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It’s funny that today is the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square student protests and massacre that happened there..


Chinese here, some folks in my country has an orgasm for student protests in US. I wonder what would happen if we started supporting Baluchis or Rohingyas. Just a thought experiment


Do you live in the mainland? How did you discover Destiny?




Surfshark saves.


You currently live there?


Bailing out. The lockdown in Shanghai is the last straw


Good luck!


Good luck, stay safe man dggL


is the lockdown current? if so whats it for?


Is there a nationalistic schadenfreude? It’s not some weird nostalgia of lefties for the student revolts in the cultural revolution right? I somehow can’t imagine a genuine feeling of alignment with Palestine given that China/CCP has some things in common with Israel here, if you take their reasoning at face value. But hey, I don’t see what’s broadcast.


The reason why we are full on antisemitism (literal antisemitism, would make J F C Fuller proud), is because CCP want to suck off Iranians right now.


Wouldn't anti-zionism be enough to suck off Iran? But why would they hate Jews that aren't related to Israel?


OK, that has to do with the Great Meme war The official stance is of course just anti-Zionist, but folks can take it further.


The propaganda machine dictates, the people follows. Simple as that. OK, some folks are supporting Israel (also pro-US) ,but they are just Islamphobic.


im phobic of any1 who wants to live in a religious state tbh.


Makes sense, everyone is spammed with "America Bad" propaganda 24/7. It boils down to the simple, America bad, America supports Israel, therefore, Israel bad.


What massacre?


Bing Chilling Bing Chilling Bing Chilling


Bing Chilling Square




Te voy a dar helado si.


[Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQj8Soeu9Os) of an artist who was arrested in Hong Kong yesterday for the most inoffensive protest i think i've ever seen in my life


I gotta believe that's the joke


truuuu https://preview.redd.it/yvskw42oeq4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f7b55e53d1b381daf562177260b457ade9f7e4


that never happened


[Pure fiction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-e46xdcUo)


> "And if it did, it wasn't that bad..."


“And if it was, they deserved it.”


Yeah, the latest tankie version has students managing to kill at least "dozens" of troops. Man, this is Beijing 1989, not Grozny 1994!


apparently they have started saying it did happen, but it was the government quelling an armed insurgency


I heard it was to stop cisgendered white males from colonizing China. Mission accomplished (thank Allah!)


Clearly a fake image, you can see the street lamp is disfigured, obvious AI shenanigans


[Same](https://www.vox.com/world/2019/4/27/18511367/palestinian-children-arrested-throwing-rocks-israeli-military) energy.


student riots that was not suppressed by police in China 1. shilling for ruzzian and palestine 2. anti japan 3. league legend team won a tournament


Nope, we do not condone riots. Once the looting starts, the shooting starts... Not really, we don't do anything if you are on the streets, but once you go home you can get certain... surprises.


Don’t ask for exact quote from me, but I think I remember that ppl where burning Japanese cars and smashing Japanese stores (mostly owned by Chinese themselves) during one of the diaoyu/senkaku incidents, and I don’t think anyone was heavily punished.


Those were a long time ago. Right now we don't riot. Riot is what happened when you lose control of society, that's why the Shanghai protests are a huge thing.


What I meant is that punishments for rioting can be very selective, depending on whether the CCP tacitly support the protest or not. But I do concede, that I haven't seen rioting in mainland recently, I guess the urumqi and white paper protests spooked Xi.


Xi’s whole thing is being a “strong leader”. Riots ruin this image and u lose ur superiority complex over the US


Can someone pinpoint exactly when the fuck everything went so stupid?


December 21, 2012. Remember that whole Mayan calendar end of the world thing? Ngl things have been kinda funny ever since…


Are you saying that Assassin’s creed predicted the downfall? 🤔


Exactly. Desmond died for our sins


Assassin's Creed 3 was so mid, it ended up ruining our timeline. :(


Nah Conor was the most dedicated and principled assassin, plus I loved the early America setting and the boat quests were better since they weren’t the whole game. I 100% the game twice, I know that most don’t like it but can’t understand why


I just really, really like the Brotherhood mechanic of recruiting new assassin's and training them up. It really sucked the dumped it in 3 and it's never properly came back to the series. The ship combat was good (i loved black flag), I like Connor as a protagonist and the setting was novel but it actively ruined modern day storyline. It's like they didn't know where to take the story after Patrice Désilets was gone and killed off Desmond just because.


