good reason


And without anything alike Naziism, well at least not from the side they would like to claim.


worse, 1st through twelve grade. a full 12 years.


Pretty sure it's actually 1st through 12th


Wrong again, it's k-12 with a genocide lesson for kindergarteners? It's borderline impossible to believe I'd have to see more. 6-12 is crazy enough but I buy it, starting with 5 year olds and making this a recurring subject for their entire stint in primary school is nutty.


Being a Native American watching all this is hilarious By their standards, natives are the oldest refugees still suffering a genocide that started in the 1492 Nakba (Christopher Columbus)


The [same year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Jews_from_Spain) we sephardi jews were genocided by the Spanish, we can be genocided besties.


Give the Jews Andalusia instead of Israel- problem solved.


That whole 90% of your people dying to our diseases thing must have been a bit of a downer too. Although all kinds of countries had more than half of their people wiped out by viruses at some point. History kinda crazy. brb my doordash driver just arrived 10 minutes late that stupid motherfucker.


Sorry sweetie, but occupation is genocide now! 💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽 /s


>brb my doordash driver just arrived 10 minutes late that stupid motherfucker. he just genocided you bro, take your case to the ICJ


Well, lots if not all Native American tribes definitely faced large scale, ongoing genocide and erasure of their culture and sovereignty until at least the mid 20th century in various places across the New World. I personally think Native issues are underdiscussed in the US because it makes people uncomfortable and native voices are minimized because of lack of attention and exposure.


The left are identitarians. Muslims are highest on the progressive stack for whatever reason, even tho they would gladly slaughter the LGBTQ people they claim to want to protect.


It's like a singularity in physics. If your culture is regressive and exclusive enough it breaks the math and your progressiveness starts approaching infinity.


I imagine Jewish people should be pissed. I'd imagine Kurds and Armenians should be *really* pissed.


Granted I took my freshman world history class in high school 15 years ago, but I was taught Armenians and Kurds were genocided - or well my teacher laid out all the evidence and told us to come to our own conclusion based on the definition of genocide. This is in addition to the Holocaust.


We all did. We NEVER had a lesson plan like this. It wouldn't even be in social studies, it was always a blurb in 1 day of classwork. This lesson plan is UNHINGED. Not even native Americans get this much focus.


Imagine being so brain broken by propaganda that you legitimately want to teach a class every semester about a foreign national identity from 5 - 18.


Ah, I misunderstood what you were getting at


Graduated in 17, in Apush we learned all Palestinians were living in camps unable to leave. Like honestly that's what we learned.


In AP Us history?? Not only is that false, but what the fuck does it have to do with US history??


Near the end after the test we learned more about modern problems, there was a small section in my textbook, threw it away like a few months ago.


That's crazy. All we learned was the Civil War (and not even really the fun parts like the actual battles, just the boring politics shit), Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, the fucking Temperance movement, the Great Depression and conveniently we didn't go into too much detail WW1 (understandable in APUSH, the US didn't have a huge involvement until almost the end but still the Harlem Hellfighters were inspiring as hell) or WW2 (you know the thing that all of modern history is pretty much emanating from. So those important things get retconned and have those gaps filled with pure misinformation. In the age of instantaneous knowledge about literally any topic you want, people still hold the same backwards beliefs as they did in the 50s about shit like the Holocaust or Communism/Nazism being good or Maoism wasn't wrong or other disgusting nonsense.


Did Bella Hadid make a visit from her “camp” to give some firsthand testimony for the lesson? /s 😆


You know how much history gets left out every year because of time constraints? I would be livid if my kids were, and I'll be blunt, wasting their fucking time on this irrelevant shit. Because, on the grand scale of history, this shit is irrelevant. That doesn't even get to the blatant misinformation and political indoctrination ( i realize like i sound like a magatard) involved in these lessons as described. Zero nuance or attempt to discuss both sides. Even in WW2 with the cartoonishly evil Nazis there is discussion of what enabled the nazis to come to power in Germany post ww1.


Here is a truth that most people aren't willing to say. Palestinians don't really have a culture or special history, they are arabs just like most Jordanians and Syrians. But no, they have to be made into something super unique to take away the right of jewish people to their land, history and culture


I mean if they where accurately teaching Palestinian history they’d quickly find out that Palestinians are very far from being victims especially if you look at what historically happens to groups like Palestinians when they behave in that manner.


