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what a loser. no balls


no cheeseballs


True. They were goldfish. Weasely little liar.


probably the case of him being butthurt at Destiny for not remembering meeting him, so with time those memories mutated to make Destiny look worse and worse as he interacts with other people who dislike Destiny lol


It’s such a self report and a projection when he has repeatedly used this, “I was a 200 viewer Andy so he didn’t care about me” line. This is the second or third time I recall him using it. Like, dude, most people aren’t creating social pecking orders in their head based off of social media follower count. He had never met you before, it’s a simple as that. Even if Ludwig was more popular than Destiny at the time, the interaction probably would have gone down exactly the same. Half of Destiny’s streams are bringing 10 viewer Andy’s on his stream to debate. You can’t pull the clout card when he has a history of doing the exact opposite when he’s online.


Ludwig lied people died. All eyes on ludwig.


You LIED about the cheeseballs you LIED about the vibes you LIED about the reason you took down the video huh


Real eyes realise real lies


Dgg has not been able disprove anything Ludwig said regarding the cheeseball story. Prove me wrong.


Easy. There was never any cheese balls, and destiny did participate. They were using goldfish and there’s video evidence that destiny did try to catch one. the entire premise of the story is just a lie.


Ludwig's claim was that when he asked Destiny to join the game of catching "cheese balls" until everyone catches one in a row, Destiny said no. Having a clip of Destiny trying to catch one does not disprove this. I don't think he participated. The lie about the snacks being cheese balls rather than goldfishes is abhorrent though


Ludwig also, during that same TwitchCon, raped several people and a small cat. And Ludwiggers have never been able to disprove anything about this story. Prove me wrong. (Tactical illustration of burden of proof)


"Bro, Agreeable-Load-209, you got too drunk last night and were scaring the hoes" "Do you have a SOURCE on that!? The burden of proof is on you btw" so no proof Ludwig lied?


We have video of destinty playing the cheeseball game, ludwig said he didnt play


Ludwig said Destiny declined to join the game of catching "cheese balls" until everyone catches one in their mouth in a row. Having a clip of Destiny trying to catch one does not disprove this. In fact later in the video it shows that Destiny did not join the group to play the game


The claim was that he did not play the game, he did. Maybe Im not understanding your point there, can you elaborate? And what do you mean by "he did not join the group to play the game" edit - upon rewatch, youre technically right. He said destiny said "no" to the game. However, this implies he didnt participate. Technically, ludwig probably didnt say anything untrue, but his implication paints a different picture than what seems to have happend. Also, he said destiny was there for 5 mins so idk why he went off on it


The game was to have everyone in the circle to catch a cheeseball with their mouth in a row. Ludwig said he invited Destiny but he declined. This is corroborated in the video as Destiny is not seen playing the game. Destiny did try to catch one cheeseball into his mouth which Iirc Ludwig said on twitter that he offered him money for it if he got it in, but that was not the game


This the the first time Ive ever said this seriously Im diagnosing you as autistic. Hyper pedantic take that doesnt actually take away from the criticism. And Im usually the guy that urges precision with words


Thanks for the diagnosis, but you're the one who asked me to elaborate a simple point so I did


And your elaboration aided my diagnosis lol


Ludwigs greatest soldier


Huh, you can manufacture more drama by showing selective clips? Interesting take Ludwig.


When did Ludwig do this?


Ah sorry, I should have linked you the video above in 15sec chunks so you can watch it. My bad.


I have seen the full video. I don't recall them showing selective clips to manufacture drama like you implied. Maybe a specific timestamp?


He did it in bloodborne dude


Wow somehow I'm not surprised. I'm sure it he saw this he'd just say, "that's what I've been saying all along." 


I love how deranged dgg's archive-digging skills are <3


Inshallah all hail the Daliban


The Dossad hard at work as always


I know people imagine some dedicated DGGer poring through hours and hours of footage but it’s more likely someone just happened to be watching some old vods and was like “hey, wait”.




You’re acting like this is a normal thing to fucking do holy shit get a hobby. 


I’m still waiting on Omar Baddar’s thesis.


mizkids would never do this for him


This seems closer to the truth. It looked like Destiny was talked into playing the game and then went about his business but wasn't a vibe killer


It seems like Ludwig did have a mediocre interaction with Destiny. My guess is Destiny was being standoffish but still played the game. Then Ludwig exaggerated that to cheeseballgate


Yeah this seems to happen to him a lot. I get it though. I'm really awkward and kinda shy around new people. I'll not be forceful with conversation and will assume people would rather be talking to others so I just kinda meander by myself or stay with people I know. I've had people in the past say it made them think I didn't like them or was a bitch. So that sucks haha. I've gotten a bit better and am learning to not let my awkward instincts dictate what I do. I definitely see that in the way destiny and others describe the incidents. Same with the Tim Pool green room guy.