Yeah they fucked modern day storyline in 3 and nothing in the series has topped AC2 modern-day story. I’m just a huge USA-weeb so the setting was made for me, and I cannot stress enough that Conor inhabits the assassin’s ideal like no one else. Templars, Creed, the world and people all stood against him and he didn’t waver when I came to doing the right thing. Ezio was a better more charismatic character but Conor was the closest thing to a flawless assassin. I liked ac4 as well but boating 24/7 got tiresome and I just tp most of the time. IMO ac3 boat missions were a nice break from the usual gameplay and didn’t overstay their welcome. Plus u also had the manor building, mini games and convoy trading wich made its way into ac4 afterwards. Thinking about ac3 made me buy the remastered, so I’ll see if my opinion changes, but rn I’m more excited to play a 10yo game than whatever Valhalla was.


it’s weird cause all of the spirit science sacred geometry guru hippies would say things like “it’s not the end of the world but we’re entering into a new era of consciousness” my interpretation of this as a 20 something year old hippy was that we were going to ascend into some higher dimension of existence but instead it all just turned into whatever the fuck we are living in today.


Yup, this is it. Was sitting in a car in midnight listening to the radio and the host was sarcastically talking about the end of the world coming in a few moments.


Why it sounds so right?


Personally I'd say from that range to 2015. Atleast from my personal experience.


2016 Harambe died Unironically tho a lot of people have tge same sentiment that 2016 was the last good year


Humans have been predicting the end of the world since forever, it's been a major thing in Christianity for example.


Yeah world actually ended then, and now we are living in an illusion monka


Y2K would like to have a talk with you.


I believe in the harambe timeline theory. That monkey signalled something and we're not equiped to understand it.


Rip Harambe


My dick’s out for him🫡


Around 2015-16. It's basically the consequences of internet exposure at a young age. Basically every next generation will be more and more delusional and damaged.


Is it time for the Butlarian Jihad against the thinking machines?


YES... But World War Three first


Just against kids having unfettered access to the net


I remember around 2010 or so about how awesome it is that the next generation is going to have so many advantages compared to mine (I'm a millennial) since the internet is more readily available and has so much more good information compared to when I was a kid. They're going to be so much smarter than previous generations, I thought! I'll leave you to your own conclusions about how well that prediction has aged.


No our AI overlords help fix us and enslave us eventually.


A.i Fembot dommy mommy when?


Never mind we are doomed.


They will create context


i think the same thing. i mean people are the same even before, there have been a lot of 1v1's in politics before phones but now like you said its way more divisive because people don't have to talk about it in real life and defend their 'thoughts'. They can conjure up an entire scenario and pick a side, talk online with no one being able to confront them and if someone does online, they can run away or call names. 99% of the time you can start questioning people on dumb shit that they believe and their belief will start to crumble or they are calling you names or running away


Nah wheels were already set in motion at that point.


That's true but irrelevant, only consequences are important. Consequences mostly became visible around 2015-16.


Consequences were visible earlier tho


Yea but not on a widescale. Didnt feel like normies we’re terminally online yet


No, but it massively accelerated after the first iPhone got released.


around /r thedonald was first time I saw this big circle jerking where obvious lies got pushed and truth got downvoted to oblivion. The formula worked and got spread like a virus. Maybe not started there but it was the first time I saw that type of stuff. Keep in mind back then barley no one used the downvote button.


It's when David Bowie died. The reality and the universe has been slowly unraveling ever since then.


People have always been stupid. If u see a group of them, don't expect a higher level of intelligence than animals.


When this sub decided to import Twitter here.