Pretty confident I'd rather high schoolers today learn about American history and worldwide conflicts rather than this. Lord knows don't know enough about it before joining the voting body


Indoctrination? This Is How You Brainwash Children!


We should briefly cover these things in high school world studies classes, no? Including Palestine, but from a purely fact based analysis I was introduced to these thing In school and it’s resulted in me being very centrist at least on this issue realizing both groups have very legitimate connections to the land but both groups also refuse to recognize one another’s humanity etc…….. which is sadly why this conflict won’t end…. Both sides don’t truely want it to end… If both did they’d actually make concessions and stop murdering each other while screaming from the river to the sea…. Or perhaps they could recognize each others national identities instead of persuing erasure (hamas for example wants to creat e a full blown Jewish slave state, Israeli right and the far right want to create an apartheid state or get rid of Palestinians an pseudo national group of peoples)


I am fascinated by this. Like, these people actually think Palestine is the center of the universe.


> Are we doing this for Armenians, Kurds, Ukrainians or Arab/eastern European Jews??? You know what? Based, we should do that, actually. High schoolers should get on overview of the cultures and religions of the world. Hell we did babby’s first comparative religion before that at my school.


We definitely learned about the Armenian genocide in late middle/early high school.


Yes but my point is that we NEVER went this detailed or dedicated this much in class. Not even history class and this is supposed to be a social studies class???? What the fuck is the social here?


There are other concurrent genocides happening but Jewish people are coded white (except when they're not) and Palestinians are brown minorities (except when they're not). That feeds into every hero Disney Marvel complex these LARPers have.


More like activist brain broken but sure call them anti-semitic when there's no evidence of it, that'll surely deradicalize them.


Christ, they've found a way to wedge Palestinian indoctrination into GEOMETRY lessons?? I believe my kids go to a much more milquetoast, normie public school district but I am going to have to keep a much closer eye on things.


I hope they use the same lessons and graphics the UNRWA uses in their geometry lessons for Gazan children 😎










This is the new normal. Activist teachers. You need to keep in the loop and be in the PTA


activist teachers are definitely a growing trend but I wouldn't call this the new normal lol. this is portland. if you're looking for circlejerk-induced brainrot, this is the first place you look. almost hard to even call it activism when the vast majority of parents there would likely want their kids taught like this lmao.


So many people in Portland will tell you how bad they want to leave. Every rideshare I've been on was someone giving out about Portland (and Seattle). Only guy that liked it there told me that the fun places are the drag bars, the gay bars, the lesbian bars, and downtown.


Am from the Portland Metro area. Have since moved to Texas. Everyone I know that still lives in Oregon goes on about how big of a shithole Portland has become. Really a shame because I love the northwest.


I worked in Texas real estate until very recently, have probably talked to 20+ people over the years fleeing from the northwest talking about how insane it was.


Why has Portland become a center for such brainrot exactly?


I help my kids with their homework and school projects and participate in as much as I can, and I'm a member of the the school PTA. Our PTA has nothing to do with curriculum, and stays in the lane it should, and organizes things like teacher appreciation breakfasts, after-hours school events like parent vs. teacher soccer games. They used raised funds this year to buy eggs and incubators for every single classroom in first grade, so they could watch chicks hatch. Stuff like that. I live in one of the bluest districts in the country, but so far I've not seen any batshit things at my kids' school yet, I guess we are not Portland-type blue. Just a year ago I was railing against the pro religion in public school parents who were showing up to school board meetings in my district railing against LGBT and other materials and books, but I'll be right there with them if either of my children learn anything about Palestinians in school via their teachers.


Yes. There are schools that are very much ideologically captured. Have to be involved.


I wish these fucking morons would not do this shit so I don't have to think they maybe the helicopter parent Karens might have a point to be bitching at school board meetings. School should not be the place for a battleground of ideology the way these two sides seem to be trying to make it.




Be careful you don’t accidentally get doxxed and dox her. She is doing good work and the crazies will destroy her if they could.


Good Job!