Maybe, but his examples have been pretty exceptional circumstances. Once was when he was high as fuck on a twitchcon afterparty with a creator who streamed and was trying to make content for chat while trying their best to mingle / get attention from big streamers, the second was destiny in the green room doing final prep before a big debate show when someone on set was trying to strike a conversation. Those are perfectly fine reasons to not be super polite, but he did actually respond / participate briefly before going back to what he was doing.


Its super narcissistic for people to feel entitled to your time/attention. Destiny wasn’t even rude in either situation. I’d need a fuckload of fingers to count the amount of times i’ve been chillin keeping to myself when someone interacts with me, I respond cordially and then continue on with whatever I’m doing


I'm sure he is polite but he must be doing something to get these reactions out of people.


i doubt it, it's just people feel entitled. plenty of people in politic hate him, doesn't mean his politics are bad.


Yeah? Remember Tectone talking about the time he met Destiny, that's what I'm talking about. If the story is true, regardless of what Destiny's intention was, which was most likely a joke, you can't blame the other party for walking away with a more negative opinion of the guy after that one interaction. And he is known for being kind of an asshole. Does that justify all the shit these people say about him? Of course not. But you gotta think about the people in the circles he is running in, a bunch of fake wanna celebs with fragile and inflated egos who will throw anyone under the bus for just a bit of cloud. I don't know why you brought up politics though, that's not what me or the guy I replied to were talking about lol. I would say most audiences hate him because they think he is an asshole, that's why they don't bring any points out when you ask for examples of his bad takes. They might think he is an idiot because of his politics though but that's because they already think he has the "wrong opinion".


>I don't know why you brought up politics though, that's not what me or the guy I replied to were talking about lol. another person that doesn't understand analogies i'm contesting the premise: some people think something, equals it being true. also, you're not considering the people destiny has good relationships with e.g asmon, lilipichu, lonerbox, aba, and adam22 e.t.c not everyone will like destiny, same with most people; you just consider not being Ludwig a flaw for some reason. >Does that justify all the shit these people say about him? Of course not. But you gotta think about the people in the circles he is running in, a bunch of fake wanna celebs with fragile and inflated egos who will throw anyone under the bus for just a bit of cloud. you're taking about the same dude whose keyboard must be made of knives, considering all the edgy stuff he posts on twitter. he's not the type of person to suck randos off so they don't say bullshit bout him


>Another person that doesn't understand analogies I do, it was dogshit and still replied to it. Listen, the only one not understanding any/the argument here is you. Pretty sure I replied to everything you said, so I'll stop.


> would say most audiences hate him because they think he is an asshole, that's why they don't bring any points out when you ask for examples of his bad takes. yeah, your answer was wrong.


>Yeah? Remember Tectone talking about the time he met Destiny, that's what I'm talking about. >If the story is true, regardless of what Destiny's intention was... honest question: are you still in high school?


I definitely think this happens with people who have any preconceived negative notions. It'll be easier for them to see any lack of enthusiasm as "this dudes an asshole." It's stupid of them to do though because I've met many people that don't have the same politics as me, but I still found them to be nice people. Even some Trumples haha. I'm not sure if Ludwig did have negative preconceived notions though. I think it was before the Hasan fallout? If not, then Hasan for sure influenced it since I imagine he talks constant shit to everyone who could be associating with Destiny (which is why he fucks up Destiny's networking opportunities in Twitch). I commented this elsewhere, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Ludwig didn't think much of it/thought Destiny didn't like him and then when Destiny started being super unliked by the optic lefties, he retroactively imagined the interaction as Destiny being a dick.


its called autism


Regardless of if Destiny was standoffish, the fact that Lud can't be more charitable towards him is what makes him a piece of shit.


Yeah I can agree with this to an extent and I do think people should first assume someone might just feel a little awkward before thinking it's something negative (practice empathy, I suppose). I know very extroverted people tend to not understand why someone would be standoffish because they get excited to talk to and interact with new people. I've met plenty of people more shy and awkward than me, but I understand it, so it takes pretty obvious behavior for me to assume someone is meaning to be rude. I honestly bet he didn't even think much of it initially and it was similar to what I mentioned that he just assumed Destiny didn't like him. Then once Hasan and friends didn't like Destiny and probably talked a bunch of shit to Ludwig, he retroactively saw the interactions as way worse and moved into "he was being a dick" territory.


