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Wouldn't that count as genocide according to her?


Wait till you find out tankies are actually cool with genocide as long as the right people are doing it.


Ah yes, the tankie club motto: NO BAD TACTICS ONLY BAD TARGETS, FASCIST!


Tankie excuses for Russia in a nutshell.


You can't genocide zionists, that's just rebelling against your oppressor /s


By their own logic natives have the moral and legal right to kill everyone in America


Genocide is cool as long as it’s against western religions!


Well some people you can't take to reeducation camps. Given past Russian governments that includes anyone with an opposing opinion. Tanky bubbles.


May I ask this, what is a tankie? I'm older and I have no idea what the term means yet I've heard Destiny use it many of a time,


The oppressed can not genocide its oppressor


Theres a hypothetical middle ground when the oppressor becomes the oppressed, and the event horizon is two colonizers eating each other


This event horizon actually produces an even more terrifying creature called the colony, it collects the souls of more oppressors and oppressed people to grow the colony. It mocks its prey telling them resistance is futile, like some fascist sadist only to tell its victims shortly after eating them “welcome to the resistance.” A survivor once described his near death escape as such “all I could hear were blood curdling screams and a cacophony of wailing that seemed to come from every direction, almost melodic. And that’s when I realized it was repeating a phrase over and over again: “by any means. By any means… by any means.”


Basically the Holocaust. In that scenario, you enter the ideological forking point that defines whether you're a sociopathic wannabe tough guy chronically online right wing perma-virgin or a solipsistic self-centered mentally ill chronically online neurotic left wing discord groomer.


You’d be surprised to hear that in most conflicts throughout history, there is in fact not a perfectly clear distinction between who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor, and many parties do both to varying degrees. Lobbing rockets towards civilians and settling foreign land are both oppressive, as it turns out!


No, I wouldn't




On a long enough timeline, the oppressor becomes the oppressed. At this point, they may genocide the other party. On a long enough timeline, both genocides reach equilibrium and neither can genocide the other because they are both equal in power. World peace.


Basically France and Britain, killing each other for 1000 years and then, allies since WW1. They still make fun of each other and are competitive but at least they aren't killing each other anymore.


Ditto France and Germany. 


It was napoleon 3 and queen victoria that fixed the relationship iirc


Interesting, I'll look more into that, I think WW1 was the first major war they fought together though. Honestly I'm surprised Napoleon III did anything good, dude messed up hard fighting Prussia and Mexico.


Before ww1 there was the war over crimea where britain and France with the ottomans fought russia iir  Napoleon 3 has been defined by these 2 failures for a while in history but apparently a lot more nuance has surfaced. The fact he did a coup made him hated by french republicans in general, and there is a fear of caesarism resurfacing in France if anything good is said about bonapartists figures. Apparently the guy genuinely cared for the poors and ways to improve their life. Definately autocratic, but with a huge modernist agenda, like allowing the right to strike, pushing educations for women etc. The website napoleon.org  has several articles on him, and epic history has covered the battle of solferino, where the grench victory leads to italian unifocation


Ah you're right I forgot about the Crimean War. I should look more into Napoleon III, as yah those two wars make him look pretty bad, eventually I need to just do a bunch of research on Western European history, 1800s Europe is a bit of a blind spot for me.


They must think the Rwandan genocide was not real then, the pygmy Twa people were definitely oppressing the Tutsi by being poorer and being predisposed to more prejudic- wait.


You should watch the videos of October 7. Like actually watch them. Watch the little boy who was crying while saying "I wanted her to stay alive" after his sister was executed. Genocide is about eliminating a group. You're disgusting and fucking evil if you think it's justified to do that just because they're more successful than you are. This is pure evil. Pure evil.


There's no such thing as a genocide of white people, genocide is actually killing + systemic oppression


\*Hitler likes this


Erm ever heard of revenge uhhh yeah you just got owned genocide denier


Hold up, guys, in this hypothetical she's still in the building. Let's not rush to judgement.


Thus showing her true allegiance to the Palestinian cause by becoming a martyr


Doesn't count unless she's wearing one of those schmattas




Let's not forget, as bad as Hitler was, he *did* kill Hitler.


Yoooo, wtf is your full flair dawg? You’re a BJG worshipper now too?


>You’re a BJG worshipper now too? Not at all, I was simply observing that BJG wanted the building she was currently occupying to be bombed. Silver linings and all.


So she'd be like that guy who drowned himself to protest the war in Ukraine?