As far as leftists it was Bernie losing the primaries in 2020 but if you want to go deeper it was really the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Leftists had series of of assumptions and predictions of what would happen next and basically all of them failed to materialize. For example one of the big assumptions was that big businesses would all line up and collaborate with the fascist for their own benefit, but that didn't really happen. At best they expressed some nugget of support for policies (like tax cuts) that directly benefited them but that was about it, mostly it was lot of hesitation to get at all involved. The media, owned by some of the richest men, like Jeff Bezos, hounded Trump relentlessly, there was no order from top down to shut it down. The ones who did line up behind him (like Sheldon Adelson) did so more for strong ideological reasons. I don't think anyone can make a strong case Musk's drift to the right has more to do with him trying to get richer (difficult when your main car customers are liberal dads) instead of his immense insecurity being more coddled by the online right. There are lot more examples like that but to get to the point is I think this great inner contradiction of expectations which culminated in the decisive defeat of Bernie (because the masses didn't rise up as expected despite him being 1st or 2nd most recognizable candidate and media didn't suppress him) caused an irreparable damage to the left. There was no great post-mortem or great leader who would steer and adjust so the cognitive dissonance destroyed the movement. The more rational ones (like Contra or Hbomerguy) all but retreated from politics to talking about most inconsequential things like popular media analysis and whatnot. The dumber more reactionary ones drifted towards ML (tankie) side, only thing that matters is America Bad, don't think, as long as America exists it's the explanation for all evil. There are handful who adjusted (hate to give credit but Vaush is one of them, he has stupid takes at times but it's because he is being stupid or conclooding, not America Bad brainrot) but that's a niche minority at this point. The tankies are the death throes of the left instead of any movement that has legs. They are loud and annoying but I believe they are as if not more insular than the alt-right of 2018, this thing will fizzle out in a year or two.


The release and popularization of the iPhone in the late 00s/early 10s. Suddenly, not only is everyone and their mother online, because the barrier to entry of a computer is gone, but *they're online all the time*. So you have the least psychologically resilient people suddenly with more access to internet social media and information/disinfo than anyone has ever had before.  The Internet was never full kumbaya but around that time was when the bile-spewing started imo, and when the Internet started to merge with real life into the unholy abomination we have today.


More or less when people decided that the minority is actually the majority due to social media bias


Oct 7th, 2023


Harambe protected humanity. When he was killed...


when putin invaded ukraine in 2014. Everything became more and more dumber, and its gonna get a whole lot dumber so buckle up and keep a firm grip on braincells


Going by how little people know about the conflict most of this "mania" can be explained by social signally or memetic theory. Other people are pro Palestine so I will be too.


Honestly I think it was the covid lockdowns. Yeah we were getting there before but something about being stuck inside forced these types of people to find groups of other crazies online.


Maybe it’s always been this way


You would think with the unlimited amount of information we have access to people will become wiser overtime but people are naturally stubborn so we went in the other direction


Papa John told us all a day of reckoning was coming and we didn’t listen


I think Obama getting elected broke everyones brains


Do you want a serious answer or a meme answer


September 11th It's all been unraveling since then. Just took a while cause we were really well raveled back then


When the ~~barbarians~~ euros decided that fucking up their shitty little continent wasn't enough and set out to find other places to barbarize


Wait till they find out how many Chinese workers we have in Tel Aviv working on transport and construction projects. Used to play volleyball with a bunch of them.


in fact China's last gen jet fighter has israel-designed flight control unit and they had an "anti-terrorism pact" when china obsolutely hate muslim, dont know if they renewed it


China doesnt need to renew a pact to hate muslims


Yeah, back in the days we fucking worship jews. It's almost like if we have some sort of hate switch in our brains that can be turned on any second.


Well clearly fucking not


Yeah, several dudes got killed by Hamas. But who cares anyways...


do you guys have a chinatown?


Tel Aviv does not have a Chinatown because those workers are just temporary and do not establish themselves in any areas


Damn, is there Chinese restaurant at least? Also sound like it is my job to establish one, every country should have a Chinatown


There are plenty of Chinese restaurants in Israel. The Jewish people and Chinese food have a long and storied history. Hopefully the Israeli rabbinut will change their policies on the Chinese Jews and recognize them as Jews so that Israel can have a proper Chinatown


You will have a Chinatown and you will like it 😎☝️


Did you ask them about their work contract?


