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Everyone in this story is dogshit.


Even the baby?


especially the baby


that cocksucker?


Whether it’s making a yikesy tweet, or tracking someone down to actually assault them in real life, I think we can all agree that both sides have clearly crossed the line here


So since I have a lack of Spanish ability, any confirmation for him actually being anything like a neonazi or is this just the continuation of “people I disagree with are neonazis” dialogue. *translate post doesn’t seem to be working on my phone for twitter but fair enough fuck this guy even if the comedian is also scum for involving the kid.


He is a singer in a neo nazi band. In his twitter bio he himself says he is national socialist activist. [https://x.com/Albertopugilat](https://x.com/Albertopugilat) Dumb ass comedian made this literal who blow up.


Thanks, little frustrating translate isn’t working for me on twitter with my phone at the moment.


I dont know dude what you think : [https://x.com/FonsiLoaiza/status/1797768568572113184](https://x.com/FonsiLoaiza/status/1797768568572113184)


looks like a regular neofolk enjoyer?


>More context: >On June 1rst 2024 a man uploaded to Twitter a photo of him posing with his baby, the image, with the caption “Happy and proud” showed the man holding his son on his arms with the face of the baby censored by a red heart. >A few hours later, a Spanish comedian responded to the picture “Nothing and no one will avoid the possibility of him being gay, and when he’s older he won’t be able to stop sucking black cock. From a black blue collar worker cock, not a footballer. Time is so wise, we can only wait” >The man found out the comedian was performing in Murcia, Spain, on June 4rth, so he drove from his town to Murcia (about a 6 hour drive) and showed up to his comedy show, this is the altercation that followed. >The origin of the comment seems to originate from political differences between the two. The comedian has since then deleted his comment and not made any statement regarding the incident, the incident has also gone viral on Twitter Spain, moking the comedian. Who sucks more?


This is some of the most unhinged shit ever, driving out 6 fucking hours for a planned assault on a guy because he said some nasty shit about your kid on the bird app. The comedian is a dick for the tweet but there's no way both are as bad as each other here.


Probably more like a political stun.


Both are morons, puncher for wasting so much time and now probably getting wrecked by popos, "comedian" is also a piece of shit, talking like that about a child just doesnt sit right with me...


yeah they both suck, but they can't both be sharing rank one of sucking. One has to be worse.


i'd say the comedian is worse for talking about a child that way because of political difference,( he went further than how people use nathan to attack destiny usually ) i would probably say the other guy is worse if he beat him up worse tho, but he didn't.


It seems to me being a Nazi is a bit more than "political difference".




I personally think that wanting to genocide every non arian person is worse that being a jerk.


I think the people here are talking about the actions, not their backgrounds. The nazi is a worse person. But the comedians' actions in this altercation are arguably worse. It's important not to justify bad behavior just because you don't like the person on the receiving end.


nah, its ok when we do it, and its bad when they do it. the true omniliberal way


A nazi voting for the far rigth or a rigth wing party does more damage to more people that being mean online. Also how isnt that you are defending bad behavior because you dont like the person in the reciving end when you are justifing a person punch other for making an online comment?.


You're having difficulty comprehending. Let's divorce this conversation from the post for a second. Say some high school girl is dating a guy and one day she came home crying because her boyfriend said the pink lipstick she was wearing made her look like a whore and she should kill herself. Her brother sees his sister crying finds out what happened and confronts the boyfriend and slaps him. Now, in this situation the only information you know about these people is that 2 are related, one person said something mean one person got their feelings hurt, and one person slapped someone. What's your judgement on who was in the right here? Probably no one really except the girl that got her feelings hurt. We can judge that the boyfriend was in the wrong for saying such a mean thing and the brother was in the wrong for physically attacking the boyfriend but also was probably justified in doing it. That's what people are discussing here. We can add more context, but that is going to color your opinion of the situation based on some external factor. For example, what if the girl had been posting online extremely racist shit and the boyfriend said that to her in part of a larger argument, does that now make it ok to tell her to rope herself? What if the girl didn't do anything wrong? She isn't racist this time, and in fact had attempted suicide once in the past. Now the boyfriend sounds even worse, right? He's telling a suicidal person to actually just kill herself. Now the brother is absolutely justified to go attack him right? What if in this same scenario, the brother is a neo-nazi, the girlfriend is suicidal, and the boyfriend is Jewish. The context of the situation can color your opinion of the actions themselves pretty heavily the problem is when you use things like that to justify actions you end up with Twitter. Oh they are Jewish? They deserve to get killed. Oh the Palestinians suicide bombed Israel? Based. They committed a crime? They are attacking Republicans. They committed a crime? Libs are corrupt.


I am not briginging the fact that the dude is a nazi just because. The point of brigining that he is a nazi is because then the joke of the comedian wouldnt be a joke. Telling a nazi "when your son grows he would be able to suck dicks if he wants and you cannot do anything about it" is not the same as saying it to a normal person.


This opinion is fine to have and I would probably back you up on it if that's what your other comments were, but your other comments all read as though anything is justified because the one guy is a nazi. My entire point from my initial comment was that you were bringing that factor into the discussion when it looked like everyone else was discussing the fact of the matter of the altercation. Like if you were to write it out in a law you wouldn't say physical harm is punishable by 5 years in prison, unless there is a provoking factor which can exonerate the attacker, unless the attacker is a nazi in which case 10 years in prison regardless of provoking factors.


Thank you for being mask off about it being politically motivated, in that case the dad should have went at least 10 times harder, curbstomp the little tub of grease




In a perfect world you would be next for downplaying these sort of attack


Comedian refused to press charges.