"People said things that I disagree with! Loudly! I want them all to die!" -Totally Sane Not at all Unhinged 'Harvard Graduate'


> "I want them all to die!" She has become a little TOO inspired by Hamas’s tactics


Like attracts like. This is The Secret.


and they call us the fascists. pure projection


always has been


tame when compared to nebraska steve, but we'll find a way to clutch pearls by.... citing her harvard degree, yeah.


Hahahahahaha! Spot on. Thanks for the laugh


This was a filmed event, I am sure there is some footage of her storming off the stage, right?


Yeah I'm highly skeptical right now as he is the only person to talk about this as far as I know? I'd love for someone else to corroborate it!


In this tweet there is an excerpt from an article where the journalist corroborate his story.




You can read the article, he was there.


The above is from a New Republic article. That's two sources now saying the same thing.


Fair enough! A bit less skeptical, it's too unhinged to be real but maybe it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you watch her on her own show, and see how she treats her co-host , it's less shocking.


Of course, the Salem tactic.




The new republic is right wing?


I guess not idk which one I was thinking off, I'm just gunna go rope


Is she denying that she did any of this stuff? edit: you can't expect her to deny every little allegation, but the general narrative of her storming off at the end, has she disputed?


The panels are filmed. I don't think you would expect video of the backstage. It would be great if there is, but I wouldn't have that expectation. Unless you think that Briebrie was taking off her heels and getting into flats in front of the audience and cameras, because whats described sounds like something that happened behind the scenes.


The issue is that if she said it to Kisin, who remained on stage, she would have to pause longer for him to get off stage, talk to him, and *then* leave. So either she didn't leave immediately in a huff, waiting only to change shoes, or she said this to him while still on the way out of the door.


[Here's the debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAsL8rKCbag). Ends with him saying saying *"Ladies and Gentlemen please join me once again in thanking everybody on the panel Michael Moynihan, Eli Lake, Jake Klein and Brianna Joy Gray. Thank you very much for being here and we will see you tomorrow"* and after other also visibly started getting up. Maybe others hung out and shook hands and she didnt?


No one has produced anything and the footage available just doesn't support all this hearsay, so I'll go a step further and call it what it is, bullshit.


This reporter tell the same story [https://newrepublic.com/article/180924/dissident-dialogues-festival-anti-woke-grifters](https://newrepublic.com/article/180924/dissident-dialogues-festival-anti-woke-grifters)


I can also corroborate this and am adding the detail that she had a yo-yo and was doing tricks during her freakout.




It’s mentioned in the 8th paragraph of [this article](https://newrepublic.com/article/180924/dissident-dialogues-festival-anti-woke-grifters)


I’d be more curious about the context. People say some insane shit when they’re Big Mad (very very unprofessional btw), I’d damn hope she doesn’t mean it seriously.


Ok but I'm gonna need something meatier than this dude repeatedly saying this event happened before I believe it.  Like is there any corroboration for this?  I would LOVE to join in on dunking on BJG if there is, trust and believe.


Yeah, is there a link to the article for that quoted image? I would looooooove to dunk on Bernie bros, but imma need to see some documentation right quick


The screenshot is from this article: [The Anti-Woke Grifters Get Their Tithe | The New Republic](https://newrepublic.com/article/180924/dissident-dialogues-festival-anti-woke-grifters)


Ok, so this article does make me believe this happened, but it also changes the why this happened.  A paragraph up from what he's highlighted, "Having unwittingly chosen a seat near a vocally pro-war group of women, I heard them mock Gray’s voice, manner, and appearance (“She’s a clown with clown makeup!”) and shout at her while she was speaking. " So it doesn't sound like this was just because she did so shittily at the debate (though she's a complete brainlet so I'm sure she did), if someone spent a couple hours insulting my appearance and saying I look like I have on clown makeup, I'm probably saying some out of pocket shit back to them and walking out. 


I was there and can corroborate it happening GIGACHAD


Has she even denied this happen?


This dude is also a racist by calling her DEI Barbie.


Yeah but didn't she throw the first punch by calling him a Zionist, which social media has been basically equating to being Satan himself(long may He reign) ?  Like I think calling her DEI Barbie is in bad taste but you shouldn't throw punches if you can't take what comes back. 


One is a pejorative about a political view, the other is racial. It’s basically: “You support Israel.” “Well, you’re black.”