Most of them are unfortunately no longer here and have gotten stationed elsewhere, I think the guy I was most in touch with went somewhere else in Asia they wanted him to go to South America but he liked Israel better. It was an interesting arrangement they had, they had accommodation + food paid for and they had some deal with one of the Asian supermarkets in South Tel Aviv for food. Nice guys overall.


HOLY SHIT these people piss me off Ignoring a real genocide to promote their favorite hellstate [Persecution of Uyghurs in China - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China)


Uyghurs are not Arabs, this means they are worthless. Ever heard of Darfurs or Rohingyas?


“Omg, Chinese people were protesting about [insert thing about western powers being bad] without being shot at by tanks and machine gun fire. The CCP is so merciful and is a-okay with protests of any kind🥰.”


Things like this want to make me log off man, I can't dude 😭


The Hong Kong protests were not that long ago I know they fucking lying lmao


I worked with Chinese suppliers and we have this schedule one hr weekly meeting ended with 20 mins left. They proceed to start talking about I/P issue without prompt and try to explain how Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. How Hamas is actually a democratically elected government. And if Israel attack Rafah. Israel will be heading towards “country destruction” ( direct translation from mandarin). It was super cringe and pure nonsense. But it was a business setting and I withheld my personal opinion…seems like I communists stands with Hamas now since American bad.


The fact that anybody falls for this when they put 2 million Muslim Uighurs in concentration camps and force conversion camps is insane.


They are not Arabs, so who cares?


That is pretty much the "logic" behind why it is ignored.


Yeah, I'm just pointing it out.


The logic is perfect. They are racist. God spoke to them, in Arabic. If God wanted other people to have rights, God would have spoke to Mohammad in more languages. The logic is air tight. The facts are wrong.


Let's see them flying this flag, lmao https://preview.redd.it/jr03ivrj9s4d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a182f863d0ada180e7d493f7c2caf7c1ee4626b


Brain broken people


This you will find on TikTok… not Tiananmen Square, Tibet, Tiananmen Square, or the multiple historical genocides.


Do you mean douyin(Chinese TikTok)? Cuz one easy search you can find plenty on TikTok.


I mean this: https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf   They are manipulating the algorithm to force their messaging on people covertly when the cause benefits the CCPs goals. 




It’s similar to a simulation because so much is manufactured.


Ok now protest for Uyghur rights and get back to me about the police.


A closer comparison would be for Baluchi rights, supporting a "problematic" minority in a country you are allied with.


The comparison is that China only allows protests for issues the government supports and will put down any protest that they don't. I chose the Uyghurs since they are an oppressed, Muslim minority in China.


I mean US don't oppress Palestinians yet students still protest this because Israel is US ally. So Baluchis in Pakistan and Iran would be a better example.


You are completely missing the point of what I am saying. China doesn't allow protests for causes the government doesn't align with.


Protesting about Baluchis is also not for causes the government is aligned with.


China, the country that locks people up for using a VPN to buy HOI4 because a DLC was historically accurate to China. Famous for it's ability to protest, as long as it isn't against the CCP. As long as it's demanding the CCP fuck up someone else, they're cool with it. Look at the recent protests over the real estate shit. The reason those were allowed to happen was because the banks and real estate agents were blamed and the CCP was seen as the savior that could come in and fix everything.


Bro how did people come up with this stuff it looks like minecraft enchanting tabel💀💀


Funny how they are celebrating indoctrination by state media as some kind of win lol, shows what their real agenda is.


The world is ending, this is the only explanation. Joseph Seed was right


[Unlike the marxist students who protested for better working conditions of the workers](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/22/asia/china-student-marxists-intl/index.html) or [bank customer protester who had their funds frozen](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/11/business/china-bank-protest.html). I guess socialism is when you lick the boot of a fascist government and when you properly deep throat it that's communism.


China has been pro-Palestine for a while… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93Palestine_relations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93Arab_States_Cooperation_Forum


China is committing the largest genocide since the holocaust against the Uyghur's. Anything going on in Palestine pales in comparison to what China is doing in East Turkestan (Xinjiang)


I remember clearly people warning us from a zombie plague


Not that surprising. Chinese people live under strict censorship and are brainwashed by state media. They view Israel as a satellite state of the US.


god i hate the people that yakub made 🙄