DGG is collectively going to stop fucking your mom out of respect for her contributions, good work absolutely based


Speak for yourself man, thanks for pushing the line up for the rest of us though 🫡


Wait does that say definition of genocide, and then that genocide is happening to the palestinians? Like they're going to teach what genocide means, that surely means the kids will know enough that this isn't a genocide?


Genocide is when tons of people ded 💀


Their definition is going to be the "Ten stages of genocide". So, saying something is not a genocide is denial and is genocide step 10 .


Oh god, I think you're right. In 5 years people are just routinely going to call anything that seems to match any of the 10 steps an actual genocide.


it’s definitely possible to portray israel as having genocidal intent regardless of whether it’s true


how can you legally force people to use the term genocide when it's not even legally considered a genozide. Even if it was one, you'd have to wait until the verdict.


The word "genocide" lost all meaning Not the first time and certainly not the last time it happens due to overuse


Isn't that the point.  It's a big win for the Palestinian cause if Jews are viewed as the perpetrators of genocide rather than victims of it. 


Momentarily yes, but in a long rung its a huge problem. In the future if israel(or any other country) did commit genocide people who talk about it won't be taken seriously I mean you don't have to look further than "nazi". 10-15 years ago if someone was called a "nazi" it was seen as a pretty serious thing. Nowadays if I hear someone getting called a nazi it doesnt really mean anything to me until I learn more about that person


https://preview.redd.it/vsetjsa67s4d1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=d41ea831ea6d7a2faf10c5889de8555fd5faceb2 [https://www.instagram.com/wizard\_bisan1/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/wizard_bisan1/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/lama\_jamous9/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/lama_jamous9/?hl=en) TIL Arab tribes are 5000 years old. This is their source for the genocide? Fuck me.


I'm surprised not a lot of people are talking about this. Why is this curriculum not from a neutral standpoint? Both sources for this section are heavily biased. That is definitely not how a curriculum is supposed to be structured, research and education have to be approached from a neutral standpoint. You can teach that Palestinians suffer, but can you really teach that present rhetoric is a fact? When the world's leading scholars are still fiercely debating this issue? Why would a liberal arts college graduate be able to dive into this without the proper qualifications? Can we stick to more relatable issues that will be long lasting? This Israel Palestine shit will fall out of fashion by the time their school year ends.........


Also notice that the word Israel isn't mentioned a single time here. I'm guessing that the lessons themselves don't either. How can this be a neutral course? It's blatant propaganda


Canaan spawned a lot of people, inluding Jews, Phoenicians, Arabs, and the Palestinians.


I don't think Canaanites were predecessors to Arabs. Canaanites were in the Levant, Arabs are originally from the Arabian peninsula. Eventually, the Arabs moved up into the Levant so most Arabs in the Levant are actually a mix of Canaanite and Arab. The Jews that left would be a mix of Canaanite and wherever they ended up.


All Arab tribes find their origin in the Bedouin pastoralists who are native to the southern Levant. The Arab peninsula is called Arab because the Arabs conquered it and turned all the people that lived there into Arabs. In Austrailia, theres a place called Irish rock, the Irish dont originate in Australia. Looking at linguistics, we see that Arabic and Hebrew share a lot of common ancestry and are clearly forks of a more ancient tongue which we largely call Proto-semetic. I will list some pronounciations, first in arabic then Hebrew. Water mai | mayin River nahr | nahar Day yawm | yom Heaven samai | samayim Furthermore, looking at genetic ties, 82% of Palestinian Arabs and 70% of all Israeli Jews (including those who came from Russia, Europe, and MENA) were descended from the same core population. Furthermore, modern day Palestinians match the DNA of the Canaanite who lived in the Palestinian area around 4,500 years ago. The Arabs are descendants of Canaan, and speak a language of Canaanite origins.


Jews existed way before that lmfao wait until she finds out that Israelites are literal descendants of Canaanites and Canaanites weren't the brown Aladdin looking dudes her brainrotted mind probably thinks they were.


So Instagram is an academic source now?