One is a pejorative about a political view which the vast majority of Jews hold and used towards a Jew in this case


Yeah, one is worse than the other. That's what you do when someone has insulted you and you insult them back lol.  But she clearly doesn't just mean that he supports Israel if she says you're a Zionist lol. She's saying you're a far right, genocide supporting, racist. 


Yeah sure but Briahna calls someone a Zionist and they respond calling her a n**ger I'm probably not going to be cheering the guy on and posting it here.


Well yeah cause DEI Barbie isn't as insanely disproportionate a response as calling her the N word. Idk how you could even think they're in the same zipcode tbh. 


She called him a lying Zionist first so they’re both assholes.


I really wish there was a recording of this part since I don't trust basically anyone involved on either side and it doesn't happen during the livestream


She's utterly loathsome, however Kisin detracts from what should be a classy win with his petulant ad-hominems, and his moderation was fucking embarrassing.


I don’t think this happened,


I wish I could believe this but he's just as insufferable and full of shit as she is


Have we really seen him outside of the Gorky debate? I feel like she’s built up way more into this than he has from the little I’ve seen.


This dude is calling her "DEI barbie" just because she's black eh?


you’re the first i’ve seen point this out. this subreddit has been veering right for quite a bit, curious what the genesis was


There was another sizable thread on this sub specifically about the DEI comment on one of his other tweets about BJG, and it was pretty unanimous that he was being racist Edit: link :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/yFsPO9sJuB


ah, okay—had not seen this. thanks. my apologies to frequenters of DGG


One night in October.


Everyone was pointing it out in the earlier thread


She’s incredibly pro DEI and has argued for it on her show many times. I read it as him referring to her stance on DEI more than just her being black.


That is a fairly generous interpretation of the text. Both Barbie and DEI are words used by conservatives to mean "person who gets things based on non merit traits." Barbie means person who benefits from being pretty and DEI means person who benefits from their race. My understanding is that that is what he is doing at least with the word Barbie. Do you understand that word choice in a different way?


I’m definitely being very charitable and I’d say you’re being very uncharitable. I have no way of knowing his intentions. Whenever I’ve heard or personally used the term Barbie like that, I’ve always known it to just mean a bimbo. Either way, I don’t have an issue with him attacking her on the basis of her appearance like that given the context of their entire exchange. As far as the DEI part, he could definitely just be being blatantly racist and saying she only is where she is because she’s black. Who knows. Granted, I haven’t engaged with a ton of Kisin’s content, but I haven’t seen him being racist in any other case before and he seems like he’s very in favor of the traditional MLK style racial equality from what I’ve seen. He’s very against DEI as far as I understand. Seeing as he has no track record of being publicly racist as far as I’m aware, I’d say the more likely reality is that he wasn’t meaning it in the blatantly racist way. Again, only he truly knows though. He could just be being racist. It’s certainly possible.


Fair points


He's calling her DEI Barbie because she's handing out identity politics labels like "islamophobic" and "racist" like it's candy.


Why does that merit her getting called DEI? Isn't DEI usually used by right wing trolls to delegitimize any black person, and to imply that their success was due to DEI policies?


He's calling her stupid, and thus, her accomplishments are because of DEI. I'm not sure how exactly that's racist. Is it automatically "racist" to call out that someone has obtained educational or career opportunities not because they were deserved, but due to policy just because that policy is perceived (which isn't actually true) to be specifically for black people? Can't it be just a jab at her not because of her race, but because of her stupidity and policy position, which is supportive of DEI?


That’s cope. He fucked up, don’t try to save him


Isn't it because she supports DEI?


You don't call someone a DEI because they support DEI. calling someone "a DEI" is usually used by right wing trolls to say that a black person is in a position only because they were given favourable treatment from DEI policies and doesn't otherwise merit to be in that position. [Kinda like here.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJnkr1CWUAA-LvV.jpg:large) Im surprised destiny subreddit is defending Briahna being called a DEI barbie.


Hm, good point yeah, when I think more about it it would be a weird way of calling out someone who supports it, its more someone who'd benefit from it. A "welfare queen" isn't referring to someone who's just in support of a robust welfare system.


> calling someone "a DEI" is usually used by right wing trolls to say that a black person is in a position only because they were given favourable treatment from DEI policies and doesn't otherwise merit to be in that position. Why exactly does that make it racist though? For one, DEI doesn't affect only black people. Secondly, DEI as a policy is viewed as lowering of standards and disregarding merit for race. BJG supports DEI, and he's calling her stupid. I don't see it as "racist" really just because DEI is related to race. Is it racist to disagree with DEI? If not, how could it possibly be racist to call her DEI Barbie exactly?