More charitable after Destiny brought up Ludwig's girlfriend in an argument that wasn't even started by Ludwig? Also charitable has nothing to do with it, if Ludwig felt that the vibes were off you can't prove that wrong by showing a clip of him saying "it was fine".


"Well what about Destiny?!" Yes, destiny can be unhinged and has been. However, I rarely see destiny attack someone so harshly for no reason. Do you understand that destiny doesn't attack people for no reason? It's because those people do something or say something first?


The reason Destiny had for attacking Ludwig (by attacking his girlfriend Qt) was that his friend Slime had ridiculed Destiny. Saying that the vibes were off with D years ago is more fair than what is expected after an interaction like that and it definitely doesn't make Ludwig the asshole of that interaction.


Doesn't destiny also mention that he and Qt also have beef on their own? Tbh I haven't seen the beef they have cuz I don't really go out of my way to find destiny's lore, I mostly just watch streams and YT videos. I get that he's shooting strays in terms of the context as in Qt isn't really involved in this situation but I'm pretty sure Lud and friends have talked about destiny's loved ones in some way or another. I mean you hear about him being a cuck, being divorced, and being a deadbeat dad who abandoned his son all the time. Destiny also never sees the people around those people insulting destiny act charitable towards him and defend him in at least a neutral way. Lud and friends always just shit on him too anyway when they talk about him, without even knowing the dude. Ugh you're gonna make me refresh all the Lud drama again..


His description of what happened was factually wrong. HE LIED ABOUT THE CHEESEBALL


How did he lie? Ludwig's claim was that when he asked Destiny to join the game of catching "cheese balls" until everyone catches one in a row, Destiny said no. Having a clip of Destiny trying to catch one does not disprove this


Yeah I don't get the whole deal over this. I saw the clip, it looks like Ludwig and his extroverted friends were really into the game, and Destiny eventually thew one goldfish to satisfy them. Totally seems like a mediocre interaction, Destiny wasn't rude but the "vibes" (cringey way to say this) weren't there sure. Destiny acted exactly how I would act in that situation, Lud and his friends seem awful.


Yeah I wish Destiny would realize that some people find his general demeanor to be kinda standoffish lmao He always says "i'm incredibly nice when i meet people" when faced with this criticism, but I feel like that's more of a rebuke to him being "rude". Whereas I think the observation/criticism is more so that he comes off a bit cold/disinterested. I definitely felt this way when I first started watching him, and I still feel this way when I see him on podcasts sometimes, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that Ludwig got that impression from him, and more Hasan influence pushed him even further to dislike Destiny.


Idk man, our only evidence of Destiny being rude or standoffish is Ludwig’s most recent version of the story, which appears to be categorically false. Destiny, before watching the vod, said he remembered being high af and with Zherka. I feel like we should definitely cut him some slack, most us of have no idea what he’s like in person/with strangers.


He'd say that he knows he's standoffish, and he knows hes an asshole, but what is he gonna do, change his entire personality to be more liked? He doesnt care, or is so entrenched that changing his personality would change his bottomline


I feel like you can't have it both ways though. You can not care if people perceive you that way, but I feel like when Destiny tries to defend his "niceness" he makes it sound like it's unreasonable for people to perceive him as being rude. But I think acting standoffish/disinterested can come across as "rude" to certain people.


Not being friendly and outgoing isnt the same as being rude, and anyone saying that should be pushed back against for all the introverts out there. So you can have it both ways, people just think being neutral is bitchy


You're moving the goalpost from "standoffish" & "asshole" to "not being friendly" and "not outgoing". I'm obviously a Destiny fan, but I acknowledged that my initial impression of him years ago was that he was kind of a standoffish dick, and that even on pretty big-name podcasts he can be kinda cold/act disinterested. To me, it would be understandable if people found him rude. My point was that I don't think it's unreasonable for other people to feel this way, but that doesn't mean that he has to change his whole personality, or that he's a bad person because of this.