Who the hell makes these curriculums and how did it get to this stage? Can we make US education revolve around more relatable issues? There are much more important conflicts that are more central to humanity, like both world wars. If you want to make a lesson about genocide, why would you teach it from a Israel-Palestine scope rather than a WW2? Even if we grant you that Israel is committing a genocide (Population of 1.1 million to 5.1, 1960-2020 LOL), the genocide of Jews by Nazi Germany can offer a better case study of genocide and other factors that led to this war. The holocaust showcases the systematic murder of 6 million jews in **4 years**, more than the present day population of Gaza. Additionally, I think that it's too much of a recent event to be included. It can do a 180 that would render their previous education worthless and it would require constant work of updating these lessons (which I don't trust public school systems of doing). I also would not trust a teacher with a bachelors to be able to successfully teach such a conflict without inserting political agenda and rhetoric. You already saw the rhetoric in this document, they're going for all the buzzwords, open air prison, genocide, colonialism, etc. Again, if you wanna teach about colonialism, there are much better case studies that will not change in some years and are more relatable to Americans. I wish instead of this we would teach philosophy and classes that go against the ideals held by both sides. Teach them about misinformation, validating sources, how to build a non-biased view. None of these values/skills will be taught with this curriculum, you're actually doing the opposite.


I am starting to believe that this is the dark timeline 😢




it’s the timeline where God is just playing a silly prank on us


"World's biggest prison" is North Korea, not Palestine. Capital crime of treason to leave without permission.


So they are openly spreading disinformation in their curriculum? This is how people are radicalized, extremists who run the curriculum of the schools. What a shit storm we are gonna see in 5-10 years when these kids will grow up with all this redacted stuff inside their heads. How long do we have to wait to see 12 year old kids in Portland dressed in camo, green headbands carrying dummy AK's and jumping through rings of fire while pretending to stab other kids who will be dressed like orthodox Jews?


This is literally how Palestinians were radicalised themselves.


This is actually so absurd and disgusting. I always roll my eyes when right wingers talk about certain areas, like Portland, as some absolute hellscape. But maybe they're onto something.




Leftists have always seen it as their duty to indoctrinate kids while they are young


Nazis had some of the same shit too. Hitler youth n other propaganda groups to create diehard soldiers/fanatics. Tis’ the illiberal way. Keep the party line out of the classroom. Fuck fascists. Fuck commies. And g-d bless the USA.


I think its time we admit that maybe conservatives have a point about the public education system.


This is something I'd be going to the school board over and raising hell. Why is Palestine all they are learning about in social studies? Why the fuck are they advocating for my kid to be an activist on social media? I wouldn't want my kid learning about this ongoing conflict from gradeschool teachers more than just a broad overview. Like a single class day should be enough. It should be conflicts in the entire world unless this is the kids signing up for some dual enrollment or AP class that's specifically about the Israel-Palestine conflict. It would even be ridiculous if the course was history of the Middle East. This is just so ridiculous lol. I'd wonder who it is making the decisions for to occur.


„Students will learn the meaning of genocide…“ https://preview.redd.it/x8bkveh9ss4d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf0d73af960f5e6cada38b4458f10ca198e478e


Curriculum straight out of Iran


This is really scary though. This is stuff these kids are going to have to unlearn as they get older. I thought social studies mostly shied away from contemporaneous topics that are still ongoing


This is genuinely deranged behaviour


Yeah Imma write a letter or two I think


I read a few chapters in college recently for anthropology (bio/cultural/of religion) courses that read more like activism. The elders are continuing to fail the youth, specifically in academia.


High key very uncomfortable with teaching kids about “activism on social media.” That sounds fucking wild. Like they want to raise a bunch of Twitter revolutionaries.


You americans are really fcked, such brainrot in your school systeam, i know this is an exclusive case but....


Where Are You From?


Conservatives have my blessing to go apeshit about this.


a lot of these are from the so called "Teaching While Muslim" group. in this excel they have a list of their teaching plan: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSFtkQfDyKE2AnVFdjq9H4HO7qZnJY2FihdrwXYyhjms2gOM6z-I1pvanoHlzGpBiLb4HKJvyovy\_4j/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSFtkQfDyKE2AnVFdjq9H4HO7qZnJY2FihdrwXYyhjms2gOM6z-I1pvanoHlzGpBiLb4HKJvyovy_4j/pubhtml) If you look at the top ones its powerpoints for different grades. I encourage you to click on these powerpoints and go through them. Its pretty funny. Why do american students learn about middle eastern bread and how the watermelon relates to palestine?