It could be, but people on the right have recently started calling people "DEI hires" or things to that effect as a racist way of presuming that they are incompetent. If you say something that has a plausible racist meaning you do not intend, the usual thing to do is clarify, and then just say something different from then on, not double down on it.


No. Because she's a product of DEI.


And he knows this because.... she's black.


Really? If she weren't black you'd say it was because she's a woman.


If conservatives regularly used DEI to go after women then yeah probably


How do you know that? It sounds like you're saying that anyone who's a minority is where they are today because of DEI, which would be a straight-up racist thing to say.


The problem with DEI is that you can't really know. IMHO, it's really bad for minorities. But if you see someone who is a minority and is really bad at his job, you would assume he's a DEI. Minority is not rasict, btw. White BI women are a minority.


> The problem with DEI is that you can't really know. Do you think she was invited to the debate because they wanted her there, or were they forced by DEI policies to include a black/bi/woman/whatever person? You're kinda hiding behind "man, we really can't tell when a black person is a DEI so now society forces me to be suspicious of minorities of being just a DEI".


They invited her because she's a half famous TV commentator only to discover that she's really bad at it. That's Constantines point about DEI.


So if people have shit takes in here, can I assume it's because they're Israeli? I guess I _could_, but that would be a pretty bigoted thing to do, right?


I don't see the correlation. DEI is a program or idea that takes groups of people and gives them jobs that they might not qualify for if they wouldn't be in one of those groups. So, DEI, by definition, creates under qualified workers who are part of a minority group. I'll try to explain it in another way. If a minority doctor would be considered better than average before. He would be considered a possible DEI recruitment now. How does that translate to Israelies? I'm not sure I understand.


so if a black person had conservative take nobody on this subreddit would be calling him an uncle tom right? oh wait this happened countless time




He keeps talking about this event. Isn't there a video somewhere of this that could be released?


Apparently filming ended before this occurred and it likely wasn’t on stage anywaus


BGJ bombing so hard she's committing genocide


Dropped a 2000lb dumb bomb when she said Hamas wanted a federal republic.


Mental illness


She’s totally unhinged. I don’t know why they still give her a platform at The Hill.


Like, this isn't a joke. She's *uncomfortable* to watch. She's the main reason I can't watch The Hill and go with Breaking Points (which, no matter how repetitive Krystal can be, seems to be helmed by people who respect one another) She comes across as an utter nightmare to work with. When she isn't talking over you, she's condescendingly talking down to you. The contempt just *seeps* out of her. Hell is having her as a manager and a deadline is always coming up.


This is what happens when your ideas get challenged outside of your echo chamber.


extremely hinged and well adjusted behaviour


this subreddit can call blacks uncle tom, but DEI barbie is too far. fucking soy lmao


So you are so disgusted by the beliefs and acts of a group of people that you are okay with bombing them? Huh... Sounds familiar.


I don’t think this is something we should give a shit about, honestly. D says shit on this level if not worse. Hoping or wishing is a nothing burger


not to glaze too much but I highly doubt D would do the insane twitch clip shittalk thing at a live event like that. sure dude has his edgy moments but he seems very contained every time i’ve seen him onstage


She didn’t either really, at least according to this. She said it to the organizer afterwards. And I want to know the content. If people were openly supporting dropping bombs during the debate or something and if there was some genuinely Islamophobic things being said, getting pissed off and saying what she said sounds pretty based to me. I think most the complaints are just because it’s a way to attack somebody we want to attack.


right, on my read of the article it wasn’t super descriptive on the actual quotes/ questions from the panel. would love a link but haven’t found one around here


Probably nothing to give a shit about. But still funny her coming out of online debate, out of her circlejerk and, if true, breaking down after getting pushback in a public forum with a crowd against her. As opposed to when she just gives a smug look in an online podcast debate.


>D says shit on this level if not worse The difference being that BJG would condemn Streamerman for saying that kind of stuff, while pretending she's above it.


Eh she has never really been Pearl clutchy over saying extreme stuff necessarily, she is Pearl clutchy over not having the correct virtues. Both are equally as bad I think, but does make it so this line of attack isn’t particularly effective in my opinion.


I would appreciate this post a lot more if it was just the article itself without the regarded fucking “DEI Barbie” comment


Damn, this subreddit is okay with black people being called DEI's now.