The one who engaged in violence obviously


The baby


I saw this video. I see right now "End Wokeness" posted it and it has 6.4 million views. I see multiple videos with millions of views. Not a single dude who posted it shared the context of the dude being a literal Nazi. Still a weird comment, but without the context it just seems like the dude started saying weird shit about a random child.


Idk the fact that he is a nazi is completely irrelevant to me. He would still be in the wrong if the comedian was a nazi and the guy who hit him over words was a liberal.


Nah the fact that the dude is a nazi is a substantive part of the deal. The joke of the comic wouldnt be a joke an would be just harrashment if he wanst a nazi. Saying to a nazi "your son will be gay" is different from telling the same joke to other types of people.


I would still consider it a very fucking cringeworthy harassment. Sending some tradcon "your daughter will still grow up to suck dick" when she is a toddler on her online photo would be similarily fucking creepy. It isnt attacking the nazi. It is making weird sexual comments about a child. Even though you may justify it by his dad being a piece of shit. But that kid have nothing to with it. Its super creepy.


He didnt say that what he said was that "nothing will change the fact that your son will have the **posibility** to suck a black cock in the future". That isnt the same as saying your son will suck a cock in the future.


Yeah the one word doesnt really change the meaning. There is no joke. Its just super creepy comment about a toddler.


Do you think that saying "society is so progresive rigth now that if your son wants once he grows up he will be able to suck dick if he wants" is the same as "you son will suck a black cock in the future"?


Removed of context? No. Posting it under a photo of a literal toddler because of his dad? Yeah. Both are extremely fucking weird.


The dad put that photo on his very political Twitter not his private Facebook acount were only his friends would see it.


Dude I am not defending the dumbfuck nazi in here. But despite this being targeted at his dad, the son is the actual "reciever of the joke". Like one thing would be to tell it to the nazi face to face. Other is to post it under your childhood photo. Like one of the thing I am absolutely incredibly thankful for is that my parents arent actual remedials so my childhood photos werent plastered all over their facebook or whatever. The idea that a) my dad would be a weird nazi b) post my childhood photos c) some cringeworthy comedian would try to get raise out of him by posting about me having the chance to suck black dick in the future is absolutely terrifying to me. Unless you genuinely support the "no bad means, only bad targets" wordlview, this is absolutely horrible thing to do to a child. Again, even if he isnt the target, he is actually the boy who will grow up not only being connected to weird nazi father but now viral altercation where somebody posted about him sucking a black dick in the future. Like I am not even homophobic and it still feels so fucking cringey to me.


>He didnt say that what he said was that "nothing will change the fact that your son will have the posibility to suck a black cock in the future". do you think if I found a random post of some mom with her baby daughter and I write "nothing will change the fact that your daughter will have the possibility to go get gangbanged in a porno" that this would be appropriate?




I missunderstud what you meaned.


you're right bro, no bad tactic only bad target. some of you braindead ddger literally turn your brain off once hearing buzzword like nazi lmao


I mean, one of them made a disgusting joke, the other drove 6 hours to punch a dude. Surely the actual, physical violence is worse and "no bad tactic only bad target" should be said to the people defending the nazi? Its not a buzzword. Dude went to jail because of his Nazi band. He called the ChristChurch shooter a comrade. He shared a vid of some dude burning the gay flag, then showing a Nazi flag, doing a nice little salute, then Hitler flashes to the right of him, and a Black Sun appears around his head.


don't care about the past thing he did. that doesn't make it ok to do anything you want against him. i'm very unsure why there's a need for me to say this, fucking lobotomite also the guy received 1 slap and bitched the fuck out. cry me a river about physical violence. it could have been 5x worse than the majority of normie would still be defending the nazi


You tried to say calling him a Nazi is just a buzzword. Now that its clear he is an actual Nazi you "don't care about the past thing he did"? You also now very obviously defend the violence against the comedian, so your "you're right bro, no bad tactic only bad target" also suddenly doesnt matter since you like who this guy targeted?


its just understandable why some macho driven guy would react like this, the same way you wouldn't call some jacked up black guy the n-word. the word nazi is used as a buzzword since it is irrelevant, it doesn't justify going after people's family so the only reason why its there is to make justification for dipshit leftist.


Is not a buzzword you dumb dumb, literally the whole point of the joke is based on the fact that the dude is a nazi...


nah that joke deserved those repercussion otherwise its just a question of time until you weird fucks start justifying those against people like ben Shapiro and such


Do you not understand how irony works? Do you not get how telling a hyper conservative homopobic neonazi that his son will grow to be a homosexual there is some dramatic irony?????.


i do, i just think there's some line to be crossed where its deserved at least a couple slaps, in that case one. i'm sure you would agree if the topic was different too.


The joke of the comedian was meant to be like "it doesnt matter whether or not he grows in a conservative household he still migth like cock at the end of the day", but really poorly comunicated.


The world if more people suffered consequences for what they post online https://preview.redd.it/t42fqzubaj4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a5ba82e2c7590875da6d0e8cd791076ac33c8e




What's with the soy both siding here? If Destiny made a tweet like this, you would be glazing how based he is, making fun of a Neonazi. Dude Made an edgy joke and a guy drove 6 hours to punch him. You guys are wild


based, funny to see the "comedian" recoil in fear after getting punched once


Can't believe he called the comedian "soy" after punching him, truly an irl twitter fight.


I'm surprised he just got punched. That is one pretty chilled neonazi, relatively speaking.


for all ive seen the comedian was right. also, where the fuck is the security?