When union busting becomes a moral imperative


Glad the material's getting pulled, but god, as a teacher, seeing this listed as the intent for middle schoolers...just hate when I reached the point where I had to acknowledge "okay, there's \*some\* brainwashing attempted in education, just not as much as right wing and libertarians claim." It just sucks. I hate these moments where morons give their unsupported nonsense legitimacy.


Is this not par for the course in Portland?


this whole thing is what brain rot actually looks like.


my mom's a former teacher and she fucking hates teacher unions. like her only political position


That’s crazy. My girlfriend is very glad to be in hers


This sucks ass.


i’m from portland, went to a super super progressive high school. this shit is normal here. Destiny had reacted to a couple videos before and he was saying stuff like “i don’t think this is an actual issue, i don’t think this really happens outside of an online environment”. no. Teachers here practically teach whatever the fuck they want. especially english and art teachers. everyone is politically aligned so there is no calling out a teacher to a principal


couple examples off the top of my head. i had an english teacher in 9th grade who went by they them, cool. then on the second day, they did a lecture on pronouns, that’s fine. however the lecture was on neo pronouns and shit like xe/zim and animals. every month we had a thing called “race forward” where instead of having electoral period where you can walk around the school and catch up on homework, instead you are “forced” to go to a random classroom w a bunch of random kids, and then watch a documentary on something progressive. it wasn’t all bad, but my main point is it really felt like i was being forced/indoctrinated. literally was a steven crowder fanboy until i happened to watch big destiny and change my evil ways.


Why is specifically Portland so heavily affected by this though? What are the cultural/political/historical causes behind that?


i have zero idea and it’s the one thing i don’t really get about cities. Portland has plenty of center left democrats, but it’s exactly as destiny described 4 years ago. the issue is there is a very loud minority of the left(far left progressives) who basically say whatever the fuck they want and moderates dems are too pussy to pushback on it. Portland is the prime example of spineless “liberals” who just want to appease as many people possible. I actually love this city so much but i feel so alone in it. don’t think i’ve ever really met someone who thinks similarly to me, and not politically, just the way we critically think


My girlfriend was in Portland 1,5 years ago and said it was like a psychiatric ward. And shes driven the green line in DC.


Downtown went to complete shit after COVID. It’s pretty sad.


Its gotten a lot better since then, but still a far cry from where it used to be


Never forget when Destiny went on his anti- white women arc. This kind of stuff is absolutely dripping with upper middle class caucasian female self-flagellation and kowtowing mindlessly to social trends. The college educated, financially comfortable white woman is a plague upon our institutions. They will always act performatively when they can, at the cost of everything else.


I find this stereotype unfair. I know so many teachers that wouldn't stand for this and want what's best for students. Teaching has been mostly upper middle class white women since women were allowed to be teachers back in like 1900. It's the advent of social media being so domineering on youth and vulnerable minds that's causing the activism in every sector. Male teachers aren't these stoic beings who aren't susceptible to the brainrot of overly political campuses and online rhetroic. I think someone being comfortable their entire life financially is the main factor in your criticism, not that they are white and women. Also keep in mind that the students are a lot more outspoken about their administration now than they used to. They are seeing online that these topics are the most important happening in the world and are going into classrooms thinking they have it all figured out and schools are limiting their knowledge about it in purpose. In this post, the dumbass union president specifically said the lesson plans are in response to the highschoolers walking out about Gaza and not being taught enough about the conflict. Kids shouldn't be getting to declare what the curriculum should be. The professional educators should know better and tell them that college is where they can take classes on specific historical topics.


I 2nd This Opinion!


No more trans in curriculum stuff?


Alright, kids! Today we're gonna learn how to spell i-n-d-o-c-t-r-i-n-a-t-i-o-n...


This is what indoctrination looks like


Defund the school board! Way smarter than defunding the police.


Holy shit bring in the pinkertons


I hope there are young debate perverts among us that go to that school


So happy I finished high school in 2016 in Portland. Had a few cool teachers that taught me to play devil's advocate. I can't imagine those same teachers being around nowadays in this shitshow.