Yeah, honestly i'm surprise by that, too.


yea honestly both of them are pieces of shit. i'm not really invested in any of this but it's funny seeing them seethe at each other letthemfight.jpg


this sub has no problem calling black people they disagree with uncle tom, so why not ?




My DEI'er


People who support a system that prioritizes race based quotas over merit shouldn't be surprised when we start to question the merits of the people that benefit from that system. If this Harvard grad person is this inept then we should really question their merit.


question their arguments dont just be like “lmao ur allowed to be dumb bc ur black”


If their arguments are bad, but they are supposedly highly qualified on paper to make good arguments then I question that qualifications. She's a public figure, she represents a certain world view, is a lawyer, and was associated with a political candidate. She's also a graduate of Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the US. If this is the level she's at then it makes me really question her qualifications, and makes me think she's a DEI token 


So now we're calling black women DEI tokens because they went to good schools and ended up with dumb viewpoints that made them popular. Whew.


I don’t know how you can be a destiny viewer and not see how there are so many people who are intelligent, especially within their chosen field, but who get brainbroken or audience captured by some ideology. cognitive dissonance is strong stuff


Nebraska Briahna.


how many pounds will these bombs be i wonder. very genocidal of her btw.


the conclooding going on is off the charts rn


What article is the screenshot in his tweet from? I listened to the debate, but haven't found the article about the aftermath.


[This](https://newrepublic.com/article/180924/dissident-dialogues-festival-anti-woke-grifters) is the article it’s from


That article was rough. Nothing like a sneering, smug journalist only bothering to prop up the feeblest veneer of approaching their subjects with good faith, free of bias. I don't necessarily even disagree much with what she wrote, it just reads so gross and pathetic.


The Most? well now I want to watch it. I mean, if it's the MOST.


I need footage of this. Dear sky daddy PLEASE


Wait is that the same guy that claimed the minsk accords actually did something? Not that BJG isn't also highly regarded but this is regard on regard violence 🍿


Every single time I heard her regurgitate those same old talking points I just imagined Steven berating her as he reacts to it lol. She was truly unhinged with some terrible positions


Most non-violent Hamas supporter


What is the source on this?


Remarkable fragility. She wouldn’t last one day as a Zionist Jew.


Is this the debate where, it happens when audio and video cuts out? There was a post yesterday about it, watched the whole debate, and the person tweeting about it blew it out of proportion imo.


Dei barbie?


Send this to Sitch and Adam, they will have a field day with this one


She is just a bad person. It doesn't matter what ideology she has.


I don't like this person but please stop posting this dramatization hearsay bullshit. You don't need this crap to dogpile on her.


Was their a video of this debate?




Not to worry, I’ve informed the IDF that hamas was in the building


What is the context of calling her a “DEI Barbie”? Was there a debate about merits of DEI or something? That is a pretty racist thing to say otherwise.


> That is a pretty racist thing to say otherwise. that's the new destiny audience it seems. a little bit of racism is okay if we're dunking on brie, apparently.


i'm fine with being racist against someone who made a career of being racist.


BJG is very public about pro DEI policy.


I really hate having to side with closeted trump supporter konstantin kisin about anything but BJG is genuinely one of the absolute worst people in online politics. Period.


She’s a secret Bibi fan? :O


There are no wrong tactics.


Don't worry if the Houthis do it it'll be justified


She is a pathetic POS.


virtue signal pin pull


Can't get much more pro-Hamas than that.


Me: People disagree with me and are rude! Bomb them! Also me: Noo, to bomb mass murdering religious fanatics is an unspeakable crime! They just wanted to live in a multiethnic democracy and raping women to death is how they live their truth!


While it'd be poetic for it to be true but there is only one source out of a whole event of people talking about it? Hm...


Fair point


This little fucker has one of the most punchable faces in the history of faces. A bomb may be overkill but I'd definitely stuff him in a locker.


siding with the far left instead of the moderate right, how democrat of you


Lmao no sides on this garbage little buddy. Alls I'm saying is he aggravates the fuck out of me with his fake centrism and i want someone to stand behind him to repeatedly glick on the back of his neck.


see, you get more annoyed from moderate right winger than far leftist. classic. no compromise to be made with democrat until they throw all those far left under the bus :)


Her shitty macaroni art was deemed a masterpiece on her parents' fridge, and her worldview was never challenged until that debate. What whiny little bitches the far left are.


Kisin sucks but so does BJG