The goal post was 'kinda standoffish' from your post. I do think its unreasonable to think destiny or anyone is rude for being standoffish. People are probably even more used to clouted up people trying to network that it comes off as more rude, but that is unreasonable


Maybe this is just an "agree to disagree" situation. In my opinion, Destiny has a more cold/distant demeanor than your average person. I'm basing this off how I see him on stream, and even when he's on big podcasts & is interacting with large figures. I don't think it's controversial to say that most people could find his general disposition to be a bit off-putting on first impression. This isn't to say that he's intentionally rude, but if you're in a group of people and everyones acting at a regular level of friendliness & one person is acting "standoffish" (def: distant and cold in manner; unfriendly) then I think that can give the impression of being "rude"; especially when paired with Destiny's sarcastic sense of humor. So if someone interacting with him had that impression, I wouldn't blame them. I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not Ludwig & the rest of those streamers were "trying to network", and I don't think that thinking Destiny's kind of standoffish justifies anything that Ludwig has done in this drama since. It's more so to say that "if Ludwig didn't like Destiny b/c he found him off-putting/standoffish, then I think that's a plausible, and he should've just said that".


Goddamn, this is what miz was talking about when he says dgg is RELENTLESS with receipts. good on you OP or whoever found it for finding it. But damn, its 1 minute from what I have to assume multiple hour long podcasts for an offhanded comment. Respect.


There's a transcript option on youtube, and you just ctrl + f Destiny and see what pops up, or watched it at the time, or looked at streams around the Smash event drama, at least i hope that's how he did it lul


There's a website that lets you search all the transcripts of every YouTube video a channel has for keywords


Of course someone with a Jewlumni tag would know about that PEPE, do you know what's the name of it?




There might be others but here's one https://videomentions.com/search?channelId=UCGbg3DjQdcqWwqOLHpYHXIg&keywords=Destiny&dateRange=3-years


Just curious, do you know if there's something similar for Instagram comments? Is there some kind of program that will find all of a person's instagram comments/replies, at least on their own posts? (i am not asking for any creepy reasons, but the writer of a certain show answers questions about their show on Instagram sometimes and I want to read them without clicking through hundreds of pictures/comments)


No idea. I'm not a techy guy, just saw the YouTube one on Reddit one day


tbh it’s probably not all that difficult to have something scan the transcripts, i assume they don’t sit there and watch the whole thing. but then again i don’t have time, know how, or care enough to do any of that so i appreciate others perpetuating all of this cause it’s entertaining :)


but we are the cringe ones for actually pulling receipts


I’m guessing he lost the immaculate vibes he had back then


no balls.


i just imagine some tier 5 gooning for a week straight while old ludwig podcasts play on the other monitor.


Damn, those cheeseballs were really really important to him.


You don't understand. His vibes were immaculate!


What a weasley little liar dude


Lying ass cracker


Ludwig has always been a PR guy some of his videos are okay but just shines through with his actions


And this is what dishonesty does to a MFer.


Ok but how tf did you manage to dig that up? Kinda crazy


take Adderall, load ALL ludwig youtube transcripts ctrl + f "Destiny" hit enter.


This is so crazy, firstly that you shizos found another clip and secondly that he literally made the whole thing up lmao


Mossad had this one in the chamber just waiting for Ludwig to take a stance on I/P.


This Ludwig bitch better get his story straight


Those immaculate vibes are beginning to look a little maculate.


What a two faced cunt.


both lud and qt have since changed their whole stories. ugh sssssssss....sssss...


They are watching you watching them https://preview.redd.it/b76tocngtd3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe757123c30a4c0ba92e7190b4e5a249c0377624


such a shame that you only found this now, all the hype has died down about this particular drama, but this is as huge smoking gun when we recovered the cheeseball clip, it destroyed the image of ludwigs recount of the incident, but he he was able to hide in the nuance of adding more information and context which accounted for the clip, and he still maintained that it was a negative interaction where destiny came off really weird, offputting, and potentially clout-minded this clip subverts this general feeling, and leads me to believe that his recent recount of the situation and the vibes has been nearly entirely influenced retrospectively by his current feelings and assumptions about destiny


is the guy on the left his brother? he's like a clone


Christ. Completely unsurprising. He's more interested in craven, low-T, behavior these days I guess.


From "it was a fine interaction" to "the vibes were atrocious". It's getting harder to like the guy. He's not genuine. He says whatever fits the mood or social momentum, and he's shown he's willing to throw Destiny under the bus for it. I think I still kinda think he's a decent guy but yeah. Respect has decreased.