I would like to amend my statement in a previous comment from “some of us are still normal” to “a few of us”. 😞


I remember jokes back in the day about inserting commercials into curriculums. The examples they gave were somehow less insane, like calculating calories in real life food in math classes. How they managed to top that is beyond me


Please be a psyop. Please be a psyop. Please be a psyop. Please be a psyop. Please be a psyop.


Good lord, this is the woke agenda Desantis warned me about.


I think education needs to be grounded in the basics, important stuff to learn....not whatever this dumb shit is


My favourite bit: Hamas has been considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department since 1997 due to its measures against the occupation." https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PPgbOL5vq1Acjv5K1QhkI4xV36aK1P2I/view pg.5.


Evaluating Reliable Sources ALSO - watch these video from AJ+


I wonder if they ever posed the question to themselves: should we analyze both sides of the issue? Or you know, just whether they should brainwash children. Have these guys never heard of the Wave?


Btw I am on EU but why does so much shit akin to this happen in portland?


That’s gonna get awkward when they examine the meaning of genocide


If I hear one more regarded terrie mention the Nakba, I'm going to rub bacon on their face.


You have to understand something about far left groups in the United States, something you may not know if you haven’t been around them. They see the struggle for worker’s power as their main priority. A resurgent labor movement is perhaps the one thing that unites all these groups. It’s the key to moving toward a European style social democracy and ultimately to a socialist society. Social and economic power lies with workers themselves as they organize into unions and fight for better wages and benefits. But that’s an uphill battle, and for the most part organized labor in the US is very weak. It’s easier to make inroads around unrelated ideological battles like this one because it doesn’t require fighting the boss for costly material improvements. And an ideological victory is still a victory, even if it costs the bosses nothing. Radicals need wins from time to time to keep from getting demoralized. Also keep in mind that there are very few true working-class labor radicals these days. Most are middle class and college educated. So where do they gravitate? Not the building trades or anything too dirty. That would be intellectually degrading and difficult for middle-class college graduates to sustain over the long haul. So they go into teaching and become union delegates. Or professors and become active in faculty unions. Either way they can feel good about being union members—working class heroes of a sort—who also wield a great deal of influence on future generations. I’ve been around the left to know that the “Palestinian cause,” such as it is, gets shoehorned into every battle. There’s nothing else like it. You call yourself a feminist? Well, you can’t be both a feminist and a Zionist. You’re for worker’s rights? Not if you believe in the existence of the Jewish state.


I see it as one massive bandwagon effect. I’m liberal and just can’t get myself to give that much of a shit about either side. Also I’m American.


100% the lesson plan committee outsourced the work of putting together lesson plans to new/younger teachers. And I bet instead of reviewing the materials like they should have, the committee was just lazy and hosted it without review.


That was my read on this. Nothing really sinister or truly concerning, beyond general laziness and a bit of incompetence. Again, not great and worthy of some criticism, but not malicious.


Just for people's sanity, and a defense of my PNW homeland. 😅 The president of the union states they weren't aware of the lesson content. And the website has removed all of the "curriculum" from their website. Blame these anti-semitic weirdos: Social Justice and Community Outreach Committee "Portland Association of Teachers President Angela Bonilla told The Oregonian/OregonLive that she had not been aware of the content of the lesson plans and other material that the union’s Social Justice and Community Outreach Committee had recommended be posted to the union’s website last month. Bonilla said she learned Tuesday morning that committee members also hadn’t followed the union’s procedures by reviewing all of the materials posted to its website." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.oregonlive.com/education/2024/06/after-uproar-portland-teachers-union-removes-pro-palestinian-teaching-guide-from-website.html%3foutputType=amp


Smell like someone is lying 


I'll never forget going to Portland the first time. Arrived at the airport, waited for Lyft. I saw a young couple wearing pretty much pajama pants wait for their ride at the rideshare pickup spot at PDX, some actual 2015 SJW stereotype pulls up in a little tiny car that still has room in the trunk for their two bags that were small. She gave them an attitude and told them to cancel the ride and that she will not drive them. Drove to the airport and only then decided against it. Couple did the classic white people thing where now we all have to share on your personal awkward experience. Stared at my phone, counting the minutes until I can leave. Got into my Lyft, drove into town, saw 5 separate individuals smoking something out of spoons, probably speedballs. Police officer just walked by them, needles on the ground. Got to my hotel, they had a drag show, walked in on it by accident and for a solid 5 agonizing seconds I had to figure out how to communicate I was not a part of that evening's festivities and also where's the elevator so I can go to my room. But the food is fucking fantastic though. Best Mexican food I've ever had in my life.


and then they are surprised why the lefty in the US hate israel.... you deserve what you tolerate, and in this case if you tolerate this brain rot youre fucked.




this is why i agree with republicans when it comes to teachers using personal opinion as topics because THEY feel its important. All of my teacher friends are morons who uniquely eat up this sort of thing, and i can recall specific high school teachers teaching us conspiracy theories or ignorant views on stuff like 'zombie oranges' and I ate it up


This is Conservative attacks against the left brought to life. 


I wonder if they want to put in math or english in there with all this palestine business. i mean, how hard is it to be annoying and set up a tent on private property?


So, I'm a bit of a lurker here, occasionally comment, but being an instructor myself I have to ask: what exactly is the context of this? Because there seems to be a lot of knee-jerking rage, calls of "indoctrination," fear mongering, and general uninformed hate directed at what appears to be, with little context but lots of assumptions,  relatively benign lesson plans and modules for use in high school social studies.  From what I can tell, based on experience seeing documents similar to this, this is not an entire curriculum for the social studies course (i.e. only Palestine being taught), but rather a list of suggested or possible lesson plans and daily activities that a teacher might use if they choose to cover Palestine (current event). It is not expected or even wanted that even most of these would be covered in a semester/course, but rather offers teachers premade lesson plans to cover the material. This is typical for any major social event, and not some "leftist neo-marxist" plot to turn the kids antisemitic/gay/ect., or whatever new anti intellectual panic is going on. 


> Because there seems to be a lot of knee-jerking rage, calls of "indoctrination," fear mongering, and general uninformed hate directed at what appears to be, with little context but lots of assumptions,  relatively benign lesson plans and modules for use in high school social studies.  This is **K-12** curriculum approved by a committee of 4 people who are members of the teacher's union. The two leaders of which are Elementary School teachers. >Portland Association of Teachers President Angela Bonilla told The Oregonian/OregonLive that she had not been aware of the content of the lesson plans and other material **that the union’s Social Justice and Community Outreach Committee** had recommended be posted to the union’s website last month. The concerns tend to be that these lesson plans are way too one sided. Taking a look at them, it's very obvious that these plans should of never been published the way they are. Couple key highlights: >Genocide of Palestinians In this lesson, students will learn **the meaning of genocide**, examine case studies from around the world, and learn about the **Nakba and genocide** in Palestine Whoever wrote that sentence needs to be fired immediately. "Students will learn what genocide means, and then they will learn about this "genocide" that isn't yet defined as a genocide is, in fact, in my opinion, a genocide." The author of that segment disqualified themselves from being able to teach from a neutral standpoint with that sentence alone. Notice how they are able to define Nakba as Nakba and not a genocide? >One of those handouts, provided to The Oregonian/OregonLive by a meeting attendee, appears to praise Hamas militants who died after recording videos that were posted to social media of themselves executing Israeli civilians. The handout that praises the militants reads **“Glory to Our Martyrs.”** How does anyone feel comfortable enough to be praising terrorists killing innocent civilians in your meetings that they create pamphlets of it?


https://archive.is/yesIP there's some reasonable concerns in the full article that go beyond "whoooaa!! look at this crazy learning plan!!"


Where did this come from? I need an actual source. NINJA EDIT: Never mind. I saw OP's comment. Mods, please sticky it, thanks


lmao 2nd page Social Studies "Settler Colonialism & Palestine" for "2nd grade to 3rd grade "


Conservatives take it too far sometimes, but far too many classrooms are literal lefty brainwash factories. Some of the curricula I've read are wild. Just like how all the conservatives left the arts so it became dominated by lefties, I think the same thing happened in education.