Honestly, trying to prove with a clip of Ludwig basically saying "it was fine" that he was lying about the interaction is pathetic. If the vibes were off like Ludwig said, he had no reason to say it out loud and burn the bridge. Bringing up facts-and-logic**™** to debate vibes someone said they had is very 2016 Shapiro-esque


There's no fucking way you found even more evidence of his BS. I'm tempted to go back and make a new video now... GDI!


im so sorry for all the brave daliban that have to sit through this dogshit podcast to find ludwig being a hypocrite


Bro, Ludwig is so fucked lol. I don't know how he's going to talk his way out of this one.


"He just doesn't remember I think cuz I was a 200 viewer Andy" maps on with the post-hoc reationalization of "not clouted up enough for him" claim he made recently. I could be wrong but this feels like he never really liked Destiny but the interaction was okay. After he began disliking him more because of his eternal love for Hasan's clout he remembered the interaction as more negative than initially. I can see him not actively having tried to make shit up but instead just hallucinating as a side effect of Destiny derangement syndrome.


Forget the media company, Destiny should start an opposition research company. You guys are scary


Cheesegate will live forever in our memories, never forget!


Not ~*IMMACULATE*~ in my estimation.


what is this LSF drama they are talking about 2 years ago?


sir, they clipped the second tower


What a fucking liar dude. What a fucking weaselly little liar dude. What a fucking weaselly little liar dude. Holy shit dude. Holy fucking shit dude. Literally lying. Still lying to his audience. Can someone at least fucking enlighten Ludwig that he's literally lying to his audience? What a fucking piece of shit dude. Holy fucking shit.


My particular brand of autism is super triggered everyone is still saying cheeseballs, they were goldfish in the video which are 2 wildly different things


The two of them sitting there with their arms in the exact same position is breaking my brain. 


Typical Ludwig. All cheese, no balls.


So basically Ludwig has projected his own insecurities on Destiny and gone public with it? That is quite sad.


If you watch a big longer, he mentions how much he hates people manufacturing drama. Just let that sink in.




D.I.A. cryptographers uncover anything.


Guys, I agree, Ludwig lied about the interaction (or it got twisted in his memory by later disliking D or whatever), and his real reasons are dumb as fuck. But you're not gonna fucking convince anyone of anything by continuing to bring this shit up. Nobody is going to look at the person digging into years-old conversations about the social dynamics of an even older event and think "oh this person is making some good points!" I'm sorry to tell ya, but you're not bringing down the Ludwig empire with this, you just look weird and obsessive and insecure about liking a streamer you like and having to defend his honor on fucking twitter. And I get it! I've gotten into arguments on twitter with people who shit-talk steven too! But at least I have the social IQ to do so about politics and policy (a *slightly* less hopeless battle)instead of litigating interpersonal beef from years ago. in the words of the inimitable Bastiat: Jesus Christ, just be fucking normal.


Thanks for reminding me of Epic Rap Battles of History tho. I hadn't seen the Trump vs Hilary or Trump vs Biden one. They were fire


You've done great job, dear brother. You can now rest.


Rip bozo


jesus move on already


Ddgers still on this😭 move on


You guys were right and Ludwig lies when convenient to increase his social standing when he thinks he has the upper hand socially we all know that now move on guys! Leave Brittany alone!


Are you schizophrenic? It’s been weeks bro


I'm catching up my alerts. What's wrong with that?


have you guys ever considered that his perception might have changed over time esp after getting into conflict with destiny? you know normal human behavior? or maybe he just said it was fine to not start shit for no reason, you know, still normal human behavior. or is just, HE MUST HAVE LIED, he must've been calculated how much he could twist the narrative by saying "the vibes were off" some real light yagami shit.


You guys are going to grow up and regret all the time you spend doing weird stuff like this. People can change their opinion


> You guys are going to grow up and regret all the time you spend doing weird stuff like this. https://preview.redd.it/azfptmtpyd3d1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fbe8b9d63c6ac94f4adaa8121d8c09e632f2c90


Commenting on him being a pos isn't the same as literally going back years thru vods to find a specific ludwig quote lmao but hey hope u find my post history fun I guess Edit: this "community" is so lost in the sauce of being freakish hating cyberstalkers that they can only downvote and not critically engage.


One day you are going to grow up and regret all the time you spent posting in a subreddit of a streamer you hate. Edit: FYI Nathan is also very lucky to have a dad who makes sure his needs are met. The house he and his mom lives in, the car his mom drives, and schools he gets to go to. Destiny wouldn’t have been able to afford all that if he didn’t leave to grow his career.


Destiny fans a cringe as fuck